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Covid-19 Vaccine side effects

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@mike411 we’re looking forward to hear how you do . How is the BP lately. Hope you are getting better. We all have to keep on enduring no matter how bad it gets. 

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@medee It's just a thought because you mentioned chest tightness which can come from respiratory system. You can easily purchase a pulse oximeter at a pharmacy or Amazon. they are easy to use and give you a reading of your blood oxygenation and heart rate.  

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Posted by: @lookingforanswers

@mike411 we’re looking forward to hear how you do . How is the BP lately. Hope you are getting better. We all have to keep on enduring no matter how bad it gets. 

now 4 months from my post vax issues and 2 months since starting atorvastatin and low dose aspirin. things are very stable for good and bad. rashes and burning sensations in arms gone, upper left chest pressure/pain that started in early April is gone. Random body twitches gone except for a few when I'm waking up. right ear twitching is 80% improved - less often and less intense when it occurs. 

I'm really down to two issues at the moment: high blood pressure and insomnia. The insomnia got a little worse when they raised my BP med dosage. I'm currently taking 10mg time release melatonin, 500mg GABA, 200mg L-Theanine, and 400mg magnesium glycerinate along with 12.5mg extended release ambien OR 5mg instant release ambien, depending on the night. Trying not to get hooked on the higher dose so I rotate depending on how sleepy I feel or not when going to bed. Last 2 nights have just been the 5mg dose. With all of that I get 7hrs of pretty decent sleep, maybe waking up twice at night for a few minutes and then fall back asleep.

My BP is running 130s/80s in mornings and 140s/90s in afternoons with high dosage of Labetalol (1,200mg/day). Without that, my BP would be over 200. Just saw cardiologist yesterday and feels I can do ok at this BP for years with no damage but would like to get my BP eventually at least into 130s tops and hope things eventually return to normal over next year. Looking at adding a diuretic in coming weeks to see if that can get my BP down another 5 to 10pts which would keep it mostly in the 130s/80s. 

I cross fingers BP will eventually improve. I know it's tied to the auto antibodies (ACE2 and MAS-1) this has caused. I've heard many post covid and post vax see their BP start gradually improving in the 8 month to 1yr time frame, though a few are past a year and still stuck. Going to re-test cytokines in June and if still high, will likely look to add maravoric and IVER for a few months and test to see if all S1 is eliminated. After that, wait till end of year and if no progress on BP, thinking I will go to Germany for a few rounds of INUSpheresis to filter out antibodies and see if they can stay reduced and help my BP improve further. 

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Posted by: @carym23

@sunrise Can't the autoantibodies be reactivated?

From what I've read, the autoantibody theme is very complex.

A question is: are the autoantibodies, in people with side effects, new or did they already exist before?

As for the people who surely had autoantibodies before, it is known that some (not all) of the patients with diseases in which the autoimmune phenomena are central (Hashimoto, MS, myasthenia, psoriasis) had relapses after the administration of v.

Another question in the case of autoantibodies in patients with side effects is: these autoantibodies are pathogenic, that is, they cause a pathology or not, because even some people without health problems may have autoantibodies. Of course, when someone has developed, for example, autoimmune liver disease, then this is obvious.

In the article “New-onset autoimmune phenomena post-COVID-19 vaccination” there are exposed several mechanisms that can be involved in the appearance of autoantibodies, for example: “Infections act as environmental triggers to cause autoimmune diseases triggered by vaccines.”

In the video below, at minute 47:45, the same thing is explained, namely that people can previously have minimal autoimmune phenomena, triggered by various infections, which, in covid infection, can be accentuated, in a short time.

Basically, I think the answer to your question is positive, because that's what happens in autoimmunity, there are reactivations, by exposure to different triggers, such as infections, toxic elements, heavy metals, mental stress, etc.

But, for example, a very good question that an affected person formulated was: are the autoantibodies involved in the appearance of his symptoms, since the tingling appeared on the day of the injection, after a few hours? Can autoantibodies appear that fast?

Not all symptoms are obviously determined by autoantibodies.

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@katarina I agree. I come here to tell what’s helping me and to find out what’s helping others…. For some hope. Reading negative comments just makes me start to feel hopeless although I do feel we’ll get out health back. We have to be positive 

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@mike411 my BP went back to normal after month 7. I was prescribed medication which I took for months and it did nothing so I stopped taking it and about 2 months later it regulated… 

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Posted by: @carym23

@medee It's just a thought because you mentioned chest tightness which can come from respiratory system. You can easily purchase a pulse oximeter at a pharmacy or Amazon. they are easy to use and give you a reading of your blood oxygenation and heart rate.  

The heart thing is hard to explain. It happens usually when I'm alseep. Gets back to normal a while after I'm awake.

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Posted by: @kimbroce

@mike411 my BP went back to normal after month 7. I was prescribed medication which I took for months and it did nothing so I stopped taking it and about 2 months later it regulated… 

Thanks so much for sharing!!

On one hand, I'm so happy so many of my symptoms have cleared up or gotten better (knock on wood) in such a short time. On other hand the BP issue has scared me. For the first 3 months they kept trying all the standard meds like ARB blockers, calcium channel blockers. and beta blockers and my BP just kept getting worse. I'd come home, take my BP and get a reading of 173/99 even though I was on 2 BP meds, and go into panic attacks that I was going to have a stroke any moment and die. I was telling my family goodbye and everything. And when I got the auto antibodies (CellTrends) report back in March and was positive for ACE2 and MAS-1, I figured my life was definitely over. How could one recover from autoimmune?

Finally in last month a specialist cardiologist got me on very high dose alpha beta blocker (Labetalol) and it dropped my BP down enough that I didn't have to worry about dying at any moment. But I hate having to take such a high dose and worry about the longer term effects of it on my kidneys and liver. 

So it's so good to keep hearing accounts from people that out after many months they suddenly started seeing their BP improve, EVEN IF there neuro symptoms were not improving. Which is so strange to me but for some reason the BP tends to finally start coming down. I'm only at month 4 so I know I have a ways to go but holding out hope that sometime in the next 4 to 8 months (8 to 12 months since this all started) my BP at least becomes more manageable, if not normal. 

DrL and DrL reacted
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I thought I'd give everyone an update on what I'm currently taking, why, and my thoughts on it. As background, my symptoms started after a moderna booster on Jan 10, 2022, which at first was super high BP, SOB, and severe headaches that ended me up in ER with BP of 182/110.

To be completely transparent, my vax situation is quite unusual, which is one of the reasons (besides the clear BP issue out of the blue) that doctors more readily accept that I am having a "hyper immune" reaction to vaccines: the Jan 10th booster was my 5th shot and 2nd within 1 week! I know, crazy, right? Well, I was not aware of any downside to vaccines, so here is what I got:

* Jan 2021 - Moderana dose 1 (full dose = 0.5ml)

* Feb 2021 - Moderna dose 2 (full dose = 0.5ml)

* Sep 2021 - Moderna dose 3 (full dose = 0.5ml) --> half dose booster was not yet available so I got a full dose!

* Jan 3rd, 2022 - Moderna dose 4 (full dose = 0.5ml) --> could not find my original vax card so got 2nd full dose on 2nd vax card to avoid omnicron

* jan 10th, 2022 - Moderna dose 5 (half dose = 0.25ml) --> planning trip to Hawaii for spring. Crap, they announce they are likely to start requiring booster shots on cards to get into restaurants and shopping there so I go get my official booster shot on my original vax card. Irony = they ended up never going thru with requiring! Sigh!

SO, in total I have had 2.25ml of moderna. A typical person getting 2 full doses and a half dose booster would be 1.25ml. So I've had 80% more vax than even a boosted person would. My with 4 months I had 3 shots, and within that last week I had 2 shots on top. So, even my doctors have been nervous what would/will happen with me.

My symptoms got progressively worse between Jan 10th and late March: at first I only had BP issue, then BP kept getting worse despite adding more meds. Then big rashes appeared all over abs and back. Insomnia got bad. Then burning skin sensations. I had random muscle twitches all over my body and they'd jump around in seconds. I had knife stabbing headaches and behind stabbing pains behind my left eye. My right ear started twitching CONSTANTLY (which is how I ended up finding this forum). I had 4 days in Feb where I had to urinate literally every 10 minutes and could not leave he house. By March I was having upper left chest deep burning pain/pressure; possibly pericarditis. 

In March I took the IncellDX cytokine test: high on IL-4, TNF-a, sCD40L, VEGF, IFN-Gamma. Did the CellTrends (Germany) autoimmune panel and was positive for 2 auto antibodies: ACE2 (slightly above limit) and MAS-1 (about twice the normal limit).

Today, at 4 months, I am down to: High blood pressure, insomnia, right ear twitching maybe 10 to 15 times in 24hr period. Some of it might be time, but this is only month 4 and I had an insane amount of vaccine so I feel pretty confident it is also what steps I've taken.

Before all of this, I took A TON of supplements every day (38 pills!). I cut almost all of that out. Partly because it might interfere with BP meds and I needed those working as good as possible! and 2nd, because I was concerned that if the wrong supplement had the wrong effect, this could all get worse or last longer.

So here is what I've been doing since mid-March and why:

1. Atorvastatin 20mg - started taking this March 14th. Previously I was on rosuvastatin 5mg for borderline high cholesterol. I switched because I do believe the Patterson theory (spike protein and cytokine inflammation) is one of the core drivers of post vax (and long covid) symptoms, AND I was starting to get increasing Neuro symptoms. Was really scared if those became too established it would be even harder, longer to recover. I realized most neuro is originating in brain and atorvastatin (unlike many statins) can cross into brain to provide anti-inflammatory and spike monocyte benefits

2. Low dose 81mg aspirin - I switched from already taking clopidogrel (anti-platelet) that I had been on for years to aspirin. While clopidogrel is better at fighting blood clotting factors, I really wanted to tamp down my VEGF levels as they drive neuro symptoms. Did not want to risk taking both so made the switch.

3. Vitamin C 500mg (time release) x2 daily - immune modulating and anti-inflammatory but in particular believed to help re-polarize nonclassical (spike carrying) monocytes so the body can better eliminate them.

4. Omega 3 (3g) daily (triglyceride form which is best type) - for anti-inflammation for endothelium; also some evidence that it helps re-polarize 

5. Melatonin 10mg (time release), GABA 500mg, L-Theanine 200mg, Ambient 12.5mg extended release - take to help with sleep BUT the melatonin and GABA also have very important immune modulating effects and can reduce inflammation/cytokines. Melatonin may also help with re-polarization

What I am not taking but would take if I could is Curcumin (bio enhanced form), Black Cumin Seed, and Dandelion root. All 3 are very good at reducing key cytokines like TNF-a. I cannot take because as with lot of herbs they all use common metabolic pathways (CYP3A4), which interfere with medication absorption (like atorvastatin). 

Even though I have taken Vitamin D high dose before all of this, I am Leary taking for now. if there is any negative effect, the half life of vitamin D is 30 to 60 days, so it's not going anywhere quickly! Also, there is some evidence it may prevent monocytes from re-polarizing, which would work against goal of getting rid of spike. I'm 50/50 on taking NAC again at some point 500mg x2 daily. Other than that, staying away from all the other stuff and staying focused for long haul.

Other than the above, I take 1,200mg/day Labetalol (alpha beta blocker) to tamp down my BP to the 140s/90s max vs. much higher before

I plan to re-test cytokines in June and depending on symptoms and those results I would consider doing round of maravoric 300mg x 2 daily and Ivermectin 9mg every 3 days. I also may add back the clopidogrel M, W, F, on top of the aspirin for a couple months to boost effect against clotting factors.

Longer term, I'm keeping my eye on going to Germany end of this year / early next year if my BP (auto immune) does not improve to try a couple rounds of INUSphereses with antibody removing filters if my issue is down to just autoimmune. 

Longer write up than I planned, but hopefully of help to some. The statin and aspirin I'm quite positive had the most effect these last 2 months. Anyways, if I can get alot better after this many doses of vaccine, there should be hope for others. And if others can eventually see BP improve, I'm crossing fingers there can eventually be hope for me!

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Forgot 1 other item I'm taking!

* Pre & Probiotics: taking high dose 300 billion+ daily of a mix of probiotic strains spaced throughout the day (mix of capsules, yogurt, and yogurt drinks). admit the first couple weeks were rough with gas, bloating, etc. but stuck with it and now doing great with it. Really believe in gut health and it's connection with the nervous system (e.g. gut is the 2nd brain) and immune health.

Buzzgirl, DrL, Buzzgirl and 1 people reacted
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Hi all, it’s been a long time since I’ve last posted because I eventually recovered from my jab side effects after months of suffering. But now, almost exactly a year to the date when I got my first vax side effects, I got Covid. I’m on the mend, but starting to feel … off. Not quite dizzy, but just a little unsteady and it seems to be getting worse. I’m curious — have any of you recovered from the vax side effects and THEN got covid? Did you get your old symptoms (dizziness, etc) come back post-covid? I dread spending another 6ish months of my life dizzy, especially because I’m pregnant and will have a newborn in a few months.

This post was modified 3 years ago by MountainMama

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Posted by: @philroy
Posted by: @pfizerinjured
Posted by: @philroy
Posted by: @pfizerinjured
Posted by: @philroy

I would like to share a good video discussing the medicinal properties of Nigella Satvia or Black Cumin.

it is very interesting and is a recommended supplement on the Covid Long haulers protocolaos reducing inflammation caused by spike protein.


it is very cheap, easy to find and is 100% natural. I have been taking it along with a heap of other stuff and am now 90% recovered from tingling, numbness and an occasional episode of brain fog.

That's amazing!  I too am taking nigella sativa.  How much are you taking per day please?  I am taking 1/2 teaspoon a day, most was 1 tsp once.  My naturopath told me not to take too much cuz it's "potent stuff". 


What else are you taking pls?

Hi, I am taking 2000mg of Nigella Satvia.  I believe you need to take high doses to see any real effect. It is potent which is maybe why it could work so well.

I am also taking the following:

NAC 1200mg day

ALA 1200mg day

Vit C 3000mg day

vit D3 with K2 1000mg day

Curcumin 1000mg day

Magnesium 1000mg day

omega 3 3000mg day

vit b12 1000micrograms day

high strength multivitamin & mineral 2 x day

drinking about 2-3 liters natural Chinese red or green tea per day

Dietwise, all vegetables, fruit, fresh fish, chicken, salads etc absolutely no fast or processed foods.

I’m not saying this is what has improved my symptoms necessarily as plain old time could be a major factor but right now I am not suffering anyway near as bad as I have been maybe 2 to 3 months ago…

ALA is Alpha Lipoic Acid?


Wow, those are very high doses!!  You take all of these, everyday?  How long have you been taking them for and will you still continue from now on?


I second clean eating.  I am doing all that too:-).

Yes ALA is Alpha Lipoic Acid.

yes I take these everyday spaced  out from breakfast until the evening. I think to detox something like the spike protein you need a high dose of antioxidant etc… 

i have been taking them for oboist 5 weeks now and I will continue to take them for at least another month I think depending on how my symptoms feel.

Thank you.  I hope you recover fully very soon.

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Posted by: @mike411

I thought I'd give everyone an update on what I'm currently taking, why, and my thoughts on it. As background, my symptoms started after a moderna booster on Jan 10, 2022, which at first was super high BP, SOB, and severe headaches that ended me up in ER with BP of 182/110.

To be completely transparent, my vax situation is quite unusual, which is one of the reasons (besides the clear BP issue out of the blue) that doctors more readily accept that I am having a "hyper immune" reaction to vaccines: the Jan 10th booster was my 5th shot and 2nd within 1 week! I know, crazy, right? Well, I was not aware of any downside to vaccines, so here is what I got:

* Jan 2021 - Moderana dose 1 (full dose = 0.5ml)

* Feb 2021 - Moderna dose 2 (full dose = 0.5ml)

* Sep 2021 - Moderna dose 3 (full dose = 0.5ml) --> half dose booster was not yet available so I got a full dose!

* Jan 3rd, 2022 - Moderna dose 4 (full dose = 0.5ml) --> could not find my original vax card so got 2nd full dose on 2nd vax card to avoid omnicron

* jan 10th, 2022 - Moderna dose 5 (half dose = 0.25ml) --> planning trip to Hawaii for spring. Crap, they announce they are likely to start requiring booster shots on cards to get into restaurants and shopping there so I go get my official booster shot on my original vax card. Irony = they ended up never going thru with requiring! Sigh!

SO, in total I have had 2.25ml of moderna. A typical person getting 2 full doses and a half dose booster would be 1.25ml. So I've had 80% more vax than even a boosted person would. My with 4 months I had 3 shots, and within that last week I had 2 shots on top. So, even my doctors have been nervous what would/will happen with me.

My symptoms got progressively worse between Jan 10th and late March: at first I only had BP issue, then BP kept getting worse despite adding more meds. Then big rashes appeared all over abs and back. Insomnia got bad. Then burning skin sensations. I had random muscle twitches all over my body and they'd jump around in seconds. I had knife stabbing headaches and behind stabbing pains behind my left eye. My right ear started twitching CONSTANTLY (which is how I ended up finding this forum). I had 4 days in Feb where I had to urinate literally every 10 minutes and could not leave he house. By March I was having upper left chest deep burning pain/pressure; possibly pericarditis. 

In March I took the IncellDX cytokine test: high on IL-4, TNF-a, sCD40L, VEGF, IFN-Gamma. Did the CellTrends (Germany) autoimmune panel and was positive for 2 auto antibodies: ACE2 (slightly above limit) and MAS-1 (about twice the normal limit).

Today, at 4 months, I am down to: High blood pressure, insomnia, right ear twitching maybe 10 to 15 times in 24hr period. Some of it might be time, but this is only month 4 and I had an insane amount of vaccine so I feel pretty confident it is also what steps I've taken.

Before all of this, I took A TON of supplements every day (38 pills!). I cut almost all of that out. Partly because it might interfere with BP meds and I needed those working as good as possible! and 2nd, because I was concerned that if the wrong supplement had the wrong effect, this could all get worse or last longer.

So here is what I've been doing since mid-March and why:

1. Atorvastatin 20mg - started taking this March 14th. Previously I was on rosuvastatin 5mg for borderline high cholesterol. I switched because I do believe the Patterson theory (spike protein and cytokine inflammation) is one of the core drivers of post vax (and long covid) symptoms, AND I was starting to get increasing Neuro symptoms. Was really scared if those became too established it would be even harder, longer to recover. I realized most neuro is originating in brain and atorvastatin (unlike many statins) can cross into brain to provide anti-inflammatory and spike monocyte benefits

2. Low dose 81mg aspirin - I switched from already taking clopidogrel (anti-platelet) that I had been on for years to aspirin. While clopidogrel is better at fighting blood clotting factors, I really wanted to tamp down my VEGF levels as they drive neuro symptoms. Did not want to risk taking both so made the switch.

3. Vitamin C 500mg (time release) x2 daily - immune modulating and anti-inflammatory but in particular believed to help re-polarize nonclassical (spike carrying) monocytes so the body can better eliminate them.

4. Omega 3 (3g) daily (triglyceride form which is best type) - for anti-inflammation for endothelium; also some evidence that it helps re-polarize 

5. Melatonin 10mg (time release), GABA 500mg, L-Theanine 200mg, Ambient 12.5mg extended release - take to help with sleep BUT the melatonin and GABA also have very important immune modulating effects and can reduce inflammation/cytokines. Melatonin may also help with re-polarization

What I am not taking but would take if I could is Curcumin (bio enhanced form), Black Cumin Seed, and Dandelion root. All 3 are very good at reducing key cytokines like TNF-a. I cannot take because as with lot of herbs they all use common metabolic pathways (CYP3A4), which interfere with medication absorption (like atorvastatin). 

Even though I have taken Vitamin D high dose before all of this, I am Leary taking for now. if there is any negative effect, the half life of vitamin D is 30 to 60 days, so it's not going anywhere quickly! Also, there is some evidence it may prevent monocytes from re-polarizing, which would work against goal of getting rid of spike. I'm 50/50 on taking NAC again at some point 500mg x2 daily. Other than that, staying away from all the other stuff and staying focused for long haul.

Other than the above, I take 1,200mg/day Labetalol (alpha beta blocker) to tamp down my BP to the 140s/90s max vs. much higher before

I plan to re-test cytokines in June and depending on symptoms and those results I would consider doing round of maravoric 300mg x 2 daily and Ivermectin 9mg every 3 days. I also may add back the clopidogrel M, W, F, on top of the aspirin for a couple months to boost effect against clotting factors.

Longer term, I'm keeping my eye on going to Germany end of this year / early next year if my BP (auto immune) does not improve to try a couple rounds of INUSphereses with antibody removing filters if my issue is down to just autoimmune. 

Longer write up than I planned, but hopefully of help to some. The statin and aspirin I'm quite positive had the most effect these last 2 months. Anyways, if I can get alot better after this many doses of vaccine, there should be hope for others. And if others can eventually see BP improve, I'm crossing fingers there can eventually be hope for me!

 Mike, how did you manage to do the IncellDX cytokine test?  Also, I logged onto the website and apparently you have to be in the healthcare industry.  Same Q for the CellTrends (Germany) autoimmune panel testing please?

KitKat and KitKat reacted
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@pfizerinjured For the IncellDX cytokine test, you need to go to then click on "For Patients" at top of page, scroll down and complete the section "Register for the Cytokine Test". You then receive an email from the lab within the next several days with ordering info. The test is now available in US, Canada, UK, and at least parts of EU. Cost in US is $360 for the test kit and then you need to find a local place to draw your blood. The lab provides recommendations for this.


For autoimmune panel thru CellTrends (Germany), this is the link:

From the order form you can select which tests you want, go to a local lab to get blood drawn per the CellTrends requirements, and then Fedex it International priority to them. I did the entire panel. With blood draw and FEDEX fees, the total cost was about $1,000. In my case I was negative for all the POTS and small nerve fiber auto antibodies but positive for ACE2 and MAS-1, which are the two most directly associated with antibody reaction to the spike protein. The process may seem a bit daunting but it's actually pretty simple; just follow the instructions they provide on their website and on the order form.

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Posted by: @mike411

@pfizerinjured For the IncellDX cytokine test, you need to go to then click on "For Patients" at top of page, scroll down and complete the section "Register for the Cytokine Test". You then receive an email from the lab within the next several days with ordering info. The test is now available in US, Canada, UK, and at least parts of EU. Cost in US is $360 for the test kit and then you need to find a local place to draw your blood. The lab provides recommendations for this.


For autoimmune panel thru CellTrends (Germany), this is the link:

From the order form you can select which tests you want, go to a local lab to get blood drawn per the CellTrends requirements, and then Fedex it International priority to them. I did the entire panel. With blood draw and FEDEX fees, the total cost was about $1,000. In my case I was negative for all the POTS and small nerve fiber auto antibodies but positive for ACE2 and MAS-1, which are the two most directly associated with antibody reaction to the spike protein. The process may seem a bit daunting but it's actually pretty simple; just follow the instructions they provide on their website and on the order form.

Wow.  Thank you so much, Mike.

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