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Covid-19 Vaccine side effects

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Pfizer just announced that they will have a third shot which I knew was coming because Bill Gates said a month ago that all 5 vaccine manufacturers were working on it. Pfizer also announced that we will most likely need an annual booster and based on the money they will make on it you can almost guarantee that will happen. What does that mean for the group of us that is having an inflammatory response to the vaccine that is causing vertigo? I have only taken the 1st shot and it took 3 weeks for my vertigo to resolve and have declined the 2nd shot. Most people have posted that their reaction to the 2nd shot was worse. I hope everyone one reading this forum will post when their symptoms resolve so we can have some information to base our future vaccine decisions on because this is the only source we have.  Some people have not had their vertigo resolve.There are multiple therapies being developed that can treat Covid successfully. Hopefully these will become available soon so we have an alternative to the vaccine. 

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Posted by: @michaelk

Pfizer just announced that they will have a third shot which I knew was coming because Bill Gates said a month ago that all 5 vaccine manufacturers were working on it. Pfizer also announced that we will most likely need an annual booster and based on the money they will make on it you can almost guarantee that will happen. What does that mean for the group of us that is having an inflammatory response to the vaccine that is causing vertigo? I have only taken the 1st shot and it took 3 weeks for my vertigo to resolve and have declined the 2nd shot. Most people have posted that their reaction to the 2nd shot was worse. I hope everyone one reading this forum will post when their symptoms resolve so we can have some information to base our future vaccine decisions on because this is the only source we have.  Some people have not had their vertigo resolve.There are multiple therapies being developed that can treat Covid successfully. Hopefully these will become available soon so we have an alternative to the vaccine. 

I for one have refused and will continue to refuse the vaccine for as long as these horrible side effects remain a possibility.

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re: "Tinnitus Covid vaccine Facebook page"

I couldn't find this page. Is it part of a Tinnitus group on Facebook? Please help. Thanks


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Checking in here.  I got my first shot March 1 and the second Moderna on April 5.  Extreme vertigo started March 27 and ended on April 4.  Then started again after the second shot on April 6 along with severe exhaustion, pressure in my head, and slight chills.  The extreme vertigo spells stopped on April 10 only to be replaced with constant disequilibrium which was worse than my vertigo because I couldn't walk without support and my head was constantly spinning all of the time.  I was given meclizine and exercises for the vertigo and dizziness.  These really did not help much...I am still miserable.  I went to the doctor again yesterday and it is now a waiting game.  I am still having vertigo spells but so slight in the morning.  I did notice that when I take my multivatimins(optimal solutions extra strength hair, skin and nails, + Sea Moss+ milk thistle + lysine + iron + vitamin d chewable +baby aspirin+prebiotic + probiotic ) I feel less dizzy the next day.  When I miss my vitamins, I can't even walk the next morning.  I hope this passes soon.  

This post was modified 4 years ago by nomorehugs

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46 Year Old Male with past vestibular issues, partially collapsed ear drum, tinnitus and hearing loss.

Had my J & J on April 3rd.  Presented with 102 degree temperature 6 hours post vaccine for 2 days with chills.

Monday the 5th and Tuesday the 6th felt tired but descent.  Early morning of April 7th was struck down with intense vertigo and could not walk.  This lasted roughly 10 minutes.  Room was spinning but abated and went to sleep.

For the last week and a half I have been dealing with dizziness, head fullness, feeling of floating, lack of concentration and intense tinnitus.

Went to see my primary on the 7th and tried epley maneuver and was given a course of prednisone and some anti nausea and movement medication.  None of this worked.

Here is the good news:  I ran into my ENT neighbor and explained y symptoms and he stated he is seeing 2-3 people daily with the same issues after either the Vax or even worse, after a COVID diagnosis.  He got me right in and here is the plan he proposed:

1.  Nasal sprays to bring down the inflammation in nasal canal to relieve pressure in ear. 2X day.

2.  antihistimne claritin 1 X day every morning again to relieve ear

3.  Klonapin (this brings down edema).  .5 mg twice a day.  I think this ended my diziness as I felt releif after taking this pill.

4.  He did not think my prednisone was prescribed correctly.  he is doing a 4 day over load and then tapering it off for 3 days.  This should also help bring down the edema in the ear.

5.  Scheduled and MRI of head to make sure there are no blood clotting going on in the brain or ear.

6.  This might not be a fit for most people, but I am also getting a quick turbunant surgery up my nose to decease the scar tissue and turbinate.  I am 2.5 times more blocked up my nose then I should be.  He states the better the airflow in the nose the better it will be for my ears. and relieving the pressure there.

This doctor feels there is a possible auto-immune reaction going on causing edema in my ear canals which would have caused my 1 episode of vertigo and my on-goign dizziness.  Today is the first day I have had no dizziness.  I truly feel that the Klonipin was the magic drug that helped this as I felt pretty immediate relief.  This doctor feels there is a strong correlation between the Vaccine and Covid to vestibular issues.  It hits people especially with a history of these issues.

I will respond in a couple weeks and let you knoe how I am doing.  This is scary and I wish everyone a speedy recovery.


This post was modified 4 years ago by COVID-19 VACCINE SIDE EFFECTS

KitKat, KitKat, Kev and 17 people reacted
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Hello everyone 

I received my Johnson shot on April 8th early afternoon. That night I had a severe back ache, headache and hot sweats. The next day mid afternoon I felt better and that I had made it past it all. That night I established dizziness. I still 8 days later have dizziness. I am having a hard time reading, or looking at my computer. I am a Masters student and this is debilitating. I have been to my Dr twice and the ER once. There is no solution or underlying cause they can find other than it’s my body’s immune system responding to the vaccine. I was given meclizine for the dizziness but it makes me tired and really doesn’t take the dizziness away. I am 27 years old and never had a health problem.
I worked out 6 days a week and I just don’t get this.
I am afraid it will never go away!
I was told that if by next week I am not better to get an MRI and in touch with a neurologist. 
Someone please tell me this goes away !!!!

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i have a very similar problem 

I am dizzy ever since my vaccine and meclizine was given to me. However it doesn’t really help me. 
I hope this will go away soon.

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I received my first shot of the Phizer vaccine on 8 April and within 4 hours I had vertigo so bad I literally had to crawl to the toilet to vomit. It got worse so I ended up in hospital for 4 days because I am a diabetic unable to keep even a sip of water down. 

meclazine, diazepam and Valium helped enough to get me back on my feet and go home still on these meds. It’s been over a week+ and my vertigo is still here only not as severe. 

I’m not allowed to get the second dose because my reaction was so severe. I hope this isn’t permanent. It’s unbearable. 

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I am an RN. I just got my first Pfizer vaccine 8 days ago. I had a disturbing all over from head to toe body rush about 3 minutes after I had sat down for the 30 min to be sure you wouldn't have a reaction. It felt very neurological and cardiac. I have been so dizzy since getting the vaccine and I have been trying to just push thru it. Today, 9 days later, is the worse dizziness ever. I spoke to my Dr, who did lab work and it turned out fine. Interesting that for one day I had intense ear pain right in front of my R ear but this has since gone away. I am not getting the second vaccine. It scares me to death. I need to see a ENT specialist. I wish the best for everyone. I am so glad I found this site since no one I have talked to has had this problem. 


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Approximately 2 1/2 weeks post my second pfizer shot, I experienced extreme dizziness where I could hardly walk. I do have seasonal allergies, but did not have any allergy symptoms at that time. I was thankful that my dizziness subsided in about 24 hrs. Never had dizziness like this before. Did not consider that it could be vaccine related until I discovered this forum.

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@nicp605 Hi Nick, yes the brain zaps went after a couple of days, still have tinnitus, dizziness and headaches coming up to 8 weeks since first jab.

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@yoki did you take your 2nd dose?

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your situation sounds exactly like mine. Day 2 I got dizziness. It has been 9 days since my vaccination and I am still dizzy. I am 27 years old and never had a health problem. I am also worried this will not end. It is awful! 

Please let me know how you are doing!

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I feel exactly the same dizziness! 

Has yours gone away ??

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Can someone please tell me how to keep track of specific peoples posts. I want to see if anyone has recovered.

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