Emma Tracy Jones is researching the connection between balance disorders & depression and is looking for volunteers to participate in her study.
“I am researching anxiety and depression in people with balance disorders for my MSc Psychology degree at the University of East London and would like to invite you participate in my study,” says Emma. “You can complete the questionnaire anonymously and online in about 15 minutes.”
Information about the study
- Must be over the age of 18
- The online questionnaire consists of a series of self report measures of demographics, mental health, and balance related issues with the aim to explore anxiety and depression rates in people with balance disorders.
- Completing the survey is entirely voluntary, and you can decide to abandon the survey altogether at any point.
- The study has received ethical approval from UEL.
If you have any questions or concerns about the study you can contact:
- Emma Tracy Jones: [email protected]
- Meredith Terlecki (study supervisor), School of Psychology, University of East London, Water Lane, London E15 4LZ. (Tel +44 20 8223 4463. Email: [email protected])
- Dr. Mark Finn (Chair of the School of Psychology Research Ethics Sub-committee), School of Psychology, University of East London, Water Lane, London E15 4LZ. (Tel: 020 8223 4493. Email:[email protected])