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Covid-19 Vaccine side effects

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@trev Hi.. When you mentioned artemisinin in helping your burning, did you get a prescription or a supplement? What dose etc and for how long? Did you burning stay away? How are you feeling now? Thank you!!

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Posted by: @buzzgirl

@trev Hi.. When you mentioned artemisinin in helping your burning, did you get a prescription or a supplement? What dose etc and for how long? Did you burning stay away? How are you feeling now? Thank you!!



It's a supplement. You can get it off Amazon. It started working in a few days and the burning has went away for the most part. I have been feeling pretty good the last few weeks. Been able to workout, lift heavy and do my cardio without any pain. I knew I would eventually get better, just didn't know how long it would take to get better. 

I know it is hard but stay positive. Take care.

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Hi everyone. It looks like the person closest to figuring things out for our situation is Dr. Bruce Patterson. Here is a video of him presenting his research findings in Australia. We owe this doctor so much gratitude. Please take the time to view it. He knows do much about long COVID, long haul vax injuries, ME/CFS, Lymes disease, etc. Great info and gives me hope.  

KitKat, Thisistoomuch, PoorKitty and 5 people reacted
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@trev Thank you. That's great you have improved and able to work out etc. What dose did you take? Cheers!!


Thanks for your prompt reply

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I'm sorry again I haven't been on for a while; electronic use was a big trigger for me. I'm ten months in, double Pfizer (June 26, 2021) and I'm starting to make a decent recovery. I thought this day would never come because everyday new symptoms would show up and I thought I'd be a goner soon and then one day I woke up and started to have more good days than bad.  Eventually, you learn your triggers and avoid them so your body can heal.  Where do I start...  I eventually stopped everything.  It was hard to tell what was helping and what wasn't.  I had almost every symptom mentioned on here, except the hearing and vision issues. I'm not going to list them all because the list is so long. I will mention that I was perfectly healthly before this all happened; no medications. I had just had both my annual medical and aviation medical and both were stellar. I will start with saying I had very bad luck with the vitamins and medicine. Turns out Glutathione contains sulpha.  I'm slightly allergic to sulpha medication. My doctor and neurologists didn't pick up on that when I told them I was taking it.  If you have any sulphite sensitivity, glutathione will make things way worse. Unfortunatley, Queracitin (sp?) made me dizzy as well; a listed possible side effect. I tried DOA, hard to say if it helped.  5-HTP worked for a while and them stopped working.  Prednisone was a disaster; only because it can swell your head and that was my biggest issue. Prednisone added to the swelling. I couldn't recall simple words and my short term memory was practically non-existent.  When I went off this, things improved. Tried a weaker steroid first but did nothing. Vitamin B12 made me way worse too; not sure why, but probably something to due with the histamine connection. The antihistamine Claritin (H1 blocker) helped me a lot for a few months. Those with the digestive issues may need the H2 blocker antihistamines. After that, it made me feel bad. I tried all several other Vitamins and minerals too. I suspect it's because like one guy said in a previous post "Just when I think I've saw everything that is going to happen to me something else shows up". So it seems what works for me varied depending on the symptoms at the time.  I did several tests, blood work, urine. EEG, MRIs.  They keep insisting that everything was normal for my age. The MRI did show some damage in the white matter, but don't panic, white matter damage heals just like a bruise.  They said my symptoms were caused by "old age", "weight", "stress", imagination and whatever else they could think of...  The same response for my sudden allergic reactions to a dozen foods, blue veins everywhere, sudden menopause, "neuropathy", "auto-immune disease", elevated levels of bloodwork stats... etc. They said this was all normal... LOL... apparently within minutes I just coincidently got all of these conditions and just have to lead a healthier life. Ignore what they say, you know the real cause just move on. You aren't going to win; as the doctors can't say anything. Here's some hope... I had such bad cognitive issues it was awful. I thought my brain was damaged forever, but my photographic memory is back. I do not speed read anymore because it will induce some swelling, but I am able to return to reading books at a normal rate. Brain about 90 percent.  Dizziness, headaches, chronic fatigue, arms like flippers, twitching, "zaps" to my appendages, vibrations, heart going crazy, anxiety all gone.  Crazy dreams at night still there but only bad when I swell.  I had to limit the cell phone to 15 min temporaily, but that's back to an hour.  There is still some pain between ears and temple, but I sleep on my hand so the sides of my head and base of my skull don't get compressed.  I also use a memory foam pillow. The swelling in my neck, base of skull, around ears and temple were all swollen lymph nodes pressing on my brain.  FYI... lymph nodes are everywhere in your body.  They clean out the waste in your body.  They swell for multiple reasons, infection, auto-immune. I did some reading in scientific journals about the m-RNA vaccines hijacking the lymphatic system for more efficient delivery, but it's hard to know what's real on-line right now. My neck, up until about a month ago looked like Jabba the Hut, it's way better now.  My left leg still tingles and burns, but only when I've been excessive in my triggers.  Low Histamine Diet really helped.  I don't touch alcohol, caffeine, MSG or aspartame.  As well, sugar is really a killer; it is death for inflamation issues. The electronics were my downfall. I mean really, in todays world they are hard to avoid.  My worst were spinning or fast moving screens, big screen tv, video conferencing, any thing that made me multitask.  I'm not a gamer, but that would sink me if I tried.  Ironically, movies in theatres were not as bad. Just squint if a fast scene comes up to avoid the rapid stream of info to the brain. Strong emotion such as anger, forceful crying and ironically a lot of laughing, like in a social scene, have a big effect.  If you feel strong emotion, stop, take a lot of deep breaths, slow your breathing and it will stop the release of histamine.  Unfortunately, this condition is not something you can exercise your way out of.  It generally makes it worse, at least for me.  Again the histamine release with aerobic exercise.  Light walking and biking did really help though.  I know dragging yourself out of bed or at the end of your work day, when you fell horrible it not ideal, but it does help.  I suspect sunlight will help, as well as the fresh air.  I couldn't take off more than a few weeks a couple of days at a time, so I feel your pain if you still have to work.  I'm a single Mom and some days were brutal.  If you can, take a long chunk of sick time; it will help.  If you can't, explain to your employer that you have to slow down.  No one turns on their video when they talk to me.  If the computer is starting up, I do not look at the spinning circle as it it a big trigger. I extract myself from multi-tasking as much as possible. Some days, the really blue veins in my feet, hands and neck scare me.  I suspect it may be capillary damage.  I suspect again the nanoparticle lipid carrier for the spike protein may be responsible; as my reading talked about having the ability to travel through capillaries, due to their small size.  Again, not sure if this is real info but the journal looked legit. That would explain the white matter damage in my brain and the blue lines all through my body.  Again, I think the head is healing and hopefully my body. The induced menopause if also over for the people who are worried about fertility.  Everything if back to normal. If some of you are having the urine symptoms, its protein and shedding of your bladder cells.  That will stop too. If I've missed addressing some symptoms, I'm sorry its sometimes hard to keep track of them all.  I have another doctors visit scheduled next month (it takes a couple of months to get an in person appointment) to check out my stats to see if they improved.  Unfortunately, our province is running out of blood sample vials... I know, you've got to be kidding... I wish I was...  They are limiting tests, but if I get results, I will post them.  I will finish with, don't give up hope.  I thought I'd be well at the three month mark, then the six month mark.  Everybody is different in their recovery.  Sometimes just when you think it's all done it comes back; but it feels different this time.  I'm certain Im on my way now as the good days are far outnumbering the bad.  Take Care.

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Posted by: @nickpaul

Hi everyone.  To share my experience to add to others, and if it might help someone ...  (not posted sooner as have been too unwell and with my limited capability needing to focus on doctors’ appointments, etc, but reading this forum has been a great help). 

I had my first Astra Zeneca injection Aug 2021.  Had flu-like symptoms for 3 days, but I thought just ‘normal’ side effects.  Although, with hindsight, I had hot, itchy soles of feet, and a pain in the heart / sternum area during subsequent weeks and months, but did not make a link to the vaccine at that stage. 

8th Oct 2021, I had my second AZ jab.  The very next day, moving some boxes, I got incredibly dizzy.  I had to hang on to walls or furniture to stop myself falling, and got breathless very quickly and needed to take breaks very often.  Over the next 2 weeks I had some holiday days and some work days, I continued with normal activities, but the dizziness remained, in fact it built in intensity, my heart would pound on any slight exercise, with chest pain or tightness, and I became incredibly fatigued, needing to sleep 12+ hours each night.

Very soon, I could not continue at work (running meetings on-screen, plus email and spreadsheet work), the computer screen made me so dizzy, my vision was ‘off’ and I could not concentrate on what people were saying or mentally process information.  My hearing was super-sensitive and at social events I could not tune in to what people were saying and the whole noise / movement of people was overwhelming.  I started to get pangs of anxiety.  (I have had situational anxiety before, but recovered well each time).  Soon I was having full-on panic attacks.  Doctors of course diagnosed anxiety.  They offered SSRIs, which I accepted.  I had to move beyond the panic attacks (which I now have) before I could deal with the root cause, but I knew the root cause was not anxiety.

The next six weeks were a blur, I was largely bed-ridden and house bound, and could hardly function to eat, shower etc.  Dizziness would flare whenever I moved, or whenever things moved in my eyesight.  I felt lightheaded, like walking on a boat.  I needed lie-down rest after any short period of physical or mental activity.  Plus, other symptoms:  insomnia, aches across forehead and at base of skull, head pressure in sinuses, behind eyes, in ears; a feeling that my head is too heavy for my neck.  Weird body sensations:  numbness or aches in inner arms, hands, legs; burning sensation - sometimes feels like menthol – stomach, chest, legs, feet; inner body tremors - feels like all muscles are shaking inside or pulsating, or welling.  Huge sensitivity to noise and light; vision feels like eyes are delayed or clouded or not working in sync; ringing and whistling in ears.  Difficulty thinking, concentrating, having a conversation, and easily forget things. 

My ability to function is significantly reduced.  I’ve been off work the whole time.  (I am grateful my Company offers sick pay).  I have largely stopped driving, or even being a passenger in a car other than for short distances or doctors’ appointments.  Some of my symptoms have lessened as I have learned to pace myself and build-in rest before and after activity, but the dizziness and nausea is still near-constant and I cannot live anything near my normal life.

Doctors initially said it’s a virus, I should rest and give it time.  Then, it is anxiety.  They gave medication for dizziness but it did not help.  Then, they agreed it is a physical condition, maybe a post-viral illness which could have been triggered by virus or vaccine, or maybe long Covid or chronic fatigue or ME.  My GP will exempt me from future Covid vaccines, but not all doctors I’ve seen are ready to make the link to the vaccine.  I’ve been through Cardiologist, all tests OK.  Next I go through vestibular testing with ENT Consultant.

This has been one of the most difficult things I have ever had to deal with, I feel for everyone going through something similar.  There is so much uncertainty, which I can understand to some extent with Covid and the vaccines being so new, but it’s also a very isolating position, not knowing a firm diagnosis or if and when we will recover, or to what extent.  It’s life-changing, and I’m just hoping it is not permanent.  Best wishes to everyone on their journey. 

Sorry to hear you’re going through this. Everyone in this forum is battling this covid vaccine injury. How have you been doing? 

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Posted by: @alexa

4 months suffering from imbalance, vertigo, nausea, pain behind my ears and still no answer from any of  the specialist I've seen. I read here someone posted something about zeolite clinoptilolite. It's supposed to detox your body from the vaccine. I ordered today on Amazon and will give it a try along with going to a chiropractor. I am doing anything to get better these days. Like most of you I am mad, desperate, sad, depressed. We were tricked and lied to.  

How did the supplements work out for you ?

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Posted by: @nickpaul

@marisanna21 FWIW, my ENT explained how if something in your vestibular system is off, and you are dizzy, your brain will try to use your eyes for balance in a way it is not supposed to. This can cause a lot of strain and the brain can perceive it all as a threat so launches the fight or flight response, releases adrenalin, etc, which can lead to the panic attacks. ENT has not diagnosed me yet, pending more tests. But, that logic seemed to make some sense.

Crap I’m wondering if I should cover up my affected eye as well cuz that’s what’s causing trouble along with hypersensitive hearing to left side …I wear a ear plug in one ear otherwise I’ll get dizzy from sounds or loud vibration 

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@lookingforanswers I'm not sure if this is the same Susie I replied to earlier.  I'm pretty sure I can help with burning feeling in head when you lie down.  I had that too.  I use the memory foam pillow because its easier to control where your head compresses on the pillow.  Sleep on your side and on your open hand over your ear if you have the around ear and temple pain too. This avoids push on any of the head lymph nodes. If side too painful, prop the pillows up and start your sleep semi-inclined.  The head burning usually stops within the first couple of hours.  I also found if its particularly bad just get up again and walk for 15 minutes and try again. The 15 minutes of walking or sitting upright on side of bed helped. Most importantly no electronics before going to bed as this tends to make it worse when you lie down at night. Lymph nodes at base of skull swollen after busy day and cause swelling.  The pressure is what hurts. Hope it helps.

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@margaret2022 Thanks for this link. I've seen it before, but haven't read in detail. I decided to have the VNG/vestibular testing since my last post and expected it to reveal continuing vestibular hypofunction in my left ear. However, I was surprised to learn that both inner ears are normal and I have no uncompensated vestibular problems! The ENT thinks I had Vestibular Neuritis sparked by my body's inflammatory reaction to the AZ vaccine, but that eventually healed. He says this happens about 50% of the time (although the Audiologist who did the VNG/vestibular testing said it's only about 20% of the time).

Both the ENT and Audiologist think my lingering lightheaded dizziness (only when walking) is perceptual in nature and PPPD. Apparently the brain can still perceive dizziness even after the physical cause is healed and this can be exacerbated by stress. I'm not overly stressed, but the ENT correctly said that I have been worried and stressed by the continuing dizziness over the months and that in itself can perpetuate things. The ENT doesn't think I need SSRIs (which they sometimes prescribe, although I wouldn't be likely to take them anyway), but that mindfulness and any relaxation exercises can help along with targeted vestibular retraining exercises. Although the ENT thinks it very unlikely a scan will reveal much, he says doing a routine MRI can occasionally be helpful in revealing things like reduced blood flow from the neck or other issues that may be perpetuating dizziness.

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@holt thank you for your reply. It gives us hope. 

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@holt wonderful news.

Right not I am having the worst of it and I am not sure how long I can live like this. 

I am very happy for you but are you sure this is not just a remission? I had my pfizer jabs on june and august. I had periods of %70-80 percent recovery but it always came back stronger. The longest of this remission periods was close to 3 weeks. So I am wondering how long have you been feeling better like this?

I guess it has to be at least a few months to consider this not a remission but recovery.  But who knows? Maybe if you are just careful enough in remission period it may well be a recovery. Perhaps I did something wrong and it came back. 


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My friend's husband also had eye and skin problems after a Pfizer dose, similar to the woman in this news item, however, he didn't go on to have a booster, probably wisely!

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Posted by: @margaret2022
Posted by: @nickpaul

Hi everyone.  To share my experience to add to others, and if it might help someone ...  (not posted sooner as have been too unwell and with my limited capability needing to focus on doctors’ appointments, etc, but reading this forum has been a great help). 

I had my first Astra Zeneca injection Aug 2021.  Had flu-like symptoms for 3 days, but I thought just ‘normal’ side effects.  Although, with hindsight, I had hot, itchy soles of feet, and a pain in the heart / sternum area during subsequent weeks and months, but did not make a link to the vaccine at that stage. 

8th Oct 2021, I had my second AZ jab.  The very next day, moving some boxes, I got incredibly dizzy.  I had to hang on to walls or furniture to stop myself falling, and got breathless very quickly and needed to take breaks very often.  Over the next 2 weeks I had some holiday days and some work days, I continued with normal activities, but the dizziness remained, in fact it built in intensity, my heart would pound on any slight exercise, with chest pain or tightness, and I became incredibly fatigued, needing to sleep 12+ hours each night.

Very soon, I could not continue at work (running meetings on-screen, plus email and spreadsheet work), the computer screen made me so dizzy, my vision was ‘off’ and I could not concentrate on what people were saying or mentally process information.  My hearing was super-sensitive and at social events I could not tune in to what people were saying and the whole noise / movement of people was overwhelming.  I started to get pangs of anxiety.  (I have had situational anxiety before, but recovered well each time).  Soon I was having full-on panic attacks.  Doctors of course diagnosed anxiety.  They offered SSRIs, which I accepted.  I had to move beyond the panic attacks (which I now have) before I could deal with the root cause, but I knew the root cause was not anxiety.

The next six weeks were a blur, I was largely bed-ridden and house bound, and could hardly function to eat, shower etc.  Dizziness would flare whenever I moved, or whenever things moved in my eyesight.  I felt lightheaded, like walking on a boat.  I needed lie-down rest after any short period of physical or mental activity.  Plus, other symptoms:  insomnia, aches across forehead and at base of skull, head pressure in sinuses, behind eyes, in ears; a feeling that my head is too heavy for my neck.  Weird body sensations:  numbness or aches in inner arms, hands, legs; burning sensation - sometimes feels like menthol – stomach, chest, legs, feet; inner body tremors - feels like all muscles are shaking inside or pulsating, or welling.  Huge sensitivity to noise and light; vision feels like eyes are delayed or clouded or not working in sync; ringing and whistling in ears.  Difficulty thinking, concentrating, having a conversation, and easily forget things. 

My ability to function is significantly reduced.  I’ve been off work the whole time.  (I am grateful my Company offers sick pay).  I have largely stopped driving, or even being a passenger in a car other than for short distances or doctors’ appointments.  Some of my symptoms have lessened as I have learned to pace myself and build-in rest before and after activity, but the dizziness and nausea is still near-constant and I cannot live anything near my normal life.

Doctors initially said it’s a virus, I should rest and give it time.  Then, it is anxiety.  They gave medication for dizziness but it did not help.  Then, they agreed it is a physical condition, maybe a post-viral illness which could have been triggered by virus or vaccine, or maybe long Covid or chronic fatigue or ME.  My GP will exempt me from future Covid vaccines, but not all doctors I’ve seen are ready to make the link to the vaccine.  I’ve been through Cardiologist, all tests OK.  Next I go through vestibular testing with ENT Consultant.

This has been one of the most difficult things I have ever had to deal with, I feel for everyone going through something similar.  There is so much uncertainty, which I can understand to some extent with Covid and the vaccines being so new, but it’s also a very isolating position, not knowing a firm diagnosis or if and when we will recover, or to what extent.  It’s life-changing, and I’m just hoping it is not permanent.  Best wishes to everyone on their journey. 

Sorry to hear you’re going through this. Everyone in this forum is battling this covid vaccine injury. How have you been doing? 

@margaret2022 So it's about a month since my last post, and I'm six months since second vaccine and onset of symptoms.  I think I am seeing some very slight progress, but it is really really slow.  I was diagnosed with damage to the inner ear.  The most obvious two symptoms are dizziness and nausea.  I'm still really struggling with both of those.  I have them a lot of the time, although lying down and not looking at anything will allow them to settle.  I'm working on vestibular rehabilitation exercises each day, and very very gradually I am starting to do more general activity, like I can now do a 45-minute walk, and can work on a PC screen but only for about 20 minutes before the nausea means I need to take a break. I am still so easily fatigued compared to normal, need rest after every activity, and not yet able to work again, I am exhausted long before the end of every day.  However, some of my earlier symptoms like pins and needles, vision problems and pain at base of skull have gone away.  My ENT Consultant told me recovery from a vestibular condition like this can take 9-12 months.  As he said, it takes real determination.  I am certainly feeling that.  But, the improvements however small and slow give me hope.  Thanks for asking, and best wishes to all.

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Posted by: @margaret2022
Posted by: @nickpaul

@marisanna21 FWIW, my ENT explained how if something in your vestibular system is off, and you are dizzy, your brain will try to use your eyes for balance in a way it is not supposed to. This can cause a lot of strain and the brain can perceive it all as a threat so launches the fight or flight response, releases adrenalin, etc, which can lead to the panic attacks. ENT has not diagnosed me yet, pending more tests. But, that logic seemed to make some sense.

Crap I’m wondering if I should cover up my affected eye as well cuz that’s what’s causing trouble along with hypersensitive hearing to left side …I wear a ear plug in one ear otherwise I’ll get dizzy from sounds or loud vibration 

@margaret2022  With the important caveat that I don't know your situation or diagnosis, my ENT Consultant has encouraged me to keep using and challenging all the areas involved in balance - eyes, ears and body.  With what I think I have understood since my diagnosis, I might re-phrase my comment above to say more like 'if something in your vestibular system is off, and you are dizzy, your brain will try to use your eyes for balance in a way it would not normally do (if there was no damage in your vestibular system).'  The brain has to compensate and get used to the changed signals it is getting from eyes, ears, legs, etc.  That at least is the case (Consultant tells me) when there is damage to the inner ear.  


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