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Covid-19 Vaccine side effects

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Posted by: @nresearcher
Posted by: @nresearcher
Posted by: @mike411

New pre-print article worth a look. Tagged from Avindra Nath. If you don't know who he is, he is at US NIH and has been investigating post vax for some time. So this would be a publication US doctors would be more inclined to accept as true.

Seems the data supports. Interesting the super heavy skew to females, which I've heard elsewhere as well: this is vastly more a female vs. Male issue both in likelihood to contract and in severity. Also interesting on early treatment with steroids and longer term IVIG results.....


Thank you for posting this. It is a start. At least they stated that: "Since all SARS-CoV-2 vaccines encode the spike protein, anti-spike protein immune responses may link post-COVID and post-vaccine syndromes."

You may have seen Dr. Been's recent interview about the NIH/NINDS study.

"First Ever NIH/NINDS Study on Vaccine-Caused Neurological Injuries (Preprint)."

It covers some of the possible treatments for neurological and other vaccine injuries and explains why treatments such as steroids and IVIg may only have a temporary effect. (Steroids such as prednisone may be most useful if given within a week or two after the initial vaccine injury.) Benefits of an anti-inflammatory diet are also discussed.

If anti-spike antibodies and especially autoantibodies are a major factor behind symptoms, Dr. Been suggests that it would be optimal to figure out a way to get rid of the B cells producing the antibodies as well as the B cells producing the autoantibodies, as opposed to just getting rid of the antibodies and autoantibodies themselves.

Dr. Been said he plans to interview Dr. William Murphy, who has studied autoantibodies after covid vaccination, on Monday.

Here is one of Dr. Murphy's articles:

And responses to his paper:

I saw the Been live cast interview the other night. Seems that while it's good that NIH and leading medical centers are finally acknowledging and publishing on post vax, their results are WAY overstated. Appears most of study group did not get better longer term. I was surprised when I read steroids and IVIG were working so well. Makes sense that they are just temporary for weeks to a few months remission. 

Looking forward to Monday's interview with Dr. Murphy!

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Posted by: @carym23
Posted by: @abby6

This an article from an SARS-CoV-2 researcher in the NHS that had a severe reaction to the vaccine.

Thank you Abby for posting this article. Her low vitamin B-12 and some of the symptoms associated with it prompted me to look into getting myself checked out. I wanted to let you know you can get B-12 and folate checked at Quest diagnostics without a doctors order. You can just buy the test online and schedule an appt. The test was $79.00. Not cheap but I'll be getting it checked on Monday and don't need to wait to see my GP and convince him to order the test. BTW symptoms of B12 deficiency include: fatigue, headache, difficulty concentrating and mental impairment, gastrointestinal issues, impaired coordination, visual disturbance and paresthesia (pins and needles). 


Have a great evening and stay strong 🙂



Seems like Vit D and Vit B12 deficiency is common among many vax-injured people.


I tested my Vit D and B12 about 3 weeks ago and they were low, when they were never low before.  (I had 2 Pfizer shots in Oct & Nov 2021.  All hell broke loose afterwards!).

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Posted by: @pfizerinjured
Posted by: @mike411
Posted by: @pfizerinjured
Posted by: @mike411

@pfizerinjured no, the vasodilatation leads to brain fog, headaches, and the pressure can increase broader Neuro symptoms. Raised BP and BP spikes are caused by one of two things (past immediate post vax reaction phase): 1) autoantibodies (and possibly molecular mimicry) that disrupts the body's blood pressure regulatory system (Renin Angiotensin System) in some way, or 2) autonomic dysfunction due to either auto antibodies interfering with the balance of sympathetic/parasympathetic nerve balance (similar to POTS) or same effect but instead of antibodies, driven by micro-vasculature interruption of blood flow to the autonomic nerves causing disruption (e.g. neuritis in nerves, neuroinflammation in brain). 


If your BP is mostly normal baseline and then spikes with movement or certain times of day, it's more likely #2. If your BP is constantly high and spikes on top of that, it could be either #1 or #2.

Thanks for another detailed reply, Mike.


I think for me, it is both 1) and 2). 


But I've had some weird headches since the vax.  I rarely had headaches in the past.  But lately (I am 6 months post 2nd jab), I've been having some pressure headaches (like there's a tight rubber band around my head), or throbbing headaches which I almost never ever had before.


My BP is borderline high, isn't it, at 125-30/80ish? have all kinds of symptoms, inclg neuritis, neuropathy etc.  Should I panic?

those numbers would be pre-hypertensive in US and normal in Europe. Some people are getting consistently high BP with spikes on top of that. That is my situation. My BP would regularly stay in the 160s to 170s and in afternoon spike higher. For others, BP is very normal in some situations like lying down but tends to spike to 150s to 160s with movement/exertion and especially lifting things. The former is believed to be more auto immune and the later more autonomic dysfunction due to underlying vascular dysfunction. 

Your focus should be on limiting vascular inflammation and bringing down cytokines/removing remaining spike protein and managing thru symptoms in meantime. Hopefully, over time those will all normalize and then if there is any autoimmune, it can slowly resolve on its own.

Statins and low dose aspirin for many months consistently can help. Fluvoxamine low dose (12.5mg to 25mg) can help with brain fog and pressure issues. Low inflammation/low histamine diets can help and/or taking H1 AND H2 antihistamine blockers; and possibly taking a DAO histamine blocker. If you can tolerate it, 5 to 7 day water fasts can really help. For me, I have not done that because my BP med needs to be taken 3x daily with fatty foods for absorption. Works to force inflammatory cells into autophagy (die off) and thus reset and calm immune system. 

Gut health is important: highly associated with balancing the immune system. Pre and probiotics over time can help there. 

Some supplements that help balance the immune system, calm cytokine inflammation and even help re-polarize the bad monocytes (holding onto spike): Vitamin C 500mg time release x2 daily, melatonin 5mg - 10mg nightly, Omega-3 3 to 4 grams daily.

IF you are not taking alot of prescription meds, the best herbal supplements are Curcumin, Dandelion Root, and Black Cumin Seed.

NAC and Vitamin D are more iffy: helps some and makes things worse for others. I personally stay away from them. Vitamin D may block the re-polarization of bad (nonclassical) monocytes. And it has a LONG half life: if it make things worse, it's not going to leave your body for months!

In meantime, you can try LDN or Gabapentin to help calm nerve pains until your body can heal. 

Mike, thank you sooo much for all that.  I hope I understood most of what you've said, lol.


I believe I have both vascular inflammation as well as autoimmune issues, such as pressure (and sometimes throbbing) headaches, super high antibodies (TPO around 1400.  I have Hashimoto's but this is super super high).  I also have histamine issues when I never used to.  I've recently started a low histamine diet and am considering takin a DAO supplement.  Looking into H1 and H2 blockers (any you can recommend please?).

I don't think I can fast.  I shake badly with hunger and can't go for a few hours without eating (could be blood sugar issue? dunno).  I take Umeboshi as a prebiotic and am looking for a low histamine probiotic (a bit reluctant to take it as some/ most are fermented and can be an issue for someone with histamines problem).

Do you know which Vit C is good?  I read some are just corn syrup fermented (so mould is an issue here).

I am taking Omega-3, though not as much as you recommend.  Trying to increase the dosage.

Have Dandelion Root and am considering taking it/

NAC and black cumin seed (the latter I loved) are now not available options as I am dealing with a relapse of Botox poisoning (Pfizer triggered the relapse).  I think Curcumin is also out.

Vit D is that bad huh (though I am not sure I fully understand what you've said about it.  I need to read up more!!).  I am apparently low on Vit D (as well as B12).  What do I do now?

Will ask my PCP about LDN and Gabapentin.


Many thanks again.




For H2 blocker, generally the most effective is Pepcid (famotidine) 20mg - 40mg /day

For H1 blocker, either loratadine 10mg or cetirizine 10mg.

If fasting is not an option, the next best is plant based diet (eliminate all animal proteins); takes several months with that approach. Otherwise, manage symptoms while body tries to recover by sticking with low histamine diet and/or using antihistamines. 

For vitamin C, I really like this product: Solaray Super Bio Buffered Vitamin C 1000mg with Bioflavonoids, Time Release Immune Support

For omega 3, make sure you are taking with food (preferably fatty) to ensure good absorption. Otherwise, make sure to get a form called "triglyceride form" which enhances absorption dramatically no matter whether you take food with it or not.

Where did you get botox poisoning? 

Vitamin D is just a watchout. It works for many and does nothing either way for some. But for some, it makes things worse and if that happens you are stuck with it for a few months as it has a very long half life and is bound to fat cells/liver. There is also conflicting data that shows it may prevent monocytes from re-polarizing. Whether that is a bad things depends on whether you are pursing treatments to try to eliminate them or are just dealing with symptoms while waiting out body to eventually eliminate them.

LTN, Cary L, LTN and 1 people reacted
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Posted by: @pfizerinjured
Posted by: @carym23
Posted by: @abby6

This an article from an SARS-CoV-2 researcher in the NHS that had a severe reaction to the vaccine.

Thank you Abby for posting this article. Her low vitamin B-12 and some of the symptoms associated with it prompted me to look into getting myself checked out. I wanted to let you know you can get B-12 and folate checked at Quest diagnostics without a doctors order. You can just buy the test online and schedule an appt. The test was $79.00. Not cheap but I'll be getting it checked on Monday and don't need to wait to see my GP and convince him to order the test. BTW symptoms of B12 deficiency include: fatigue, headache, difficulty concentrating and mental impairment, gastrointestinal issues, impaired coordination, visual disturbance and paresthesia (pins and needles). 


Have a great evening and stay strong 🙂



Seems like Vit D and Vit B12 deficiency is common among many vax-injured people.


I tested my Vit D and B12 about 3 weeks ago and they were low, when they were never low before.  (I had 2 Pfizer shots in Oct & Nov 2021.  All hell broke loose afterwards!).

Yes, mine were both low as well. Been supplementing ever since.


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@mike411 Hello. Who is interviewing Dr. Murphy?

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Posted by: @carym23

@mike411 Hello. Who is interviewing Dr. Murphy?

@mike411 never mind just saw DrLs post that De, Been will interview him. Thx!

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Posted by: @mike411
Posted by: @pfizerinjured
Posted by: @mike411
Posted by: @pfizerinjured
Posted by: @mike411

@pfizerinjured no, the vasodilatation leads to brain fog, headaches, and the pressure can increase broader Neuro symptoms. Raised BP and BP spikes are caused by one of two things (past immediate post vax reaction phase): 1) autoantibodies (and possibly molecular mimicry) that disrupts the body's blood pressure regulatory system (Renin Angiotensin System) in some way, or 2) autonomic dysfunction due to either auto antibodies interfering with the balance of sympathetic/parasympathetic nerve balance (similar to POTS) or same effect but instead of antibodies, driven by micro-vasculature interruption of blood flow to the autonomic nerves causing disruption (e.g. neuritis in nerves, neuroinflammation in brain). 


If your BP is mostly normal baseline and then spikes with movement or certain times of day, it's more likely #2. If your BP is constantly high and spikes on top of that, it could be either #1 or #2.

Thanks for another detailed reply, Mike.


I think for me, it is both 1) and 2). 


But I've had some weird headches since the vax.  I rarely had headaches in the past.  But lately (I am 6 months post 2nd jab), I've been having some pressure headaches (like there's a tight rubber band around my head), or throbbing headaches which I almost never ever had before.


My BP is borderline high, isn't it, at 125-30/80ish? have all kinds of symptoms, inclg neuritis, neuropathy etc.  Should I panic?

those numbers would be pre-hypertensive in US and normal in Europe. Some people are getting consistently high BP with spikes on top of that. That is my situation. My BP would regularly stay in the 160s to 170s and in afternoon spike higher. For others, BP is very normal in some situations like lying down but tends to spike to 150s to 160s with movement/exertion and especially lifting things. The former is believed to be more auto immune and the later more autonomic dysfunction due to underlying vascular dysfunction. 

Your focus should be on limiting vascular inflammation and bringing down cytokines/removing remaining spike protein and managing thru symptoms in meantime. Hopefully, over time those will all normalize and then if there is any autoimmune, it can slowly resolve on its own.

Statins and low dose aspirin for many months consistently can help. Fluvoxamine low dose (12.5mg to 25mg) can help with brain fog and pressure issues. Low inflammation/low histamine diets can help and/or taking H1 AND H2 antihistamine blockers; and possibly taking a DAO histamine blocker. If you can tolerate it, 5 to 7 day water fasts can really help. For me, I have not done that because my BP med needs to be taken 3x daily with fatty foods for absorption. Works to force inflammatory cells into autophagy (die off) and thus reset and calm immune system. 

Gut health is important: highly associated with balancing the immune system. Pre and probiotics over time can help there. 

Some supplements that help balance the immune system, calm cytokine inflammation and even help re-polarize the bad monocytes (holding onto spike): Vitamin C 500mg time release x2 daily, melatonin 5mg - 10mg nightly, Omega-3 3 to 4 grams daily.

IF you are not taking alot of prescription meds, the best herbal supplements are Curcumin, Dandelion Root, and Black Cumin Seed.

NAC and Vitamin D are more iffy: helps some and makes things worse for others. I personally stay away from them. Vitamin D may block the re-polarization of bad (nonclassical) monocytes. And it has a LONG half life: if it make things worse, it's not going to leave your body for months!

In meantime, you can try LDN or Gabapentin to help calm nerve pains until your body can heal. 

Mike, thank you sooo much for all that.  I hope I understood most of what you've said, lol.


I believe I have both vascular inflammation as well as autoimmune issues, such as pressure (and sometimes throbbing) headaches, super high antibodies (TPO around 1400.  I have Hashimoto's but this is super super high).  I also have histamine issues when I never used to.  I've recently started a low histamine diet and am considering takin a DAO supplement.  Looking into H1 and H2 blockers (any you can recommend please?).

I don't think I can fast.  I shake badly with hunger and can't go for a few hours without eating (could be blood sugar issue? dunno).  I take Umeboshi as a prebiotic and am looking for a low histamine probiotic (a bit reluctant to take it as some/ most are fermented and can be an issue for someone with histamines problem).

Do you know which Vit C is good?  I read some are just corn syrup fermented (so mould is an issue here).

I am taking Omega-3, though not as much as you recommend.  Trying to increase the dosage.

Have Dandelion Root and am considering taking it/

NAC and black cumin seed (the latter I loved) are now not available options as I am dealing with a relapse of Botox poisoning (Pfizer triggered the relapse).  I think Curcumin is also out.

Vit D is that bad huh (though I am not sure I fully understand what you've said about it.  I need to read up more!!).  I am apparently low on Vit D (as well as B12).  What do I do now?

Will ask my PCP about LDN and Gabapentin.


Many thanks again.




For H2 blocker, generally the most effective is Pepcid (famotidine) 20mg - 40mg /day

For H1 blocker, either loratadine 10mg or cetirizine 10mg.

If fasting is not an option, the next best is plant based diet (eliminate all animal proteins); takes several months with that approach. Otherwise, manage symptoms while body tries to recover by sticking with low histamine diet and/or using antihistamines. 

For vitamin C, I really like this product: Solaray Super Bio Buffered Vitamin C 1000mg with Bioflavonoids, Time Release Immune Support

For omega 3, make sure you are taking with food (preferably fatty) to ensure good absorption. Otherwise, make sure to get a form called "triglyceride form" which enhances absorption dramatically no matter whether you take food with it or not.

Where did you get botox poisoning? 

Vitamin D is just a watchout. It works for many and does nothing either way for some. But for some, it makes things worse and if that happens you are stuck with it for a few months as it has a very long half life and is bound to fat cells/liver. There is also conflicting data that shows it may prevent monocytes from re-polarizing. Whether that is a bad things depends on whether you are pursing treatments to try to eliminate them or are just dealing with symptoms while waiting out body to eventually eliminate them.

Thank you so much once again, Mike.

I had botox on my face but it's spread into my body.  I got sick in Oct 2017, got gradually better and had a 3 year remission where I was almost "normal", then relapsed in Dec 2021 with the P vaccine.  I am having the same symptoms as before plus new ones.  It's super bad this time.

I want to eliminate the Pfizer vaccine from my body.  But a lot supplements/treatments are counter-indicated to Botox and would worsen the symptoms, for example NAC and black seed (cumin) oil.  First thing I need to do though is try to "neutralise" the Botox (by taking inonic copper and drinking celery juice), though I am super careful not to be poisoned with copper.  When I feel a bit better, I will actively pursue detoxing Pfizer, which would include drinking taking a dandelion tincture, drinking pine needle tea and fennel tea.  I want to take Ivermectin but it's not available where I live.

Vit C and Omega-3 are good as are H1 and H2 blockers.

My Vit D and Vit B12 are low (they never used to be low before Pfizer).  My PCP wants me to take a mega dose of Vit D (20,000 iu per week) and take B12 infusion.  I've read on the FB Botox webpage that such treatments have sent many people with Botox poisoning straight to the ER.  So I won't be following his advice.

I still don't know what to do re Vit D.  It also must be taken with a magnesium, which I am also unsure about cuz of Botox poisoning.



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Is anyone dealing with excessive salivation?  This is a new symptom for me, as of the last week or so.

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Anyone here with ultra-high TPO antibodies?

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Oh, I should add that as of 3 weeks ago, my TPO was 1144 (ref range is 0-60 U/ml).

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Sorry for so many Q's.  I am not sure how to use the Search function on here.   Does/did anyone here have really bad painful/weak legs to the point that you couldn't/can't walk or stand for longer than a few minutes?

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@pfizerinjured Do you also have dry mouth or just excess saliva? And does anyone have excessive hunger, especially in the afternoon?  These systems are weird. Any suggestions?

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No, no dry mouth, just excessive salivation.  I have super dry eyes.  Thought maybe I had Sjogren's, brought on by the bl**dy Pfizer vaccine.  But it's not possible, right, if I have extra wet mouth (?).  Dunno really.

I am always hungry.  No change there.  But I know I have a leaky gut as I've been losing weight/ having a malnutrition issue.

This post was modified 3 years ago by LTN

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@pfizerinjured Thanks. I've not heard of botox cosmetic poisoning. I have heard of rare side effects with very large volume injections into deeper tissue used for medical purposes (neck muscles, bladder, etc). Curious, what symptoms did you have during those years? Did they come on suddenly or evolve over time? As an aside, I've had cosmetic botox (forehead) in pretty high quantities for 22yrs now. 

Botox itself only lasts for a few months so I'm presuming you identified some form of auto antibody (auto immune) reaction. Normally, when that happens it's auto antibodies to the the botox molecule and the result is a person becomes more resistant to the product working: body becomes relatively immune to it's effect.

Unfortunately, I'm not informed enough about this to make suggestions on meds or supplements and would not want to steer you wrong. Generally, for any autoimmune, things like gut health, plant based (no animal proteins) diets, and periodic 5 to 7 day fasting can help reset the immune system: proven effect in some cases of Lupus, RA, etc. Regular IVIG or Apheresis possibly with prolonged immunosuppression can help get some autoimmune disorders into more manageable state; but not a cure - remission at best usually.

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@dizzydave: Thanks for your post.  It appears that you and I have had similar experience with respect to tinnitus.  Mine set-in about 6 weeks after my booster.  I am 4 months into it now.  It seemed to get better around the 3 month mark but has recently spiked back up.  My audiology exam also indicated that I had no hearing loss and the ENT indicated that the vast majority of cases resolved within 6 months.  I'm not all that hopeful since there seems to be very few success stories on here about tinnitus eventually being resolved.  But I'm hanging onto hope that it's just nerve inflammation that will eventually subside.  Best wishes and please keep us posted on here about your progress.  

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