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Covid-19 Vaccine side effects

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Posted by: @teresawarren40


If what happened to us can prevent it from happening to you, then do what you think is best.  I was already dealing with tinnitus from an acoustic trauma when this reaction from the vaccine occurred.  Best to you~

I'm only sorry that anyone has had to go through this, but by researching, and finding this forum I feel like I dodged a bullet.  I just really had a bad gut feeling about getting the vaccine, given that I have Meniere's Disease and already have a lot of problems with that, and had concerns that the vaccine might exacerbate that.  After what I've read here, I'm almost certain that would have been the case, and not willing to take that chance.  


Jack Durango, Jack Durango, Tabby and 5 people reacted
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You asked how long does last, I’m post second Pfizer six weeks, seven on Wed and am still fighting vertigo, extreme fatigue, full head pain, brain fog and tinnitus however all have subsided from their highs except can come and go in severity. No one knows for sure how long this will last or if there is such a thing as “long hauler after vaccine” reactions. Hopefully not and I personally refuse to get it any energy. Thank heavens for this forum. I joined on page 27 and now amazingly it is over 140 pages. I believe that by supporting one another and giving hope that all of theses symptoms will disappear is amazing, for lack of a better word. We have to hang in there. 😉

Sassafras, West1979, Amber and 7 people reacted
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HALLELUJAH!!! Right on. 

Sassafras and Sassafras reacted
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@tjmginnis No doctors should be dismissing symptoms and offering no help. 

In my particular case, I have experienced vertigo twice before years ago and years apart. Both spells seemed to be GI related, because they both happened once and were gone within hours.

Same thing happened to me, got the shot, 3 days later first vertigo spell, then another one a few days after. Felt off for about 4 days and the recovery was very up and down.  My dizzy/ woosiness seems to get worse if I eat very salty or irritating foods to my stomach. It also seems to worsen at night, more than during the day. This past Thursday I had a few seconds of vertigo when I turned in my bed and then was drowsy and kind of having a drunk feeling.  By the end of the day I felt a lot of heat and pressure in my head, as if I was getting a fever.  Went to bed early and woke up fine on Friday.  Saturday woke up a bit weird but got better throughout the day with mild off balance feelings.  

Yesterday I was 100% fine, like pre-vaccine days.  Today I woke up feeling odd again, I also had an anxiety attack which was caused by feeling off AGAIN. My “off” day’s tend to be exacerbated by rain or change in atmospheric pressure.

I cannot wait for this to be over!

Sassafras, twa, Sassafras and 1 people reacted
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my gut tells me that the weakest parts of our body are attacked by the vaccine as we build antibodies. I’m a migraine sufferer both classic and vestibular, hence my headaches and dizziness plus brain fog. I’ve had tinnitus before the vaccine, but never to this deftening extent. My husband with whom I had the shots with, had side effects after the second shots. He has had the same reactions but not as severe thank heavens. He keeps telling me this will all pass and getting COVID would be much worse and I agree. 😎

claudears, claudears, Sassafras and 5 people reacted
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Posted by: @gloriam


my gut tells me that the weakest parts of our body are attacked by the vaccine as we build antibodies. I’m a migraine sufferer both classic and vestibular, hence my headaches and dizziness plus brain fog. I’ve had tinnitus before the vaccine, but never to this deftening extent. My husband with whom I had the shots with, had side effects after the second shots. He has had the same reactions but not as severe thank heavens. He keeps telling me this will all pass and getting COVID would be much worse and I agree. 😎

It makes a lot of sense to me that the weakest part of the body would be the most likely to be attacked by the vaccine.  So many people here reporting the horrible side effects have mentioned having either vestibular or migraine conditions, although some have mentioned having no history of those conditions.

I feel that these vaccines have not been tested long enough, extensively enough, or on enough different types of people so not enough is known.  Frankly, I question the safely of a vaccine that has the potential to cause disabling side effects lasting for weeks or months.

I also feel that they have not been honest with the public about the possible side effects.  Nowhere is it mentioned that long-term dizziness  is a possible side effect.  People have to right to know what they might be in for before they agree to the vaccine. 

I've heard that there is a sizable number of people who received the first jab and never went back for the second.  I think they need to look into WHY that is.



claudears, claudears, Gloria M and 9 people reacted
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I received my first Pfizer shot about a week ago. 7 days later, I started to have vertigo. It last for 3 days, on and off. I was perfectly fine, very athletic and felt, "normal" until I received my first dose. Now, I feel light-headed, dizzy and always tired. I am not taking the second dose.

Tabby, Sassafras, dragonlover and 3 people reacted
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The Gatordoc physician who reported the same symptoms said a more rigorous prednisone regiment than just the packs they give. When I had bad Ulcerative Colitis they put me on prednisone for an entire month. 40mg 1st week, 30mg second, then 20 and 10. This is probably what he meant, my gastroenterologist said a pack isn't enough to calm down severe inflammation.

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I received my first Pfizer shot about a week ago. 7 days later, I started to have vertigo. It last for 3 days, on and off. I was perfectly fine, very athletic and felt, "normal" until I received my first dose. Now, I feel light-headed, dizzy and always tired. I am not taking the second dose.

Sassafras, dragonlover, Sassafras and 1 people reacted
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@gloriam H Gloria, Yes I believe you are right, migraines are my weakest point, no other known illnesses. I too had tinnitus prior to the shot but ENT couldn't find anything wrong and no advice was given apart from listening to Delta wave music at bedtime. Lately, my tinnitus has intensified and I'm very sensitive to noise. I seem to pick up noises from telephone cables outside and have to ask my husband if he can hear them too but he doesn't. He has had both shots and has had aches and pains but no dizziness. He rarely gets headaches in any case. I have another few weeks before my second shot and I'm hoping my symptoms will subside by then but I'm ten weeks in and still have symptoms, albeit not as severe as they once were and thankfully no vertigo. I will make the decision nearer to my date 're the second jab and have a chat with my doctor to help me decide. Hope your are relieved of your symptoms soon. Take care.😊

Sassafras and Sassafras reacted
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Male 55 no previous health issues 

Moderna 2 shot series completed - March 23 and April 20

First shot side effects:

  • post shot felt a little tired and dizzy - passed the next day
  • Vertigo for 1/2 hour post 1 mile walk 3 days after initial shot
  • No other side effects prior to second shot

Second shot side effects:

  • April 20 - Had 1st vertigo attack 5 hours post shot - sweats shaking rapid horizontal eye movement no vomiting - passed next day and did not feel any side effects 
  • April 30 at 5:30 AM woke up with heavy Vertigo and continued for next 36 hours with uncontrollable vomiting did not pass out - stayed in bed til next morning -took nothing
  • May 1 Vertigo relaxed to acceptable level and vomiting ceased 
  • May 2 very dizzy with some nausea no head ache or body pains just dizzy - tried deep head hanging maneuver which gave some relief - started 600mg Ibuprofen 3x day (will continue til relief begins)
  • May 3 no headache or nausea - dizziness same - body feels normal just have to have dizziness subside - ibuprofen - any relief from deep head hang is gone - will repeat head technique this afternoon 

I am on the side/belief that this is inflammation based and dizziness will lessen as time goes by.  After reviewing 141 pages of responses it seems I should start to feel relief between 4-7 days and “getting back to my old self” by week 5 to 7.  I have not visited my primary/specialists. Seems many have been tested w no real results. I eat well and exercise regularly prior to this dizziness. I will continue the ibuprofen regime every day and regular diet.  I will report my dizziness relief progress regularly.



SandraSwissMiss, SandraSwissMiss, Tabby and 5 people reacted
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Hi All,

I have been reading this forum since I found it a month ago. After my second Moderna shot on April 1, I had the usual flu-like symptoms. But as most in the post can attest, vertigo, dizziness, and feeling as if your head is "full" has been going on for a solid month. I am at my wit's end. My doctor gave me an antibiotic and prednisone...didn't help. I did the several maneuvers I saw online and that didn't help. I thought it was getting better yesterday but now it's back again. I would love any suggestion from others who are feeling better. I am so concerned that I will have to deal with this side affect long term. HELP! 😟 

Tabby, Sassafras, twa and 3 people reacted
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I received one shot of Pfizer. Developed chest pain, costochondritis. Esophagus and diaphragm inflammation. My stool a little choppy since then. This chronic inflammation, could be an overproduction of white blood cells. Had blood work done and everything looks fine. It’s been 8 weeks, symptoms have subsided, but still experiencing all the above symptoms seldomly. I never received the 2nd dose, as these symptoms have prolonged. 

Can anyone relate?

This post was modified 4 years ago by Joseph

Tabby, West1979, Tabby and 1 people reacted
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Hi Veda,

I got the first shot on april 23. Ever since i have experienced dizinness and some symptoms of tiny shakiness in arms. I visited ENT but they said all checks out fine. I am visting neuro. Any other recommendations ? Is anyone else facing similar symptoms ? 



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Update on my wife. Today was a lot better and she's starting to get used to making herself get up from bed to help get over the dizziness and vertigo. We spoke to our primary today and he does not see a correlation between the vertigo and the vaccine, pulled up side effects for one of her meds and said that it was what was likely the cause of the dizziness. He did admit that he cannot say for sure there is no link and still at least prescribed her Meclizine. I am hoping that will help her improve as well. Just wish some more information would hurry and come out from a higher authority like the CDC. People are absolutely experiencing this. We just want to know we're going to be okay.

Threeofakd, Threeofakd, Tabby and 9 people reacted
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