Hi, I'm 18 years old and I've had my first dose of Pfizer for almost a year, as some say "a single vaccine couldn't cause you so much damage", but I felt the opposite, since the first week I got vaccinated I started to feel numb/ tingling sensation in my extremities, after added the symptom of spasms in the skin body a sensation as if something was jumping under the skin. I mentioned this to the doctor and he did blood tests where the antibodies were altered and possibly it was systemic lupus erythematosus, however after a few months he said that I did not have that, now I am waiting to have an MRI to see what happens with my muscles. I'm a little nervous because reading his comments some say that it could be multiple sclerosis, my anxiety levels go up more when I think about it.
I have taken any type of supplements, vitamin D3, C, omega 3, minerals and other types of multivitamins. I exercise, I have a balanced diet and the muscle contractions and numbness don't go away, honestly I'm tired and desperate I don't know what to do.
If someone knows how to detoxify the body or something like that, I would really appreciate it if you could inform me according to what it helped you.
(excuse my wording, English is not my first language)
Hi Nya and everyone..
I have been reading this forum a long time now.. OMG!
We can help
Come to our group on Telegram where we have peer support, many detox protocols of these nasty injections, voice chat etc. Share your stories with like minded people and get healthy.
Post that you came from here and we will see your message.
I am so glad to found this forum. I am LUKE 23 years old, had covid during quarantine, Was a pathetic experience !! After recovering from Covid 19 around post 60 days, I was eligible to take my vaccine. After taking my first dose of the vaccine, a server fever and body pain was experienced and a strong headache. Had to consult a doctor immediately as I couldn't control my pain. It was a quarantine time wasn't able to go out of home, so had an online consultancy with a doctor. Recommend a painkiller Somapill for my body pain and headache, would love to say thanks to that doctor who helps me to overcome my body pain and headache.
Hello everyone,
I am not sure what this whole website is about (English is not my first language) but I see here a lot of discussion about the covid 19 vaccine side effects is done here.
So I wanted to share you my personal experience:
I am male 20 years old(if anyone is interested)
I got my booster shot back in December, 1 and a half week later, I noticed joint pain in my knees, they also felt heavy and my shoulders felt very heavy and stiff, I never had such a feeling in my life before. Since then all my joints seem to be affected, meaning also my elbows hurt, my lower back, my wrists and so on. I also developed cracking in my joints, also in my wrists and the ellbows which I also never experienced before. The pain is not only in my joints i also have sensitive spots all over my body, meaning when I put pressure on it with one finger it hurts. I also noticed that my joints react very bad to cold temperatures (For example when I go out in the winter my knees start to feeling like they are burning when they get in touch with the cold air for example). I did several examinations at a rheumatologist but he didn't find anything abnormal.
Prior to this I was playing football 4 times a week and often going to the gym. I played footall for like 9 years I never had problems with my muscles or joints this is so strange.
So my question now: Has anyone experienced the same? If yes did you make a full recovery? Which treatment helped you to do so?
I am just completely frustrated, some doctors tell me this is just in my head or that it is not Vax related. I don't know anyone personal who suffered from long term negative side effects like this from the Vax. I already shared my experiences on 2-3 subreddits but it seems like this are very rare complications after the vaccine, so if anyone experienced something similar I would be glad if I get an answer 🙂
@justjo415 Hi, have your muscle spasms gone away? I have the same symptoms, it's like an internal annoying vibration, I already tried vitamins, I exercise, I have a balanced diet, I drink a lot of water and they don't go away!!! I honestly feel fatigued and nervous about what it could be.
Hi all
Found this thread whilst Googling my problems, so thought I’d sign up to share my story.
UK based 30 year old male usually healthy.
Suffered with Psoriasis all over my body for in excess of 15 years now. (remember this bit!)
Initial Pfizer vaccine 27th May 21
Second Pfizer vaccine 31st July 21
Booster Pfizer 22nd December 21
None of my vaccines had any immediate side effects however somewhere between August and October I started to suffer dizziness, spells on and off throughout the day. Never thought of a connection to my vaccines hence having the booster in December.
February came and the dizziness started getting worse - lasting a long time and twice so bad I’ve been sick and have to lay down, unable to walk.
I’ve had various physical check ups at the doctors with everything coming back clear, them telling me it must be a reoccurring inner ear infection.
They have only last week referred me for an MRI which I’m waiting for a date to have done.
I have only in the last few days started to wonder if my Pfizer vaccines could be the answer and seeing this thread makes me convinced it must be.
My main symptoms:
Dizziness - feels like I’ve just stepped off a roller coaster
Sinuses feel like they have pressure, makes my ears feel a bit odd sometimes and as though my nose might start bleeding.
Sometimes the dizziness is so severe I vomit.
No other symptoms - no headaches etc JUST dizziness, bad dizziness!
The one really strange side effect I seem to have had is my psoriasis has almost completely gone within a month of my first vaccine. This cannot be a coincidence.. over 15 years suffering badly all over my body, all sorts of creams, hospital UVB light treatments etc all to no avail.
It’s the one plus to come from taking the vaccine but at the moment I’m not sure it was worth it with how bad the dizziness is! I’m now trying travel sickness tablets (Kwells) to see if they help, along with Sudofed sinus tablets.
Any advice or treatment for the dizziness would be hugely appreciated!
Hi all
I just thought I would jump on with an update to my original post that I shared.
It’s been around 10-11 months now since I started having issues, I am still waiting for an MRI referral due to NHS backlogs!
I’ve been on Betahistine dihydrochloride for the last few months which certainly helped but as soon as it got to the time I was due another tablet, I could feel the sickness/dizziness/fog coming back over me.
Randomly 10 days ago I woke up in the morning and took my tablet, then decided to try not taking them and see how bad the dizziness/sickness gets again.
It’s now been 10 days since I took a tablet, I’ve been clear of any symptoms at all.
Could this finally be the light at the end of the tunnel? It’s been a horrible last year trying to live and work like this but honestly the last week I’ve felt so good and not had a single symptom, I’m praying it stays that way.
Sending best wishes to those still suffering. There’s hope!
@alex606 im experiencing majority of what you are feeling... I found to have a high d-dimer... Currently doing alot of other blood work....i was put on blood thinning injection for 1 week, i almost seemed to feel normal.... But i had to stop it becuase it was very high dosage....
I am alao finally booked to have blood check under microscope with a doctor studying affect of vaccine on blood cells....
Hi everyone,
I’m not sure if my dizziness was caused from the COVID-19 shot or not.
my dizziness started out with a ringing in my right ear. I’ve been to see two ENT doctors, a cardiologist, I’ve taken vestibular physical therapy, and I’ve been to a neurologist.
i’ve had a MRI of my brain and a CAT scan. I’ve had a VNG and he NBR test and I have an appointment now to have an EEG test for my brain waves. All in all it’s been about four months and my dizziness still hasn’t been diagnosed. No doctors have been able to figure out why I feel dizzy all the time. I’ve had an EKG, stress test and a echocardiogram done. At one point when I would lay down at night to rest the room when you feel like it was spinning and I would open my eyes and anything that was vertical was turning horizontally for about 15 seconds . When I took vestibular physical therapy they adjusted my head and got my vestibular crystals to go back into the container so I don’t get that anymore but I still have ear pressure and a slight constant dizziness 24 hours a day. Hopefully they figure out what’s going on .
- @maxdc2 thank you for your answer I will keep pushing forward to make an appointment at a medical university in a bigger city, maybe someone can help me there, if anyone there believes my symptoms :(the major problem is that most of the doctors where I am located are not aware of vaccine side effects like this) , I will also look forward to do some more bloodwork, thank you for the Tipp with the d dimer, I will look into that, I will also try some more supplements, if I make any progress or have some news I will post here, stay safe guys
@pepms: Sorry for my delayed response. I stopped by SSRI in early June, after 1 week on 5mg of Lexapro (I was switching from an SSRI that I had been on for literally about 25 years and felt my body had gotten used to it). Anyway, I got a spike in my tinnitus 7 days after starting Lexapro. Upon research I found that is not as unusual as they want you to believe for SSRIs. So I quite cold turkey but my tinnitus spike has not resolved and actually has gotten worse this past week. I have no idea if it's related to quitting the SSRI, or if it's just a relapse related to the Covid vaccine side effect. Either way my tinnitus, while not debilitating, is now bad enough where I can't/won't do certain things anymore for fear of making it worse (like play my electric guitar, go to concerts, I even hate going to noisy restaurants and places like that). I'm now 7 months past my first tinnitus spike last January, which I'm quite sure was directly related to my Moderna covid booster I got in December '21. Admittedly I am going through a very stressful time now in my life, with stressors from both personal and professional life issues, so I guess my recent spike could be stress related. But as we all know, nobody can tell us anything specific about tinnitus (causes, treatments, etc.). One last thing: I believe I am having prolonged SSRI withdrawal symptoms which are not fun at all. I will probably have to go back on my original one (which didn't give me tinnitus) because I hate how I feel now; always on edge, feeling shaky, anxious about the simplest things. Hope this answers more questions than it creates. Stay positive.
@alex606 keep fighting until you find someone... Here in italy its still a tabù topic...but since March ive finally found someone accepting the fact, and says that moderna is one of the harder ones to sort out.. Anyway did 180 euro worth of blood tests today, if anybody needs a direction i can list all the specific tests ive had given...
On a side note, has anyone tried Galium Heel??
@ksharky13 thanks for your reply, i wonder if long therm ssri use or withdrawal can be contributing to these effects, i havent gotten tinnitus but have tingling and weird body sensations like paresthesia, and also heart rate increase, i wasnt in a lot of stress when symptoms started, just normal everyday, but i guess with stopping a ssri that helps with stress anything becomes amplified, what prolonged ssri withdrawal symptoms are you getting, at first i thought my paresthesias were from withdrawal, thanks!
I’ve had antibody testing back in April which showed 1927 my levels. So I’ll be doing another on September 2nd. We’ll see if it’s gone down or if it’s still high. I got my 3rd dose of Moderna December 2021 then things started to happen January 2022.
it’s been hell since. Everyone I’ve been to tells me it’s not vax related. I wasn’t given or offered any meds just Tylenol and Advil. Nothing has helped. I’ve also was on antibiotics a few times for uti and I found that was somewhat slowly helping but not long enough to see any results cuz antibiotics for uti are only 5-7 days. My CRP is elevated@8. Below 5 is normal. They didn’t think anything of this. It’s not related to my uti because it was taken before or months after a uti. I also haven’t been sick at all not even with the flu knock on wood I am terrified to get COVID I can’t imagine what that virus can do to my ear and eye and make things worse. I’ve been digging it and I am also a nurse you can see how careful I am being. My husband caught COVID and thankfully he was respectful of my germaphobe tactics. Any way I’m still suffering if not I am slowly getting worse by the months I’m always exposed to sudden loud sounds which makes me worse. The. Things go to another level and I have to adjust. It’s constant feeling buzzing in my head along with delayed left eye like things don’t want to work together and plus sensitivity to hearing is still bad Advil somewhat helps. Flonase somewhat. I honestly don’t know what normal feels like anymore. I was so depressed last night I cried myself to sleep and then woke up this morning around 5 and cried myself back to sleep I feel like no one cares about me and I feel so alone. I often wonder would anyone care if I wasn’t here? But that’s a move I would never make. My children need their mother it’s just a thought that occurs. I just want to be back to normal. Right now I feel like that will never happen. It’s so depressing. It’ll be 8 months next month and I don’t see a light at the end of the tunnel.
@maddix91 how much betahistimine were you taking in a day. Was it everyday? Consistent?
what other symptoms did you have? Any hearing or eye issues?
so glad to read a positive post in this forum. I really hope we can share a story like this as well.
i forgot to add…did this medication give you side effects ??when I tried it I felt nauseous I think that’s why I never tried it again I honestly can’t recall if it helped I think I was too focused with the nauseous feeling