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Covid-19 Vaccine side effects

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@mt53072.  I did and mine is Moderna

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I had Pfizer and experienced a minor reaction after the first shot (101 fever and fatigue for several days). No reaction after my second vaccine. A month after my second shot I had 72 hours of severe vertigo out of nowhere. I could not stand without spinning.  It’s now been 2.5 weeks and I have improved but it is not gone. I started vestibular PT yesterday and she said I presented like someone who has had chronic vertigo for years. I have never had it before. I am 48 and healthy, take no other medications other than over the counter allergy. Wondering if it’s related to the vaccine? I don’t regret getting it at all but am curious if it was the cause. 

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Glad to find this forum and possibly discover the reason for what I'm feeling this week. I got my second COVID-19 vaccine on April 7th, and 6 days later I was dealing with really severe vertigo and nausea. I have never experienced vertigo for multiple days before. I had no particular reaction right afterward other than a sore arm. Today I started taking meclizine, not sure yet if it will make a difference. Hopefully this won't last too long, it's already been three days and keeps getting worse.

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Got my first dose of Moderna back on March 24th, and while for the longest time the Tinnitus has been primarily in my right ear, in the last day or so I'm noticing it in my left ear. I deal with fatigue, pressure in my face and brain fog. I don't know if it's coincidence or not, but after my shot I've developed a horrible rash that has rubbed raw along my waist line. It's very painful and trying to take care of that.

All of this came about after I got my first dose of Moderna, before that I had none of it. Yet when I mention it to people they brush it off as coincidence, and that these are something else unrelated. It's frustrating to me, and I feel alone. I'm at a point I'm struggling day to day to get by. I am an alcoholic, was in recovery and everything I'm dealing with has caused me to start drinking again. Everyone else I know who has gotten the vaccine has had zero issues, yet I've been dealing with so much since and I feel so alone.. sucks. 

didigo, didigo, dragonlover and 1 people reacted
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@isismadec I don't see evidence they are hiding anything--the CDC talks about the serious side effects that happened during the trials and always asks that people report anything unusual so they can learn more about the vaccine. You have to remember that people with autoimmune disorders would have been excluded from the initial trials (they always test on healthy adults, not compromised adults--I've worked in the research department of a big pharm company, so I know), so no evidence about how people with autoimmune disorders react would initially have been available; in addition, all the official advice about taking the vaccine if you have an autoimmune disorder clearly states that although the CDC recommends it because it can prevent death and hospitalization, the long term effects on those with autoimmune disorders is currently unknown. That seems pretty up front and transparent to me--no hiding anything, they just don't know yet. So you can blame them for a "too early rollout," I guess, but not on hiding the effects on those with compromised immune systems. They've admitted all along, they just do not know. They need more data, and the people on this forum can supply it by reporting their side effects to the CDC. But I also understand the pressure to get a life saving vaccine on the market--too many people were dying. The vaccine has clearly saved some lives. 

I have had covid twice and have an autoimmune disorder (gluten ataxia). I am also a covid long hauler. I can tell you that the side effects of the vaccine people are reporting on this forum mimic some of the side effects of being a covid long hauler. I can also report that the long hauler symptoms I experienced were controlled, at least in my case, with zinc (some people report better results with a zinc/Vit c combo, but for me, zinc alone really helped with the long hauler symptoms). That's not a guarantee zinc or Vit C will work for everyone, but for many, they have provided relief.

A high proportion of covid long haulers have autoimmune disorders, so it makes sense that the vaccine would be more problematic for people with an autoimmune disease. However, personally, I'll take problematic side effects, even those that last for months, over dying or serious hospitalization. However, I would urge everyone to report their vaccine side effects to the CDC so they can collect them and make better recommendations for those with compromised immune systems. That way, with a better knowledge base, more people can weigh the risks for themselves and make a more informed decision about taking the vaccine. But it's important not to forget the risk if you don't take it--death or severe disability from extended hospitalization. That's a game of Russian Roulette I'm not willing to play. 

KitKat, didigo, KitKat and 7 people reacted
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Hi everyone this is my first time posting here. I had the first Pfizer vaccine on 4/1. On 4/5 I was bending over to pick up something and when I stood up I just about passed out from dizziness. Since then, I have 2-3 dizzy “episodes” each day. My blood pressure is also extremely high, I have constant tinnitus, and a sensation of feeling “full” in my head. I went to the ER a few days ago and after waiting for 3 hours the dr looked at me for 10 minutes, did blood work which was all normal, and diagnosed me with BPPV, and sent me home. This sucks, I feel for all of us and hope to see a story about someone eventually getting better. The thought of living like this forever makes me want to walk in front of a bus. Lord help us. 

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@tabby Thank you Tabby for replying. I just wanted to know if I was the only one, or if it was my imagination.

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@randatlas  Thanks Randy.  It's not that I am really having a rough time. I have been told it was my imagination from a couple of people I mentioned it to.  The dizziness isn't really knocking me down, it's just a nuisance.  I hope you are doing ok !

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@cadatay Same exact experience - I am 52 YO female - NO history of vertigo until I received the shot. hiker, healthy for the most part with past history of complex migraines about once every 5 years, ANA of 320 or 640 (high, lupus levels but no diagnosis thank goodness!) - long hauler from prior virus 5 years ago that I brought under control with diet (Paleo) now back to normal diet and doing well - they couldn't diagnose whatever autoimmune thing I have.


I had the  J&J March 31st, fever and chills day after, felt fine the next day, then post concussion/migrane symptoms and bad dizziness when I turned my head to the right - very bad symptoms for about 5 days.  Saw my accupuncturist that Friday night on an emergency basis and it seemed to help a bit - she mentioned benadryl and said I could have been having a delayed allergic reaction - it seemed to help? Also took advil - I never take meds but really needed to due to the pressure in head and bad vertigo.  Past week 2 now - dizziness is only when I lay down at night and turn my head  - Would love to keep up on this to see if people's vaccine related symptoms subside completely (hope they do!)  but also wanted to say that when I was in the throws of it, it was very comforting to find this forum and see that some people only had symptoms for a short period and other have helpful ideas so there is hope!  I can only guess how my body would have reacted to actual Covid, but it's all conjecture at this point.  


PS - I did go in for blood tests ordered by my dr. yesterday due to the symptoms I was reporting and the woman who drew my blood said the woman right before me had the same exact symptoms and was getting her blood drawn 🤷‍♀️

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Hi All,

I'm 40years old and had my 1st Covid Astra Zeneca Vacinne 4 weeks ago.  Day after I have had shivers and fever but only for one day. But 3 weeks after got Shingles. Wondering if that is the side affect of it and if anyone else got it?

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@jketcham Please please please call someone you can talk to.   These symptoms are your body adjusting to something and they are part of you right now so sometimes it is better to sit quietly with the physical feelings and give them attention and breathe and give yourself some love.   It is easy for me to say, but in a lot of ways better than the outcome of going back to drinking.  I have been sober for 13 years and went through a long haul virus experience after getting sober, so I kind of understand on some level what you are going through.  I now have vertigo from this vaccine, but there are others who have it much worse and I feel for them.  You were just in recovery and can be again - I know covid has been hard and the isolation can be intense but please call someone or perhaps they have online AA now - drinking never made anything better or easier in my experience.  

KitKat, KitKat, Sheri G. and 3 people reacted
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I just found this form and I'm glad I did I recently received the Pfizer vaccine and 72 hours later have debilitating vertigo, it persists now for 3 days.  I have registered my side effects with Pfizer as well as the CDC and I encourage others to do so as well. (this is a link provided in the back of the vaccine card I got at the time of the shot)

This is the only way that the CDC and the pharmaceutical companies will really know the true side effects and will help others.

If you haven't already and have received unknown side effects take the time to register it with the manufacturer or the link I provided for the CDC.

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@jketcham YOU ARE NOT ALONE. WE ARE HERE WITH YOU. I highly recommend you join the Tinnitus Covid vaccine Facebook page. Phenomenal support and ideas to help. 

KitKat, KitKat, Sheri G. and 1 people reacted
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Well, what needs to be looked at is are there any other variables that could be causing the vertigo? In my case the only change was starting Humira for Ulcerative Colitis three weeks before the Pfizer shot so there are two possibilities. Although I continue to inject Humira and there is no post injection reaction and the effects of vertigo have largely faded away since March. They could be sluggish in doing the science on side effects since the vaccination effort just started around Christmas, or they don't want the public to be frightened off and are hiding it, similar to how the CCP hid everything when the virus first emerged. Could well be you only hear about things that are life threatening like the clotting issue and they view a few weeks of tinnitus and mild vertigo as bearable side effects for immunity to a dangerous virus that has wrecked economic ruination.

This post was modified 3 years ago by SavoyIL

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Posted by: @jketcham

Got my first dose of Moderna back on March 24th, and while for the longest time the Tinnitus has been primarily in my right ear, in the last day or so I'm noticing it in my left ear. I deal with fatigue, pressure in my face and brain fog. I don't know if it's coincidence or not, but after my shot I've developed a horrible rash that has rubbed raw along my waist line. It's very painful and trying to take care of that.

All of this came about after I got my first dose of Moderna, before that I had none of it. Yet when I mention it to people they brush it off as coincidence, and that these are something else unrelated. It's frustrating to me, and I feel alone. I'm at a point I'm struggling day to day to get by. I am an alcoholic, was in recovery and everything I'm dealing with has caused me to start drinking again. Everyone else I know who has gotten the vaccine has had zero issues, yet I've been dealing with so much since and I feel so alone.. sucks. 

I have told many people about what I've read on this forum.  Most of them look at me like I'm crazy and completely disbelieve and dismiss what I've told them, even though I give them this link--and especially if they had the vaccine and had no side effects.  Too many people think these side effects are coincidental or not real and no one takes any of this seriously.

vibirdlady, Sheri G., vibirdlady and 5 people reacted
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