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Covid-19 Vaccine side effects

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don’t get it. I advise against it. I never thought to say those words to anyone about a vaccine. But with my experience with the COVID vaccine if I could turn back time if someone could have warned me. I would say don’t do it. If You had one dose, you don’t need another. 

didigo and didigo reacted
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how often were you taking the Advil? And What doses at a time?

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Posted by: @ksharky13

Thanks for the reply. My tinnitus is now back to where it was when it first appeared back in late January.  Predominately in my right ear (or right side of my head), high-pitched, and my ear feels half-plugged.  It had resolved to a great degree until a recent sudden spike.  I have no idea what could have caused this spike, although a lot of people on here do mention that they get symptom relapses periodically after having them resolve to a point over several months.  As I noted, it is possible that starting a new SSRI could have helped to cause this spike, but I only took 5mg/day for 7 days. I any evet, it's frustrating but I also know that, compared to the issues so many people are having because of the covid vaccines, my issue is not as bad.  I remain hopeful that the tinnitus will fade over time and that I don't get any permanent hearing damage.  I did have an audiology exam back in March and it showed that I didn't have any hearing loss, so that's good.  How bad is your tinnitus and has it improved at all over time?  

My tinnitus varies from low to very high depending on the day. I didn't notice the change taking out caffeine and sugar and I don't know what causes the high or low change. I have no hope as I think it's permanent damage. But I can't say 100% because the other symptoms have passed.


Posted by: @margaret2022


don’t get it. I advise against it. I never thought to say those words to anyone about a vaccine. But with my experience with the COVID vaccine if I could turn back time if someone could have warned me. I would say don’t do it. If You had one dose, you don’t need another. 


Sometimes I think about it too, if I had a "time machine" or something I would warn myself NEVER to get this Jab. I got only 1 because i was not stupid (or crazy) enough to get another one.

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@margaret2022 P.S - I didn't mean that you were stupid, I meant that I myself wouldn't be based on my experience. I got really sick with that single dose and I didn't go back there to repeat the second dose.

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I too regret taking the vaccine, especially since I allowed work to pressure me with a mandate. It would be best to be healthy and out of work. I can't say I am fully back to my old self but I feel hopeful. 5 months ago I was in a real state and devastated at the health problems(long list) after vac. 

My hearing and numbness has improved some. But what is interesting is my visit to neurologist who deffo believes the vaccine caused the issues but was quite upfront in saying will probably never know what happened. 

My last two visits to hospital showed an elevated CRP(marker if inflammation in body) from one week to the next and climbing. Was shown a graph on docs computer screen.

However, the neurologist who reviewed my medical notes said this info was not there and that it was a normal CRP result. She was baffled and apologised it may have been a mix up........who knows.

Just got my blood results from neurologist and it shows I have extremely high creatine kinase levels. This measures damage to muscles, heart and brain. Vit B12 levels are also high which can be a sign of serious health problem. Also high after recent heart attack.


Still have MRI scan in a week or so and follow up with neurologist, will update.




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Correction to my earlier post - abnormally elevated creatine kinase can be found after recent heart attack not elevated vitamin B12.

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Hello Everyone,

Below is a long list of symptoms.  If you are experiencing some of these symptoms post vaccination, please view this video.  I hope this helps you.


Headaches and migraines, Difficulty getting to sleep, Early waking

Insomnia and Sleepiness during the day, Intermittent visual blurring,
Deteriorating peripheral vision or 'tunnel' vision, Bulging eyes
Sensitivity to light, Difficulty focusing, Poor color vision 
Poor night vision and, Difficulty moving the eyes

Very itchy rashes, Eczema and psoriasis, Dizziness, Tinnitus, Difficulty interpreting what you hear, Constant fatigue (adrenal and thyroid gland exhaustion) and A poor physiological response to stress.

Heart palpitations, An irregular heart beat, Angina or chest pain
A racing heart beat, Low or high blood pressure, Frequently feeling faint, Heavy, missed or irregular periods, Severe period pains, Pre-menstrual tension (PMT), Miscarriages and Still births

Difficulty articulating words, Numbness and tingling, Clumsiness
Difficulty doing fine tasks, Tremors, Ticks and twitches (especially of the face and eyes), A loss of coordination and, Restless legs

Hallucinations, Depression, Obsessive-Compulsive Disorders, Manic-Depressive Disorder, Panic disorders and Schizophrenia spectrum disorders

Fears , Anxieties, Irritability, Fits of anger, Panic attacks, Mood swings
Loss of self-confidence, Poor memory, Difficulty multitasking, Difficulty finding words, An inability to concentrate 


Filip93 and Filip93 reacted
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I started taking Lion's Mane and it is actually helping my nerves.

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@adelaide hi there sorry for the late reply. I’m still the same 13 months on. I recently had some tests done and they confirmed I have PPPD (persistent postural perceptual dizziness) but they wanted to establish the trigger. So it turns out I have horizontal canal BPPV in my right ear which basically started 4 days after my second Astra Zeneca vaccine. This means a crystal in my inner ear has dislodged into my horizontal canal and this is the more difficult type of BPPV to treat. This has led to PPPD. Hope this helps 

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hello. You are experiencing symptoms of neuropathy (inflammation/damage to nerves) Stabbing or pinprick headaches are a sign of nerve damage which includes facial pain. And the numbness in your hands and feet after sleeping is a sign of poor circulation in connection to neuropathy and possibly POTS (if you have these symptoms aswell)

The majority of people in this forum are experiencing neuropathy. Find a neurologist who can perform a skin biopsy to confirm your condition. 

Maintain exercise and general activity. Drink plenty of water. Rest at night for a full uninterrupted 8 hours at-least. Make healthy diet choices such as low inflammatory foods. Avoid highly stressful situations at all costs. 

Supplements will help your neurological function but it is worth getting blood tests to see where you may or may not have deficiencies to avoid a build up. 

Regularly test your CRP levels. 

Neuropathy can affect a plethora of functions in your body and is progressive in nature. It can start with pain, tingling and numbness in the hands and feet and slowly progress to other parts of the body. It can be mild or severe and there is medication to treat it. 

Some people in this forum may have underlying causes or some people may develop further complications as a result. It’s important to do extensive investigations to rule out any other underlying causes or further complications. These include a full auto immune screening, cardiovascular health, blood clotting disorders, blood sugar levels, inflammatory markers, liver and kidney functions, full blood count, anemia studies, stool and urine samples snd most importantly, IGG, IGE, IGM levels. 

Find a doctor who will manage your condition for the long term and who you can consult when symptoms change. Your dr can perform on the spot neurological examinations if your are particularly concerned about head pain. 

I am 7 months post 3rd booster jab (Moderna) and have a plethora of symptoms. I’ll be traveling to Switzerland next month for a special aspheresis treatment that is the last resort and the most effective treatment aimed at post vaccine issues with an endless list of proven highly effective benefits. 

Buzzgirl and Buzzgirl reacted
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Hi. I noticed the same! The posts certainly aren’t as active as early on and I think most of your theories are correct. In my personal circumstances, I have grown to accept the symptoms and are now in management mode. These forums have been a minefield of information and they get to the point were you can’t have 20 or so different theories and suggestions for treatments rolling around in your head, it becomes overwhelming so spending time away from the forum is beneficial to my mental health. I also agree that the initial vaccine push has slowed down and less and less people are developing symptoms. There is the odd person that posts a new onset of symptoms and I think, poor them, they have only just started their journey and my God what a challenging journey it is. 

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Fluvoximine is the one thing that I took, and I took everything and anything to make this stop, that actually may have worked. I was dizzy for three months and two weeks. After I took two doses of Fluvoximine the dizzy spell finally stopped. I have had very bad headaches and more than I have ever had. I found that a migraine cap, like the kind you put in the freezer, really helps. And Advil, although my GI has asked me not to take them. But Tylenol doesn't touch it. No headache pill given by my GP has touched it. Advil helps about 90 percent of the time. And I have a neck massager I bought after realizing my neck and shoulders were very swollen after the vaccine. They still get swollen. This had helped. 

Jwills and Jwills reacted
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Question for people on this forum who acquired tinnitus from the Covid vaccines:  Did your symptoms also include a very tight and sore neck muscle that ran up the back of your head and behind the ear on the side you got tinnitus on (if you got unilateral tinnitus)? I am having a relapse of my tinnitus to the original level and I also have the sore neck muscle again.  They seem to go hand-in-hand, at least for me.  And, my tinnitus is a very high-pitched sound, not necessarily a ring, but more like the high-pitched frequency that used to come of of electrical items like TV sets.  And it's more in my head than in my ear.  Thanks in advance for any comments/feedback.

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@ksharky13 Hi...I have the same problem and on July 18 of 2021 I  received the vaccine.  Before I  even arrived home I  had a quarter size metallic tasting area on my tongue. So many terrible problems. For 3 months I  felt like I  was wearing someone else's prescription glasses. The brain fog was so intense it was to much to follow a recipe. The inside of my mouth felt scalded and was peeling. Food tasted horrible, certain food I still won't  eat because they no longer appeal to me. It was around six months before I  could eat anything with citric acid. Bread tasted like garbage.

The remaining problems are like yours...tight neck and right side of head,nausea and terrible tinnitus and like yours  more of an electrical sound...louder on the right where I  got the vaccine.

All these problems from one dose of Moderna. 

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Posted by: @ksharky13

Question for people on this forum who acquired tinnitus from the Covid vaccines:  Did your symptoms also include a very tight and sore neck muscle that ran up the back of your head and behind the ear on the side you got tinnitus on (if you got unilateral tinnitus)? I am having a relapse of my tinnitus to the original level and I also have the sore neck muscle again.  They seem to go hand-in-hand, at least for me.  And, my tinnitus is a very high-pitched sound, not necessarily a ring, but more like the high-pitched frequency that used to come of of electrical items like TV sets.  And it's more in my head than in my ear.  Thanks in advance for any comments/feedback.

Posted by: @toni

@ksharky13 Hi...I have the same problem and on July 18 of 2021 I  received the vaccine.  Before I  even arrived home I  had a quarter size metallic tasting area on my tongue. So many terrible problems. For 3 months I  felt like I  was wearing someone else's prescription glasses. The brain fog was so intense it was to much to follow a recipe. The inside of my mouth felt scalded and was peeling. Food tasted horrible, certain food I still won't  eat because they no longer appeal to me. It was around six months before I  could eat anything with citric acid. Bread tasted like garbage.

The remaining problems are like yours...tight neck and right side of head,nausea and terrible tinnitus and like yours  more of an electrical sound...louder on the right where I  got the vaccine.

All these problems from one dose of Moderna. 

I have exactly your tinnitus symptoms (about Tinnitus) it's an internal tinnitus in the brain on the right side. But I didn't notice any muscle tightening in my neck. On the right where I got the vaccine.

How long ago did you get vaccinated? how many doses? Which vaccine?


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