@tone thank you. I am on anti anxiety medicine. Sometimes it works and sometimes it don’t.
I have the exact same symptoms as
you mine came on a month well 6 weeks after my vaccine. Then I also had hypersensitive hearing which then lead me to have like a buzzing in my head I find it get Worse when I’m anxious irritated tired hungry or if I had dark tea and towards the evening…this shit is awful.
did you develop any humming or buzzing in your head? Are are you now?
I have ppppd too. Awful feeling
@margaret2022: I got referred to a rheumatologist because o had asked my PCP to order a lab test to check for inflammation and she also ordered an ANA test too (not sure why). So when that came back positive she immediately referred me. Don’t lose hope and give into despair. You are not alone. I also was fine after the first 2 shots and very much regret getting the booster. But that’s done so we have to continue to fight to be heard and taken seriously and treated by our doctors and validated by the science.
Anybody have stiff painful neck muscles that run from about the top of your back/shoulder area all the way up to the base of your skull? I’ve had that on my right side for about 3 months. Gives me a constant dull headache on the right side and I think may be contributing to my tinnitus. It’s very painful.
I’ve also been reading this forum for a while. I’m a health care pro who was coerced into vaccination to keep my job. I have always been against this vaccine for a variety of reasons … the fact that the vaccine makers have no liability , that there has been a hard push to get everyone vaccinated , etc . Yet I reluctantly got it to keep my job. After dose one I was okay but dose two I coded at work the next day and since then have experienced dizziness / vertigo / nausea/ disorientation for the past 4ish months . Although every day is a living hell i have still forced myself to go into work every day and suffer through an 8 hour shift . I have had some good days just to be quickly tainted by very bad days that make me contemplate just ending it all. I’m sure a lot of you understand this. Every morning I wake up I am terrified to go into work just cause I know it’ll be eight hours until I can get back home and lay down in my bed again . I used to love working out and now can’t even handle a ten minute walk. The saddest part is I was so against this vaccine and planned to get fired from my job with some of my colleagues over this but last minute cowardice got the better of me. I am so angry at myself because on one hand I was coerced but on the other I could have walked away . Now I’m not sure when I will ever feel normal again . I’m so depressed these days but happy I can come here and read some positive stories . Also this whole thing just solidified my opinion that doctors are useless as hell !!!
Personally, I think it's pathetic how uniformed, and almost disinterested, the US medical community seems to be about this stuff.
Or, or... they know all about it but are too scared to speak up (intimidation)
Wanting to keep their high-paying job is the other explanation (money)
Regardless of the possible explanation it really seems no one cares about us from , we are on our own
Medical profession workers are not stupid people, which strongly suggests to me that there's something nefarious afoot or at the very least willful ignorance to play defense for big pharma
@medee hi Dee, just in case u are interest , am also in a FB support group ( Neuro V Long- Haulers.
@ksharky13 My left side of the neck gets stiff and painful and it also seems to be associated with headaches. My husband had this as well for months but his has subsided. Both of us had it on the side that we received the vax.
@xray108 I am so sorry. Mandates are so inhumane. There is no way those in power did not know the risk of these vaccines when they mandated it. They also know how quickly the vaccines lost their efficacy. How can they justify mandating a risky new vaccine when it did not provide protection against spread? This is specially frustrating when they refuse to acknowledge publicly the adverse events we are struggling with. This leads to us not being believed or treated appropriately. I am also in healthcare and I would never have predicted our doctors would go along with this. I also still can not believe they would go along with no early treatment when we all know viral load and inflammation are critical factors when treating patients.
I know I'm preaching to the choir here but sometimes I just need to let it out.... I cant imagine a day when I will trust our public health or our doctors again. Let's stay hopeful that our symptoms continue to fade away and that there are negligible long term adverse effects. Praying for all of us.
@carym23: Thanks for the reply. I was initially dismissing my neck issues as just "sleeping on it wrong" or "needing a different pillow", but it's been 3 months now and I'm convinced that it's a side effect from the vaccine. Probably a majorly inflamed muscle/nerve area. I do think it is causing my dull headache and contributing to my tinnitus. I hope these spike proteins eventually run out of steam, our symptoms subside, and that our immune systems are not forever damaged by this massive failure of our medical and science communities. We must remain positive and keep fighting.
@margaret2022 Hello. I'm a Librarian (lost my job because of the mandates). Since you mentioned interest in natural remedies, I thought I'd recommend a book:
Ancient Remedies: Secrets to Healing with Herbs, Essential Oils, CBD, and the Most Powerful Natural Medicine in History" by Dr John Axe. The book includes "70+ Prescriptions for Autoimmune Disease, Cancer, Digestive Issues, Hypothyroidism, Viral Infections and More"...
Try getting it from your local public library (you can also request an interlibrary loan if your library doesn't have it) or you can get it on Amazon.
Hope you give it a try, and if you do, I hope you find it helpful.
All the best,
I haven't been here in a while because of family circumstances. I had first astra zenecca in Feb 2021 and second in May 2021, my symptoms have been similar to everyone else's here, dizziness, headaches, ear aches and ear fullness, neck and shoulder aches, tinnitus, gastric issues, joint pain, insomnia, brain fog, memory issues, tiredness, balance issues, anxiety, palpitations, depression etc etc. I hadn't driven since the first jab until recently. Today I am driving again, still getting some issues like anxiety, tinnitus, muzzy head and the occasional headache. I've tried just about every supplement mentioned on this forum but now I take nothing, none of it has worked. I try to eat a well balanced diet and drink plenty of water. My life changed around when my husband had a mini stroke, I just had to get on with things, he now depends on me, at least until he is well enough. I drive when I have to, I walk my dog twice a day. I am always tired and am ready for bed again from the moment I get up. I just plough through, I cannot focus on myself anymore, I have to just keep going and I think it's actually helping me to forget my own troubles. I am definitely better than I was say three months ago. I wish everyone well. Sending best wishes.
I haven't been here in a while because of family circumstances. I had first astra zenecca in Feb 2021 and second in May 2021, my symptoms have been similar to everyone else's here, dizziness, headaches, ear aches and ear fullness, neck and shoulder aches, tinnitus, gastric issues, joint pain, insomnia, brain fog, memory issues, tiredness, balance issues, anxiety, palpitations, depression etc etc. I hadn't driven since the first jab until recently. Today I am driving again, still getting some issues like anxiety, tinnitus, muzzy head and the occasional headache. I've tried just about every supplement mentioned on this forum but now I take nothing, none of it has worked. I try to eat a well balanced diet and drink plenty of water. My life changed around when my husband had a mini stroke, I just had to get on with things, he now depends on me, at least until he is well enough. I drive when I have to, I walk my dog twice a day. I am always tired and am ready for bed again from the moment I get up. I just plough through, I cannot focus on myself anymore, I have to just keep going and I think it's actually helping me to forget my own troubles. I am definitely better than I was say three months ago. I wish everyone well. Sending best wishes.
That great to hear . Did you have any numbness ,tingling or nerve pain ? What issues have resolved and how long before improving? How are your GI issues and joint pain ? Percentage wise what would you say you are ?