Hosted by Carroll University in Waukesha, WI
Nearly 40% of adults will experience vertigo at least once in their lives, and over 50% of adults over age 65 years of age will experience vertigo that can be treated and resolved with a simple treatment. Dizziness and vestibular conditions become increasingly more common in the aging population, leading to falls, fear of movement, decreased social interactions, and ultimately loss of independence. There are many causes of dizziness, which is why skill development in differential diagnosis is pertinent to the successful treatment of patients with dizziness.
This course will provide the clinician with the foundational knowledge to improve understanding of vestibular function and the effects of vestibular dysfunction in patients presenting with dizziness, imbalance, and falls. Specific emphasis will be placed on understanding of peripheral and central causes of dizziness, including benign paroxysmal positional vertigo (BPPV), vestibular hypofunction, stroke, neurodegenerative diseases, and multisensory dizziness. Principles of assessment and differential diagnosis will improve the clinician’s efficiency in examination and translation of exam findings into the development of an effective, evidence-based treatment plan.
Instructional Methods: Demonstration, skills-check, large and small group discussion, video, case studies
Educational Level: Introductory; Delivery method: Online, Self-paced
Approved by WI Chapter of the APTA and by the AOTA for .8 CEU’s (8 Contact Hours)
The goal of continuing education is to enhance the clinician’s knowledge and understanding of a topic in a way that that they will be able to incorporate the evidence-based concepts and techniques that were presented to their clinical practice. This course is designed to do just that. It will help to solidify the learning that was done in Part 1: Foundations, through hands-on practice, instructor feedback, large and small group discussion, individual work, and applying concepts to case studies.
Some features of this course include instructor feedback on assessment and treatment techniques, large and small group activities to demonstrate application of the principles of differential diagnosis, and clinical application to real patient cases. Understanding of the vestibular rehab concepts will be brought to a higher level of understanding as they are applied to complex cases, such as multiple canal BPPV and mixed central and peripheral conditions.
Clinicians will have an opportunity to develop a personalized assessment template specific to their clinical setting and patient population with guidance from instructors and group discussion. They will also create a ready-to-follow clinical plan to incorporate the evidence-based treatment strategies to patient care based on their exam findings. Clinicians will walk away from this course series with knowledge, confidence in their technical skills, experience in differential diagnosis and a plan in place to evaluate and treat patients with dizziness upon returning to the clinic on Monday.
Instructional Methods: Demonstration, skills-check, large and small group discussion, video, case studies
Educational Level: Intermediate
Delivery Method: Live
Approved by the WI Chapter of APTA and by the AOTA for 1.4 CEU’s (14 Contact Hours)
Oct 5 - 6, 2024
United States
Instructor: Colleen Sleik PT, DPT, NCS / Focus on Function Physical Therapy, PC
Email: [email protected]