And insomnia.
@tone hey there. I hope you are doing better. Insomnia is torture. I do t know how you are still able to work through all of this. But that is good.
How are you doing?
@lookingforanswers doing OK. Not sure if I should try and anti inflammatory diet and some more supplements? Or if I'm gonna get worse ?? Or am I having mild symptoms? Gonna try some melatonin and some other probiotic for gut. Taking pepcid 20 mg again. And maybe some other anti inflammatory supplements . See if that will give this a push ??
Weight is leveled off and nerve pain is manageable right now. Not sure what weeks have instore for me?
@tone I think you will be ok . I’m glad that your weight has leveled out that’s a good sign. Are you still having pain a in your stomach?.
@tone I think you will be ok . I’m glad that your weight has leveled out that’s a good sign. Are you still having pain a in your stomach?.
Yes I am hence I started pepcid again and gonna try probiotic and maybe prebiotic. And some anti inflammatory supplements. And try a more anti inflammatory diet. Hopefully some isn't crazy bad but there. Just like other symptoms. Just there?? Hope it just starts to get better . I pray things don't go to far south in the coming weeks and months.
Stay strong and I pray you see some relief soon .
@tone. I think I’m getting worse. My new symptom is the back of my head burns when I lay down which makes me anxious and on top of the already insomnia it makes it even worse. I’m miserable. Anyone else suffering for this long? I had 2 nd vaccine in July . 😔
@buzzgirl It's good for nerve pain and anxiety. Probably not as strong as some of the more powerful anti-depressants so probably depends on how severe anxiety is. I'm prescribed PRN (as needed) so only would take if I'm having a major anxiety attack. Have not really had much of any nerve pain (burning skin sensations lately) so only would use for anxiety, which is mostly major in evenings.
@margaret2022 I’m so sorry to hear about your dad and hope that he gets better and is able to go home soon. And I hope you feel better too. It’s just terrible that now both of you have had issues with these vaccines. You and all of us are in my prayers.
I would like to share a link for a video in which the German doctor Christian Burghardt, specialized in mitochondrial disorders, talks about the impact on the mitochondria in case of side effects.
The interview is quite long, from the 50th minute there is talk about the integrators that are useful.
English subtitles can be selected.
Sharing a link also, apparently some batches were worse than others,