Last seen: May 30, 2022 4:42 pm
Hi , anyone here with vision issues?
I am 8 mths out, my dr also worry is MS as MS is a gradual and evolving disorder, dr want me to see the neuro periodically for MRI. I was a perfectl...
Is yr eye issues better noe?
Hi Kit, have yr double vision gone away? How long did u experience double vision. I have seen 5 eye dr, and all test are normal.
Hi Saba, u have any improvemeny is yr vision issues?
Hi Kit, are yr eye symptoms gone?
Hi kit, do u have double vision. Am now 8 mths post v, and start to have double vision.
Do u still have headache, palpitation, shortness of breath?
Hi Kit, can we keep in touch on Whatsapps? I am in Singapore cointry code 65 My mobile 96872461
Hi Kit, i remember u have eye issues. Arw they resolved now? Do u have double vision, and vision that become dim and clear again on and off?
@medee hi Dee, just in case u are interest , am also in a FB support group ( Neuro V Long- Haulers.
@medee hi Dee, just in case u are interest , am also in a FB support group ( Neuro V Long- Haulers.
What auto-immune disorder do u have? I have a positive ANA but dr could no identify what auto-immune it is.
My headaches is like yrs can change location from one area of the head to another area. MRI 3 times - normal result. When u get better please up...
Do u still have headache and neck ache? What helps?