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Covid-19 Vaccine side effects

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I had pfizer but if they were to add all the vaccines astra zenica, moderna etc it is a huge amount of people suffering side effects.

Thanks for the info, I'll be telling my Dr about it! X

Sassafras, Tabby, Sassafras and 1 people reacted
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Happy to hear you are feeling a little better x

Dizzy4Now and Dizzy4Now reacted
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Thanks, I will talk to my doctor and probably follow the supplement instructions.  I had 15 mg zinc last night and it already made me feel nauseous so I don’t think I should take anything more than recommended dose.

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First, I want to preface my comments below with a statement that I am generally strongly pro-vaccine, and believe that vaccines can be an excellent tool in preventing the spread of potentially life-threatening illness. I have taken, and will continue to take, vaccines to prevent illnesses such as the flu, measles/rubella, tetanus, etc.  I never had any adverse reactions to any of the vaccines I have taken in the past. 

I've been hesitant to post here as I don't typically share much--especially health related concerns--via social media forums. I also do not want to contribute to hesitancy to take the COVID vaccine as we are in the midst of a dire public health emergency, and it seems that many people (including my husband) seem to tolerate the vaccine well. However, I believe that it is equally important to identify any safety issues with a new vaccine so that all people can make fully informed decisions about the risks and benefits of taking it. Although I was eager to take the COVID vaccine, I had a bad reaction after my first dose and will not be taking a second one.

A bit of background: After a likely mild COVID infection last year in March 2020, I developed numbness/tingling and other abnormal nerve sensations (paresthesias) in my hands, feet and limbs. The symptoms were mostly just uncomfortable but never painful or debilitating. After consulting with my primary care doctor and a neurologist, who both did extensive testing to rule out other conditions, my neurologist ultimately concluded that my prior viral infection most likely caused me to develop small fiber peripheral neuropathy, which he believed would resolve in time. By March 2021, my condition had been improving with only mild paresthesias continuing to affect my right hand and leg.

On April 8, 2021, I received my first dose of the Pfizer vaccine. Within 24 hours, all of my neuropathy symptoms became markedly aggravated (pronounced numbness and tingling returned again in all of my limbs, as well in my face and head, muscle twitching throughout my body). Within a few days, I started having nerve pain in my arms and legs. Within 10 days, like many of you, I also started having a dizzy/lightheaded feeling, as if my head were on a boat. Within 5 more days, I developed more severe dizziness, head pressure, paresthesias, a racing heart, fatigue and weakness/shakiness. The symptoms were disabling and were so concerning I went to the ER as I wanted to rule out heart or other serious neurological issues. Although all scans and testing done ruled out emergency conditions, the ER doctor did believe that these symptoms were likely a reaction to the vaccine, and recommended follow-up with a neurologist and cardiologist. After evaluation by those doctors, they also believed that the vaccine mostly likely aggravated my existing neuropathy and possibly disrupted the functioning of my autonomic nervous and vestibular systems. Again, my neurologist advised he believed these issues would gradually resolve.

Some words of encouragement: After nearly 8 weeks since my dizziness began, I continue to get headaches but the dizziness has mostly subsided and I'm able to resume normal activities (exercise, driving, reading, watching TV, working, cooking, etc.). The parasthesias, nerve pain, and muscle twitching is also gradually improving. Nerve inflammation can take a very long time to resolve, so patience is key. I am not taking any medications (except ibuprofen as needed for headaches) as my symptoms overall are tolerable. I also take Zyrtec and Flonase for allergies and continue to take them as needed. What helped my recovery the most has been rest, hydration, proper nutrition, and exercising as much as one can tolerate. The exercise, in particular, seems to be helping my body/vestibular system readjust.

A word of caution: Anyone experiencing similar symptoms should consult with qualified doctors to rule out other causes, as all of these symptoms could be caused by serious medical issues unrelated to the vaccine. In my case, no other causes or medical issues have been found. 

Finally, it is important (if you live in the United States) to report any suspected vaccine side effects to the CDC and the FDA via the VAERS reporting system. If only a small number of reports are received, the CDC and FDA will conclude that the issues are "rare," when in fact they could be more common. Please report so that our public health agencies have an accurate picture of how common these issues may be. 

Wishing you all peace and a return to better health.



Lee H, Donna, Lee H and 9 people reacted
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I'm one of the long haulers in the group but I haven't provided an update in some time. So here goes.

Chief Complaints:
Dizziness, headache, tinnitus, Rt earache, loss of appetite, blurred vision, fatigue

RECAP (I'm sure a lot of this will sound familiar to you all):

  • 01/21/2021: First Pfizer COVID-19 vaccination
  • 01/23/2021: Slight dizziness in the evening
  • 01/24/2021: Vertigo ++ Bedridden entire day
  • 01/25/2021: Vertigo + Day off work
  • 02/01/2021: Urgent Care Visit COVID-19 rapid test – Negative. Viral infection unspecified
  • 02/02/2021: Visit with family physician. Prescribed Meclizine 3X per day but taken PRN
  • 02/15/2021: Urgent Care visit. Otitis media diagnosed. Prescribed Augmentin. 2X day for 10 days
  • 02/18/2021: SARS-COV-2 RNA, QL, RT PCR (COVID-19) - Negative
  • 03/01/2021: Visit with family physician. Prescribed Allegra, Levofloxacin (not taken) MRI and MRA  with/without contrast ordered
  • 03/10/2021: MRI with/without contrast, MRA with contrast Note: R earache during MRA with contrast. Results NORMAL
  • 03/17/2021: Visit with ENT Specialist, hearing and balance tests done. Results: Decrease in high frequency hearing related to age. Otherwise, normal. VNG test ordered.
  • 04/06/2021: VNG test. Results: NORMAL
  • 04/13/2021: Family doctor visit. ESR test ordered. Results: NORMAL
  • 04/16/2021: Visit with ENT. Referred to neurologist.
  • 04/26/2021: Neurologist visit. Neurological exam: NORMAL Balance: Not so normal. Prescribed Medrol pack and vestibular rehabilitation
  • 05/10/2021: Visit with family physician. Prescribed Azelastine antihistamine nasal spray and hydrochlorothiazide.
  • 05/10/2021: Start vestibular rehab (8 sessions to date)
  • 06/04/2021: Visit with Neurologist. EEG done. Results normal. Prescribed Amitriptyline. 

Current condition: Better. About 90%. Some lightheadedness when getting up from seated or head down positions. Headaches happen occasionally relieved with NSAIDs. Blurred vision slowly getting better. Tinnitus persistent but not as noticeable. This may be permanent. Fatigue, still get tired sometimes.

What worked for me: NSAIDs (ibuprofen and acetaminophen) alternating every few hours. Especially helpful during my past dizzy spells. Flonase, helped with pressure headaches. Azelastine nasal spray, maybe helped but I was taking Flonase at the same time. Hydrochlorothiazide may have helped with the tinnitus by removing excess fluids in my system. Allegra may have helped with decreasing histamines in my system. What I think were the game changers that got me over the hump: Time, the body is pretty amazing in its ability to heal itself. Liposomal glutathione (500 mg 3x daily on an empty stomach, zinc 100 mg once a day, quercetin 1000 mg 3x daily. As suggested previously by @dizzyfromvaccine from her physician, I'm using a slightly different dosage. I really feel this combination helped me. Note: quercetin may upset your stomach. Vestibular rehab has helped getting my balance back and retraining my eyes to compensate for any deficiencies in my vestibular system.

What didn't work for me: Augmentin (antibiotic), meclizine, medrol pack, amitriptyline. The meclizine and amitriptyline made me pretty much useless the next day i.e. sedation. The medrol pack gave me a terrific headache and not much else.

What I'm going to do next: Continue with the glutathione, zinc and quercetin and slowly taper off. I'll probably continue using them as part of my supplementation regimen. Continue with vestibular rehab until I'm discharged. Start working out again since my head no longer feels like it's going to explode. Start a regimen of vitamin B2 (riboflavin) 200 mg 2x day and coenzyme Q10 200 mg 2x day for a month. This was suggested by my brother who's a physician. He uses this as a preventative measure for migraine sufferers. Interestingly, he hasn't seen any patients with vestibular issues post vaccine BUT he has seen a number of COVID patients with vestibular issues.

I apologize for such a long post but for those who are just starting their recovery from the vaccine side effects there is hope.

DizzyinTexas, Munkab, DizzyinTexas and 11 people reacted
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Posted by: @truthseeker

Hello everyone... I am not posting often, but I follow the forum in hope that everyone is on the road to recovery. I was debating if I should sent this link or not, but it throws light on something completely different and possibly could be of use to someone and they could show this to the un-informed doctors that dismisses any link to vaccine. This German lady doctor (Dr. Vanessa Schmidt-Krueger) did a study of a Pfizer vaccine. She will inspect Moderna vaccine too at the later date and she talked a lot about toxicity of cationic lipids that a part of the lipid envelope that surrounds mRNA. Cationic lipids have a half life of 20 to 30 days in human beings, and the elimination to 5%, so not really eliminated, takes 4 - 5 months. Her breaking down vaccine is very lengthy and detailed. At least it is possible to go to doctor with this and ask for further clarifications. She said there will be a lot of lawsuits coming, due this being so rushed and a lot of deficiencies that EMA (European Medicine Agency) committee found that wasn't really fixed. it is too much for me to describe everything she talked about, so I am leaving the link. Interestingly enough she did talk about oxidative stress and glutathione. That explains why some people here had such a great result with glutathione.

The link is :

Wish everyone speedy recovery.

Thank you for sharing the transcript of the interview (with Dr. Vanessa Schmidt-Krueger). I'm not a doctor, but this may explain high level of ALT (Blood test indicating liver issues) in my blood. Interestingly, I had my blood tests done multiple times since it all started 6 weeks ago, the levels of ALT were normal day 3 (taken in the ER), then it was just slightly elevated in the very beginning (week 1), and then reached very high numbers (week 5). My PCP is extremely concerned, and sent me to get a sonographic test US ABDOMEN WITHOUT DOPPLER, which came out OK. So I will be keeping an eye on it, and getting my blood tests done every month or so.


I've seen a few posts on this forum mentioning elevated levels of ALT in the blood. I'm not sure what to make of it, just another piece of info in the puzzle...

Sassafras and Sassafras reacted
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Wow! That’s a great log! Thank you for sharing. 

Glad the supplements helped. Totally good idea to take the dosages right for you. Mine were for me - and I dont know if they translate to everyone. Plus it’s a lot of glutathione and should only go at my dose for a week. 

Was it the querecitin that hurt your stomach or the glutathione? For me it was glutathione so I only took the max for 2-3 days. Then lowered it. 

For others, another way to take the glutathione is take like twice a day a small amount and add over days if youre not getting a result. Thats what pharmacist suggested. 

Glad youre feeling better! 

yoki1964 and yoki1964 reacted
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yes take it easy. Start slowly. Zinc and querecitin i believe you need to take with food. The bottle indicates it I think. 

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Anyone experienced vertigo and seizure following vaccination? 

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I'm very relieved to find this message board. I was doing well, walking 3-5 miles a day, eating a very health diet, I don't drink or smoke and then things changed after receiving the Pfzier vaccine. 

After the first dose, I started feeling very tired within 3 hours with brain fog, since it was Friday evening, I just laid around and seemed to be better by Saturday. Three weeks later, I got the second dose, again within 3 hours, fatigue hit me, next day, the fatigue was so intense, I couldn't get off the couch, I also, had this feeling like my head weighed 100 lbs and if I looked down, I would topple over. I also experience some nausea. This last for a good 4 days and then dispated. 

Fast-foward to about to a few weeks post vaccine, when I was out doing my walks, I noticed my legs were getting a tightness in them and I also was becoming easily winded. This continued for a few weeks until it all blew up and I ended up in the ER, with tachycardia and low blood pressure. After 5 days in the hosipital, they diagnoised me with Postural Orthostatic Tachycardia Syndrome. (Many long-haulers are now being diagnoised with this).  

Currently, I'm home and the tachycardia has improved, but I'm still left with Orthostatic Low Blood Pressure and pins and needles in my legs. I also, can only walk very slowly around the block, which leaves me winded and tired. 

I'm having a EMG test done with a neurologist, in hopes we can find out what's causing this. My belief is, it's from the vaccine, but so far I can't find a doctor willing to consider that. Would appreciate any suggestions on what I should do next and/or supplement I can take to help. 

Thanks for reading. 

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Posted by: @ladyd


Thank you for sharing the recent data. I am in UK and had AZ too and dizziness since my second dose 4 weeks ago! Like you say it’s  a shame we don’t know how long these awful side effects will last! I’ve just been given Betahistine Dihydrochloride to try today as docs gave me anti sickness medication before which didn’t work and also tried antihistamine and ibuprofen. Nothing worked so far. Are you taking anything?

Hi, I read your previous message and noticed you were prescribed prochorperazine, I was too, but just like you I had side effects after them so I stopped taking them. I tried dramamine and these seemed to help for a couple of days but I began feeling really sleepy and spaced out after them. I bought cetirizine hydrochloride at my chemist today so I'm keeping my fingers crossed. I've also recently started an anti-inflammatory diet which I think is helping although my stomach is a little shakey. I take aspirin and paracetamol for my headaches, I can't take ibuprofen or codeine. There have been success stories here so I'm hopeful that this too will pass. Sending best wishes.🙏😊

Rachie, Sassafras, junior1087 and 5 people reacted
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@tabby Really hope the cetirizine works for you. Get well soon! Will update on forum when the symptoms subside and inform on what worked for me too. Take care x  

Rachie and Rachie reacted
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Experienced vertigo and tremor. 

Melanie22 and Melanie22 reacted
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@melanie22 thank you for being so specific because the way you’ve just described symptoms as not dizzy but like being on a boat is the exact same as me. I’m not alone!!! My anxiety has been through the roof!

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If you read through the forum you will see lots of us with symptoms some of which are like yours. It seems it is a reaction to the vaccine some of us are having. You will see some suggestions for things that have helped with symptoms and posts from those who are feeling better and even recovered completely.

Keep on the forum it is informative, helpful and supportive. 

Ramu, Ramu, Dizzyfromvaccine and 3 people reacted
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