
We are happy to help you!

For a fast search of vestibular specialists near you, visit the provider directory.

You can also browse our library of over 100 peer-reviewed articles on diagnosis and treatment, as well as tips on coping strategies.

If you require immediate medical attention, please contact your local emergency services (911).

Having trouble? You can also reach VeDA's helpline by calling 1-800-837-8428 or emailing [email protected].

If you require immediate medical attention, please contact your local emergency services.

VeDA's small staff works as quickly as possible to provide a personal response to all inquiries. We understand the urgency of your needs and are dedicated to assisting you as swiftly as possible. While we aim to respond promptly, please be patient as our resources are limited and inquiries are addressed in the order they are received. Typically, you can expect a response within 1 business day.

A resource coordinator can provide articles and information, connect you with healthcare providers, answer your questions, and offer emotional and coping resources. However, please note that we are not healthcare providers ourselves.

For All Inquiries:

Get information about vestibular disorders and available support or inquire about a healthcare referral near you.

VeDA does not have medical professionals on staff so we are not able to diagnose or provide treatment recommendations.


800.837.8428 (800-VESTIBU)

Available 8:30a-2:30p PST.  Messages are typically returned within one business day. Responding to text messages requires completing the consent form.


[email protected]

Mailing address

5018 NE 15th Ave
Portland, OR 97211
United States

Please note that the address above is a mailing address only and is not open to the public.

Has the information on this website has been helpful to you? Please consider making a donation to support VeDA’s education, outreach, and advocacy programs.

Thank you!

Click here to submit feedback.

Having trouble? You can also reach VeDA's helpline by calling 1-800-837-8428 or emailing [email protected].

If you require immediate medical attention, please contact your local emergency services.

VeDA's small staff works as quickly as possible to provide a personal response to all inquiries. We understand the urgency of your needs and are dedicated to assisting you as swiftly as possible. While we aim to respond promptly, please be patient as our resources are limited and inquiries are addressed in the order they are received. Typically, you can expect a response within 1 business day.

A resource coordinator can provide articles and information, connect you with healthcare providers, answer your questions, and offer emotional and coping resources. However, please note that we are not healthcare providers ourselves.