@lrdizzyaf You will NOT be dizzy for the rest of your life. You will be OK. Yes, it takes time for your body to flush out the vaccine. For some people it takes longer than others. But thinking like that is only going to make things worse. You're going to give yourself anxiety and that won't help your recovery. Let your body heal itself, you'll be OK.
@lpycb42 I appreciate you so much! Thank you for your words. I’ve been having some really anxiety/ anger issues over this and decided it is time to try to meditate these feelings away since it is doing nothing but damage to me to hold it in. Your words are a confirmation of how I woke up. 🙏🏼💖
@rand10456 Oh my god!!! This sounds horrific and may be the worst out of everyone's experiences I think. I'm so sorry this is happening to you.
Why do individuals have such different reactions to Covid-19 vaccines?
We all have different immune systems. Our immune system is made up of two layers of defense: the innate and adaptive immune systems. The innate immune system is the one we’re born with, meaning it’s heavily influenced by our genetics.
Our adaptive immune system, meanwhile, evolves over time. It’s shaped by the pathogens and other substances in the environment that we’re exposed to over the course of our lives.
When you get the first dose of the Covid-19 vaccine, your innate immune system is the first to respond. Some individuals can have stronger reactions to a vaccine because their immune system is just hardwired that way.
“Some people's innate immune system is more reactive to certain stimuli, but not to the extent that it's bad for you,” says Nicholas Pullen, an immunologist and associate professor of biological sciences at the University of Northern Colorado.
Poland (the doctor that had a strong reaction to the vaccine) is among those whose immune systems overreacted to the vaccine. In doing so, his immune system released more immune signals, or chemicals known as cytokines and chemokines, than the average person. Everyone’s immune system generates different levels of these chemicals based on what our bodies think we need. Some individuals release more of these chemicals than necessary, while other individuals have a more balanced immune response.
The release of the chemicals alerts the adaptive immune system to the threat. Over the next several days to few weeks, the body builds up its adaptive immunity to the pathogen. The second dose of the Pfizer and Moderna vaccines then boosts the adaptive immune system's memory response to the virus.
Are certain groups more likely to have side effects than others?
Younger adults are reporting more side effects from Covid-19 vaccines. Poland says that’s probably because they tend to have more robust immune systems than older adults.
Women also report more side effects than men. It’s possible that men may be more hesitant to speak up about side effects because of cultural expectations of masculinity, but Poland thinks biological reasons exist for this discrepancy.
For one, women tend to have stronger immune responses than men do. Most of the immune response genes are located on the X chromosome. Typically, biologically female individuals are born with two X chromosomes, which means double the number of these genes compared to men.
Women also have thicker fat pads in the deltoid muscle—the part of the upper shoulder where the vaccine is injected. Muscles have a lot of blood vessels, which allow an injected vaccine to be absorbed and carried throughout the body more quickly. But sometimes healthcare workers mistakenly inject the vaccine into the fat instead of the muscle, which can trigger an inflammatory response. Because fat tissue retains injected material for much longer, it’s more susceptible to adverse effects caused by that injection.
This is an excerpt of an article I posted. I thought this above was extremely interesting. I wonder if that could be a common factor amongst most of us... the way the vaccines were administered?
@rand10456 wow, that sounds totally brutal. Thank goodness you are starting to feel better. There is no doubt in my mind that these vaccines are way to profound and strong for some people. It seems young, fit people are being slammed by such a hyper immune response. I have made a solid promise to leave my body well alone if it just gets me through this! Keep feeling better x
@rand10456 So sorry to hear what you are going through, I do so hope you recover with time.
@lesc I came off Betahistine after completing the prescribed course and it made no difference to be honest.
I just want to update you all because I had a very interesting and frank conversation with my pharmacist yesterday. I told him I wasn’t getting any diagnosis from doctors and when I described the symptoms (rocking like on a boat, red hot flushes, fatigue, heavy legs, weird nerve tingles, anxiety and loss of appetite) to my surprise he said “Yeah I had that after the Pfizer and it lasted 12 weeks!”. He said doctors are quick to tick boxes and diagnose it as anxiety or vestibular migraine but really they don’t actually know! He told me to stop taking the Betahistine and when I told him about this forum and the recommended supplements he said I wouldn’t normally advise people to get their supplement advise from forums (beware charlatans!) however the advice that’s been shared regarding Liposomal Glutathione, Quercetin and Zinc plus vitamin C and D are the best supplements you could possibly take. He advised against the use of Ivermectin. He reassured me that these symptoms will disappear within 12 weeks of the date of the last shot because our bodies are done processing the vaccine by then. He said because he’s gone through the same awful side effects he is following studies and data carefully and he told me it has been covered up for obvious reasons but these side effects are now coming to the fore and it’s only a matter of time before it’s common knowledge and more will be done to support people like us as part of long covid clinics. I tell you..the weight lifted off my chest as I left him. I had to share this with you WE WILL BE OK I PROMISE. I’m the meantime eat whole foods, walk, breathe deep, get in nature, relax and take immune support supplements. ☮️
Hi everyone
Really glad I found somewhere like this as I have been experiencing some illness in recent weeks which all started after my first dose of AZ in early May.
I am a mid 30s male who has been in good health, I go to the gym/swim, socialise (when lockdown allows haha), etc. Never had any major health problems. I received the AZ dose the day before they said they were no longer giving it to those under 40.
For the first few days after I had no side effects but did start to feel ill on days 3-5 with nausea and pins and needles in my left arm. After that, I noticed I was feeling full for longer after eating. A couple of weeks passed and I started with severe nausea, loss of appetite, burping, etc which I saw my GP for and will have a gastroscopy for hopefully soon. Bloods and other tests came back normal and I am currently on omeprazole. About two weeks after that I began with spells of dizziness, lightheadedness, some vision problems (temporary double vision, ''slow'' vision) which again, I have seen the GP for and will hopefully be having a MRI scan soon for further investigation - something I had to fight for.
I did have Covid back in December and did have some gastro symptoms then, though only lasting 2-3 days, if that.
It just seems odd to me that the timing of all this started after my vaccine and after reading how it has affected others (albeit with some same and different symptoms), it has made me feel a bit better about it all. As some other posters stated, it seems some of the medical profession do not want to hear about vaccine side-effects (my GP being one) but it's good that we are sharing our experiences here. It's good to have somewhere to put all this.
There are some interesting view points on here and I totally understand the worry it can cause when symptoms are prolonged. After seeing some information about a possible 12 week window for AZ side effects, that has possibly brought me some slight relief. I am in week 8 at the moment and mostly had no social life for at least 6 of those. I'm hoping I am more than halfway through this thing!
@ladyd so happy you spoke to someone (in person) who was encouraging! Come on bodies, hurry up and process the vaccine!
The two things I would add to the cocktail of supplements I now take it are:
NAC - NAC acts as a precursor to glutathione, a powerful antioxidant that prevents damage from free radicals on a cellular level.
Lion's Mane - Through neurogenesis, brain fog is lifted, memory improves, and cognition is enhanced. The research has also shown potential success with treating cognitive disorders like Alzheimers and Parkinson's disease
Obviously I am NOT a doctor but have read up a lot now so pretty much am 🙂
@ladyd Thank you for sharing that, how refreshing to hear that a pharmacist spoke so openly about symptoms from the vaccine. It is being covered up, but for how much longer. In my admittedly very small circle of family and friends, I now know two people who have similar symptoms. I live in a small city in England, a very friendly place and everyone talks to one another about everything ! It will be difficult to keep hiding this however much the press, some medical professionals and politicians try to.
@lynner I’m in England too Lynne. I don’t know anyone other than the pharmacist who’s had the same as me, well apart from you lot obviously but yes you could see how keen he was to talk about it too because he was also told he had anxiety and he knows how frustrating it is! I’ve seen or spoken 4 GP’s and 2 pharmacists so far and he’s the only one to acknowledge its the vaccine completely but that would be because he knows first hand! I’m going to continue popping in to see him for updates on studies and or support and when that happens I’ll share it here.
New member here......Got my first Pfizer vaccine the end of March. Day later I woke up with the worst case of Vertigo that you could imagine plus a nausea feeling. I have been to a chiropractor, eye Dr. , ENT Dr. ,heart Dr. , balance test, nuroligest , CT scan of my brain, and now have been going to a Physical Therapist. Three and half months later, I am still getting nausea feelings along with uneasy dizzy feelings. Really don't know who else to turn to. It is very depressing.