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Covid-19 Vaccine side effects

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@michaelkyou do realize these 'vaccines' are experimental, not vetted; they are not fda approved and you can't sure vaccine makers for any permanent damage. For more info see dr. Sherri tenpenny. There are many whistle blowers but Google 'covid vaccines not fda approved'. There was a miracle pill called HCQ but it was pulled and now people are at the mercy of am experimental biological agent? You have the right to refuse, its called informed consent. Nuremberg

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@allisonk Along with the vertigo, tinnitus and nausea, I had one week following my first Pfizer shot my blood pressure dropped over ten points both bystolic and systolic. I already have cardiac arrhythmias and they were definitely worse. Have you spoken to a doctor regarding the blood pressure changes and heart rate? Did they still recommend the second shot. I have two docs that can’t seem to tell me one way or another. Because this is all new.

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Did anyone get the second shot and their symptoms did NOT return or get worse?

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Not sure if I am posting correctly but so glad I found this forum and have been reading everyone's posts. I got my first Pfizer vaccine 3/15. The next day I felt buzzy, almost hung over, in my head and a bit nauseous. It went away fairly quickly and I was fine for the next 6 days. On the 7th day the feeling in my head returned out of no where and was more intense. I feel, dizzy and cloudy, nauseous, I have a funny feeling in my throat, the back of my neck is sore and I periodically get numbness and tingling in my hands and face. This is not full on vertigo for me  as I have experience with that, but def vertigo like. Its manageable  as long as I am careful and stay home. I am a 50 yr old mom of 8 and although I have an autoimmune disease I was perfectly fine before the shot. I am scheduled to have 2nd shot 4/5 but doubt I will. I'm terribly nervous it will get worse with the 2nd shot and would not have the support I would need if I ended up debilitated with vertigo. I feel so frustrated with this experience. 

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I got my 1st Pfizer shot on March 4 at 10:00 am, and had no

side effect. After my 2nd Pfizer shot on March 26 at 10:00 am

Until March 27 at 4:00 am I had headaches lasted 1 hour and gone

by itself. So far I am fine.

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Today I experience Tachacardia at over 200 bpm for almost 15 min, it corrected itself after that. Anyone experience this on top of other vestibular symptoms?

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I’m a 41yo/F with hashimotos and a history of 1 vertigo episode and 2 episodes of disequilibrium/nausea/dizziness about 8 months postpartum. 

I had the 1st Pfizer shot 3/17 and within 10min felt numbness in my teeth and tingling in my arm, nausea, and disequilibrium. If feels like it’s gotten better, but I’ve developed severe anxiety as a result of not know if this is going away. I have two toddlers and a baby I have to be “on” for, so this is all very scary. I’m taking: prenatal vitamin, omegas, B12, D, C 1000, magnesium, levothyroxine for my thyroid, and now Xanax. 

I’ve seen:

endocrinologist: she says this is a immune response and should go away.

neurologist who specializes in dizziness: doesn’t think it’s related to shot and feels it will go away. 

ENT: says she’s hearing of cases of people having dizziness after vaccine. Hearing test was normal and going back for a vestibular exam. She thinks I should take the second shot. 

Primarily physician: Said that it could be my immune response. And that histamine is released into the body when you get a vaccine. 

Making an appointment to see an allergist. 

This is all very frustrating and scary. Trying to stay positive and hoping this goes away for myself and everyone. So grateful to have found this forum. 

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Hi .. I received my 2nd Maderna vaccine March 13 .. On on March 23rd I was Spearfishing and started getting dizzy spells, was disoriented and started throwing up... It’s the first time this has ever happened to me and I spearfish regularly... I have 2 other friends who said they have had Virtigo shortly after taking their shots also .. and like me never had ever experienced anything like it before?... I did call 911 and was rescued off of my Boat and taken by ambulance to the hospital.. where I received fluids, ct scan, Bloodwork , oxygen and x-rays . Everything was normal and they had no clue what went wrong and happend?... I called cause I felt as if I was going to pass out and experienceing a Stroke?... 

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Active, healthy, no underlying health conditions
Hx of 3 TBI with subsequent migraines intermittently and tinnitus

First dose of Pfizer 3/25. Heart began racing within 2 minutes, followed by dry mouth. Dizziness set in around 5 minutes. Began to feel like left eye was getting larger and head was tilting to one side (which it wasn't). As got up to follow nurse back to check vitals, noticed my legs felt like jello. BP was elevated for me (135/85, whereas typically around 90/60). About 15 minutes post, strong headache hit, beginning at L occiput and traveling above L eye, accompanied with photophobia. Began to feel a little weaker and trembling. Lay there about an hour before deciding to head home. Racing heart abated, but rest of symptoms remained that eve. Overnight, kept waking myself as I cried out from pain. 

Woke day after with more severe dizziness and very foggy headed, not unlike if I'd had a very heavy dose of valium or anesthetic. TMJ pain severe. Now, not just the legs were weak, but the whole body very weak. Tinnitus much louder. Brain behaving like it did after last TBI, difficulties with aphasia, taking forever to type, very forgetful. Moderate headache throughout day with intermittent periods of severe migraine-like headache pain. Very little appetite. Vision very wonky; feels like my eyes are pulling to one side and like my left eyeball is still larger than the right. Nausea not too bad, but that's after generous amounts of ginger. Diarrhea in the eve. Intermittent periods where muscles become even weaker, making it impossible to hold a pen without reverting to holding it in the fist like a kindergartener with a crayon.

Second day post, I don't feel as terrible. Still dizzy, but I could at least take a quick shower without fear of falling over. Still feeling weak with periods of becoming even weaker. Eyes and vision still weird. Tinnitus as loud. Headache not gone. Early in the day yet, so we'll see how it goes.

Have been taking homeopathic arnica and applying topically to arm, both of which have greatly helped for the arm pain and aches and pains. Also on a homeopathic remedy to help the body better tolerate vaccs and clear some of the waste which adds to inflammation. Have long used this for DD at doc's recommendation as she doesn't tolerate vaccs well. (Remarkably, she's tolerated the Pfizer vacc just fine so far--5 days out from first, 18/F underlying autoimm).

Good to read I'm not alone in this. At this point, will likely delay my second until my body appears to be fully recovered for at least 2 weeks. Would prefer to have the second, due in part to my close contact with high-risk patients. 

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Got first vaccine march 14 got migraine and bad chills, lasted 2 days, felt like I had the flu for 2 weeks, afraid now to get second shot.

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@rraymo1123 I’m curious how many folks with hashimoto’s are having adverse reactions. My husband has hashimoto’s and has now had vertigo for a week, after receiving his first dose of Moderna on 3/19. He went to the chiropractor to do the Epley maneuver yesterday (which cured his vertigo he had a few years ago), but it hasn’t helped. I feel awful for him. 

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@ksmithhave you gotten any better?

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I think I’m feeling some light dizziness at night. Maybe a touch of vertigo after second Moderna. Hope this goes away. No other side effects to speak of really. Maybe some fatigue but nothing major. 

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I passed out about 2 mins after the vacc. in the driver's seat of my car. Came too in ER after Epipen admin. Day 17 now. 2 ER visits and 1 regular Dr. No one has a clue. Vertigo, very low BP, pulse in the 50s, irregular heartbeat, head pressure, nausea. Trying to stay hydrated and eat, and not pass out and fall. Are you any better yet?

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@bonniek my dad had an episode like that a few days after his first Moderna shot. It was in the middle of the night, and we were there for Christmas, and my parents called 911. Scary!

I *have* had two big episodes of shortness of breath and tachycardia (but like 130, resting HR is in the 50s), and a few tapering shorter ones, since getting my vaccines, but we attributed it to a side effect of a new migraine medicine (Nurtec), because it happened two hours after taking it both times, and shortness of breath is considered a hypersensitivity reaction to the Nurtec. The first time we thought it was a panic attack, but after the second one we realized there was a connection to the meds.

I still think it’s likely related to the nurtec, because it hasn’t happened since the meds have been totally out of my system, but who knows...

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