I got my first dose. All was fine. I got my second dose and I was fine at first. That night I started getting the flulike symptoms. I was shivering, sweating, shivering, sweating, couldn’t get to sleep until 8 in the morning. Only slept a few hours. Felt tired and weak all day. Went to bed. The next morning I tried to get up and I fell back into bed. The room was spinning like you wouldn’t believe. I could hardly open my eyes the pain was so bad. I’ve never had vertigo before. And this was intense. One slight movement of my head and it would start all over again. I couldn’t stop vomiting. My friends had to carry me to the car, one holding my head because I could not lift or even turn my head. 30 minutes to the emergency room and I was told they couldn’t help me. An hour to the next emergency room. Every bump in the road, every voice that I heard, every step on the brakes, every touch on my arm, EVERYTHING made it worse and I could NOT stop vomiting. I vomited so much that my body was shaking. My arm went numb. I prayed to die. Two hours slumped over in a wheelchair in the ER with a puke bag, crying to myself. My legs went numb. Another couple hours at least in the emergency room while doctors gave me nausea and dizziness medication (which I threw up) and didn’t believe me when I said the vaccine caused it. Three days total in the hospital. And I have to now go to physical therapy 2-3 times a week for the next 4 weeks. I can’t drive (I’m a delivery driver. That’s 60% of my income). And I can’t stare at a computer screen long enough to get any work done (I’m an editor. That’s 40% of my income). Basically 4 weeks of doing exercises that make me want to vomit and losing out on a months worth of pay.
Sometimes I think I’d rather have Covid.
I got my first dose. All was fine. I got my second dose and I was fine at first. That night I started getting the flulike symptoms. I was shivering, sweating, shivering, sweating, couldn’t get to sleep until 8 in the morning. Only slept a few hours. Felt tired and weak all day. Went to bed. The next morning I tried to get up and I fell back into bed. The room was spinning like you wouldn’t believe. I could hardly open my eyes the pain was so bad. I’ve never had vertigo before. And this was intense. One slight movement of my head and it would start all over again. I couldn’t stop vomiting. My friends had to carry me to the car, one holding my head because I could not lift or even turn my head. 30 minutes to the emergency room and I was told they couldn’t help me. An hour to the next emergency room. Every bump in the road, every voice that I heard, every step on the brakes, every touch on my arm, EVERYTHING made it worse and I could NOT stop vomiting. I vomited so much that my body was shaking. My arm went numb. I prayed to die. Two hours slumped over in a wheelchair in the ER with a puke bag, crying to myself. My legs went numb. Another couple hours at least in the emergency room while doctors gave me nausea and dizziness medication (which I threw up) and didn’t believe me when I said the vaccine caused it. Three days total in the hospital. And I have to now go to physical therapy 2-3 times a week for the next 4 weeks. I can’t drive (I’m a delivery driver. That’s 60% of my income). And I can’t stare at a computer screen long enough to get any work done (I’m an editor. That’s 40% of my income). Basically 4 weeks of doing exercises that make me want to vomit and losing out on a months worth of pay.
I thought I’d rather have Covid because at least it’s over in 2 weeks. That’s a messed up thing to say, I know. But this was torture.
I got my first dose. All was fine. I got my second dose and I was fine at first. That night I started getting the flulike symptoms. I was shivering, sweating, shivering, sweating, couldn’t get to sleep until 8 in the morning. Only slept a few hours. Felt tired and weak all day. Went to bed. The next morning I tried to get up and I fell back into bed. The room was spinning like you wouldn’t believe. I could hardly open my eyes the pain was so bad. I’ve never had vertigo before. And this was intense. One slight movement of my head and it would start all over again. I couldn’t stop vomiting. My friends had to carry me to the car, one holding my head because I could not lift or even turn my head. 30 minutes to the emergency room and I was told they couldn’t help me. An hour to the next emergency room. Every bump in the road, every voice that I heard, every step on the brakes, every touch on my arm, EVERYTHING made it worse and I could NOT stop vomiting. I vomited so much that my body was shaking. My arm went numb. I prayed to die. Two hours slumped over in a wheelchair in the ER with a puke bag, crying to myself. My legs went numb. Another couple hours at least in the emergency room while doctors gave me nausea and dizziness medication (which I threw up) and didn’t believe me when I said the vaccine caused it. Three days total in the hospital. And I have to now go to physical therapy 2-3 times a week for the next 4 weeks. I can’t drive (I’m a delivery driver. That’s 60% of my income). And I can’t stare at a computer screen long enough to get any work done (I’m an editor. That’s 40% of my income). Basically 4 weeks of doing exercises that make me want to vomit and losing out on a months worth of pay.
Hi everyone, it's been a few days since I last posted but things haven't been going so well. My anxiety has been heightened with the relentless dizziness and muzzy head feelings I'm getting going on 12 weeks now. I had to have my beautiful cat put to sleep this week, my friend for 18 years and that was very upsetting. I had a dental appointment this morning, the second in two weeks and I dreaded going, wondering if I would cope, how I would feel and it was exactly as I had expected. Being lowered in the chair and turning my head and then being raised back up again really made me feel dizzy and weird. Visiting dentists and doctors always stress me out, it's like white coat syndrome with me. I know stress and anxiety can contribute to dysfunction of the vestibular system which could lead to dizziness so now I don't know what is causing what anymore. I have more treatment to follow so I am dreading that. I try to plough through but this is slowly eating me and I am scared of it being permanent. I've had anxiety before when I was incorrectly diagnosed with a heart murmour. I went through lots of tests for a few months and that's when my anxiety started, waiting for test results and the next appointment letter coming through the letterbox. At the end of it all I was told that my heart was normal. I was relieved of course but I have never really recovered from that ordeal. Sorry you are all still suffering and I pray we will all get over this, whatever this is, very soon.
i had the 6 day prednisone no real change there. Hoping the acupuncture does better. Few people on this forum said that felt better. Worth a try, better then staying like this!
Your story is almost identical to mine. I believe the vaccine caused an auto-immune response and caused MASSIVE inflammation throughout the body. I have Meniere's in my left ear and I KNOW that the vesibular nerve was inflammed - not communicating correctly with my brain. I have no doubt about it. My nervous system was all jacked-up!
Also, I've dealt with severe tinnitus, anxiety and panic. I hadn't had to deal with much of that for the past few years (lifestyle change) and then I got the first Moderna shot and it all went to hell two weeks later.
I beleive this vaccine creates ANXIETY. In other words, there is no trigger needed. I've had days where I WAKE UP WITH ANXIETY! That's never happened. I believe it's the body trying to deal with the inflammation that's creating the anxiety, not the symptoms creating the anxiety.
Just my opinion - terrible stuff!
I'm so sorry, that's a long time. I only add folks in when the recover completely. We have quite a few in the transition stage who are improving, but still have symptoms, myself included. Praying that we all recover completely very soon!
@bcasey Hello. I got the J&J vaccine a month ago (12/04). Ten days later I began to have a moderate headache and a feeling of dizziness, a week later, the tingling in my hands and feet began. All the exams that have been done to me have come out normal. Any indication of how long these symptoms might last or recommendations for treatments?
See my post above~
This will be my only post. I am not a doctor and I am not recommending any medical care. I want to share what has fixed me. This forum provided great relief through this journey to know other were having similar problems after the vax.
I have been checking this forum for 37 days since my vertigo began from the Pfizer vax on 4/2. 3 days after the vax, 4/5, I woke up with debilitating vertigo. I could not get out of bed for 11 days. Quit eating and drinking and lost 15 lbs. Was able to finally go to doctor and got Scopolamine patches and used the motion sickness wristbands to help the nausea. Both of these did help function. My doctor said I have vestibular neuritis which is a swelling of the inner ear that communicates balance with the brain (my explanation not scientific). This made sense to me as this was a reaction to the vaccine. As time went by I was feeling ok but still had real problems off the patch. Was having dizzy spells every time I laid down, got up, and looked up. I went back to the doctor 5/11 and explained that I was still feeling awful without the medicine and the wrist bands as I have tried to stop both of them many times. She said it may be time to try the epley maneuver because she thinks the swelling had time to go down. I had tried this early on in my sickness but I think my inner ear was still too swollen for this to work. I did this maneuver 5 times in a row while waiting 4 minutes in between sessions. This is an awful exercise to partake in but in my case was the last part to cure me. Before doing this I sat in a chair and turned my head back and to the left and felt nothing. When I went back and to the right I got sick immediately. This helped me know which side to treat. Some people may have both. I felt bad that night after doing the epley from dizzyness and felt off all day of 5/12. Today, 5/13 I have nothing helping the sickness (no patch o wristbands) and feel so much better. Not 100% but high 90's with the expectation to get nothing but better. I wanted to share this with all of you as it was comforting knowing someone has been through this. I have not gone back to see if this treatment has already been posted. It may not work for all but it worked for me. This was the sickest I have ever been and I hoe you all get better. I do think I could have cut my sickness shorter if I had figured out to do the epley maneuver earlier. God bless any of you going through this and I hope this helps.
i had the 6 day prednisone no real change there. Hoping the acupuncture does better. Few people on this forum said that felt better. Worth a try, better then staying like this!
I'm sorry it didn't help. What continues to strike me is how the vaccine-related symptoms are so very similar to what happens in Meniere's Disease, and that the way it's being treated is also very similar to the way Meniere's is treated. Very puzzling to say the least. I don't remember--had you had any prior history of vestibular issues before this?
@nataliemccrory What you are saying....all the more reason this needs to be taken seriously and looked into rather then being dismissed the way it is, because at this point no one knows what is going on. WHY is this happening to some people? Is there a common thread in the cases? What percentage of vaccinated people are experiencing this? Some of the cases may be coincidental, but I don't believe for a minute that all of them are, especially among those with no prior history of vestibular issues.
Hi, I’m still having the same symptoms. It’s been about 15 weeks. I started researching covid long haul symptoms. The vaccine has the same spike protein so it could be similar symptoms. What are everyone’s thoughts on multi system inflammatory syndrome? I really hope that’s not what some of us have, it’s just a theory. I’m searching everything I can since I guess were basically diagnosing ourselves.
@arthur everything about this pandemic has been a learning experience in so many ways. I want to believe that the vaccines are “safe and effective” as advertised, but our personal experiences cast a long shadow of doubt as to whether that’s true or not.
Cause and effect is tricky to prove, though. All we can really do is report what we know for sure about our experiences, then hope and pray that someone is willing to connect the dots if the evidence is there.
At this point in time, I definitely question how "safe" these vaccines really are. There is too much unknown. They were rushed into use and not tested as long or as extensively or on enough different types of people as something like that normally would be. They're probably safe enough for most people, but most isn't all, and like with everything else, there are most likely contraindications but at this point they don't know what those contraindications are. Everything about this pandemic has been a learning experience and continues to be so. However, that doesn't make it OK to sweep information under the rug or to not be straight with the public.
So sorry you are on week eleven of symptoms. Yesterday was week eight for me, but today for the first time I was able to get out of bed without spinning and find my mood much much better overall. My depression has lifted and I actually feel motivated with literally no brain fog. Both things remind me of how poorly I have been feeling and how darn scared I am that I may have long-hauler symptoms long haul. I still research a lot and am under doctors care, but it’s no fun like all of us. I don’t want to take extra medicine, be depressed and unmotivated, so right now I am going to take advantage of “what is” and do some work. “Praise the lord” and may each and everyone of us get well and feel the same. The first day outta hell feels great and may it only be the first and not the last. Health and happiness to everyone. We will make it through these awful reactions. No question about cause and effect for me. ❤️👏❤️
@nataliemccrory What you are saying....all the more reason this needs to be taken seriously and looked into rather then being dismissed the way it is, because at this point no one knows what is going on. WHY is this happening to some people? Is there a common thread in the cases? What percentage of vaccinated people are experiencing this? Some of the cases may be coincidental, but I don't believe for a minute that all of them are, especially among those with no prior history of vestibular issues.
That sounds fair enough. An honest assessment of the data is absolutely what we need. (That, and a solution to our misery!)