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Covid-19 Vaccine side effects

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I am glad am seeing this forum. 

I got my 1st shot on April 23. From day 2 onwards itself i had minor dizziness. I thought its getting better until yesterday, when dizziness seems to have increased a bit. I feel a strong sense of tightness in the back of my neck and back of my head. I feel the diziness is felt when i tilt my head downward or sideways. Is someone else having this issue as well ? My doc said it could be some inflammation but is not well understood. never had this feeling before.


Has anyone recovered from this ? 

Quinn and Quinn reacted
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I developed vertigo and severe headaches after my first Moderna vaccine.

I am still having symptoms of dizziness and vertigo.

How are you now?


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what article regarding the Vaccine and Vertigo?


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I still have intermittent vertigo and severe dizziness, headaches, brain fog and I never had these symptoms until I received the first Moderna Vaccine!  I did get the second one, and I was fine and two weeks later the vertigo came back!


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Any better?  Still having vertigo and bad headaches and I did get my second vaccine.  This all started after my first vaccine.  I don’t know what to do!

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Hi, I also received the Moderna Vaccine and after the first one I got vertigo and severe dizziness and headaches! I did get the second one because my symptoms went away.  That was two weeks ago I just got vertigo and terrible headaches and brain fog once again.  I don’t know what to do!


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  1. I had the Moderna shot. Had severe reactions to.both vaccinations. Raised rash at injection site. Chills /nausea...went to bed one night woke up with a severe vertigo vomiting could not open my eyes. that required hospitalization/cat scan/mri. 4bdays in hospital.  Trip to ENT then on to.physical therapy. Have walked into doors, slipped downstairs.  Unable to drive.  Did the epply maneuver and it did help. I was doing significantly better. Still only able to lay on one side. Then bam.... severe reaction again. Back to the beginning. It is a terrible feeling. Glad to.know I am not alone.

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@lukenick Hmmm, have you checked with your insurance provider to see if you have an option to seek a second opinion? Or an option to change your PCP?

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Do the doctors believe your symptoms were from the Vaccine?
What are the doctors doing fo you?  I am still having so many problems!

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Any new updates?  My doctors don’t think the Vaccine caused all my vestibular issues but I do!


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I posted a few weeks ago and it’s worse now than before. I’m 36 year old male, healthy, work out and eat well. This has severely impacted my life. I saw a guy post about ED - which I’m also now having. Today, was the absolute worse. I fell in the street during one of the spins. Brain fog is so bad I at one point was having trouble connecting sentences. Completely sick in my stomach and cannot sit up straight without becoming nauseous. Doctor won’t help. Dismisses my symptoms. Asked if I was depressed. I had ZERO health issues prior to this. I would have still gotten the vaccine. But this has to be addressed! I have 2 friends in the same boat!  

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@anthem I feel the same exact way, today was the worst day I’ve had. I’m healthy active and eat well. As far as I know never had covid. When I got my second shot I immediately felt a rush of heat throughout my body. About a week later I started waking up with brain fog which got worse each day. Then the vertigo. That triggered a memory after first shot when I started to feel wobbly but it didn’t bother me. This time it did. I fell in the street out walking one day. I have varied degrees of blurry vision. Also suffering from ED issues. I never in my life have ever felt so horrible and was totally dismissed by my doctor. Several times. I am going to go insane soon. 

didigo, didigo, twa and 1 people reacted
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Hello, I just joined. Is this site for people who have vestibular issues dealing with the Covid vaccine? 

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I received my first Covid vaccine on April 7th 2021, within a week While I was driving I had an episode of severe vertigo. I managed to stop my car nearly hitting a tree. My ear had a feeling of fullness.right ear. I have been struggling with pain in right ear since the first shot. I haven't really recovered, On April 28th I received the 2nd dose, within 45 minutes again while driving another episode very violent. I managed to get home it lasted under a minute. Since the first shot, I have had my ears flushed and have seen 2 ENT. I saw a doctor 2 days ago that revealed to me that vertigo is running rampant among the ENT community with people receiving the Covid vaccine. Mostly people with Meniers disease and some people without. I had a hearing test and my low tone range is diminished in my right ear. I have ativan on hand in case I have an episode. She gave me prednisone and a diuretic.  I also need an MRI. For the past month I have not been myself, any swift movement of my head can cause vertigo.  I am afraid to drive. I am hoping this goes away. The doctor seems to think it will. If the pressure does not go away in my right ear, she will give me a shot through my eardrum to perforate it. This has been a nightmare. 

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@lpycb42 opt out of 2nd dose not worth it

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