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Covid-19 Vaccine side effects

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Posted by: @saba

@ldcorum Please do get the floaters checked out since you had a sudden onset of them. You want to make sure that the retina is intact etc. If that checks out well, it may be really hard for you to find any answer as to what they are and will they go away, etc. I have seen one optometrist, 2 ophthalmologists, 1 retina specialist, 1 neurologist just for the floaters in the last 5 months, and no one has any freaking idea about if/why/how the vaccine would have caused it and have no remedies to offer other than get used to it or risky surgery. Unfortunately yet thankfully there are several others that have reported these after the vax, so we are not alone and I have seen a couple of reports of them fading somewhat after months, so there is hope. 

I've had floaters for a few decades now. Didn't bother me. Suddenly they became very noticeable after my first Pfizer vaccine.

Had eyes checked twice and OCT scans show eyes are in excellent health.

It's annoying and so darn strange how the vaccine could cause the flare up.

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@gingerjones That’s terrible.  I had no issues sleeping other than the one day I had a fairly low amount of caffeine. I think my dosage was 10 mg? Whatever the standard dose is what I took.  Anyway, I was told to take my dose at night, right before bed.  I did that and had no issues with sleep.  Did you take your dose at night or in the morning?  Did you forgo caffeine?

Anyway, I’m not particularly sensitive in terms of meds and sleep. Some people are, unfortunately.  When I took my two-week course of corticosteroids, I had no major issues sleeping either, but I know some people do.  With the corticosteroids, I was told to take them first thing in the morning with food. I woke up every morning around 6:30 and took the steroids with some oatmeal and never had disruptions to my sleep or, if I did, they were so mild I don’t remember them.  

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@lmkk I’m happy for you that great news! Keep pushing on and put this shit behind you! I however seem to be progressing backwards which is crazy! I am only now suffering from muscle weakness and numbness tingling in legs at 5 month mark which would be rare as normally most symptoms would show up at the start I’m just surprised I’m getting new symptoms come on 👎 my original ones were heart and dizziness it’s the gift which keeps giving I guess. Doctors have no clue what to do with me as I must have like 10 different things going on 😳🤦‍♂️ This is definitely helpful for many people though. 

Mina and Mina reacted
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Posted by: @nath7

@lmkk I’m happy for you that great news! Keep pushing on and put this shit behind you! I however seem to be progressing backwards which is crazy! I am only now suffering from muscle weakness and numbness tingling in legs at 5 month mark which would be rare as normally most symptoms would show up at the start I’m just surprised I’m getting new symptoms come on 👎 my original ones were heart and dizziness it’s the gift which keeps giving I guess. Doctors have no clue what to do with me as I must have like 10 different things going on 😳🤦‍♂️ This is definitely helpful for many people though. 

Have you read this post from @joelenemm a couple of posts back:

I just wanted to post an update. I am 5 months out from getting vaccinated. My symptoms were slowly improving with time. Untill I got Covid. I am now in full relapse but hopeful that with more time my body will heal. My primary doctor as well as my neurologist believe this is vaccine related. So having that support has been nice. Even if we haven't found what helps. That's not how my experience was with doctors in the beginning. I am back to dizzy vibrations in my head and throughout my body everyday, neck pain and extreme fatigue. Before the vaccine I had never gotten Covid. So I knew what I was experiencing was vaccine related. Now it's harder to tell if this is a relapse from the vaccine or from the Covid itself. I am thankful for this forum and hope we all get to comeback and comment on full recovery soon.

Maybe you caught COVID or a normal cold virus and were asymptomatic which has caused this flare up. I'm no doctor but it makes sense to me. 

Nath7, Jo, Nath7 and 1 people reacted
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Posted by: @lmkk
Posted by: @medee
Posted by: @lmkk

@pfizervictim Hi there. Have you tried eating fresh pineapple and having turmeric daily? I find that it does help knock the edge off my symptoms which is better than nothing I suppose. If you haven't already give them a try as they are probably the strongest natural anti inflammatory foods you can get. I'm also stuffing my face with baby sweetcorn as they are supposed to be good for the eyes. My eye pain has mostly gone now I'm nearly ten weeks out from my first jab although I do still get random eye "wobbling" at times.

How are you feeling these days? I see the turmeric has helped you cure. How do we go about it? Drink water mixed with turmeric or something else?

Have you been completely recovered from the side effects? What were your symptoms...

Will wait for your response.

Do use the Quote option while replying. It helps in knowing which comment is being replied to. 


Take care!



Hi there.

My symptoms were mainly strong pins and needles, weakness and numbness in feet, hands and face. Along with dizziness and joint pain and mild gastrointestinal disorders.

On a good day I feel about 75% better which I never thought I would be saying.

I take turmeric capsules daily from Holland and Barrett and I make myself a cup of turmeric tea before bed which I make using turmeric powder from my spice rack with hot water, honey and ginger.

Hope this helps. 

Glad you're recovering! I have chest and nerve pain. And some werid feeling in my heas at times. Did you have anything of this sort?

How long has it been since your shot? I mean, how long did it take for you to recover?

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@andyl89 I’ve had all of that I’ve had some minimal improvement I’m two months out

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Posted by: @dhara


I am a healthy 35 F. I took my 1st covid vaccine shot of astrazeneca here in india on 24th mar. That day was absolutely normal. On 25th morning got up all normal and suddenly in the washroom i felt dizziness and somehow tried to get up and fell outside the washroom ..luckily my husband held me while falling on the floor. Had some lemon juice after few mins and felt better. Later that day went to consult ER ..he felt it was a seizures and told to consult neuro...neuro did mri and blood test..all came normal...except low vitamin d...but no one here in india is believing it is due to vaccine side effects, called the helpline number and they said this is not a listed side effect of astra vaccine..but this forum confirms my belief that is only due to vaccine side effect otherwise i never had this kind of episode earlier...its been almost 3 days since that episode, touch wood have not felt dizzy since then ...but m too scared of my 2nd dose which is still more than a month after...

Hi, I'm from India too. How are you feeling right now? Did you have any other side effects? 

I know the feeling when the whole community tells you're crazy. We're not!

Please do reply. Also make use of the Quote option while replying.

Take care

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Posted by: @medee
Posted by: @lmkk
Posted by: @medee
Posted by: @lmkk

@pfizervictim Hi there. Have you tried eating fresh pineapple and having turmeric daily? I find that it does help knock the edge off my symptoms which is better than nothing I suppose. If you haven't already give them a try as they are probably the strongest natural anti inflammatory foods you can get. I'm also stuffing my face with baby sweetcorn as they are supposed to be good for the eyes. My eye pain has mostly gone now I'm nearly ten weeks out from my first jab although I do still get random eye "wobbling" at times.

How are you feeling these days? I see the turmeric has helped you cure. How do we go about it? Drink water mixed with turmeric or something else?

Have you been completely recovered from the side effects? What were your symptoms...

Will wait for your response.

Do use the Quote option while replying. It helps in knowing which comment is being replied to. 


Take care!



Hi there.

My symptoms were mainly strong pins and needles, weakness and numbness in feet, hands and face. Along with dizziness and joint pain and mild gastrointestinal disorders.

On a good day I feel about 75% better which I never thought I would be saying.

I take turmeric capsules daily from Holland and Barrett and I make myself a cup of turmeric tea before bed which I make using turmeric powder from my spice rack with hot water, honey and ginger.

Hope this helps. 

Glad you're recovering! I have chest and nerve pain. And some werid feeling in my heas at times. Did you have anything of this sort?

How long has it been since your shot? I mean, how long did it take for you to recover?

I'm 3.5 months out from my first Pfizer vaccine. I'm still recovering at the moment but I'm most days around 75% better.

I have experienced strong nerve pain for the first 4-6 weeks after my vaccine. After it peaked around 6 weeks it has been very very slowly getting better. 

I also experienced strange sensations in my body including insect crawling under my skin feeling, shooting electric pains, heat and burning, coldness under my skin, numbness like when you have a injection at the dentist to numb your teeth, buzzing, whole body vibrations etc. These sensations would occur at different times anywhere on my body including eyes, head, throat, limbs, tongue in my chest etc. It was so scary.

At the times the pain was excruciating and I would lie awake at night crying because I thought it would never go away but thankfully I'm on the mend now. 

gingerj, Kenny920, DrL and 7 people reacted
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Posted by: @arusai

Took Covishield in INDIA on 7th May 2021 . Have lot of issues diziness vertigo type head swirling and chest pain .

it does not go after 3 months also, as now also I feel the same . consultanted a homeopath and took some medicines , did not subside.  Consulted a cardiologist , he says the symptoms are not because of vaccine .  encouraged me to go for 2nd dose .  

But I am too scared as I still feel dizzy and have pains in legs . I feel so weak and energyless . 

do not want to risk taking the 2nd dose , too scared of the consequence .after 1st dose so many issues , God knows what will happen if I take 2nd Dose. 

I see no one in INDIA complain much , even though many my have faced consequences. That said may be vaccine is not bad as so many are perfect with vaccine ( many in my family are ok) seems that it behaves differently in some people


Hey fellow Indian, how are you now? How is the chest pain? Are you feeling better?

I have been having the same symptoms too....

Do reply. Make use of the quote option when you do. Take care

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Posted by: @lmkk
Posted by: @medee
Posted by: @lmkk
Posted by: @medee
Posted by: @lmkk

@pfizervictim Hi there. Have you tried eating fresh pineapple and having turmeric daily? I find that it does help knock the edge off my symptoms which is better than nothing I suppose. If you haven't already give them a try as they are probably the strongest natural anti inflammatory foods you can get. I'm also stuffing my face with baby sweetcorn as they are supposed to be good for the eyes. My eye pain has mostly gone now I'm nearly ten weeks out from my first jab although I do still get random eye "wobbling" at times.

How are you feeling these days? I see the turmeric has helped you cure. How do we go about it? Drink water mixed with turmeric or something else?

Have you been completely recovered from the side effects? What were your symptoms...

Will wait for your response.

Do use the Quote option while replying. It helps in knowing which comment is being replied to. 


Take care!



Hi there.

My symptoms were mainly strong pins and needles, weakness and numbness in feet, hands and face. Along with dizziness and joint pain and mild gastrointestinal disorders.

On a good day I feel about 75% better which I never thought I would be saying.

I take turmeric capsules daily from Holland and Barrett and I make myself a cup of turmeric tea before bed which I make using turmeric powder from my spice rack with hot water, honey and ginger.

Hope this helps. 

Glad you're recovering! I have chest and nerve pain. And some werid feeling in my heas at times. Did you have anything of this sort?

How long has it been since your shot? I mean, how long did it take for you to recover?

I'm 3.5 months out from my first Pfizer vaccine. I'm still recovering at the moment but I'm most days around 75% better.

I have experienced strong nerve pain for the first 4-6 weeks after my vaccine. After it peaked around 6 weeks it has been very very slowly getting better. 

I also experienced strange sensations in my body including insect crawling under my skin feeling, shooting electric pains, heat and burning, coldness under my skin, numbness like when you have a injection at the dentist to numb your teeth, buzzing, whole body vibrations etc. These sensations would occur at different times anywhere on my body including eyes, head, throat, limbs, tongue in my chest etc. It was so scary.

At the times the pain was excruciating and I would lie awake at night crying because I thought it would never go away but thankfully I'm on the mend now. 

You give me hope! Did you consult any doctors for the chest pain and nerve pain?

And the other symptoms too? Are you veen taking any home remedies?

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Posted by: @nath7

@medee first couple of days on meds does give relief but I think our bodies are so over reactive that we seem to get all sorts of reactions. Honestly I haven’t found anything to really help I get relief off some meds but they cause other issues. I’ve found that it seems to be flare ups so you will feel worse during some weeks but then they do seem to calm down for a couple days, personally I feel as time goes by some issues seem to drift off and others come up. A hot water bottle seemed to help when I was having bad chest pains I would hold a hot water bottle on my chest. Might of just been a comfort thing but seemed to take the edge off. 

Did you do any test for the chest pain? Any issues in your head too?

Or just let it subside on its own?

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Posted by: @medee
Posted by: @lmkk
Posted by: @medee
Posted by: @lmkk
Posted by: @medee
Posted by: @lmkk

@pfizervictim Hi there. Have you tried eating fresh pineapple and having turmeric daily? I find that it does help knock the edge off my symptoms which is better than nothing I suppose. If you haven't already give them a try as they are probably the strongest natural anti inflammatory foods you can get. I'm also stuffing my face with baby sweetcorn as they are supposed to be good for the eyes. My eye pain has mostly gone now I'm nearly ten weeks out from my first jab although I do still get random eye "wobbling" at times.

How are you feeling these days? I see the turmeric has helped you cure. How do we go about it? Drink water mixed with turmeric or something else?

Have you been completely recovered from the side effects? What were your symptoms...

Will wait for your response.

Do use the Quote option while replying. It helps in knowing which comment is being replied to. 


Take care!



Hi there.

My symptoms were mainly strong pins and needles, weakness and numbness in feet, hands and face. Along with dizziness and joint pain and mild gastrointestinal disorders.

On a good day I feel about 75% better which I never thought I would be saying.

I take turmeric capsules daily from Holland and Barrett and I make myself a cup of turmeric tea before bed which I make using turmeric powder from my spice rack with hot water, honey and ginger.

Hope this helps. 

Glad you're recovering! I have chest and nerve pain. And some werid feeling in my heas at times. Did you have anything of this sort?

How long has it been since your shot? I mean, how long did it take for you to recover?

I'm 3.5 months out from my first Pfizer vaccine. I'm still recovering at the moment but I'm most days around 75% better.

I have experienced strong nerve pain for the first 4-6 weeks after my vaccine. After it peaked around 6 weeks it has been very very slowly getting better. 

I also experienced strange sensations in my body including insect crawling under my skin feeling, shooting electric pains, heat and burning, coldness under my skin, numbness like when you have a injection at the dentist to numb your teeth, buzzing, whole body vibrations etc. These sensations would occur at different times anywhere on my body including eyes, head, throat, limbs, tongue in my chest etc. It was so scary.

At the times the pain was excruciating and I would lie awake at night crying because I thought it would never go away but thankfully I'm on the mend now. 

You give me hope! Did you consult any doctors for the chest pain and nerve pain?

And the other symptoms too? Are you veen taking any home remedies?

I saw my family doctor then saw a private doctor. I was only recommend to take ibuprofen to reduce inflammation in my body. Home remedies are turmeric.

Arica30 and Arica30 reacted
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Posted by: @lmkk
Posted by: @saba

@ldcorum Please do get the floaters checked out since you had a sudden onset of them. You want to make sure that the retina is intact etc. If that checks out well, it may be really hard for you to find any answer as to what they are and will they go away, etc. I have seen one optometrist, 2 ophthalmologists, 1 retina specialist, 1 neurologist just for the floaters in the last 5 months, and no one has any freaking idea about if/why/how the vaccine would have caused it and have no remedies to offer other than get used to it or risky surgery. Unfortunately yet thankfully there are several others that have reported these after the vax, so we are not alone and I have seen a couple of reports of them fading somewhat after months, so there is hope. 

I've had floaters for a few decades now. Didn't bother me. Suddenly they became very noticeable after my first Pfizer vaccine.

Had eyes checked twice and OCT scans show eyes are in excellent health.

It's annoying and so darn strange how the vaccine could cause the flare up.

@lmkk I never had them before, but I wonder if some of us have had them always to a certain degree but had 100% adapted to them hence we never saw them and we lost the ability to suppress them somehow due to the vax or covid. The neurologist I saw did say that it is a possibility, some sort of CNS hypersensitization. I recently saw a post on Reddit covidlonghauler's group where this person had zero floaters after 12-14 months. He/she said he a lot of them but they gradually reduced to zero. So if the the cause for our floaters is the same as it is for covidlonghauler's, we may recover too.

Dee, KitKat, Dee and 1 people reacted
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Posted by: @saba
Posted by: @lmkk
Posted by: @saba

@ldcorum Please do get the floaters checked out since you had a sudden onset of them. You want to make sure that the retina is intact etc. If that checks out well, it may be really hard for you to find any answer as to what they are and will they go away, etc. I have seen one optometrist, 2 ophthalmologists, 1 retina specialist, 1 neurologist just for the floaters in the last 5 months, and no one has any freaking idea about if/why/how the vaccine would have caused it and have no remedies to offer other than get used to it or risky surgery. Unfortunately yet thankfully there are several others that have reported these after the vax, so we are not alone and I have seen a couple of reports of them fading somewhat after months, so there is hope. 

I've had floaters for a few decades now. Didn't bother me. Suddenly they became very noticeable after my first Pfizer vaccine.

Had eyes checked twice and OCT scans show eyes are in excellent health.

It's annoying and so darn strange how the vaccine could cause the flare up.

@lmkk I never had them before, but I wonder if some of us have had them always to a certain degree but had 100% adapted to them hence we never saw them and we lost the ability to suppress them somehow due to the vax or covid. The neurologist I saw did say that it is a possibility, some sort of CNS hypersensitization. I recently saw a post on Reddit covidlonghauler's group where this person had zero floaters after 12-14 months. He/she said he a lot of them but they gradually reduced to zero. So if the the cause for our floaters is the same as it is for covidlonghauler's, we may recover too.

I hope so. I was just reading another post you made about seeing halo's and sprinkles I think you described in a different post. I literally have had my second OCT eye scan in six weeks because I was getting worried about my eyes. I started noticing visual disturbances about 6 weeks after my Pfizer vaccine which included dots of light for a second and occasional flashes of light. 

OCT scan revealed eyes in perfect health. Then symptoms went away for a few weeks. Fast forward 4 weeks I started having worse visual disturbances. More frequent dots and flashes of light with occasional episodes of vision wobbling. I also noticed haloes last night and got an emergency appointment today. Again OTC scan and other tests reveal nothing other than eyes in perfect condition. I'm going to push my GP to get referred for an MRI or something as it's bothering me that its flared up 3.5 months after my vaccine. It's a sad small comfort to know others are experiencing the same issue at least I know it's most likely vaccine related and nothing horrible.

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5 months after vaccine 1 dose of Pfizer. my dizziness is not as strong as at the beginning after the vaccination, my pulse and heart rate have returned to normal. However, in my right eye my vision is blurry, my muscles ache and I have tremors in my arms, legs, abdomen, and head. My hand at the injection site periodically hurts, I have gastrointestinal problems, diarrhea. Who has pain in the arm at the injection site and muscle tremors? write please!

KitKat and KitKat reacted
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