@gm1988 I had a positive ANA and went to a rheumatologist. Had to wait almost 2 months for appt. He ordered a ton of labs and said he would call if something was abnormal. A week later I called and was told he signed off on labs as “overall normal.” They said he will review them w me at my next appt on May 11. After almost a year with symptoms, I really think I should know my lab results sooner than 6 weeks after draw. He did mention that drug induced lupus was a possibility. Wish I had more to share.
@margaret2022 thank you for the information. I’m traveling next week and am feeling so much anxiety.
If anyone else has traveled after the vax. Please let me know how it went.
@ksharky13 curious to hear back from you on this. My ANA was low but I had it checked 11 months after vaccine. Was wondering what the levels would have been earlier.
Well I thought I’d share with everyone I bought a test req online to get my bloodwork done to see how high my antibody levels are from this whole ordeal that is killing our precious cells in our bodies. I also will be starting on herbals once they arrive.
Yesterday I started on Flonase which I purchased over the counter. Wow it did give some relief for my hearing sensitivity and it kinda helped with my eye…I was like okay is this all in my head or is this really helping. I think it’s helping me. So I took it again this morning along with an Advil 200mg liquid gel cuz it absorbs better..and I also took a prenatal vitamin vit c vit d b12 cuz that’s all I have those vitamins I’ve been on for a bit now but the prenatal I started yesterday. I’m also taking melatonin at bedtime because it’s also an anti inflammatory agent. And my diets consists of anti inflammatory foods…so hopefully this all goes well…I’m gonna update every other day or every day if there’s improvements….
@lynnekirkpatrick Hi Lynn, I'm also in Uk .... had astrazenica 1st jab 12 months ago and still suffering now . Symptoms began during the first few days after jab and much the same as yours apart from I also developed a strange clampy sort of headache which is constant and also tingling in my head.I was just wondering if you are still suffering and did you receive any help from neurology.Hopefully you get this message and wishing you well
kind regards
@gm1988 I had a positive ANA and went to a rheumatologist. Had to wait almost 2 months for appt. He ordered a ton of labs and said he would call if something was abnormal. A week later I called and was told he signed off on labs as “overall normal.” They said he will review them w me at my next appt on May 11. After almost a year with symptoms, I really think I should know my lab results sooner than 6 weeks after draw. He did mention that drug induced lupus was a possibility. Wish I had more to share.
My doctors told me it is not induced lupus. After my first postitive ANA they checked for lupus antibodies which came back negative. Also my second ANA was negative too.
This is probaby an immune reaction to spike proteins that our cells are producing. The problem is if/when our cells are going to stop producing spike? these proteins are randomly accumulating at different places of our body and causing unstoppapble inflammation. This inflammation ends up damaging our arteries, veins, nerves, bones, organs, muscles
What would make our cells to stop producing spike? I have no idea....they probably wont stop.
read this…start your healing journey ❤️🩹
we got this …let’s do this..herbs…I’ve seen success stories using those herbs…spread the word..
Believe me Ive tried nearly every single one of those herbs for months, perhaps they may have helped a little if I started earlier like immediatly after the jab. Now they have little to no effect on my symptoms. But still using them because there is nothing else I can do.
Hey guys
Just wanted to swing by with an update
I phoned my GP on Monday to ask them whether there is any other medication I can be moved onto rather than just the anti sickness tablets I’d been put on before as after 3 weeks signed off work, I desperately need to earn some money so would try anything.
She prescribed me betahistine dihydrochloride which looks to be a medication to treat vertigo and menieres disease.
I started them on Monday afternoon and it’s now Saturday evening, I’ve barely been dizzy since, tinnitus is much better too. I don’t want to speak too soon but it seems to be helping. Before Monday I could barely drive 5 miles without feeling majorly dizzy but I managed to drive 30 miles yesterday and 30 miles back home today then work for 3 hours and I don’t feel too bad.
I wouldn’t say I feel right yet but there’s a significant difference to how I have been feeling.
My main issue is that my symptoms have always come and gone in the week, some days I wake up and feel fine, but more often than not I feel awful.
Just thought I’d update in case others hadn’t tried these tablets.
@carym23: I'll be sure to post my experience / results after I see the rheumatologist. About 20 years ago I had a low ANA test result (1:40), that was included in an overall lab work. I didn't even realize it until I saw that test result in my paperwork. My physician back then never did anything about it. My recent test came back high / strong (1:160), so something has happened. I'm assuming that they will do more specific ANA tests that will come back negative, meaning the vaccine created an autoimmune type response from our immune system to attack the spike proteins. Unfortunately, I think the mRNA / spike proteins have been able to travel all over our bodies, thus having multiple systems, organs, etc. being attacked by our own immune system. As I've said before, we can only hope that the damage is temporary and not permanent. The truth will eventually come out (it already is, in fact) and we will be vindicated. In the meantime we need to support each other. Take care.
Some light at the end of the tunnel. I read today, in the covid vaccine long haul autoimmune support in facebook, 4 stories of people that had recovered almost a 100% after a year or so of suffering. They were just doing the detox that we all are talking about but they said mainly was time that healed them. I am 5 months into this now but I continue to feel dizzy, have tinnitus, brain fog,memory loss. I feel a little better from the time I had the first vertigo attack and ended up like many of you in the er. I continue taking zeolite (1 month now) and charcoal along with the other vitamins suggested.The truth about all this will come out one day. All I am thinking now is stay away from 5G and the 5G phones. Radiation to your head and it might not help with all the problems we already have.
Thank you. I have read in various places that at 15 months the cells that the vaccine damaged will die off. So that should be a good date to watch out for to see improvement.
WHAT is the detox these people were taking?
that’s the link there
@tennyson77 Hi - I've read your previous posts with interest and wonder whether the improvements you have had have been due to compensation for the 25% degradation on the right side? I have not done any VNG or caloric tests so far since my UK ENT says they can be costly, although I am likely to proceed given that I have had some improvements but still have swaying/lightheaded sensations when walking so compensation is "incomplete". It would be interesting to confirm the degree of impairment and whether it's only in my left side as the ENT suspects (he suggests likely Vestibular Neuritis based on his office-based exam). He has advised against steroids or any drugs given their "nasty" side effects and the fact that their impact is temporary rather than permanent. Thanks!
I probably agree with the doctor that steroids are mostly just temporary. There is an argument giving them within the first few weeks, as it helps recovery. But after that it'll just mask the symptoms for a while.
I've slowly improved. I had a slight regression after my booster shot, but still holding my own. I saw a new ENT and described my remaining systems, she put a scope way up my nose and said my eustachian tubes were blocked. So she's prescribed nasal steroids, saline washes etc, for now. I'd say outside (like walking around outside or going on hikes) I'm almost back to 100%. Inside I still have a few issues, mostly with people at close distances (like having coffee with friends). But i'm slowly getting better.
Did you look into this?
I started on Flonase last night and then again this morning I’m impressed it helped with my hearing sensitivity it was soooo bad it lightened up not $100 percent but I’m gonna keep at it see how things are after a week
@margaret2022: You say that the Flonase helped with your hearing sensitivity. Do you also have tinnitus and, if yes, did it help with that too? Thanks.
I felt well enough to drive my son to a medical appointment yesterday, barely. It took every bit of resources I could muster and left me very depleted, continuing into today. This was 10 days after feeling like I'd lapsed to square one after 3+ months of these issues.
During that 10 days I did a second 6-day Medrol taper. Crazy highs and lows and I don't know what's next. It at least bought me some temporary recovery while I wait for MRI next week, which was my ENT's intentions.
But doing the steroid is a difficult ride for me with the pronounced effects it gives me, physically, mentally and emotionally, so I'm not sure I want to do that anymore in the future. Others have said they felt very little effect from steroids, intended therapeutics and/or side effects, but I have a long history of overreacting to influences on my body. In fact, that's why I arrived here! 🤨🙏
Good for you for making that journey, that's progress in my book.🙏😊
Hi Tabby, I'm glad to hear you've begun to feel better again! At this point I know that every little hill won can feel like a small mountain of victory! I hope you have more and more better days!
I'm continuing in recovery mode here. Waking up this morning I'm aware of episodes of nystagmus in bed overnight and this morning, but I'm thankful they didn't follow me out of bed a bit ago!
I realized I want to ask others a question associated with the course of my symptoms. At the beginning of all this in early March I had lots of vertigo, nystagmus and nausea. As that subsided into more dizziness and nausea, I heard others sharing about unilateral (one sided) symptoms. I couldn't localize where my vestibular system was wonky.
Only as time went on, did I begin to have facial numbness, then ear canal numbness, adding ear fullness and mild ear pain all unilateral to the right. So, l could then understand it to be likely that my right vestibular system was affected. Later, I added pressure in my right sinus - without congestion and mild tinnitus to my symptoms. As that has quite slowly grown in intensity, I realized that my left ear seemed to enjoy quiet, while it was my right ear that seemed to be sending this sound of static to my brain.These symptoms that grew slowly have lessened during each of the 2 Medrol paks I took, then rebounded afterwards.
So, I'm wondering if others have experienced a similar additional cluster of symptoms that came on belatedly, gradually, and increasingly on one side?
Hi Sassafras. Thank you for your good wishes. Still feel like I'm making some progress.
I don't think my symptoms have ever been as bad as yours. I haven't had nystgmus, vertigo, facial numbness or ear canal numbness. I have had the feeling of ear fullness in my left ear more so than my right, some ear ache there too, I'm also sensitive to noises, any little unexpected noise startles me.
My tinnitus, which I had before the jabs, is now louder, I cannot say which ear is affected mostly, I understand this to be brain noise rather than ear noise?? Dizziness has been my worse problem and migraine type headaches which always affect the top right of my head. If I turn onto my right side in bed I feel dizzy.
When I had tinnitus several years ago, I had the same problem with dizziness turning onto my right side in bed. I went to ENT about it and nothing was found. Hearing was normal, had the Epley but no nystagmus or vertigo was detected. No diagnoses was offered apart from neck tension issues, caused by forward head posture, damaging the nerves in my neck. I sometime wonder whether too much aspirin brought on my tinnitus initially because I used to get migraines and I'd take aspirin in fear of getting one so that I would be able to go to work. I couldn't take anything else at the time, not even paracetamol.
I get sinus problems, both sides, stuffy nose feelings. This can be affected by diet I've noticed. I have tried to analyse it all but I cannot make sense of it,to sum up I would say my left ear is worse than my right but my right side of by head is worse than my left. The whole situation has caused me anxiety too. The experience I've had since the jabs is like the dream I had last night, I dreamt I won the lottery but lost my ticket so couldn't claim the benefits. Sorry I can't be of any help, this vaccine enigma is as baffling to me as it is you. Best wishes.🙏😊
I’m curious did your hearing sensitivity subside? Did you take anything? Did your tinnitus improve?
I took Flonase last night and it helped with my hearing sensitivity…so I’m gonna try it for the remainder of the week…see how it goes …I hope you’re feeling much better it’s almost a year ehh