Last seen: April 15, 2022 4:38 pm
Hi, @nisarg127! Gee, I haven't been here in a looong time! Thanks for asking. My ANA results were elevated early on, but normalized later, I'm happy...
Yes, very interesting! 👍👍 Thank you - I earnestly recommend reading and sharing! Well-written ...with SUCH a familiar ring 👂to it!! A story most o...
Yes, very interesting! 👍👍 Thank you - I earnestly recommend reading and sharing! Well-written ...with SUCH a familiar ring 👂to it!! A story most o...
Fear ...yes, maybe you could call others on this ...but we who are putting ourselves out there as vaccine injured personally have little to lose. I'...
I don't think there's any good way to get Covid! I count myself fortunate to have largely recovered from becoming injured by getting a Moderna Covid v...
"Adverse effects such as tiredness, headache, muscle pain, chills, fever, and nausea were defined by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (C...
Yes, I did have some other visual symptoms also. I've rarely had visual migraines (without any headache) in the past, but more frequently now with thi...
The really good thing about vestibular physical therapy is that your doctor doesn't have to be willing to make admission that your vestibular issues r...
I can relate to what you're describing. I had vertigo and nystagmus initially and during some relapses, and occilliscopia, where everything in my visu...
Thanks judes! I just recently "graduated" from over 3 months of weekly therapy sessions with an excellent vestibular physical therapist. I received up...
Hi sol, Sorry it's been a few days since I've been able to post since I broke my phone and needed to put it in the shop to get the screen replaced. ...
Hi tarruba, I've been hoping the long-haul clinics would open up to us, and I do hope they will someday? It's a shame, but I wonder if it's a politica...
I never thought real information would be treated as erroneous propaganda like this is ...so sad, and scary