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Covid-19 Vaccine side effects

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@ellen  Seems like we are the guinea pigs.  I will share this info.


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@marcie5454 I think everyone on this forum has had a similar experience and that is why we are here. I suggest you read every post and you will see. We are all waiting to share more info so we can see if people recover and if it is safe to get the second shot.

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I'm almost thinking that the second dose should be extended for a longer period of time ... gives your body time to recover from the first shot .. but that's just my opinion..Take care everyone ❤

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@winursing prednisone will also make you feel weird. I took it after being attacked by many yellow jackets and went into anaphylactic shock.  I just remember that I couldn't wait to be weened off. 

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I'm a 68 yr old female, no health issue so no prescribed meds.  I do use anti-inflammatories after physical activities as I have arthritis and have had surgeries, knee replacement and cervical fusions.  I had my first Moderna injection Feb 6 and only a very sore arm and I got very tired about 1.5 hrs after.  All was fine the next day.  I've been doing yoga and low impact exercises since.  I had my 2nd injection Saturday March 6 and no reaction until about 3.5 hrs later, 3:30PM.  Arm got sore. Then around 11PM I started feeling off and by midnight I had a slight fever, 99.6, with chills and shivers.  The next morning, Sunday, I woke up with 100.6 which lasted the day.  Stayed in bed, binged TV and drank a lot of water.  Ate lightly, chicken soup I had made for this, and took Tylenol.  Monday fever gone, but now felt a little dizzy and sometimes brain fog. Would forget what I was going to do or something like that. The dizziness stayed all day.  Today, Tuesday, I felt fine in the early AM, but about an hour ago, 11am, the dizziness reappeared so I search online and found you all.   I've had tinnitus for 3 decades after a car accident that comes and goes.  It's been almost non stop now I'm thinking for the past few days.  Goes down then loud again.   I have a wellness checkup tomorrow and I will question my doc, but like most things with this virus, there are so many unknowns.  Oh ladies! If you have a scheduled monogram within 6 weeks of the injection it's better to postpone.  I just read, by chance yesterday, in an article from John Hopkins that lymph nodes could get a little swollen from the vaccine.  This would cause you to come back again for another mamo follow up.  😣 I for one am not a fan of mamos, but go every year.  I have to call an postpone mine for another 2 weeks.   

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My husband and I got our 2nd vaccine dose on 2/4, exactly 30 days later we have the exact same side affects that we did right after the shot, dizziness & tired feeling.  It is not going away. Nervous about it.

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@marcie5454 yes, I have been dealing with this since three days after my first Moderna shot on Jan 8. I’m really depressed now and very anxious, I just want this to be over 😢 

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@sarap Yes, on 02.26. I didn’t get worse. I still have some dizziness and tinnitus. The symptoms seem to be dissipating, yet lingering. I question as to whether they will go away completely. I am supposed to take a flight toward the end of March and get new contacts. I am hesitant to do either. 

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@gianna1 I self-diagnosed myself with vestibular neuritis based on my symptoms, and my neurologist agreed it sounded likely. I saw an ENT who disagreed bc I didn’t have nystagmus, but I saw the ENT about two weeks after it started and it was probably no longer acute.

My primary care doctor asked me about other viruses at my initial visit, but due to the pandemic and all our precautions, I haven’t been sick since Feb 2020.

I am seeing another ENT at the end of March (his first available appointment), and I am looking forward to his opinion.

I am interested (for lack of a better word) to see that someone has been officially diagnosed with VN for this post-vaccine. 

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I had the same thing happen after a flu shot in 2013.  I would not have gotten the second Moderna if I knew I would be 3 weeks in with the dizziness and tinnitus.  First shot I had no problem.  The second has been horrible.

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So glad to have found this forum. Everyone thinks I am crazy...had my 1st dose of Moderna vaccine on 3/4, felt fine except for a sore arm, slight headache and was very tired. Woke up Friday morning and felt the dizziness hit as soon as I opened my eyes. Day 5 today and it is still there. Yesterday was slightly better but today it was bad again. I have had issues with vertigo for the last 20 years. Otherwise I am a healthy 51 yo female. Like many others I’m very nervous about my 2nd shot in 4/1. Going to see my PCP tomorrow to see what she thinks. 

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I am talking about the second shot. The first one I was only very achy and fatigued for 5 days and was put on prednisone which cleared that up.  The second shot this past Saturday 3/06 started the vertigo and migraines that I was in previously in remission from for 1 1/2 months. There are many articles that state the Pfizer vaccine may cause migraines especially in people that already suffer from them. I suffer from vestibular migraines, my point of posting was to warn people of a possible worsening of your condition after taking the second Pfizer dose. Also, I have no idea how long this will effect me. Had I known, I would have never taken either Pfizer dose. So I'm passing my experience with both doses on to others.

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I'm very sorry 

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Oh sorry to hear that. Are you improving at all??

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