@riya so sad to hear...how is she now?
hi all,
I’m here, searching for answers too. I contracted cv19 in March 2020 in Scotland.
I had mild symptoms and fully recovered after 3 weeks, I was back at work after a week.
About 6 weeks later I began to exercise fully again. I started on 15 mile bike rides then onto 30 miles quite quickly. I was fasting also during these bike rides with it. Anyway, I came home one day after a two hour cycle and took a dizzy spell. This has never gone away and the degrees vary from mild to bad. I have tinnitus also now.
I then progressed onto the fatigue and flu like symptoms after ANY exercise, including walking. I have got slightly better, but don’t feel as though I’ll ever be the same. I also have LVH, not sure if caused by cov19.My bloods came back normal. The ENT specialist told me it was a central issue in my brain and not ears.
Not sure where to turn next. I have taken every supplement under the sun. I have had rehab and will now be trying out a hyperbolic oxygen chamber to see if that will help!!!
sorry for the negative tone, but it’s so difficult to stay positive after being lightheaded for 18 months.
Good luck everyone
Cycling is one of those exercises that burns a lot of calories. The body quickly enters into stress and continues to experience it after the end of the workout. This is especially difficult to tolerate after a disease that was not previously known to the immune system. I'm sorry that you are experiencing dizziness, I hope you are better now and the warch was able to help you. Good luck!
@betth Frank, If you've been told you have Central Vertigo, your best bet is to see a neurologist or neurtologist - someone who deals with the central nervous system. That means the origin of your symptoms is not in your inner ear, even though your inner ear is affected. It's important to find someone who is familiar with vestibular disorders. Another thought is to be evaluated by a Vestibular Therapist (specially trained physical therapist).
I just stumbled on this site and was amazed as we haven't been able to find anything like it.
My husband had a SUDDEN out of the blue attack. One min he was fine the next he was dizzy, on the floor, vomiting and I had to call 911. I thought he was having a heart attack, and he was completely out of it.
Scariest night of our lives!
This was Early June 2020, so just into the Pandemic enough, that there was No way I was allowed in the Ambulance or in the Hospital. Needless to say I wasn't the one affected, but my world was spinning!
He spends 3 nights in the hospital, the first 2 nearly incoherent. When he was able to be diacharged I picked him up and he was still a mess. So dizzy he could not walk straight. Weak, nauseous, headache, tinnitus which he'd actually always had but was livable without intervention. A fullness in his 1 ear (I think Left).
We didn't know if he'd had a stroke, a brain bleeding or tumor or what! We got little answers from the hospital. It was only our own research that led us to believing it was labyrinthitus. Went to an ENT and more tests. An MRI of Brain w/out contrast, then went for hearing tests and another full evaluation by ENT. Still no real answers. Finally told, vestibular neuritis. Same deal, mecklazine (but told not to stay on long) and Valium.
His dizziness was mostly debilitating, aside from some days here and there, but he has a demanding job, but works from home, so he got back to it rather soon. Still symptoms persisted. Migrains would come on and ringing was worse, fullness in ear & continued dizziness. Definate hearing loss.
It's now September 2022. Most of his major issues are finally gone as of maybe 6 months ago, w/occasional dizzyspells, same level of tinnitus he's always had.
He also took the ripoflavaboid during the worst of it.
At this point My entire reason for registering on this site after stumbling on this forum, is to find out WHY! Why did this happen?
Wanting to know the commonality amongst others.
Does anyone else think they'd had Covid prior to onset? We were sick in early March 2020, caught whatever our then 4 year old had.. BUT HE was Covid Neg. And we were never tested. Tests weren't easy to come by yet and given our son was negative, we felt we just had whatever he did have. My son however did get pneumonia, but I caught it early, had his chest xrayd and had him treated. So we've always felt that even though his test was neg, that we may well have all had it. Which is so, means this attack my husband had would have been 3 months on its heels.
So I'm wondering if there is a tie to this Vestibular Neuritis/Vertigo/Labyrinthitus, to Covid, and seems the only way to know is to ask the groups of people affected.
Please let me know if anyone else can reflect and see if they believe there is a connection. Or any other pertinent info.
Thank you. And I completely feel for all of you having nursed my beloved back to health.
It's great to find a site where I can explain what's going on with my balance to people who understand as sadly my GP in Wales has shown little interest. I actually had a severe vertigo attack two weeks after my first Pfizer vaccine, but it wasn't until the same thing happened after my second that things began to fit into place. That was 19 months ago and my symptoms which are in tune with many on this forum it seems have waxed and waned since then. I had to give up work as an optometrist as I simply couldn't concentrate on my patients as I used all my energy just managing my fatigue/vertigo bouts and vision. I have had periods when I begin to feel more confident and more balanced and start cycling a little and being more active thinking I'm over the worst then it all comes back again. Each day is an adventure and I never really know what the day will be like. I have tried various supplements but not convinced they have really helped. Keeping hydrated and sleeping well have proved the two key things that seem to help control the vertigo. I seem to have BPPV and have learned not to turn quickly or put my head back. All my movements are slow and deliberate but that is not the whole story as I can get a wave of vertigo passing over me when I am doing nothing and this usually precedes a headache lasting a couple of hours. Sadly I have come to the conclusion that I will have to live with this now. I am sorry so many others are going through the same but it is somehow a help to know I am not alone. I am a Christian and my faith has helped me put my problems into perspective. Thank you VEDA for your helpful web pages and forums.
Hello Guys, hope you guys hanging in there.
I wanted to share what I am going through in a very brief way and see if someone can relate.
Oct 2021 - took my second Pfizer shot
4 days after that, I started getting dizzy/imbalance after having lunch(would last for a few mins)
Then it began with all meals, got worried a few sugar test, all ok. Now the dizziness is became a whole day thing, heavy headed, brain fog, anxiety and depression to an extent.
Got diagnosed with VM by Nov 2021 itself, but the allopathy meds messed me up, I became more silent, depressed, dizziness was the same so I gave up all meds and began homeopathy, its been a year and its not really gone, intensity has reduced but that due to me not becoming anxious about it.
The reason I am writing here is because my symptoms increase/decrease as per my stomach, if I eat all of junk, my dizziness increases by the next day, if i eat clean, its less intense. Also any rocking motion, I get very dizzy and it stays.
Does anyone out here feel that the VM is majorly caused by the gut and if anyone has recovered from it, I am exercising and losing weight, I am overweight by 20 kgs.
Hi everyone, I just wanted to come on here with a SUCCESS story as I was on this forum regularly about a year ago with all of the debilitating symptoms that changed my life overnight including POTS, high BP, neuropathy, severe vertigo and dizziness, new panic attacks, horrific new anxiety, palpitations, paranoia, claustrophobia, severe food sensitivities, insomnia, severe neck pain, nerve pain all over, tremors and tingles, odd sensations in my face, gallbladder and pancreas pain, awful awful awful and saw every specialist and had every test under the sun
I am doing GREAT and am feeling 100% as of May of 2022 (Had Pfizer shots summer of 2021, severe symptoms lasted August 2021-May 2022)
My advice is:
#1) Find yourself a functional/holistic medicine doctor, naturopathic doctor, cranial sacral/bodywork specialist/ therapist. You NEED someone to guide you with supplements and gentle detox protocols for YOU and they provide so much emotional support and are a wealth of knowledge of what works and what doesn’t. They can run tests that regular useless docs cannot. I discovered I had underlying high toxicity from years of chemical exposure (hair salon, DIY projects, food, environmental), undiagnosed Lyme disease, parasites and mold exposure which I knew about (yes, very common and can cause debilitating symptoms that exacerbate Vax side effects, TMI I passed MANY visible parasites and still do on occasion, yikes but fascinating!) and had poor methylation and liver function and estrogen dominance plus now the added burden on my immune system of a vaccine that my body simply could not tolerate
#2) DNRS or Gupta training. If you are experiencing odd symptoms especially neurological chances are your brain/limbic system is impaired and you are in fight or flight/sympathetic dominance and you cannot heal in this state easily. Covid and the vaccines are triggers for brain impairment and this explains the “mystery symptoms”, the brain is overreacting and controls the immune, detox, endocrine, adrenals, heart etc etc. This was the MAIN THING that healed me! Watch YouTube testimonials under “Retrain the brain” or look into the Gupta program
#3) Follow accounts on Instagram that will inspire your journey. (Dr. Charlie Fagenholz 2.0, Dr. CalvinNg from the Cohn Institute, Paola Xhuli, Dr. Cassie Huckaby, Dr. Motley, Dr. Stanton Hom, etc.)They prove that the body and mind can heal and a lot of them take clients virtually
I followed parasite and mold protocols, chemical toxicity protocols, saw a holistic chiropractor, holistic naturopath, holistic functional medicine doc/cranial sacral therapist. It took time but DNRS really kicked my healing to gear within weeks. Find your team of people that resonate with you that can help but YOU CAN HEAL!!
I hope this helps and never give up! Xo -Marie
New here , but suffered all the vax symptoms that has been mentioned on this forum and many others , vax taken fyzer , what it does is causes a cytokine storm , chronic inflammation, body wide , what worked for me is 1. Good diet , 2. Good sleep . 3 a naturopath who does in house testing of saliva , urine and microscopic blood test , my blood was shown to be coagulating also ( micro blood clots ) . Bioceuticals that cleared inflammation and the clots 1. NKCP 2 gut inlfammx. 3 immune lymphodran. 4 concoction of herbs . Your naturopath will diagnose according to lab results. Never give up hope our bodies were designed to repair and regenerate but sometimes we need to service them as we service our vehicles.
@wynwilliams I just came across your posting and felt I had to reply. I had the same symptoms of vertigo although for me it felt more life something was shifting inside my head as opposed to room spinning. I also had loss of balance and the feeling that my legs were no longer my own. It felt like the connection between my brain and legs had been severed. My symptoms came and went but finally after 18 months from my initial shot the strange dizziness and other symptoms are gone. I quit caffeine and also limited my screen time and this seemed to help a lot. I just wanted to say don’t give up hoping for recovery it does happen. Good luck going forward and I hope you make a complete recovery
I’m 26 and have been desperately trying to find similar stories to mine. I am sat here tearing up, heart racing to have finally found out that I’m not going crazy.
I had 2 doses of moderna, of which I was fine with. Then 19th June 2022 I had my booster which was Pfizer. 10 days after and every day since, my vision is like I’m tipsy, or drunk. I have anxiety and panic attacks like I have never felt before, fatigue beyond anything I can fathom and I can’t think straight for my university work at all. Palpitations, sweaty palms, hot and cold flushes, loss of appetite… you name it. Never experienced this before the booster jab.
I’ve had blood tests, ECG, vertigo tests all of which are clear. I keep insisting it’s no coincidence that I was healthy before my booster, and now I’m experiencing all of this. Doctor won’t really acknowledge it and just said to ride it out as I was healthy before and hopefully this will all pass in time.
I’m scared, I have felt so alone, even though I’ve read all of this feed. One minute I can feel strong and think, it’s fine, it’s going to pass, you’ve got this, and then it literally can be 10 minutes later and I’m thinking the complete opposite, feeling panicky even about doing simple things like eating in public or driving.
it’s mentally exhausting. I don’t know where to go or what to do. I’m in Wales, and can only read your stories and keep telling myself I’m not alone. So thank you to you all for a little piece of comfort.
my main fear is that doctors can’t/won’t help me or believe me, and that this is never going to go away.
@wynwilliams I am also in Wales. I relate to you. I am only 4 months post booster jab (Pfizer) which is from what my symptoms started. My doctor also doesn’t seem to have any answers. I also fear I will just have to live with it. I hope you receive some answers or some sort of relief.
I earlier reported dizziness and vertigo after my 2nd Pfizer vaccination. This occurred while on vacation in Thailand and was first diagnosed there as BPPV. Since returning to Switzerland where I live it has now been diagnosed as Vestibular neuritis caused either by an internal viral infection of the inner ear OR changes in the immune system, There is no cure for this. The only help is physio to help the other ear compensate for loss of balance of the other ear. Luckily we have any exceptional ENT department at our university hospital in Geneva, Switzerland. Hope this will help anyone else suffering from similar symptoms.
I'm sorry I fell off the map here. "There was many a slip 'tween the cup and the lip...."
I wrote quite a bit here a year or so ago after the complete disaster I experienced after the Covid MRNA vaccines. The 1st (Pfizer) in March '21 gave me tinnitus and imbalance that resolved completely by morning The 2nd (Pfizer) in late June 21 gave me 3-5 days of tinnitus, imbalance, etc. and made me feel as though my 22+ year remission from Meniere's (MD) might be coming to an end. I then had 2 subconjunctival (eye) hemorrhages, sudden (new) vestibular migraines and the definite feeling MD was on its way back to me!
I never once thought about the vaccine; it as only later I put the pieces together.
On Oct 7, 2021 I went for my booster (Moderna) and when I stood up after the vax I knew I was in trouble - big trouble. All the symptoms hit right away and I spent 10 weeks in the kind of vertiginous hell I still can't talk about, but by mid Dec I was feeling quite a bit better and even the tinnitus was gone.
Dec 23 I had a sore throat & fever and yep, my roomie had brought us a dose of Covid and I was SICK (I'm also immunocompromised) but survived and then we had it again March 3 (rolleyes 😉
I had some sort of LC but eventually recovered but for the tinnitus which I now accept as with me permanently, but for me there remained one big looming concern: What to do about a booster? I made appts to go for the MRNA and kept cancelling because I was *terrified*. Last Tuesday I went for the Novavax and people: NOT A SINGLE SIDE EFFECT! Nada. I still can't believe it and am so relieved I went.
I will always believe the MRNA vaxes triggered my long dormant MD and interestingly, with both cases of Covid, my first symptoms were tinnitus, vertigo, nausea...just like MD. I don't know how unusual my case is; I only know I spent about 13 months recovering from both the vaccines and Covid.
I wanted to make sure I checked in here because I know so many of you suffered so much of the same and I wanted to give y'all some hope. While my experience with Novavax might be unusual...it may not be. All I know is I didn't even have a sore arm and the research is pretty clear that this cax seems to have broader coverage of the myriad variants and I feel safer because I would never have been able to have another MRNA, even if it meant Covid again.
I live in Canada but it was still a bit of a wait and a drive to get Novavax but wow, am I glad I did it!
Wishing you all the best,
100% yes! In my 20's, my Meniere's (MD) was triggered by extreme sensitivity to wheat, milk, yeast, etc. I managed my MD for many years by careful diet, steroids, diuretics, occasional Valium etc. But the MRNA vaccines triggered Vestibular migraines and that was new! Up until the vaccines I could have an occasional bite of wheat, packaged foods...I was just super careful.
Since my last MRNA 13 mnths ago, my body remains in a hyper sensitive state. Things I could eat without any worry a year ago now trigger an instant recurrence of all my MD symptoms.
The link below is a wonderful resource. The "Dizzy Cook" knows all about VM and she has tons of info about them as well as recipes and dietary suggestions. I would avoid wheat, dairy, etc. but also even packaged foods because of preservatives. Do give it a looksee because the worst that can happen by trying her suggestions is you'll get healthy!
Hope this helps. Wishing you all the best.
@wynwilliams I just came across your posting and felt I had to reply. I had the same symptoms of vertigo although for me it felt more life something was shifting inside my head as opposed to room spinning. I also had loss of balance and the feeling that my legs were no longer my own. It felt like the connection between my brain and legs had been severed. My symptoms came and went but finally after 18 months from my initial shot the strange dizziness and other symptoms are gone. I quit caffeine and also limited my screen time and this seemed to help a lot. I just wanted to say don’t give up hoping for recovery it does happen. Good luck going forward and I hope you make a complete recovery
What other symptoms did you suffer from with this vaccine?