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Covid-19 Vaccine side effects

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@vickie1606 I believe the vaccine triggered intense anxiety and panic attacks for me. Including suicidal ideation- all things I’ve never had before, but experienced the first two-three weeks. Took Xanax for it. It helped. My anxiety is far more manageable and pretty nonexistent. I continued to have waves of rushes in my legs, but that has subsided since week 5. I also started talking to a psychiatrist and it helps. It’s not you, it’s the vaccine. 

T-Answers, didigo, T-Answers and 7 people reacted
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hi Veda, 

so sorry about your experience. I too have very swollen nodes in my throat since having the second dose of Pfizer six weeks ago. I also have had severe tinnitus, fatigue and headaches. I talked to my ENT yesterday and he said in the doctors forum he follows, there are numerous reports of vaccine reactions but most are not longterm. Or that’s what they think now. I didn’t mention my swollen nodes to him as I just thought they were due to something else. I hadn’t seen a post by anyone else on lymph node swelling and really appreciate your sharing this interesting reaction. It makes perfect sense. It’s been six weeks since my second dose and given my reactions I wish I had waited longer but I had no reaction to the first jab. I’m so glad your doctor recommended waiting. Hang in there as this WILL pass. If for no other reason than it has too. 🥰

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YES. I’m six weeks out from Pfizer’s second jab. Vertigo/dizziness has calmed down, but still I am very very careful about balance. If you go back over posts you’ll see this reaction is very common and hopefully will subside for everyone. Hang in there it’s not only you. 🥰

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kris and kris reacted
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@kris Yes, thank you Kris! I am also very happy that I found this forum as I am the only one in my family who is experiencing these lingering symptoms! Everybody told me" ah it will just go away", so I was starting to feel like I am going a bit crazy! I am trying to stay positive and hope that the second shot will not "take me out", but I am worried. You are right, it is good to know that one is not alone, this forum really helps! 

Jack Durango, Jack Durango, kris and 5 people reacted
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@gloriam Thank you Gloria-I just found this forum and am very happy I did. This really helps and good to know that I am not alone 🙂 

Gloria M and Gloria M reacted
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Hello everyone, this has been very strange. 37M here with some occasional BPPV on and off for a few years, nothing that an epley once in a while wouldnt fix. After my second dose of pfizer, I had major shaking and chills, fever, nausea, dizziness etc. 3 days after the shot  I felt really good and then day 4 was a lot of dizziness and unstable feeling.  My PT said its more bppv but very strange timing. 

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@rraymo1123 thank you and I’m sorry you experienced that, especially the thoughts of harming yourself. That is scary in regards to a vaccine and one reason I’ve steered clear of some medications in the past that list that as a possible side effect. I tried to call the numbers given on the paper when I received the vaccine and it went no where, a lot of recordings and how they would call back which they never did. I found this forum because it was the only one I could find discussing some of the possible negative reactions due to the vaccine. I searched and could find hardly any saying “you are not alone. I experienced it too.” I was left with I the only one that has experienced things weeks out, because the doctors kept saying beyond those ten days it can’t be the vaccine. Not saying I do not have a past history, but never considered before getting the vaccine that it could trigger something I didn’t want resurfacing. So thank you for sharing because it truly does help. 

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I just got the 2nd dose of moderna yesterday.  I have low blood pressure, dizzy, faint and nauseous. 

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@gloriam yes my doctor said the cramping and shooting pain in that side of my tongue was from the lymph nodes being swollen and pressing against nerves most likely. Remembering what you have said as a good reminder and comfort in ...this shall pass. 

Sassafras, Gloria M, Sassafras and 1 people reacted
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Hello everyone,

I got vaccinated on April 9th with Sputnik V. I also have the same symptoms that some of you have mentioned. After the jab in the first 2-3 days, my ears was painful, and I feel later that I am out of my body. My head was really light, then comes strong migrenes and then comes the dizziness.

The dizziness still lasts. I got a blood test every aspect was okay with this.

Has anyone cope with the dizziness? It is really scary that doctors thought it is not caused by vaccine. 

Hopefully we will get better! Get better all of you!

Sassafras and Sassafras reacted
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Greetings Everyone, 

Thank you for this. No ONE is talking about this yet (the medical community). I'm happy we're here. It's good to know that you're not alone and suffering. I believe this stuff will pass, but it's scary.

I wanted to share my story (my wife and I) with everyone here in hopes of helping us get through this and find a solution to these problems. 

I'm a 57-year-old male and my wife is 59 years old. We are in good health (caveat below), with no medications, no issues. We've been on a low-carb diet for years and have had no health issues other than my old injuries.

Caveat: I have a 100% disability (P&T) rating from the VA. I served as an Infantryman (11C) in the 1980s. I have been diagnosed with Meniere's disease in my left ear and bilateral hearing loss. I have severe tinnitus and have suffered from panic and anxiety for years. All service-related. 

Having said that, I'm functional and can do a lot when these conditions are controlled. I believe our diet has helped tremendously with my conditions. I was doing very well until the vaccination.

On April 13, we had our first Moderna vaccination. No problem at all. Our arms were sore for a couple of days, and that was it. 

Fast forward to April 24, 11 days later: Both my wife and I were so fatigued (very unusual), we couldn't figure it out. We live in the mountains in Colorado and we were building our greenhouse when this hit. My wife got a rash on her arm, lower belly, and thighs (legs) about 3 days before this. We thought it was just the dry weather.

Then, on April 25, at about 1:30 AM I woke up and felt like I was free-falling and tumbling in the dark. Sick to my stomach, sweating, etc. It threw me into a MAJOR panic attack. I couldn't believe how bad this was. I've had vertigo before, this was 1000% worse. I struggled through the night. The next day, I had a bad headache, some chills, nausea, and some dizziness. My wife had chills and nausea on and off too. 

Now, April 29, 4 days after the "incident" and I am doing "okay". Still have issues with dizziness, nausea, an "off" feeling, low-level anxiety, and sometimes a headache. I'm functional, just "off". My wife is doing much better, some of the rashes are persisting but not bad. And she is a little tired still. 

I called the BCBS Nurse's line yesterday and told the nurse what was going on. She explicitly said, "No, that's too long for side-effects to kick in". I politely disagreed. How would they even know! I believe in the vaccine(s), but am not sure I'll go for #2 on May 11. I have to consult my doctor and get some opinions. I'll follow up when I can.  

Threeofakd, Threeofakd, Sassafras and 3 people reacted
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@lisae have you felt any better since the dry needling?

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Wow that sounded pretty much like what I went/am going through. Five days after my first Moderna shot I was vomiting from vertigo for a couple of hours and in bed the following day. I am five weeks post my first shot and still get waves of dizziness, seems to be improving but very slowly. My right ear still feels full. 
I am visiting a vestibular specialist next week. I hope by 9 weeks it’s gone! No second shot for me.

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