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Covid-19 Vaccine side effects

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Has anyone that has received any of the new Covid Vaccines, did you experience any increased dizziness or other symptoms?

Chairman Pao, SandStorm, Barb and 83 people reacted
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I got the  second vaccine shot 4 days ago and the first 3 days were bad. The headaches , chills, mussle ache's  and pains were worse than the first shot. Now on day 4 I was told I had to get covid test because of the bad headache and mussle pain I cant get rid of that is keeping me out of work. I cant wait to feel normal again.

bananaheston, Barb, bananaheston and 9 people reacted
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is that a side affect

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New here. Stumbled on this via Google. 

I had my first dose of Moderna 2 weeks ago and experienced intense dizziness and nausea 3 minutes after receiving the first dose. BP jumped to 200.  HR 140.

Came home and slept for the entire day and arm was sore for 2-3 days. While the sleepiness and arm pain wore off quickly, I have been dizzy and nauseated every day since and it's borderline debilitating at this point.

I have a preexisting vestibular issue. As for what the vaccine did, I have no idea. Zero answers from any doctor so far. 

Covid vaccine, Barb, Covid vaccine and 25 people reacted
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YES!  I thought I was loosing my mind, but I'm starting to see dizziness being reported as a side effect.  1st dose - dizziness didn't happen until nearly a week later - it persisted and scared me enough to be Covid tested - results were negative.  It seemed to go away. Until the 2nd dose - then BAM! the next morning I nearly fell down when I got up.  I figured it HAD TO BE from the vaccination.   Crazy part is that it hasn't completely gone away yet.  It is still lurking there, just under the surface.  Dramamine only knocks me out, doesn't help.  It's very odd.  Not enough to cause nausea, but just enough to be uncomfortable.  Anyone else?   Will this go away???   

Covid vaccine, Barb, Covid vaccine and 51 people reacted
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I just received the first dose of Moderna Covid vaccine and a week and half later I woke up with vertigo which has still not gone away it’s been 6 days still feeling a bit dizzy and off balance. I suspect it’s from the vaccine as I’ve never felt this way before, makes me incredibly nervous to get the second shot. 

Covid vaccine, Barb, Covid vaccine and 27 people reacted
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So happy and lucky to get the vaccine!! Everyone should get it!

I received the 1st shot an hour ago and am feeling more and more dizzy for sure. Two years ago, I was diagnosed with Ocular Vestibular Dysfunction due to a complicated TBI that turned into Post-Concussion Syndrome. I moved to Phoenix shortly after the diagnosis because Dr. Javier Cardenas, founder of the Barrow Concussion and Brain Injury Center, accepted me as a patient. It is fascinating what they are doing down there! Holistic stuff. His guidance and the continual rehab helped me immensely and I am still working with Vision Therapy and the like. In any case, I am glad to have found this site and look forward to learning more about the community when I have some time. I am a former athlete and can no longer live at 8000 feet elevation. I will be posting a question soon that involves oxygen saturation and labile hypertension.

Barb, Barb, dizzydame60 and 1 people reacted
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@ksmith I think it has been a month since you posted a reply, are you feeling "normal" again?

Barb, Barb, Sherjoe and 1 people reacted
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I received the Pfizer vaccine today and I do feel "off" I have a horzontal canel fistula and tinnitus. Both conditions contribute to off balance, dizzyness and fatigue, so hard to tell if it is because of vaccine or just another day lol. I am watching to see if it worsens. It is as manageable as per normal!

Julie, Julie, Yoanna and 5 people reacted
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Hi I’m so glad I found this knew I couldn’t be the only one. I had my second Moderna vaccine on Tuesday, February 16.  Had the usual chills and muscle aches Tuesday and Wednesday, felt great Thursday and bumpy Friday was feeling off.  Dizzy, slightly nauseated, just out of it.  Had a bad response to a flu vaccineabout 5 years ago and ended up with an inner ear virus.  I was out of it for a year.  This isn’t nearly as severe but very similar symptoms.  This was my biggest fear that it would happen again and it did.  The problem is nobody knows.  I asked 3 docs if I should take the vaccine with my prior history and not one said no.

Covid vaccine, Barb, Covid vaccine and 17 people reacted
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I did not have any reaction to the first Moderna shot and am miserable 8 days later after the second.  FYI

Barb, Barb, Vivian and 9 people reacted
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I just found this site while googling about dizziness after getting the Pfizer Covid vaccine.  I got my first shot on Jan 28 and my second one on Feb 17th (one week ago).  About five days after first shot I started experiencing dizziness.  Not enough to completely disable me but I definitely felt off and very dizzy after first getting up in the morning or standing up after exercising.  I didn't relate it to the vaccine so I ended up doing the Epley procedure which actually made things worse.  I felt like I was getting better until today where dizziness has increased.  I see the FDA recommendation is to visit your medical provider but I am a little reluctant to do that when I have seen absolutely zero information on treating dizziness after receiving the vaccine.  My current thought is to give myself 1 or 2 more weeks before seeing the doctor.

Have any of you "recovered" from the dizziness after receiving the shot?

PS - I have not had any prior vestibular problems.

Covid vaccine, Barb, Covid vaccine and 31 people reacted
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I’ve had the same experience! About 8-days after first dose of Moderna vaccine, I started getting  a mild ‘vertigo feeling’.  I’ve also had two brief episodes of room spinning dizziness, as well.  Thought, at first, my blood pressure was high but have since ruled that out. It’s been 7-days now and no better. I’m scheduled for 2nd dose in two weeks and am very apprehensive.  Please post your progress. Anxious to know how long this lasts and if it eventually resolves itself. 

Barb, Barb, Trisha and 7 people reacted
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@sandram I had my 2 Moderna shot 3 weeks ago. I am just this week having a lot of dizziness. It seems to be getting worse. Drinking lots of water. Hoping it goes away.

Barb, Barb, Vivian and 5 people reacted
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@paige1123  I started feeling dizzy on day 4 after the vaccine.  Was not expecting a reaction this late after receiving the 1st shot.

Barb, Barb, Trisha and 9 people reacted
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