Vesties’ Village

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Joined: March 13, 2021 5:57 pm
Last seen: April 15, 2022 4:38 pm
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RE: Covid-19 Vaccine side effects

Hi, @nisarg127! Gee, I haven't been here in a looong time! Thanks for asking. My ANA results were elevated early on, but normalized later, I'm happy...

3 years ago
RE: Covid-19 Vaccine side effects

Yes, very interesting! 👍👍 Thank you - I earnestly recommend reading and sharing! Well-written ...with SUCH a familiar ring 👂to it!! A story most o...

3 years ago
RE: Covid-19 Vaccine side effects

Yes, very interesting! 👍👍 Thank you - I earnestly recommend reading and sharing! Well-written ...with SUCH a familiar ring 👂to it!! A story most o...

3 years ago
RE: Covid-19 Vaccine side effects

Fear ...yes, maybe you could call others on this ...but we who are putting ourselves out there as vaccine injured personally have little to lose. I'...

3 years ago
RE: Covid-19 Vaccine side effects

I don't think there's any good way to get Covid! I count myself fortunate to have largely recovered from becoming injured by getting a Moderna Covid v...

3 years ago
RE: Covid-19 Vaccine side effects

"Adverse effects such as tiredness, headache, muscle pain, chills, fever, and nausea were defined by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (C...

3 years ago
RE: Covid-19 Vaccine side effects

Yes, I did have some other visual symptoms also. I've rarely had visual migraines (without any headache) in the past, but more frequently now with thi...

3 years ago
RE: Covid-19 Vaccine side effects

The really good thing about vestibular physical therapy is that your doctor doesn't have to be willing to make admission that your vestibular issues r...

3 years ago
RE: Covid-19 Vaccine side effects

I can relate to what you're describing. I had vertigo and nystagmus initially and during some relapses, and occilliscopia, where everything in my visu...

3 years ago
RE: Covid-19 Vaccine side effects

Thanks judes! I just recently "graduated" from over 3 months of weekly therapy sessions with an excellent vestibular physical therapist. I received up...

3 years ago
RE: Covid-19 Vaccine side effects

Hi sol, Sorry it's been a few days since I've been able to post since I broke my phone and needed to put it in the shop to get the screen replaced. ...

3 years ago
RE: Covid-19 Vaccine side effects

Hi tarruba, I've been hoping the long-haul clinics would open up to us, and I do hope they will someday? It's a shame, but I wonder if it's a politica...

3 years ago
RE: Covid-19 Vaccine side effects

I never thought real information would be treated as erroneous propaganda like this is sad, and scary

3 years ago
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