Last seen: December 28, 2023 6:42 am
@nya2222 hey. Many have had positive ANA post vaccine. Sorry to hear about your muscle spasms and weakness. You could try a magnesium supplement. It’...
Hi, I would suggest trying some supplements for anxiety if you don’t want to take a med. supplements like l theanine or valerian. It might help your a...
@nya2222 have you had blood tests and scans done? What are your main symptoms?
Hi, I’ve seen you posting a lot on this forum. I’m so sorry that you’re suffering from tinnitus and anxiety post vax. I have tinnitus in both ears, so...
Hey, thanks so much! Not being able to sleep properly really sucks. We need sleep to heal. Yes, that’s exactly the same with me whenever I relapse. It...
@malo Thanks, I have some melatonin at home, i'll try it and see if it helps. I just really want to sleep. I'm hoping it's just a relapse as I was doi...
Thanks for your reply. I’m so glad to hear you don’t have insomnia anymore. It’s such a horrible symptom, it affects everything including other sympto...
Im so sorry that you’re suffering with symptoms at such a young age. It’s definitely the vaccine that has caused these issues. If you check other post...
@malo hi I’m so sorry you’re still suffering. You mentioned insomnia. Insomnia isn’t mentioned as much in this forum these days and I’m wondering if ...
Hi, you could try a white noise machine. They sell them on Amazon and they play different sounds so you can choose the one that you like. I use it at ...
A doctor saying that tinnitus is a side effect of the covid vaccine
If you’re in the U.K. please sign this petition. It’s close to 100,000 signatures now and it’s a petition to open a public enquiry into covid 19 vacci...
@ichi that’s good to hear. How long have you been taking the antihistamines? And are you now getting 7 hours?
@ashleyc unfortunately I still have the visual snow and floaters. I also have insomnia so the lack of sleep isn’t helping. I wish I had better news to...
@ichi Hi, I just saw your 11 month update post. Is that how long you’ve had the insomnia for? I also have insomnia. Has it got any better over time? A...