2023 brought a host of great victories and great challenges. But through it all, our community of donors and volunteers made it possible to make progress on the most import vestibular issues, provide ongoing support to people who are dizzy, and overcome a budget shortfall that threatened to cut VeDA’s vital services.
Below is a letter addressed to VeDA’s generous donors regarding VeDA’s financial situation, and an overview of the accomplishments that VeDA’s donors and volunteers made possible in 2023.
Dear Friend,
I want to update you about VeDA’s financial situation.
You may have seen the messages I sent at the end of 2023 addressing VeDA’s budget shortfall.
I am pleased to tell you that VeDA finished 2023 with enough funding to avoid cutting services. That is because of the generosity of people like you!
As a donor to the Vestibular Disorders Association, you provide ongoing support to people who suffer from vestibular disorders.
Thank you for subscribing to On the Level, supporting people who suffer from dizziness, and keeping VeDA strong!
I am humbled and honored by your committement to VeDA.
Cynthia Ryan
Executive Director