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Covid-19 Vaccine side effects

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@mcross Hello Moira, sounds like you've had more than your fair share of symptoms, sorry.

Yes, it's a dilemma not knowing what to do for the best. I took my second vaccine because my symptoms were starting to ease after around ten weeks of my first one. Two weeks later I took the second one. Too be honest, I wouldn't blame anyone going through these symptoms for not having their second one. I sometimes wonder if I would be symptom free by now had I chosen not to. There's so much pressure to get the vaccines and when you see the news it seems harmless, and it is for millions of people who have only had mild symptoms. I don't know of anyone personally who have had a reaction like I have and mine haven't been as bad as some here. Whatever you decide to do I wish you well.🙏😊

Smileyoer, Moira, Smileyoer and 1 people reacted
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@tabby Thank you. It’s a huge dilemma. Especially with symptoms not totally resolved but definitely improved. Its difficult  every time I see them tout the safety of it but I also see the huge benefit for those millions. Yep I talk to the tv. None of my family or friends had a reaction like mine either. Someone I work with has had some residual dizziness that she really notices when trying to do yoga. wasn’t a problem before getting vaccinated. I don’t know about you but my system is sensitive, ton of allergies to meds, a few foods, several essential oils, and seem to get the “1% of people” type side effects for a lot of meds. I didn’t connect this would even be an issue because I’ve never had any problems with the flu shot. My allergist said some kind of autoimmune response most likely from the mRNA. But like you, my response while rough wasn’t near as bad as what some people are suffering with on here. Here’s to yours and everyone else’s continued recovery and safety. Take care 😊

Tabby and Tabby reacted
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@carol Good Morning, I received a request for more information by text and filled out an extended questionnaire that way. I had previously tried the one online on the web site and couldn’t get it to go through.

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@nodiagnosis The ER said “post vaccine syndrome” 😂 super helpful. My NP, allergist, neurologist, ENT and cardiologist while very supportive, all said “some kind of autoimmune response to the vaccine” again so vague. My allergist said it was most likely my bodies response to the mRNA component. But no one knows anything past that. Even though I felt horrible, blood tests, EKG, eye pressure checks, hearing test....were all good. My ophthalmologist just happened to catch the nystagmus. Been a very strange scary unexpected trip.

Tabby, nodiagnosis, Sarah and 3 people reacted
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found this interesting. .


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@spraif Buy some essential oil - Plant regulates blood clotting in COVID-19 (and the "vaccine" too).

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My update and observations


So first of all everyone or most of those who got sick and then recovered won’t be visiting this forum as often so you probably won’t hear from them. I have read every single page of this forum and I can see that many people haven’t returned - probably because they recovered. When I had some back pain and was part of the similar forum - once my issues resolved I never came back.


There was a lady who said that she collected data and most people on this forum recover from this within 4 weeks. I asked her how she figured that out because honestly we don’t know as once people feel better they leave the forum. I haven’t seen her for a while either.


I have also noticed that most people who have it had some vestibular issues or at least suffer from motion sickness. 


Alcohol and caffeine intake make the symptoms much much worse, try to stay away and enjoy the added benefits. I love wine and coffee and the funny part - when i had it I felt much better but then later the symptoms became much worse.




I doubt zinc, D, C and quercetin do much because Zinc, D and C I have been taking on the regular basis anyways and quercetin I tried taking in the past for some inflammation and it didn’t work. However, my symptoms are not as severe as some other posters have on here. Maybe that’s why. i can do my daily activities no problem. I just feel off and not myself because of the brain fog. 


However, I am still taking the supplements recommended on here. A few days ago I started taking liposomal glutothione. However, I am taking it in the pill form, will order a liquid and see if it works better. So far I haven’t noticed any effect whatsoever.


Ibuprofen worked for a bit i think…I also tried reactine and blexten but I think all of them together make me really drowsy and it worsens my brain fog. 


Brain fog is my main symptom. I have been reading about people who recovered from covid and a lot of them had brain fog and slight dizziness for weeks after. Very interesting.


I also heard that if this is because of the vaccine the symptoms will resolve eventually. It will just take time. However, if you got those symptoms because of covid you can have permanent damage or it will take months to get resolved.


I had my first shot on May 16 and my symptoms stated a week later. So it’s my 3rd week of symptoms and my 4th week after the shot. I haven’t been to the doctor. I see no point but I will probably go to the doctor if my symptoms don’t resolve by the time I have to get a second shot or if the symptoms get much much worse after the 2nd shot. I think with time medical professionals will be less reluctant to admit that these side effects have to do with the vaccine.


There was one girl who commented on my post regarding travel - Rachie I believe. Like many of you she is not planning to get a 2nd shot. I probably will if it’s required for travel. It will be hard if that’s an annual thing but I doubt it will be. I think it will depend on the outbreaks and where you are travelling. Covid tests are already sold in pharmacies. They will be readily available and much cheaper. So the solution will be just to get tested. But if anyone is planning to travel in 2021 and 2022 getting fully vaccinated is a must…unfortunately.


I have already seen restrictions for people who are not vaccinated. However, i do think it is temporary.




May 16 (in the evening) - got vaccinated (Pfizer)

May 17 - sore arm

May 18 - May 21 - feeling great

May 21 - headache

May 22 - headache 

May 23 - chills, felt feverish with no temperature

May 24 - May 26 - brain fog and dizziness

May 27 - May 28 - brain fog and clogged ears

May 29 - brain fog, headache

May 30 - brain fog, headache

May 31 - brain fog

June 1 - brain fog

June 2-7 - brain fog, some days  - ok, other days - pretty bad

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@mcross Hi Moira, yes I'm sensitive to meds too, I seem to get their horrible side effects. I can only take aspirin for pain and I've only recently started taking paracetamol because they've never agreed with me. I introduced them slowly into my system because I don't want to take aspirin all the time. Now I can take one at a time but they make me sleepy. Ibuprofen is a no no for me too. I was ill after my flu jab and steroid jab when I had a shoulder problem. I sort of expected this to happen after the covid jab, I had a bad feeling about it knowing my history. 

Hope you feel better soon and you take care too, sending best wishes😊.

Moira and Moira reacted
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i could not either. Called them days ago and they never called back. 
was wondering why they wanted more info? They are not going to do anything.


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I had my Pfizer vaccine on 19th May, I had a sore arm and headache as side effect for the first few days. On Tuesday 1st June I was very sick and felt like my head was spinning, losing control almost. This caused me to have two panic attacks. The same thing happened on Wednesday 2nd June. On Thursday 3rd June i called the doctors who advised me I was having panic attacks due to stress. But this is very unlike me and I have never suffered from panic attacks before. On Friday I had 3 turns whilst out with my mom where my head felt like it was spinning, I couldn't focus and it felt like I was disoriented. I had to go to the hospital, my blood pressure was high and ECG came back fine.

The doctor said I have a vestibular imbalance and this was causing my panic attacks. I am on medication which has subsided the funny turns but I can't be in a car without me feeling horrible. Its been a week since the dizziness, nausea and vertogo type symptoms started. 

Is this due to my vaccine? How long are people suffering for? What can you take to make the symptoms ease off?

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Posted by: @nodiagnosis

Has anyone here actually been diagnosed with anything (post vaccine)? 

My initial diagnosis from the ER/hospital was BPPV/Vertigo, then after visiting my PCP and ENT - Labyrinthitis. Will be visiting neurologist next... The reality is, doctors just don't know, they are confirming/treating the symptoms, and not the actual root cause.

Ms Sam, Sassafras, Ms Sam and 1 people reacted
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Yes! My eyes feel more strained than usual. Particularly my left eye. I can’t even describe it. It feels weaker. No double vision or blurriness. Just feels off  when staring at computer screens 

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@lvit01gmail-com What's the point of that? We all know it's from the damn vaccine...

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Anyone that has had an MRI brain/spine - what were the findings? 

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Unfortunately we are not all the same but all very biologically different. What we can all agree on is that something is amiss. We feel different and not in a good way. 

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