Must register by November 29th to participate in live conference.
Can’t make it live? Register now and view all recordings at a later date!
Earn up to 25 contact hours
Hear from your colleagues on topics that will help your young clients thrive! Focused on the latest research, developments, and challenges facing practitioners working with children and youth, this specialty conference will provide attendees with the opportunity to explore the newest methods for improving outcomes for your clients—all in a virtual, live environment.
Now, more than ever, you’ll want to draw upon the expertise of your professional network and leaders in the field to ensure that you have the most up-to-date knowledge and resources at your disposal. With 3 days of programming, you’ll have the opportunity to interact in real time with your colleagues and expert presenters during the 2 in-depth pre-conference sessions, Keynote Address, 15 1-hour concurrent educational sessions, and 30+ poster presentations—giving you plenty of time to get your questions answered and make connections with your peers.
Topics will include:
- Assessments
- Autism
- Early childhood
- Early intervention
- Executive functioning
- Family-centered communication
- School-based practice
- Sensory processing
- Teletherapy
- Transition services
- Trauma informed services
- Using evidence
Dec 2 - 4, 2020