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Covid-19 Vaccine side effects

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Anyone feel not well after eating? It just seems like after I eat I feel unwell. What could it be?? 

KitKat and KitKat reacted
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Posted by: @lookingforanswers

Anyone feel not well after eating? It just seems like after I eat I feel unwell. What could it be?? 

Hi:  I've been having that feeling for a little while now.  I've been chalking it up to the supplements I've been taking for a few weeks now.  I suppose it could be another adverse side effect but I'm hoping not.  Could be inflammation of the GI tract.  I kind of always feel full with just a twinge of pain or discomfort.  It isn't really impacting my daily activities, just feels a little off.

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Posted by: @lookingforanswers

Anyone feel not well after eating? It just seems like after I eat I feel unwell. What could it be?? 

thats why I am trying intermittent fasting.  Regardless what I eat, everything I eat makes my symptoms worse. 

I take a multivitamin and try to eat only vegatables.

 why does eating makes us worse? probably some kind of mast cell activation. Digestion itself releases histamin into blood.


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Gonna ask again . Any more stories  of recovery  or improvements ? Is there hope for us ?

3 months out post J and j . Symptoms  still bearable and manageable 90 -95 % not sure if I gonna decline or not ?? , just wondering  where all the positive  posts are ? 

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@ksharky13 thank you for your reply. Could be, who knows?? 

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Posted by: @lookingforanswers

@ksharky13 thank you for your reply. Could be, who knows?? 

Very true.  And don't underestimate the power of stress & anxiety to wreak havoc on your GI system.  That's where my stress hits me the most.  And Lord knows we are all going through a very stressful experience right now.  Stay positive. 

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Posted by: @nickpaul
Posted by: @margaret2022
Posted by: @nickpaul

Hi everyone.  To share my experience to add to others, and if it might help someone ...  (not posted sooner as have been too unwell and with my limited capability needing to focus on doctors’ appointments, etc, but reading this forum has been a great help). 

I had my first Astra Zeneca injection Aug 2021.  Had flu-like symptoms for 3 days, but I thought just ‘normal’ side effects.  Although, with hindsight, I had hot, itchy soles of feet, and a pain in the heart / sternum area during subsequent weeks and months, but did not make a link to the vaccine at that stage. 

8th Oct 2021, I had my second AZ jab.  The very next day, moving some boxes, I got incredibly dizzy.  I had to hang on to walls or furniture to stop myself falling, and got breathless very quickly and needed to take breaks very often.  Over the next 2 weeks I had some holiday days and some work days, I continued with normal activities, but the dizziness remained, in fact it built in intensity, my heart would pound on any slight exercise, with chest pain or tightness, and I became incredibly fatigued, needing to sleep 12+ hours each night.

Very soon, I could not continue at work (running meetings on-screen, plus email and spreadsheet work), the computer screen made me so dizzy, my vision was ‘off’ and I could not concentrate on what people were saying or mentally process information.  My hearing was super-sensitive and at social events I could not tune in to what people were saying and the whole noise / movement of people was overwhelming.  I started to get pangs of anxiety.  (I have had situational anxiety before, but recovered well each time).  Soon I was having full-on panic attacks.  Doctors of course diagnosed anxiety.  They offered SSRIs, which I accepted.  I had to move beyond the panic attacks (which I now have) before I could deal with the root cause, but I knew the root cause was not anxiety.

The next six weeks were a blur, I was largely bed-ridden and house bound, and could hardly function to eat, shower etc.  Dizziness would flare whenever I moved, or whenever things moved in my eyesight.  I felt lightheaded, like walking on a boat.  I needed lie-down rest after any short period of physical or mental activity.  Plus, other symptoms:  insomnia, aches across forehead and at base of skull, head pressure in sinuses, behind eyes, in ears; a feeling that my head is too heavy for my neck.  Weird body sensations:  numbness or aches in inner arms, hands, legs; burning sensation - sometimes feels like menthol – stomach, chest, legs, feet; inner body tremors - feels like all muscles are shaking inside or pulsating, or welling.  Huge sensitivity to noise and light; vision feels like eyes are delayed or clouded or not working in sync; ringing and whistling in ears.  Difficulty thinking, concentrating, having a conversation, and easily forget things. 

My ability to function is significantly reduced.  I’ve been off work the whole time.  (I am grateful my Company offers sick pay).  I have largely stopped driving, or even being a passenger in a car other than for short distances or doctors’ appointments.  Some of my symptoms have lessened as I have learned to pace myself and build-in rest before and after activity, but the dizziness and nausea is still near-constant and I cannot live anything near my normal life.

Doctors initially said it’s a virus, I should rest and give it time.  Then, it is anxiety.  They gave medication for dizziness but it did not help.  Then, they agreed it is a physical condition, maybe a post-viral illness which could have been triggered by virus or vaccine, or maybe long Covid or chronic fatigue or ME.  My GP will exempt me from future Covid vaccines, but not all doctors I’ve seen are ready to make the link to the vaccine.  I’ve been through Cardiologist, all tests OK.  Next I go through vestibular testing with ENT Consultant.

This has been one of the most difficult things I have ever had to deal with, I feel for everyone going through something similar.  There is so much uncertainty, which I can understand to some extent with Covid and the vaccines being so new, but it’s also a very isolating position, not knowing a firm diagnosis or if and when we will recover, or to what extent.  It’s life-changing, and I’m just hoping it is not permanent.  Best wishes to everyone on their journey. 

Sorry to hear you’re going through this. Everyone in this forum is battling this covid vaccine injury. How have you been doing? 

@margaret2022 So it's about a month since my last post, and I'm six months since second vaccine and onset of symptoms.  I think I am seeing some very slight progress, but it is really really slow.  I was diagnosed with damage to the inner ear.  The most obvious two symptoms are dizziness and nausea.  I'm still really struggling with both of those.  I have them a lot of the time, although lying down and not looking at anything will allow them to settle.  I'm working on vestibular rehabilitation exercises each day, and very very gradually I am starting to do more general activity, like I can now do a 45-minute walk, and can work on a PC screen but only for about 20 minutes before the nausea means I need to take a break. I am still so easily fatigued compared to normal, need rest after every activity, and not yet able to work again, I am exhausted long before the end of every day.  However, some of my earlier symptoms like pins and needles, vision problems and pain at base of skull have gone away.  My ENT Consultant told me recovery from a vestibular condition like this can take 9-12 months.  As he said, it takes real determination.  I am certainly feeling that.  But, the improvements however small and slow give me hope.  Thanks for asking, and best wishes to all.

Do you have other symptoms along with your dizziness? 

do you have any eye issues?

do you have any hearing sensitivity?

any head buzzing? Or ear buzzing?


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Posted by: @yoki

@anotherone92 Did you consider liquid liposomal glutathione along with the zinc and quercetin? I was taking the glutathione and quercetin three times a day when I first started. Yes, its a lot but it helped. A week and a half is when I noticed improvements. 

How are you now?

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Dizziness feeling I reducing every month slowly. I am in my 10th month post vaccination.friends please have an eye of your dizziness status when u visit any supermarket etc.feel the difference. It's very slow process.I think it takes other 3 more month t resolve fully.I won't take any medicines only good food and exercise.i observed afternoon once and night before bed inflammation is more so dizziness increase.hope every one fast recovery.keep updating soon.


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I had climbed 3500 tirumala steps in 4 hours in a day.nothing to worry.

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@tone I am with you tone. I need to hear some success stories as well. We all need some hope. As the days drag on it gets harder and harder to cope. I pray we all get to feeling better soon. 

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Posted by: @carym23

Hi everyone. It looks like the person closest to figuring things out for our situation is Dr. Bruce Patterson. Here is a video of him presenting his research findings in Australia. We owe this doctor so much gratitude. Please take the time to view it. He knows do much about long COVID, long haul vax injuries, ME/CFS, Lymes disease, etc. Great info and gives me hope.  

Holy crap carym23 this is legit amazing information. I cannot stress how much this makes sense. Wow. Thank you for sharing this makes sooo much sense. Just amazing. I’ll share this as well.

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You have to watch this. You just have to. It’s amazing work. 


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I had a blood test done awhile back ago and it showed I had elevated MMA which usually is a sign of B12 deficiency, but it also said I had normal B12 levels. How is this possible?

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