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Covid-19 Vaccine side effects

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Posted by: @mike411

New FLCCC Post Vax Treatment Protocol was released this past Wednesday (May 25th) -


Includes more background on dymanics of the contributing factors and their perspective on how best to treat. A few changes in meds and priorities vs their last list and now includes more lifestyle actions, including diet/fasting, meditation, etc. as well as some more symptom related treatments, which are pretty much copy of what already exists.

In general, while I believe they have some useful treatment recommendations, I do not find their approach as strong and focused as Patterson's, which I greatly prefer.

Some things like adding fasting make sense, although I really don't think daily is that compelling. Most of research I've seen and my Rheumatologist and Immunologist back, is that the best target is a 3 day to 5 day fast approx every 6 to 8 weeks with well focused diet in between. 

Not so sure LDN belongs on the top tier recommendations for general post vax. Very hit or miss and for most it's more of a bandaid at best, and symptoms resume as soon as they stop. I'd see that as more of a targeted treatment for certain potential symptom relief.

They don't have Statins on this list, which is their biggest miss and they continue to elevate IVM treatment as tier one, when it really should be more tier 2. and including Hydroxy as Second Tier treatment is a bit much. That should be a lower tier/adjunct treatment for those that have exhausted other treatments AND have a good indication that it really is autoimmune before trying an immune modulator like that.

I would be VERY cautious with their probiotics recos. Those are spore (soil) based probiotics and not your typical strains. Many people have strong body wide reaction (sore joints, vomiting) to those. Just take a look at low reviews on Amazon and other places.

They moved steroids down to second tier reco vs. top tier on their last list. I'd probably move that down to an even lower tier. Probably gives some a false sense of hope since steroids just dampen down the symptoms while on them and symptoms come right back shortly after stopping. 

Thank you for posting this protocol with your assessment. Liked these points in the protocol:

  • "The primary treatment goal is to help the body to restore and normalize the immune system—in other words, to let the body heal itself."
  • "Patients with post-vaccine syndrome must not receive further COVID-19 vaccines of any type."

Interesting they list intermittent fasting as the top therapy. Would add an anti-inflammatory diet to this list as it seems to have helped a number of people.

Yes, would want to see more evidence of any sustained benefits from ivm and hydroxy.

Would usually be the last person to recommend steroids, but someone I know with a vaccine injury was prescribed a course of prednisone within the first 5 days of symptoms and it did seem to help, with no recurrence of several of the symptoms. So maybe a few people could benefit - not sure. Look forward to seeing more research results for all of the possible treatments.

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Posted by: @asanders
Posted by: @filipolariu

@asanders Are you better?! I really hope so. What about the joints inflammation, are the popping and clicking sounds still there? Any improvements? Thanks!

Actually I was a lot better for a few weeks, but then I thought I am getting better so I guess I can eat a pizzaa...then boom everything came back but still not as severe as before. so I guess I am still in the recovery mode...or is this just a remission I dont know. Now I am back to veggies and intermittent fasting...usually I eat every other day.

Popping and clicking sounds are gone now but there are still a lot of problems with my knees and feet and shoulders. I think now I have some irreversible/permenant problems
but having less burning pain is a lot of improvement for me. I was practically living with thermo ice packs to soothe the burning.

Tinnitus seems to be gone....thats good too. My tinnutus was not as bad as others but still it was very annoying. 

I still have bloody metallic taste in my mouth..this taste comes with other symtomps and goes with other symtomps. 

Internal tremor, Sudden muscle movements, jerks, twitches still come and go.. but less severe now.

I really do have a big problem with my arms...Even lifting groceries/very light exercise  cause my arms to twitch and shake.... And using my arms to lift stuff triggers other symptoms all over my body.


Still using: 

atorvastatin / aspirin / Fluvoxamine / quercetin-zinc /  liposomal c / High dose dust form C / AlphaLipoicAcid / 

omega 3 / coconut oil / curcumin extrat / nigella sativa / silymarin / selenium /

D3K2 / Ata-Mg, magnesium malate , magnesium bisglycinate, elemental magnesium / 

H1-H2 antihistamines / monteloucast / ibuprofen / Coenzym q10 / Resveratrol / Boswellia

and Prednisolone






So glad to hear you are finally headed in a better trajectory. How long for improvement ? 

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@mike411, I may have missed this entirely and if I have, pls forgive me (my brain fog is BAD these days).  I am 6 months out from the 2nd Pfizer injection.  Is it worth me following the regime you're recommended this far out?  Also, how long does one stay on this regime for?


Ivermectin is not available where I live. Maraviroc, I am not sure I can convince my GP to give it to me.  He may acquiesce on the statins since I have borderline high cholesterol due to being Hashimoto's.  Fluvoxamine I am not convinced my GP will give it to me either, since I already suffer from some of the side effects listed, ie.  dizziness, headaches, insomnia, nausea, anxiety/restlessness.  I am already on Quercetin, Omega-3, Vit C etc.  Looking into H1&H2 blockers. I'd love to know your thoughts (again).  Thank you.

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I watched an interesting video in which a German doctor tells that, in his experience, in patients with cardiac side effects, Crataegus and Reishi have proven to be useful (minute 51:40), also Oxyvenation according to Dr. Regelsberger, Interval Hypoxic Treatment and Enhanced external counterpulsation (minute 55).

Also, because it is known that often many medical examinations methods do not indicate pathological elements, he says that the screening test of the heart called Cardisiography has proved to be useful in identifying changes (minute 44).

English subtitles can be selected.

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Posted by: @asanders
Posted by: @filipolariu

@asanders Are you better?! I really hope so. What about the joints inflammation, are the popping and clicking sounds still there? Any improvements? Thanks!

Actually I was a lot better for a few weeks, but then I thought I am getting better so I guess I can eat a pizzaa...then boom everything came back but still not as severe as before. so I guess I am still in the recovery mode...or is this just a remission I dont know. Now I am back to veggies and intermittent fasting...usually I eat every other day.

Popping and clicking sounds are gone now but there are still a lot of problems with my knees and feet and shoulders. I think now I have some irreversible/permenant problems
but having less burning pain is a lot of improvement for me. I was practically living with thermo ice packs to soothe the burning.

Tinnitus seems to be gone....thats good too. My tinnutus was not as bad as others but still it was very annoying. 

I still have bloody metallic taste in my mouth..this taste comes with other symtomps and goes with other symtomps. 

Internal tremor, Sudden muscle movements, jerks, twitches still come and go.. but less severe now.

I really do have a big problem with my arms...Even lifting groceries/very light exercise  cause my arms to twitch and shake.... And using my arms to lift stuff triggers other symptoms all over my body.


Still using: 

atorvastatin / aspirin / Fluvoxamine / quercetin-zinc /  liposomal c / High dose dust form C / AlphaLipoicAcid / 

omega 3 / coconut oil / curcumin extrat / nigella sativa / silymarin / selenium /

D3K2 / Ata-Mg, magnesium malate , magnesium bisglycinate, elemental magnesium / 

H1-H2 antihistamines / monteloucast / ibuprofen / Coenzym q10 / Resveratrol / Boswellia

and Prednisolone






I’m glad that you feel better.

And your experience is useful to others. I would like to rewrite your treatment schedule according to the purposes of each remedy. That is, if one identifies which products help, find out or confirm what pathogenic mechanisms are involved and, if one knows the mechanisms involved, can find different therapeutic products, corresponding to each mechanism, thus, each person, finds in his area, specific products, as well as after individual tolerance.

Your treatment includes, therefore:

- Anti-inflammatory: anti-inflammatory diet, ibuprofen, prednisolone, fluvoxamin, atorvastatin, curcuma, nigella sativa, boswellia, silymarin, quercetin, resveratrol, omega 3

- Against oxidative stress: glutathione, curcuma, nigella sativa, resveratrol, vitamin C, coenzyme Q10, ATA Mg (magnesium N-Acetyltaurinat), silymarin, alpha lipoic acid, quercetin, coconut oil, selenium

- Prevention of coagulation: aspirin, curcuma, omega 3, (also fluvoxamin helps a little)

- MCAS treatment: antihistamine diet, H1, H2 antihistamines, montelukast, quercetin-zinc, vitamin C, nigella sativa

- Useful treatments in case of autoimmune phenomena: prednisolone, boswellia, vitamin D

- Help mitochondria: coenzyme Q10, vitamin C

- Detoxifiers in general: silymarin, glutathione, curcuma

- Detoxification of heavy metals: alpha lipoic acid, glutathione, vitamin C

- Stimulation of immunity against viral, bacterial, parasitic, mycotic infections: vitamin D3K2, vitamin C, resveratrol, turmeric, coconut oil

- Symptomatic treatment:

    -against involuntary muscle contractions: ATA Mg, magnesium malate, bisglycinate, elemental

    -against pain: ibuprofene, alpha lipoic acid, turmeric, magnesium malate

    -against fatigue and anxiety: magnesium malate, bisglycinate

    -known treatments to support nervous tissue: alpha lipoic acid, resveratrol, curcuma, ATA Mg, coconut oil, selenium.

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@medee are you saying hot or cold sensations near where your heart is or in that general area?

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@simplicity2378 how long has it been for you thus far? I still am suffering after 9 months.. doctors keep saying anxiety and there's no way the vaccine could do this.. I trust my body and know when this all occurred. 

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Posted by: @pfizerinjured

@mike411, I may have missed this entirely and if I have, pls forgive me (my brain fog is BAD these days).  I am 6 months out from the 2nd Pfizer injection.  Is it worth me following the regime you're recommended this far out?  Also, how long does one stay on this regime for?


Ivermectin is not available where I live. Maraviroc, I am not sure I can convince my GP to give it to me.  He may acquiesce on the statins since I have borderline high cholesterol due to being Hashimoto's.  Fluvoxamine I am not convinced my GP will give it to me either, since I already suffer from some of the side effects listed, ie.  dizziness, headaches, insomnia, nausea, anxiety/restlessness.  I am already on Quercetin, Omega-3, Vit C etc.  Looking into H1&H2 blockers. I'd love to know your thoughts (again).  Thank you.

6 months out is fine to start. The mRNA vaccines 'can' (does not always happen) keep the body producing new spike for up to 4 months so it can be challenge anyways in the first few months so you should be in good shape and before things get too set. 

For how long, it would likely be at least 3 months and then evaluate where your symptoms are at. Even if doing well, might want to add 3 months to whenever symptoms improve to help protect again relapse potential; 6 months would be pretty typical average. I actually plan to stay on for 6 months post my last symptoms (except BP, which is  autoimmune so not counting that one).

If that's the case, would definetely focus on atorvastatin to ensure coverage into brain tissue. The watchout with it is when starting there can be a few days to a week for body to adjust. I have no dizziness or GI issues and switched from another statin (rosuvastatin) and the first few days I had alot of dizziness and nausea that slowly tapered off over the first week as my body adjusted. I'm taking 20mg which I believe is the most effective dose for this purpose. I just sucked it up and dealt with symptoms for a few days. The alternative would be to split the 20mg in half first week and just take 10mg and then once adjusted, 2nd week go up to 20mg. Take at night. That is already suggested timing for statins for maximal cholesterol effect and also will help limit side effects as you rest/sleep after taking.

I'd focus on what you can get: statin, aspirin, and supplements. Diet is going to be more important for you in that case. Would look at probiotics, good daily diet (low histamine if needed, otherwise low inflammation diet) and look at 3 to 5 day fasting every 6 to 8 weeks; will help with calming/resetting immune system (process of autophagy). 

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Posted by: @transpro85

@medee are you saying hot or cold sensations near where your heart is or in that general area?

Where my heart is. Do you have the same too?

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@medee yes especially over the last 2-3 months weird cold and then warm sensations in the area my heart is located. Mind you I'm on month 9 at this point..

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Posted by: @mike411
Posted by: @pfizerinjured

@mike411, I may have missed this entirely and if I have, pls forgive me (my brain fog is BAD these days).  I am 6 months out from the 2nd Pfizer injection.  Is it worth me following the regime you're recommended this far out?  Also, how long does one stay on this regime for?


Ivermectin is not available where I live. Maraviroc, I am not sure I can convince my GP to give it to me.  He may acquiesce on the statins since I have borderline high cholesterol due to being Hashimoto's.  Fluvoxamine I am not convinced my GP will give it to me either, since I already suffer from some of the side effects listed, ie.  dizziness, headaches, insomnia, nausea, anxiety/restlessness.  I am already on Quercetin, Omega-3, Vit C etc.  Looking into H1&H2 blockers. I'd love to know your thoughts (again).  Thank you.

6 months out is fine to start. The mRNA vaccines 'can' (does not always happen) keep the body producing new spike for up to 4 months so it can be challenge anyways in the first few months so you should be in good shape and before things get too set. 

For how long, it would likely be at least 3 months and then evaluate where your symptoms are at. Even if doing well, might want to add 3 months to whenever symptoms improve to help protect again relapse potential; 6 months would be pretty typical average. I actually plan to stay on for 6 months post my last symptoms (except BP, which is  autoimmune so not counting that one).

If that's the case, would definetely focus on atorvastatin to ensure coverage into brain tissue. The watchout with it is when starting there can be a few days to a week for body to adjust. I have no dizziness or GI issues and switched from another statin (rosuvastatin) and the first few days I had alot of dizziness and nausea that slowly tapered off over the first week as my body adjusted. I'm taking 20mg which I believe is the most effective dose for this purpose. I just sucked it up and dealt with symptoms for a few days. The alternative would be to split the 20mg in half first week and just take 10mg and then once adjusted, 2nd week go up to 20mg. Take at night. That is already suggested timing for statins for maximal cholesterol effect and also will help limit side effects as you rest/sleep after taking.

I'd focus on what you can get: statin, aspirin, and supplements. Diet is going to be more important for you in that case. Would look at probiotics, good daily diet (low histamine if needed, otherwise low inflammation diet) and look at 3 to 5 day fasting every 6 to 8 weeks; will help with calming/resetting immune system (process of autophagy). 

Mike, thank you sooo much!!

My main concern with the statins, as you've pointed out, is the dizziness .  In fact, vertigo (room spinning) and dizziness (feeling unbalanced, feeling like you're in a boat) are my top 2 concerns.  I had both and other symptoms a few years ago.  Had a 3-year remission and Pfizer brought them all back and added a few others!!

I figure that the root cause is Hashimoto's.  So my autoimmune system has gone into HYPER overdrive, triggered by the Pfizer vaccine (and before that, as I mentioned, by Botox).  My TPO is now through the roof!!  Just some background.

Might it be ok if I were to split the 20mg dose into 3 or even 4 parts?

I also have GI issues (leaky gut, hence constipation and nausea etc).  But I fear that vertigo and dizziness may be worsened by the statins.

I am on a low HI diet.  Will get the aspirin too.  Not sure which probiotics are good when you're on a low HI diet.  Will have to do some research.

(Still not sure about the fasting.  I've gone very skinny due to malabsorption of foods and being on a low HI diet, not much I can eat.  I get the shakes badly when I'm hungry).

Thank you again.


This post was modified 3 years ago 2 times by LTN

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Posted by: @pfizerinjured
Posted by: @mike411
Posted by: @pfizerinjured

@mike411, I may have missed this entirely and if I have, pls forgive me (my brain fog is BAD these days).  I am 6 months out from the 2nd Pfizer injection.  Is it worth me following the regime you're recommended this far out?  Also, how long does one stay on this regime for?


Ivermectin is not available where I live. Maraviroc, I am not sure I can convince my GP to give it to me.  He may acquiesce on the statins since I have borderline high cholesterol due to being Hashimoto's.  Fluvoxamine I am not convinced my GP will give it to me either, since I already suffer from some of the side effects listed, ie.  dizziness, headaches, insomnia, nausea, anxiety/restlessness.  I am already on Quercetin, Omega-3, Vit C etc.  Looking into H1&H2 blockers. I'd love to know your thoughts (again).  Thank you.

6 months out is fine to start. The mRNA vaccines 'can' (does not always happen) keep the body producing new spike for up to 4 months so it can be challenge anyways in the first few months so you should be in good shape and before things get too set. 

For how long, it would likely be at least 3 months and then evaluate where your symptoms are at. Even if doing well, might want to add 3 months to whenever symptoms improve to help protect again relapse potential; 6 months would be pretty typical average. I actually plan to stay on for 6 months post my last symptoms (except BP, which is  autoimmune so not counting that one).

If that's the case, would definetely focus on atorvastatin to ensure coverage into brain tissue. The watchout with it is when starting there can be a few days to a week for body to adjust. I have no dizziness or GI issues and switched from another statin (rosuvastatin) and the first few days I had alot of dizziness and nausea that slowly tapered off over the first week as my body adjusted. I'm taking 20mg which I believe is the most effective dose for this purpose. I just sucked it up and dealt with symptoms for a few days. The alternative would be to split the 20mg in half first week and just take 10mg and then once adjusted, 2nd week go up to 20mg. Take at night. That is already suggested timing for statins for maximal cholesterol effect and also will help limit side effects as you rest/sleep after taking.

I'd focus on what you can get: statin, aspirin, and supplements. Diet is going to be more important for you in that case. Would look at probiotics, good daily diet (low histamine if needed, otherwise low inflammation diet) and look at 3 to 5 day fasting every 6 to 8 weeks; will help with calming/resetting immune system (process of autophagy). 

Mike, thank you sooo much!!

My main concern with the statins, as you've pointed out, is the dizziness .  In fact, vertigo (room spinning) and dizziness (feeling unbalanced, feeling like you're in a boat) are my top 2 concerns.  I had both and other symptoms a few years ago.  Had a 3-year remission and Pfizer brought them all back and added a few others!!

I figure that the root cause is Hashimoto's.  So my autoimmune system has gone into HYPER overdrive, triggered by the Pfizer vaccine (and before that, as I mentioned, by Botox).  My TPO is now through the roof!!  Just some background.

Might it be ok if I were to split the 20mg dose into 3 or even 4 parts?

I also have GI issues (leaky gut, hence constipation and nausea etc).  But I fear that vertigo and dizziness may be worsened by the statins.

I am on a low HI diet.  Will get the aspirin too.  Not sure which probiotics are good when you're on a low HI diet.  Will have to do some research.

(Still not sure about the fasting.  I've gone very skinny due to malabsorption of foods and being on a low HI diet, not much I can eat.  I get the shakes badly when I'm hungry).

Thank you again.


You can split the statin pill into smaller pieces and trying spacing out doses and also start with smaller daily dose and try working up over a few weeks; take it slow. The pills are not extended release or anything so no issues splitting. I think you are likely to have issues, particularly with atorvastatin, if you go too fast. Alternatives would be to look at pravastatin for some benefit in body; though it won't penetrate into brain. The upside, is because it doesn't penetrate into brain, it should have much lower side effects there as result. The other option, which is a bit weaker still in Niacin. It does not help with cytokine inflammation so much but it does help (down regulate) with the fractalkine receptors which is the primary focus of the statins. The trick with Niacin is getting the dose right: need a pretty large dose for this effect and too much Niacin can have serious side effects of its own.

If you have GI/leaky gut, you really want to look into adding probiotics. I don't have histamine issues so my regime is simply focused on best strains and sources for enhanced GI support and optimizing entire body immune system. If you have histamine issues, you need to spend time looking at strains and sources to ensure they won't present an issue. Some strains can trigger histamine and some probiotics use milk/yogurt proteins that can be problematic. In general though, you want to get to a good probiotic blend that you can work up to 100 billion + daily. A cup of yogurt/kefir and/or one pill alone is not going to get you there for the most part. I'm taking 300 billion plus (with good amount of prebiotics) to really push it hard. I didn't want to eat up time working up to dose so just went all in at beginning and put up with ALOT of gas and bloating. But it was so worth it. After 3 weeks, things settled down and it was a great move. Gut tissue has so much surface area interface with the body that improving its functioning and boosting immune system thru it can be very rewarding with time!

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Posted by: @transpro85

@medee yes especially over the last 2-3 months weird cold and then warm sensations in the area my heart is located. Mind you I'm on month 9 at this point..

This is horrible! Do you have any hesrt issues? Chest pain, palps anything of that sort? 

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@asanders: Thanks for posting your update.  Sounds like you are making some progress.  Question:  You mention that your tinnitus is virtually gone.  I'm very glad to hear that (pardon the pun) as I got tinnitus from my Moderna booster about 4 months ago.  Is there anything you can point to, like a specific supplement, treatment, etc. that you believe helped resolve the tinnitus?  Or do you think it was just a matter of passing time?  I am hopeful that mine is not permanent.  Thanks again and positive thoughts for your continued recovery. 

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Any recovery story from creaking, clicking, popping joints sounds? Thank you!

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