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There is increasing evidence on how sex hormones affect the inner ear. Many women report that hormonal fluctuations can trigger their vestibular symptoms. More research needs to be done to conclusively show a connection between hormonal changes and vestibular dysfunction, and until then there are few treatment options available.


Visually Induced Dizziness – “Supermarket Syndrome”

"Supermarket Syndrome" Do you dread going to the grocery store because it makes you feel bad? The maze of tall shelves, the bright lights, patterns on the floor, the overwhelming selection of items, bending down


Coping With Tinnitus

Strategies, Tips, Tools and Techniques Tinnitus, the medical term for the perception of non-existent noise, often described as ringing in the ear, is a common symptom among vestibular patients and a difficult one to address.


General Vestibulopathy

So, you’ve been diagnosed with “General Vestibulopathy.” Is it a meaningful or a worthless diagnosis? What does it mean and what do you do from here?
I recently saw WM, an established patient of mine who was doing quite well, for an annual follow up visit. Thinking back on her story reminded me of the importance of receiving a correct diagnosed when you have an inner ear problem.



What is Ototoxicity? Ototoxicity: Oto = ear; toxicity = poisoning Ototoxicity is, quite simply, ear poisoning (oto = ear, toxicity = poisoning), which results from exposure to drugs or chemicals that damage the inner ear


Vestibular Migraine

Approximately 40% of migraine patients have some accompanying vestibular syndrome involving disruption in their balance and/or dizziness at one time or another, which is often more persistent and debilitating than the original headache.


The Placebo Effect & Ménière’s disease

What is the placebo effect? First described in the early 1900s, the placebo effect is defined by Oxford Languages as a beneficial effect produced by an inactive drug or treatment that cannot be attributed to


Trouble Getting a Diagnosis?

Why is it so difficult to find a diagnosis for vestibular disorders? Many people who suffer from dizziness, imbalance, or vertigo have trouble finding out why. Dizziness and vertigo are not actually “diagnoses,” they are


Dentist’s Guide to the Dizzy Patient

Dental work can often be uncomfortable for a person with a vestibular disorder because of the intense lighting, extended amount of time requiring an open mouth, and adjusting to a reclined chair position. Sometimes people with vestibular disorders perceive that a dentist chair has been reclined beyond horizontal, even if it has not. Also, some people find it uncomfortable to be in the chair as it is lowered and raised. After the procedure, some people with balance disorders find that any residual numbness from the local anesthesia is a bit disorienting. Download this article and bring it to your dentist to educate him/her about your condition and help them make adjustments to accommodate your needs.


Staff, Board & Advisors

Meet the people behind the scenes. Staff Board of Directors Medical and Scientific Advisors STAFF VeDA's small but efficient staff understands the difficulties faced by people with vestibular disorders. We are here to help! CYNTHIA
