@arthur Hello, Hope you are making a good recovery from your DVT. I understand your dilemma and I think it's something only you and your doctor can resolve. Perhaps after your first bad reaction to the vaccine the second may not be recommended in any case?? If you are still eligible for it and if you still want it perhaps your doctor would need to monitor you closely.
If you are otherwise a healthy person there is no reason for not living a long active life. My mother is your age and she is young at heart. My husband plays golf with men your age and they live life to the full. No one knows what tomorrow brings regardless of age so don't think about dying, think about living.
I hope you get good advice from your doctor.
@isismadec I'm not getting emails either but I supposed it was because no-one had replied to my posts or 'liked' them.
hi guys, I got my second dose of Pfizer on 25 Jan - got up Dizzy only after 2.5 months! doctors say its vertigo! Is it possible after such a long time?
Tried different solutions - medication, exercises with my physiotherapist - still having episodes on and off - especially after coming down stairs and jerks sudden movements- have to think before i do anything! very frustrating. Never had it before.
Had astra zenica a month ago, was dizzy for a week then this subsided but for the past week it has come back with avengence almost debilitating, experiencing fatigue weak muscles too ...been taking b vits & magnesium which seem to help . Very dizzy on waking ...I was healthy before.
I’ve been reading this forum for a few weeks now. I got my first Pfizer shot on March 17. Eight days later I awoke with Vertigo. I tried Meclazine but no relief, just exhaustion. Next tried OTC meds for allergies. No relief. Ears painful. Did a 5 day regimen of Zpack. No relief. Went to a vestibular physical therapist and one Epley maneuver cured the Vertigo but dizziness and feeling off balance never went away. I was fearful of getting my 2nd dose but went ahead anyway. I’m happy to say things did not get worse. It’s now 26 days and I am still like a drunken sailor. I can turn my head but I can’t “tilt “ my head. Walking is challenging. My sense of balance is poor. Hoping time will help. If anyone experienced this please update how long it took to go away.
I had my 2nd dose on Saturday. I was super tired. I slept a lot over Saturday and Sunday. Today, Monday, I get up and everything is wrong. My ears ache, my feet aren’t going the right way, I’m so dizzy that I crashed into the TV and TV stand. I’m so lucky that my hubby heard me and he and my 11 yr old son help me up. That was a crazy episode. I still feel weird, but I really hurt myself. My knee is scraped up (no big deal except that I have arthritis in it) and my right ribs are aching. I had no side effects with the first dose. I was wondering if anyone else got dizzy/vertigo after dose two?
@jennifer Almost all the posts previous to yours describe the same side effects
I had my first Moderna vaccine on March, 25th. Exactly 6 days later my arm got very hot and red where the vaccine was injected. That same day I got very dizzy and felt very off. I didn't feel right and almost had an unsteady floating feeling. I am in my 30's and very healthy. I have never had this in my life until that day. Since then for the the next 3 weeks until April,16th I had episodes of this dizziness on and off. I was so scared about what was wrong that I went to get a blood test and another day had urgent care check my ears, do and EKG and check my blood sugar. Everything came back normal. I was very upset and worried and came across this page. I noticed a lot of people asking if it goes away and there wasn't too many answers to that question. I will say the last 3 days I have been so much better and I think it's going away. I feel much better. I think what helped me is I started chugging water and gatorade to flush my body and I also let myself rest and let my immune system settle down. Rest your body! I think it's in overdrive from the vaccine.
As much as I wanted to be fully vaccinated I am too scared to get the second one. The first one had me in tears for days trying to figure out what was happening to me. The worst part in all of this....... the drs cannot help you if something is wrong. They do not know or understand it fully because it is so new.
1. Has anyone declined 2 Nd vaccine because of symptoms from 1st? Been very tired and a strange dizziness I never had before. I don’t see the value from a health perspective of getting 2 Nd! At 59 I have no medical issues until now-lethargy and dizziness
2. If this forum is legit then by Pharma Clinical Trials adverse rxns these vaccines should be halted!!! I worked in Pharma over 20 years and this amount of ongoing dizziness is mind blowing... being dizzy is the pits!!!!!
Anyway I found a forum like this yrs ago when my husband had cancer and it was extremely valuable- more so than Docs and hospice!
I am 85 years old. The actuarial tables say I don’t have many years left. Do I want to take a second dose and risk more vertigo, clots and who knows what arising from system inflammation? Or do I iskip second dose and take a chanc on how much immunity the first dose gave?
If I were you wouldn’t get 2 Nd shot make sure to get plenty of Vit D sunshine- Zinc- Quercetin!!!! Walk outside as often as possible- been telling my Dad this since last March he’s 89 and doing fine!!
I'm so sorry this is happening to you. I can relate. I had the first moderna vaccine in March and 6 days later I started to get dizzy and vertigo feelings. I felt very unsteady on my feet. I also went to a few drs and one suggested an MRI. I was completely and perfectly fine before the vaccine. I decided to slow down and drink a ton of water and tried advil since its an anti-flammatory as well as gatorade for electrolytes. I'm finding that I feel better the last few days.
@steveh So many of us are having same side effects - two days after my first PFE jab, I became dizzy, had facial muscle twitching, developed headache. Just when I think it's gone, it comes back. Doctor told me she is seeing 2-3 patients a day with same side effects and apparently it happens to some people with just regular flu shots too, although I've never experience it. She prescribed Benadryl 3x day - it might have helped a little bit in the beginning but I stopped taking it and side effects seemed to improve.