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Covid-19 Vaccine side effects

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Do you get any medication from your doctor or not? What is the process if u get any.

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I am currently 31 weeks pregnant and my ob recommended I get the second shot, even though after my first shot I actually got pneumonia! Hoping pneumonia wasn’t a direct result of the vaccine, I went ahead and got the second shot Friday the 17th. It is now the 20th. All night on the 17th and through the 18th I had a fever spiking at 101.7, chills, severe arm pain and I could not sleep more than an hour at a time. The fever finally subsided on the 19th. I had taken lipospheric vitamin c, Tylenol, an inhaler (I don’t have asthma), probiotic, prenatal vitamins, and I had a ton of water. I thought I would be better today as my temp is 98.1, but am now experiencing hours of feeling dizzy or like I can’t get enough oxygen to my brain. I also still have arm pain, but I feel that is the least of my worries. I took a nap for three hours and am feeling the same way. I saw someone mention antihistamine, so I am going to see what is safe for me…but I really did not want to get the second shot, or any shot for that matter. This has been absolutely upsetting and horrible, especially trying to carry a baby at the same time..oh and I am 36 years old. No one I know has had these effects. 

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@jeank thanks for these informations ! So your neurologist was sick 8 months due to vaccine ? Do you know his symtomes ? Did he have fatigue, muscular pain or anything else ? Take care of you 

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@memphismel @charsen the weather has been great for the last couple of days, no rain whatsoever. It's just so frustrating, I feel pretty normal when I don't do anything but as soon as I do something mentally or physically demanding I relapse. I don't have the equipment to check my vitals and I'm not taking any medicines because I was a healthy 30 year old without any prior health issues. However I do notice my forehead gets really warm and tingly when my headache comes back, don't know if any of you also notice this. 

It's just so difficult not being able to do and enjoy the things I did before. I was busy remodeling and doing construction work in my home right before I got vaccinated and that's been on hold for 3 months now, I feel very guilty towards my wife for taking the vaccine and no longer being her strong husband who can do everything, I know it's not my fault and she said it isn't but deep inside it feels that's way.

And I really don't mind the pain, physical and mentally because I can cope with that. I just wish we would get the recognition we deserve and that they would come out and say that we all will be back to normal within the year. 

Angelina CQ, LorraineB, Patience and 3 people reacted
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@lau01 He fainted several times, had nerves problems on the right side of his body, lost bowel control and experienced vision problems. 

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@jeank and he was cure in 8 months ? did he has up and down during this time ?

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Just a cautionary note from a 6 month sufferer after my second pfizer shot. My dizziness and brain fog had been steadily subsiding after about the fifth month so I decided to try to feel human again last night and I had a few too many cocktails. Not a good choice. I had a major positional vertigo attack that put me down on the floor.

No more alcohol for me and needless to say no more covid shots.



Angelina CQ, LorraineB, dragonlover and 5 people reacted
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Have y’all seen this site?

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Posted by: @anotherone92

@jeank Out of interest, did he mention whether he'd recommend taking the jab or a different jab again if you've had an adverse reaction? My doctor - who I generally trust - is recommending I take the second once I recover but I'm beyond terrified of doing this again.

Mine said that too. But I have not followed up with her to let her know I’m still reacting. I see her in December for my physical and I’m going to set her straight. I think it’s irresponsible for docs to advise the second when they can’t even help you with the first. Nobody can give a good explanation as to what or why this happens. I don’t think anyone is even researching.

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So glad I found this resource now! Wish I knew about it years ago when vertigo and tinnitus first visited. 

I had my first shot of Pfizer just 3 weeks ago. I dreaded triggering existing conditions (or new and worse), so held out for as long as I thought I could. Despite some horrible experiences I've read about here, I actually felt more reassured from having that knowledge. 

I'm nearly afraid to say it but I have been lucky so far. My tinnitus and vertigo didn't spike. I went through 2 weeks of overwhelming lethargic exhaustion that is slowly lifting now, hopefully permanently. This might be what is referred to as brain fog, it felt very f'd up anyway. The most annoying side effect is muscle twitching. Totally random, often in my sleep, and poor sleep perhaps contributing to the sense of exhaustion. I started wearing a Fitbit in bed to see if it logs waking up but computer says I sleep alright. 

This could be silly but I wondered if exercise had any noticeable effects on the twitching, like from improved blood flow or deep stretching like in yoga or something... 

I'm due for my second dose soon and I'm actually more apprehensive about it than before. Who's lucky twice in a row anyway...

I also wanted to say that even though it's upsetting to read about terrible experiences here, I appreciate how much people share and care. It pains me to see how quickly any meaningful conversation about adverse effects is dismissed in general . "It's extremely rare... ", "It's just antivaxxer rubbish ...", "Having Covid would be a lot worse!"... Would it definitely? The worst vaccine side effect seems to be that people have stopped functioning as human beings with empathy. Nobody with health issues deserves being dismissed, treated like a hypochondriac or called "Antisomething" just because their body didn't accept an underbaked product as seamlessly as someone else's did, or they have a fear that it might happen to them. I wish everyone quick recovery! And that science/pharma finally hears these calls for help and is forced to spend some of those crazy profits on finding solutions for those impacted by what they didn't get right the first time around. 

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Many sites for folks to report reactions, a real patchwork quilt; 

here are all I have found so far-can we add to this list?


Is anyone trying to patch them all together somehow, an electronic

coalition of vaccine reaction sites? 

Essentially, a non govermental VEARS type registry. Call it the

American Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System   AVEARS


Or does this already exist or is a project?  Also, a great site for all

things related to drug trials is

*TrialSite News - is purely science based, has up-to-date

Covid treatment and prevention articles and papers.

FLCCC the Front Line Covid Critical Care Alliance has

full treatment protocols you can give your doctors, pdf format.

(60 page document, well presented, first pages very helpful for non meds)

I attached it again for quick reference, updated weekly at

the FLCCC website.

Joe Rogan did a great interview with Dr Pierre Kory and Bret Weinstein.

I had never watched Joe Rogan before, and he is an extremely

well mannered person in this interview.  These are such sobering days,

there are but a few who are willing to stay in 'logical land'. 




Angelina CQ, MemphisMel, LorraineB and 3 people reacted
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@imdizzy Hi I also had the J&J and experienced similar issues. I’m 3.5 weeks out and am finally feeling better. I had headaches every day and they finally started to subside last week. I wanted to share to give you hope that this will go away. From what I’m reading here and experiencing, it takes time. Drinking lots of water and getting outside helps. Hang in there!

Imdizzy and Imdizzy reacted
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@julie37lpool you will feel better! It took almost two weeks for the nausea to fully go away. I’m 3.5 weeks out and I’m feeling much better. Drinking lots of water and getting out in the sun helped with the fatigue. I think I pushed myself too much to feel better and I probably should have rested more. Be patient with yourself..this is all so difficult. Keep me posted on your progress!

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