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Covid-19 Vaccine side effects

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i saw ENT.

first he started me on Atenolol. It did nothing.
this week Nortripyline. 
I feel intoxicated then have an aura then so dizzy and dry mouth.

not sure what is going on...

Sassafras, Gloria M, Sassafras and 1 people reacted
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Sorry it took me so long to post an update after my ENT visit. The ENT was very nice. He read the dissertation I wrote about everything going on with me and thought it to be helpful, even before he realized that he hadn't read page 2.  🤣 I didn't show any nystagmus at that time, and he doesn't agree with the thought that it's BPPV, especially since I had two whole hours of spinning a few nights ago. There was no fluid behind my ears, and I passed my hearing test, at least for "a person my age." I really don't like that phrase, but it is what it is. What people here want to know: he totally discounted any correlation between my current situation and the vaccine. We may never know if he's right or not.

The good thing is that he referred me to the balance disorder clinic for a workup that will possibly include a VNG, some rotational chair testing, a GSOP, a VEMP and an ABR. It sounds like an afternoon at the amusement park, but I suspect it won't be nearly as much fun. I never knew there were so many possible tests. That appointment will be in a week and a half.

Fortunately, I'm having a better day than I have in a long time. By better, I don't mean anywhere close to ideal, but I was able to function through a few things that I haven't been able to do for a long time, including driving a few blocks without much trouble. My oldest granddaughter's graduation party is tomorrow, so I'm really hoping for two reasonably good days in a row. That's not too much for a girl to ask, is it?

Tabby, Sassafras, Tabby and 1 people reacted
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I had exactly the same reaction to the first and second Moderna shots, I have high blood pressure and take medication for it, but both times after those shots my blood pressure was very low 86/51 or so. Feeling that I am going to pass out standing up and walking lasted for 3 to 5 days, longer after the second shot. I had to stop taking my Chlorthalidone medication for a while. 
I am glad I am not alone having this particular side effect of hypotension. 
I guess we will learn a lot more about Covid vaccinations as time goes by. 

Sassafras, Kitty72, Sassafras and 1 people reacted
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Hi @tabby, Yes, I too wish there weren't more people all the time being affected by this stuff, but since there are I'm glad we've all found our way here to benefit from sharing with each other! Anxiety ...seems like it should be a four-letter word, but instead it's a fact. If I get anxious that I'm experiencing anxiety, that's when it seems that it can snowball into a vicious cycle. I once heard that with any strong negative thing it's good not to try to deny it, but to try to give it attention within a defined space, then move on from it as much as possible. Sometimes that works better than others! Of course, again, just like a lot of our other symptoms, it comes in those waves... And, yes, those moving onto the recovered list do serve to encourage the rest of us. Yes, I'm trying therapy, but it may be quite a while before I find out whether I'll realize a benefit from it. Sorry about the abbreviations, I'll try to watch that - I sometimes open a second tab and look up others' abbreviations, too. I hope you're having a decent day today. 👍

Tabby and Tabby reacted
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I was an active and healthy 59-year-old woman until I had my first (and only) Moderna shot 7 weeks ago. I do suffer from vestibular migraine, and I think the vaccine triggered a never-ending migraine from hell. I had my migraine under control until the vaccine.

A few hours of receiving the vaccine, I experienced a mild allergic reaction -- full-body rash. Then I became lightheaded and felt like my legs weren't my own. Very weird. Then my ears closed up -- airplane ears -- and had tremendous pressure building up. When I wasn't sitting, I experienced vertigo. This all happened within 5 hours.

During these past 7 weeks I've been to an ENT, neurologist, acupuncturist, physical therapist. I am so very lucky to have insurance through work that covers all of this. I've been stretching and walking because more vigorous exercise makes me dizzy I went on the migraine diet. I've been meditating, singing, everything I can to normalize my nervous system and balance. My dizziness has lessened. I still have some dizzy days but not as much, but the ear pressure is constant and it is driving me mad. I also feel generally unwell and off balance.

I am scheduled for an MRI of my brain and a CT scan of my ears next week.

Besides the physical part and fears about what the future holds, I am not one of the Kardashians, and I do have to work, pay bills, etc. I am a teacher, and this is making it very difficult to work. Not looking for sympathy here at all, I know we are all going through it. I am sharing in the anger that many people feel here. After putting pressure on everyone to get vaccinated, and espousing the safety of it, there is no system in place for working poor who do experience long-term symptoms. Who will pay our medical bills? Who will support us during the days we cannot work?

Please, everyone, report your symptoms to VAERS if you haven't already done so, and let's keep being loud and clear about this. My ENT said he is seeing more and more similar cases like ours.

I will share the results of my tests and any updates.

Thank you so much.

Brindledog, Brindledog, Tabby and 7 people reacted
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Posted by: @nataliemccrory


Sorry it took me so long to post an update after my ENT visit. The ENT was very nice. He read the dissertation I wrote about everything going on with me and thought it to be helpful, even before he realized that he hadn't read page 2.  🤣 I didn't show any nystagmus at that time, and he doesn't agree with the thought that it's BPPV, especially since I had two whole hours of spinning a few nights ago. There was no fluid behind my ears, and I passed my hearing test, at least for "a person my age." I really don't like that phrase, but it is what it is. What people here want to know: he totally discounted any correlation between my current situation and the vaccine. We may never know if he's right or not.

The good thing is that he referred me to the balance disorder clinic for a workup that will possibly include a VNG, some rotational chair testing, a GSOP, a VEMP and an ABR. It sounds like an afternoon at the amusement park, but I suspect it won't be nearly as much fun. I never knew there were so many possible tests. That appointment will be in a week and a half.

Fortunately, I'm having a better day than I have in a long time. By better, I don't mean anywhere close to ideal, but I was able to function through a few things that I haven't been able to do for a long time, including driving a few blocks without much trouble. My oldest granddaughter's graduation party is tomorrow, so I'm really hoping for two reasonably good days in a row. That's not too much for a girl to ask, is it?

Dissertation, ha - I like that! I scrunched mine up into a small typeset and made minimal margins on the page to get my history on one page - good luck if they try to copy or scan without reducing it! I'm glad your ENT didn't just jump to saying go home and try the Epley to rule out BPPV! Hmmm, they told me my hearing test showed probable congenital hearing loss, but I know I've had a little loss just over the last handful of years ...not bad for a person my age! 😂 I just had to say it! So, since I don't believe my loss is congenital I wonder if some of our test results fall into atypical patterns that look like some things that they are not!

Arrrgh, can't be the vaccine?!! And how in the world could anyone be sure of that? Not because of years of research, that's for sure! Oh well, at least you weren't just told that it probably was from the vaccine and sent home to get better over time. I'm a bit jealous that you'll be getting your testing so soon, but I'm very glad for you. I may end up driving a half a day to not have to wait a month to get mine. When I have the energy, I'll look up all those acronyms!

It's funny, I've been able to drive since shortly after the worst I had at the beginning, but when I try to walk down my hall in the dark I literally bounce off the walls, first on my hypofunctioning side, then on the opposite one. Yeah, not an amusing ride! Today was so-so for me ...I didn't feel well, but I rode the wave of ompph I got from my second day of 6 day Medrol pac and got some important things done.

I hope you have a good time at your granddaughter's graduation tomorrow, nah, that's not too much to hope for! At least you were able to get your ENT appointment behind you and can maybe  relax a bit as a result!

NannyMac, Gloria M, NannyMac and 1 people reacted
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Posted by: @moonbeam

Hi all,

I wanted to share that my lightheadedness has pretty much gone away and I feel back to normal.

I got a COVID antibody test after testing positive on 4/11 (even after getting my first Moderna on 3/21 and being very cautious) and according to a friend who is a nurse, this test by Northwell lab (relatively new since March), distinguishes between whether or not you have COVID antibodies from infection or from the vaccine.  She thinks it is from infection which makes me wonder if my symptoms of dizziness and fatigue were due to me having COVID and not realizing it. I haven't gotten my 2nd shot yet and because my antibodies are so high right now, I'm fine with waiting.

It is an anxious time with so much unknown about this virus. I hope you all get the support you need and I wish everyone a full recovery.  I will report if I experience the dizziness again after the 2nd shot.

Hi @moonbeam, Wow, to get vaccinated and then test positive ...I can't imagine what all that was like, but it sounds pretty difficult! If you don't mind sharing, I wonder how you decided to get tested for Covid infection?

There's a few other things I'd like to ask you because I may become interested in checking antibodies, especially if I start getting pressured about a second vaccination for my handicapped son who has had a DPT reaction and also other allergies and had a mild reaction to his first Pfizer vaccine. I could check with his allergist, but it's been so long I'd have to find out if he's retired. I wonder, when you went about getting the Northwell lab antibody test, how did you do that? Through your doctor? And did you need to pay for it or did health insurance cover it or was it free?

There is so much that no one seems to have answers for, for us. Best wishes to you in getting through your journey!

TDR, Gloria M, Tabby and 3 people reacted
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@jen789, Yikes! Yes, I'm glad when our medical care providers admit the possibility that our issues could be related to our vaccination, but I'm starting to realize that the most important thing is that they take our symptoms seriously and offer appropriate interventions.

I'm sorry that your May monthly injection didn't prove to help - I know you had been hoping for that. But to get hit with 3 new areas of concern must have really knocked you back! I'm glad you're getting referred to specialist care for them. It's frustrating at times to have our care fragmented between multiple doctors, but when needed - at least we have hope of getting optimum care in multiple areas that way. And may that be true for you! 🙏

Gloria M and Gloria M reacted
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@gloriam Gee, I sure don't want that diagnosis! And it sounds like those that get it are way too sick to stay at home. I'm glad that we don't seem to have any reports of us being laid up that sick in the hospital!

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Posted by: @thenystagmus

@jen789, Yikes! Yes, I'm glad when our medical care providers admit the possibility that our issues could be related to our vaccination, but I'm starting to realize that the most important thing is that they take our symptoms seriously and offer appropriate interventions.

I'm sorry that your May monthly injection didn't prove to help - I know you had been hoping for that. But to get hit with 3 new areas of concern must have really knocked you back! I'm glad you're getting referred to specialist care for them. It's frustrating at times to have our care fragmented between multiple doctors, but when needed - at least we have hope of getting optimum care in multiple areas that way. And may that be true for you! 🙏

I'm sorry, I goofed. I wondered what kind of specialist you were sent to, so I reread your post. Ummm, oh, your primary care doctor... Well, I hope that will work out best. Actually it's easier for us the less specialist doctors we need to see, so if your primary and neurologist can puzzle through this chapter on your behalf, that's great. And, I hope they will refer you to an appropriate specialist if that's what's best for you. Long and winding road, sometimes it is...

Jennifer and Jennifer reacted
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I received my vaccine on 4/19 and woke up on 4/22 very dizzy. I thought it was vertigo, it’s not. I am still dealing with off-balance episodes where I feel like I’m falling forward or walking sideways, hearing loss, my heart rate suddenly spikes for no reason, at times labored breathing. ENTs and Docs have no clue what’s going on but do believe it was an autoimmune inflammatory response to the vaccine. Apparently there are proteins in your inner ear that the vaccine can attack.

I have an MRI lined up on 5/27. My CRP levels are high and WBC counts too. What a mess!

I was trying to be a good citizen and protect myself and family and friends. It’s a lonely and depressing feeling...

Any prayers are greatly appreciated. 🙏🏼❤️

Bea, Amber, Sassafras and 7 people reacted
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@thenystagmus Hi Sassafras, no need to apologise to me, I get days when I cannot think clearly or take anything in, it's not a lack of interest just a lack of concentration, I put it down to brain fog.  I notice it when I'm doing crossword puzzles. After pondering over the answers and not getting them I leave it but on a good day I go back to it and the answers just come to me. (Not all of them of course lol). I'll keep my phone handy to look up abbreviations in the future. Today, woke up with a headache, I took dramamine yesterday and it knocked me out plus I took a a Paracetamol at bedtime which also makes me sleepy so I had a double whammy, hence the oversleep and headache today. Planning to go to the supermarket later, the highlight of my week lol. Weather is poor here, raining a lot lately so not venturing far. Hoping for better days for us all and a symptom free summer.😊



Gloria M and Gloria M reacted
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@ssggmm Hi SGM, I too had the AstraZeneca jab 12 weeks ago with the symptoms you describe. I've noticed with me that when I feel light headed or dizzy it scares me because I feel I'm losing control and it starts off an anxiety attack and all the symptoms of anxiety like fast heart beat, feeling hot and sweaty, dizziness, unclear thinking and shortness of breath sometimes, all come into force. It's probably the fight or flight response. If I calm myself down with slow breathing some of the symptoms disappear. You will read here that we all have symptoms like yours and some have more, some people have returned to normal albeit some sooner than others, so hopefully you can be reassured. Hope your side effects are short lived. 😊

Sassafras, Gloria M, Sassafras and 1 people reacted
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Hi, i had no side effects with my first Moderna vaccine other than my arm felt like it was going to fall off lol. I just got my 2nd dose today and i felt totally fine until i hit about the 45min mark. I was suddenly so dizzy I could barley stand, my balance was horrible to the point i would start to fall over or run into things, and then the nausea and vomiting started. But i wanted to mention that meclizine has helped with my dizzy spells (does cause drowsiness tho) and zofran has helped with my nausea and vomiting. I just wanted to share what has been helping me in the hopes it might also help someone else. Especially since we really dont know for sure how long these side effects will last since everyone is effected differently by the vaccines. I do hope you start to feel better, sooner rather than later.  Take care  🙂

Sassafras and Sassafras reacted
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@hollyjoy Hi Hollyjoy, I'm sorry you too are experiencing these horrid side effects. I hope by reading some of the posts here that you can realise that you are not alone. We have all experienced symptoms similar to yours and I personally know what it's like when one day you feel symptom free only for them to return the next day. You will also read some positive stories of how these symptoms have now cleared for some people. Some have contacted their doctors and some have not. I have spoken to mine and he gave me a prescription for prochlorperazine for the dizziness. I did try them but they didn't do anything other than make me feel worse. I'm in the UK and if you don't have a regular doctor here, you can complete a temporary registration form in order to see one. We also have an NHS online number which we can dial if we have a medical problem and we're not sure what to do. Maybe similar rules apply in your country?

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