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Covid-19 Vaccine side effects

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Posted by: @jasonedwarda

Update from me.


4 weeks post Vaccine.

2.5 weeks with dizzyness, light headedness, pressure on back of head, ear clogged feeling, vetigo, waves of tirednes and an increasing sense of detatchment from what I was experiencing as my reality.

At 2.5 Weeks developed Tinnitus 

Over the last 10 days I have only had 1 episode of vertigo (when climbing a tree) the pressure on the head feelings have more or less completely gone, no more light headedness, no more dizzyness and the fullness of the ear still there but only when im laying down and its barely noticeable AND my sense of reality feels like its shifted back and I feel part of my experience again as opposed to detatched.


I am a VERY active person, example I went on a 4 hour hike yesterday and had no issues what so ever...BUT I felt a.bit tired the fatigue/tiredness is just about still there but seems to be fading.


The Tinnitus, however feels like its getting progressively worse and I am having to change the way I respond to it.


Last night I accepted that I might have loud high pitched ringing in my ear forever and so I have now come to accept it is there and now i see it as background noise and NOT the only noise I am to focus on.


That simple shift in thinking has made a huge difference and I am hopeful that I can push the Tinnitus sound to the background permanently over time and live with it.


But I will still get an m.r.i anyway through GP to make sure there's nothing esle going on.


Hope this gives hope to those experiencing the same.

Ive had Tinnitus for 2 weeks now, so its early days on that one yet.

How are things how’s the tinnitus is it still present? 

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@mike411 I hope that is the case and that your sleep pattern will come back. I hope all of our sleep patterns come back because it’s literally torture. 

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@asanders I expect my tests to be negative as well. I've seen studies where they are testing for COVID specific auto-antibodies (ACE 2 receptor antibodies) but I think those are only available in research labs and not for the general public. I really hope there is an end to this. 

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@carym23: I sure hope that’s not the case. The ACE 2 receptors are all throughout our bodies. If that is the case then we could be ravaged by these vaccines and their adverse side effects. 

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Posted by: @margaret2022
Posted by: @heybro
Posted by: @alexa

Some light at the end of the tunnel. I read today, in the covid vaccine long haul autoimmune support  in facebook, 4 stories of people that had recovered almost a 100% after a year or so of suffering. They were just doing the detox that we all are talking about but they said mainly was time that healed them. I am 5 months into this now but I continue to feel dizzy, have tinnitus, brain fog,memory loss. I feel a little better from the time I had the first vertigo attack and ended up like many of you in the er. I continue taking zeolite (1 month now) and charcoal along with the other vitamins suggested.The truth about all this will come out one day. All I am thinking now is stay away from 5G and the 5G phones. Radiation to your head and it might not help with all the problems we already have.

Thank you.  I have read in various places that at 15 months the cells that the vaccine damaged will die off.  So that should be a good date to watch out for to see improvement.

WHAT is the detox these people were taking?

that’s the link there 

Thank you.

Pine needle tea made things worse for me.

Curcumin made things extremely bad for me.

However, glutathione has helped a lot as has Vitamin E and Selenium.

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Posted by: @margaret2022
Posted by: @heybro
Posted by: @alexa

Some light at the end of the tunnel. I read today, in the covid vaccine long haul autoimmune support  in facebook, 4 stories of people that had recovered almost a 100% after a year or so of suffering. They were just doing the detox that we all are talking about but they said mainly was time that healed them. I am 5 months into this now but I continue to feel dizzy, have tinnitus, brain fog,memory loss. I feel a little better from the time I had the first vertigo attack and ended up like many of you in the er. I continue taking zeolite (1 month now) and charcoal along with the other vitamins suggested.The truth about all this will come out one day. All I am thinking now is stay away from 5G and the 5G phones. Radiation to your head and it might not help with all the problems we already have.

Thank you.  I have read in various places that at 15 months the cells that the vaccine damaged will die off.  So that should be a good date to watch out for to see improvement.

WHAT is the detox these people were taking?

that’s the link there 

Thank you.

Pine needle tea made things worse for me.

Curcumin made things extremely bad for me.

However, glutathione has helped a lot as has Vitamin E and Selenium.

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@nickpaul , has your dizziness resolved?

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Posted by: @asanders
Posted by: @margaret2022

I developed hypercusis tinnitus and eye issues 6 weeks post moderna. My 3rd jab dunno why I got the third jab I regret it 10000000%. It wasn’t even mandatory. I remember this little bout of the same symptoms happening to me 6 weeks post my first jab but it all went away within a couple of days. Now after my Third it’s been since January 10th 2022. It’s ruined my life. I have to wear a ear plug in my left ear. But I’m wondering if because my eye is affected from the sound or vibration does that mean it’s damaged? 

it started off with just a weird eye like a strain then hypercusis came on then dizzy and buzzing feeling in my head made my head feel funny I can’t sleep at night only get 5 hours of sleep with frequent waking up. Mri ct bloodwork are good hearing tests are good. 

the eye thing caused me to have anxiety and then my nerves felt like they were shot. Then occasionally I felt a weirdness in my calves on both sides of my legs. It would come and go. In the beginning of January it would only be hypercusis or hypersensitive hearing in the afternoon when I’d wake up I would think things are better then as the day went it go worse. But the head buzzing feeling was always there. Which  then made my eye feel strained or pain. Then the painkinda went to my other eye. The wasn’t always there. But when I focused on something my eye would hurt. I seen the eye doctor everything is normal even my optic nerves no changes to vision either. Although I did develop two floaters after I was exposed to a loud sound without ear protection. Man that was awful. Anyone having the same symptoms? I ordered all the herbal stuff recommended from that protein spike detox I’m hoping it works. Omg. I feel so alone so down wishing it would go away I feel like such a burden to my family. Work is impossible these days just so much damn noise. I was fine after my second jab too. 

I have occasional eye pain but no problems with my sight. Sometimes I feel immense heat on right side of my face together with right eye pain. I think it is vagus nerve inflammation.

My fırst tinnitus started at around month 2 or 3. It was one ear and it was like butterfly wing flapping. After a month it was gone. But then at around month 7,  a metallic tinnutus began. Now I hear metalling buzzing in both my ears and I have sound hypersensitivity. But I guess it is not so bad because I dont need to use earplugs yet. And also my tinnitus comes and goes.

My major problems are heat sensation moving from place to place in my body , moving bone and muscle  pain, pins and needlees,  and nonstop twitches and jerks.

Even a small exercise or carrying groceries cause my arms to twitch and then to wobble. I am scared to use my arms. My legs are not so bad but I have weird pain, popping sounds, and heat problems in my legs and feet.  Oh and dizziness.. sometimes I feel like I am sailing in a boat. 

Sometimes I think this is temprorary but then I realize its been nearly 10 months and it is getting worse. I am trying every supplement I can find but nothing seems to work. 

Also the duration  between flares is getting smaller. I guess eventally there wont be any remissions for me but all flares.

@asanders, I am sorry to hear.  Is your dizziness still bad everyday?  Do you have vertigo?

I am on month 6 post Pfizer 2nd shot and am still suffering!

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@heybro I

what were your symptoms ?

what symptoms got worse after pine needle?

how did the glutathion help?

how long being on it did it help?



KitKat and KitKat reacted
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Posted by: @margaret2022

@heybro I

what were your symptoms ?

what symptoms got worse after pine needle?

how did the glutathion help?

how long being on it did it help?




My original symptoms were all nerve problems: the nerves under my shoulder blades being pancaked together and also trying to tear apart, the nerve across my stomach firing off as if electric bands at night, the nerves on my side forming into three balls of pressure, nerve pain radiating up my back.  


Ivermectin and Pepcid (an h2 blocker) healed most of the problems but I still had persistent nerve pressure across my stomach and up my back that prevented me from sleeping.  Glutathione helped me to sleep at night even though I still had these symptoms during the day.

When I started Vitamin E and selenium in addition to glutathione, I was able to sleep all night and stay symptom free (for the most part) during the day.  But if I stop these things, the nerve pressure across the stomach and up the back comes back.

The pine needle tea made the nerves in my entire body feel really really weird.  The hardest part was when I stopped taking pine needle tea.  When I was on it, I felt weird and the nerves in my whole body felt weird.  But once I stopped taking it, I went into this huge episode of overall nerve pressure and pain and it seemed like my body was separate from my somehow.

As with anything, go slow and only do one thing at a time so you know what is causing what.

Glutathione helped the first time I took it and I've been on it ever since.  It's been almost a year now.


DrL and DrL reacted
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@heybro thanks for the reply…have you tried those other supplements that were suggested in the article


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Posted by: @margaret2022

@heybro thanks for the reply…have you tried those other supplements that were suggested in the article


No.  I was doing really well before I tried pine needle tea which derailed all my progress so I'm not going to try anything else right now since I'm on an OK path again right now.

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I’m gonna be making Rosemary tea today and drink it all this week it’s supposed to be good for inflammation as well

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Posted by: @heybro
Posted by: @margaret2022

@heybro thanks for the reply…have you tried those other supplements that were suggested in the article


No.  I was doing really well before I tried pine needle tea which derailed all my progress so I'm not going to try anything else right now since I'm on an OK path again right now.

Crap…sorry about that. Don’t give up hope read all this different types of herbal stuff and see what helps with what. I know there has to be something out there just like the other stuff did you well. Don’t give up keep digging.

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Posted by: @margaret2022
Posted by: @heybro
Posted by: @margaret2022

@heybro thanks for the reply…have you tried those other supplements that were suggested in the article


No.  I was doing really well before I tried pine needle tea which derailed all my progress so I'm not going to try anything else right now since I'm on an OK path again right now.

Crap…sorry about that. Don’t give up hope read all this different types of herbal stuff and see what helps with what. I know there has to be something out there just like the other stuff did you well. Don’t give up keep digging.

Thank you.

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