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Covid-19 Vaccine side effects

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@tinalOh, ok, I guess it depends on where you get the vaccine, mine was at my doctor's surgery. They should have a record of it there though.

Let's hope symptoms will go away as quickly as they came.

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@hollyd Hi Holly, thanks for replying and your good wishes. I too am a migraine sufferer, I've tried migraine meds from my doctor years ago but I get too many side effects. OTC meds are not much good. I think I am sensitive to meds hence the problems I am having now. I contacted my doctor's surgery today and completed an online consultation outlining my symptoms since the vaccine, had to go through lots of questions, they will get back to me next week. Maybe there's something he can suggest, probably new stuff about since I last tried anything. Take care.

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@tabby I get migraines when I am stressed, but usually at this point in my life only once or twice a year.

After the vertigo started after my second dose of Pfizer, within 24 hours I had a migraine that took over two weeks to go away. I tried everything and had many tests done. It ended up being that I was trying to read things on my phone and that was continuously triggering it. Since I realized that, I try not to read much. Since March 5, I’ve been able to control the migraines by not really looking at my phone or any other screens. I’m not sure if you are able to try that.

I am over eight weeks since my second shot and still cannot read normally. Otherwise I am mostly back to normal. I’m not sure when I will be able to read without getting a headache again…

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I had my second Pfizer vaccine 2/15. After injection, within 15 min I had dizziness which last about 30 min and went away. After 4 days, I had sudden onset of dizziness, nausea, lightheadedness. This episode lasted about 7 days and I went to the ER twice. They gave me IV fluids, zofran, Meclizine. The Meclizine seemed to help a little. For about 4 more weeks I had occasional bouts of dizziness but was able to function. On week 5, I had another severe episode of dizziness. I went to PCP and asked to be on a steroid as I thought it was from over reaction to the vaccine. I had COVID 1 year ago. I have been on the steroid for 3 days and finally am feeling better. I am also seeing a neurologist and scheduled for an MRI this week. I am just hoping everything comes back normal and I can get back to my life. I am 31 years old. 

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@atp223 Hi, thank you for replying. I think you make a good point about the use of phones and screens, I have been over-using mine for months during lockdown. Because I worked on a computer all day I believe that started mine off years ago.

Mine are triggered by stress and certain foods so I try to keep them under control, I probably get 3/4 a year but when I get one they can last for up to five days. Since the vaccine almost six weeks ago I've had one that lasted almost 5 days and I'm on day 2 of this current one. I sometimes get fuzzy headed with them but I'm getting dizzy with these ones, I get dizzy even without a headache since the vaccine. I've had reasonably good days too but it seems to come back. 

I hope you make a complete recovery soon and we can all put this nightmare behind us.

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Yeah, I'm not good with the meds either and hate the way they make me feel. I just take half the dose and basically force myself to take a nap. That way I sleep through the effects and generally wake up feeling better.

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@tabby I never had migraine before but I am experiencing similar symptoms. Sometimes the headache is worse and sometimes my dizziness. Quite unpleasant everything. 

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Thanks Holly, I'm glad you have something that works for you. It will pass again soon enough 🙏

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@nala Hi Nala, it's such a relief to find others with similar symptoms although I wouldn't wish them on anyone. Take care.

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@kambro2222 Hi Dizzy,

So sorry you have been through all that you have. I'm hoping that everything returns back to normal for you too, very soon. Sending best wishes.

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@atp223 - this is exactly what happens to me.  My migraines are triggered by my phone.  I used the movement reduction setting on my iPhone but even that doesn't help.  It seems to be brought one worse by Mac products (it's not nearly as bad when I'm on my Chromebook).  

However, I went from having one migraine a month and no dizziness, to having one every two days with extended dizziness.

As a hopeful thing for some, I guess, I am finally feeling better about two weeks after my second dose.  I still feel a bit lightheaded, but mostly the same as I feel when, say, I take pseudoephedrine or something like that.  

I decided to get the second shot when my symptoms first abated a day before I was due to get the second shot.  Two days after the second shot, I felt dizzy again, but it was not as bad.  I got more migraines after the second shot.

I had no other symptoms than dizziness that lasted on and off for five weeks (other than a sore arm).

What seemed to help me was to take a benadryl at night.  Then, I would sleep better and more deeply, and benadryl is in the same class as meclizine (it's a similar drug), so I'd feel much better during the daytime.

I filed a VAERS report and it seems there are many more like us.

I am hoping everyone here pulls through.

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Hi Dizzy

It 's so debilitating isn't it? My doctor will probably be in denial too regarding side effects. It's good to read people's experiences here for reassurance and knowing that some have recovered from their ordeal. Take care.



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I had the first Pfizer shot March 1 and felt fine until March 9 and began to feel unwell.  Dizziness began and experienced a painful headache that hurt the left side of my head and face, sore neck, hot behind my neck, and had difficulty looking straight ahead.  This happened March 13.   Symptoms of terrible vertigo surpassed the headache and by March 16th I went to the ER and my BP was 200/98.  I’ve never had BP this high.  I’m 50 years old.  They treated me with iv cocktail.  I went home and migraine subsided but vertigo continues.  Trying to go for walks with my husband and I literally have to hang onto his arm because the world doesn’t look right and I feel wonky, weak and unstable.  My head and body feels like a constant buzz and wave.  Very hard to explain.  This is a constant feeling and it gets worse when I walk or turn my head.  Even trying to make something in the kitchen makes me dizzzy because of all the necessary movements.

I have never had vertigo before the vaccine.  Have a hx of migraines but hadn’t had a migraine for four months.  I went back to ER on March 24th with persistent vertigo,dizziness,visual weirdness etc but no headache and the attending dx me with BPPV and vestibular migraine.  I kept saying I think it’s from the vaccine but no one spoke to it.  It’s April 3rd today and I’m still suffering with the same symptoms that just won’t shake and my moms neighbor got the Pfizer vaccine 3 days ago and woke up with vertigo, vomiting and his wife had to call an ambulance.  They too related this to the vaccine but the paramedics told them they have been busy with calls for vertigo and they are saying there’s a virus going around that’s been terrible for people.  The only common denominator that I can plainly see is the vaccine.  I just don’t see any other explanation.

Anyone else have thoughts about this?  I have been off work for 3 weeks now and I’m running out of sick time and will be hearing from a disability person from work this coming week.  I’m frustrated with the persistence of these symptoms.  My GP has put me on a Betahistine which I think is giving me audio and visual hallucinations which only adding to all of this.  Also I have a physio appointment on Wednesday to see a vestibular therapist.

Does anyone else have similar issues since the vaccine?  I honestly am afraid to get the second dose now!






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Am now 9 days out from my first Pfizer jab. You can read back through my old posts to get the full history, but did have immediate symptoms within minutes. Weakness progressively worsened in legs, with tremors and ataxic gait. 2 days ago, had to call 911 when lost ability to move my right leg (thought I was having a stroke). In hospital for a couple of days. Multiple MRIs all clean, no tumors or lesions. Docs really aren't sure what has happened; currently, working under the assumption that it's a sensory mapping disorder and my nervous system will need to be retrained. Have good muscle tone, just poor coordination. Now back at home, but having to use a walker. Still ataxic gait with tremors and limited movement in right leg.

Because onset of weakness was within minutes of vacc and steadily worsened (and moved up) from that point, docs couldn't really refute vaccine involvement, though multiple said it's not a side effect they see with the vaccine. Meanwhile, one of my nurses while in-patient said they've seen loads of problems with it, particularly relating to the vertigo. So, it seems it still a mix: some are going to poo-poo it and say it can't be related, others are willing to acknowledge there has to be some sort of correlation there.

49/F Healthy, no underlying problems prior to this, though hx of 3 TBI (2 mild, 1 more significant)

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Oh, and with regard to 2nd vacc: Earlier in the week, I thought I'd wait to see how quickly my body recovered, and as long as I was back to 100%, I would simply delay my second and get it early summer. After what's occurred now, I'll definitely NOT be getting the second vacc, even if I'm able to fully recover. If it were a once in a lifetime vaccine, I might reconsider. But annual or more frequently, it's just too much of a risk.

My dizziness has steadily improved each day, and I would put it a 2 or 3 out of 10 now.

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