Update to my previous post on 3/7 @ 8.06pm:
I still have dizziness, but less. Also, changing from constant to "on and off" now - compared to March 5th. I met my PCP and Cardiologist yesterday 3/9. Both suggested to wait and watch and both feel that this would go away before my 2nd shot (scheduled 3/22). They also suggested to visit an ENT - which I have scheduled on 3/12. My cardiologist thinks that it could be due to sinus inflammation also. Will update after my ENT visit.
So glad I found this. I got my #1 moderna vaccine on Feb. 25.
last Thursday (week after the shot). I was in the shower and fainted.
I went to see the dr told him the only thing that is different is the vaccine nothing else has changed. He ordered some labs said if I had an episode again to go to ER.
i felt a bit nausea the rest of the day and just lightheaded so laid down. The next day Friday- was getting ready to shower again and passed out before I could shower. Went to Er said I was dehydrated. Saturday after going to the restroom I passed out again. Drank a lot of water but felt tired a dizzy. Sunday was taking another shower and passed out again so went to ER again.
They did Heart exámenes, blood work, ct- everything came back normal. Today March 10 see everything cloudy, feel like I’m walking on air, have a bit of a headache, and can hear my heartbeat in my ears. I go see a cardiologist today for further testing.
Now after reading all these forums I think it maybe due to the vaccine.
i will not be getting the 2nd dose.
i am 35 years old and have no underlying medical conditions.
I just want answers.
i fainted as well. Went to Er and was told they didn’t find anything. So I’m scheduled to go see a cardiologist. All tests were normal. I mentioned that I had received my vaccine feb 25th but they didn’t pay much attention to that. Today is March 10 I haven’t fainted today but just feel like I’m walking on clouds, have a bit of a headache, and see everything a bit cloudy.
Went to hospital Sunday and was released yesterday.
started fainting Thursday March 4. (Week after shot)
I received the first shot of Moderna on February 16. I had the sore arm and felt tired directly afterwards. I told my husband there were times I felt sinking symptoms. Hard to explain but just this sense of weakness. One week after getting the vaccine I woke up with vertigo. I have a history of BPPV so I thought that was the issue. I have instructions for the Epley maneuver so my husband has helped me. It doesn’t help. I started Bonine yesterday and it just makes me groggy. My tinnitus has been worse. I just assumed this was just me having a flare up. My daughter asked me today could this be from the vaccine. That had me Google and I found this. I’m due for the second dose on March 16. The only time I could get back for the second is March 29. Now I wonder if I should bother. I am miserable. The fatigue is debilitating. If I sit very still the vertigo is okay. I am 69 with several autoimmune diseases. I believe we are all guinea pigs and now we are up the creek. Depression looms.
I had my first dose of Moderna on January 15. I experienced tinnitus, dizziness, nausea, numbness in hands and a general “loopy” feeling. I assumed it was just my body coping. I found myself stumbling and nearly passing out once when standing up! I am 45 and generally healthy. The tinnitus, which I’ve never had before, increased by day 3 and HAS NOT STOPPED! Nearly 6 weeks later, 3 doc visits, prednisone and an antiviral and it won’t budge. I see an ENT next week but my PCP recommended I hold off on the 2nd dose for now. The other symptoms lasted about 2 weeks then slowly faded. Has anyone else had new onset of tinnitus post a Covid vaccine?
I wanted to update. Visited an ENT this week. Due to the timing of my symptoms, lack of exposure and lack of any lifestyle changes he strongly believes my tinnitus and dizziness were caused by the vaccine. Since my body had an inflammatory response he recommended not getting a second dose. Same input I got from my PCP. The good news is I don’t have hearing loss and due to that he’s hopeful my tinnitus will subside. Fingers crossed.
@sarap Thanks for the update! You could have Labyrinthitis or Vestibular Neuritis. I think this is possibly what a lot of us have. It would make sense that we had an inflammatory response to the vaccine and this was the result. Hopefully it will go away. If it does go away it will be difficult to go ahead and get the 2nd shot and chance it happening again. I would like everyone reading this to ask their ENT or any other doc they interface with as to their call on getting the 2nd shot and what is their logic.
Labyrinthitis is the inflammation of part of the inner ear called the labyrinth. The eighth cranial nerve (vestibulocochlear nerve) may also be inflamed. The inflammation of these causes a feeling of spinning (vertigo), hearing loss, and other symptoms. In most people, these symptoms go away over time.
Labyrinthitis is an inflammation of the labyrinth – the fluid-filled tubes and sacs in the inner ear that resemble a maze or labyrinth. The labyrinth is important for both hearing and balance. Labyrinthitis can make you lose your balance or cause hearing loss.
Vestibular neuritis is an inflammation of the nerve that connects the inner ear to the brain. This condition can result in dizziness and vertigo but usually doesn’t affect hearing.
@lindaann Thanks for your post. We share a similar story being in our 70's and widows. I am sorry for your loss. Losing your husband to Covid must make this pandemic even more difficult. I am scheduled to get my second Moderna vaccine tomorrow. Still undecided and waiting for a call from my doctor's office. I don't take any regular medication and have never had a reaction to any flu vaccine before, so I was surprised to have problems with this Covid vaccine. After the vaccine I have had increased dizziness and burning eyes. I already have ongoing dizziness from vestibular neuritis, but since having the vaccine I have had an increased sense of dizziness all the time. These events are totally unexpected and very disturbing. Hope your dizziness is temporary. Again my condolences. Hope this reply gets posted. Take care.
Update #1 of hopefully a few...
After about a week of feeling dizzy after the first shot, I'm finally starting to feel better. I have costochondritis and osteoarthritis in my left side, and both are feeling pretty bad, too, so I'm sure my immune system is just kicking up all its issues at once and my whole body is kind of inflamed.
I went to PCP and she told me to take Flonase in case it was an inner ear issue. I've taken one dose so far. I don't feel like that's the problem, but whatever, at this point.
I have a week and two days till my second shot. I'll see how I feel when it gets to that time. Hopefully, the second won't be worse.
@shauna09 I started getting vertigo a few days ago, about a week after my first Pfizer vaccine. It is still going on, and lasts a minute or so when move my head, or move from sitting or lying down to a different position. I wonder why the vaccine providers don’t warn us about these side effects? I wish I had waited for the more traditional J&J vaccine.
Thanks for that info! Both the doctor at the hospital and my regular doctor recommended going ahead with the second vaccine. I had not yet seen an ENT at that point.
I got my second vaccine on a Friday, stayed in bed and relaxed the whole next day. Sunday and Monday I had really mild days, almost no dizziness. I thought, great, this thing is finally getting better - but, nope...I was back in bed the following day after bad bouts of dizziness and terrible ear pressure in my left ear. I could barely hear out of that ear. After that, pretty much back to the same as it has always been from the start. Good days and bad days.
Wishing there was a miracle pill!! Tomorrow will be 7 weeks from my first vaccine and this is really wearing me down! I find it hard to work some days and the ringing in my ears is so loud sometimes it is difficult to sleep.
Mine has been going on for over 6 weeks now! Both doctor and two ENT's basically said there is nothing to do and it should go away. One ENT gave me a set of exercises - Cawthorne-Cooksey exercises - that are supposed to strengthen the vestibular system.
@hollydI am so sorry to hear that. I hope it eventually resolves. All the vaccine manufacturers are working on a 3rd shot to address the new varients. Depending on how much the virus mutates there could be more shots in the future. There are several new therapeutics currently in trials that show a lot of promise and basically resolve Covid in a few days and do not result in long haul symptoms. It may be better to hold out for these treatments and in the meantime the immunity that we have from the vaccine should keep us from being hospitalized or dying. The other approach is to get our immune systems truly working up to speed with adequate levels of vitamin D(40 or over),C and A as well as a diet high in nutrients(lots of non starchy vegetables) and low in inflammatory sugars and carbohydrates and we could quite possibly weather the storm.
Decided to "bite the bullet" and get my second Moderna vaccine this afternoon. This is such an individual decision - no right or wrong. As I mentioned in a previous post, I have lived with ongoing dizziness (from vestibular neuritis) for 10 years now. After the vaccine I had about 48 hours of noticeable symptoms: chills, slightly elevated body temperature, sore arm, and aching joints. None of which caused any real discomfort or concern. Then several days later I became aware that my dizziness had intensified, along with burning eyes and an itchy rash that appeared on my arm near the injection site (aptly named Covid arm). Have had lots of anxiety about the second vaccine. My decision today is based on the following: First, my increased dizziness and burning eyes symptoms appear to be lessening. Secondly, trying to re-schedule at a later time when my symptoms are totally gone will be a monumental task given the healthcare system where I live. And lastly, the most important consideration for me . . . not to live in fear and anxiety about the "what ifs". This is a big challenge for me! Will post again after my vaccine. Take care everyone.
I got horrible dizziness, cood not stay on my feet , 11 days after first moderna, my blood pressure was jumping. Also i have constant ring in my left ear. After second moderna i had high fever, headache, fatigue. My doctor did not want to listen to me. I am still not well balanced. One of my colleagues have simular problem. I am quite healthy, what i go through now make me feel as it is the end. Glad i found this forum.