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Covid-19 Vaccine side effects

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Has your dizziness improved? Any other symptoms? Hope you’re better.



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Which shot did you have?

Do you have Meniere's or what other vestibular disorder?

Are these symptoms a common occurrence for you?

Personally I would skip the 2nd should still have a decent amount of antibodies from 1 shot. Your call.

Stay well, hope you feel better. 

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I’m so thankful I found this site!! I had my second dose of Moderna 2 weeks ago, March 5. I had the usual flu symptoms, and fatigue that has not resolved. Also started with dizziness this past week and headache is persisting too. I do agree with many previous posts, that it is being caused by an inflammatory process from the vaccine. I’m happy to know I’m not alone, but nervous to know so many are dealing with this for several weeks. I think I will make efforts to boost my immune system and hopefully I can have my symptoms resolve soon!! Hope you all start to feel better!!

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@grandma I hope you feel better. Thank you for encouraging those who are having adverse reactions/symptoms to report it to the pharmaceutical companies and can also be reported to The Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System 

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Update: week 9 since moderna #1 vaccine shot.  Working with neuro-opthamologist.  Experiencing Double vision, nystagmus in both eyes. Saw neuro-audiologist who confirmed bilateral weakness in both ears but especially my LEFT ear. Nerve damage to ears from vaccine. Going to seek vestibular PT and have to see neuro-otologist to determine if I have only peripheral nerve damage or also central. Have reported symptoms to vaers since week one and updated every time new symptoms arise. My doctors give me hope with vestibular PT my balance/dizziness should start to improve. Prayers to all of those that are experiencing this. What a nightmare this has been. Cannot work or drive with double vision. Curious how many out there developed nystagmus and didn't know what it was. I had no clue what it was and didn't realize it was correlated with "vertigo" symptoms in the beginning. Hope this can help someone!

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Finding this forum was such validation and relief when I was feeling weird, so I wanted to share my experience in hopes it can help someone else.

I (34F) received my 2nd Pfizer vaccine the 3rd week of February. I didn't have many side effects from either dose of vaccine initially. Sore arm and some headaches/chills but that was it. 15 days after the second dose, I started to feel weird and off. A little foggy and spacey in my head and the slightest disequilibrium/off-balance feeling. The tinnitus I normally experience (mild and very transient) was more prominent. Initially I thought I was getting sick, but thought it was nearly impossible because we stay very very isolated due to COVID. A few days passed and I was tired, napping daily, the slight dizzy/off-balance feelings continued and I felt just very odd in my head. At times I had nausea. My eyes felt fatigued and like there was pressure behind them. I had occasional headaches. I saw my doc who did some bloodwork, including my thyroid hormones (I have hypothyroidism), and it all came back normal. He told me that while he believed I didn't feel well, that my anxiety about the vaccine and potential unknown effects was contributing to my symptoms. This was hard to hear, because I knew something wasn't right. I kinda spiralled downwards mentally because I just have a lot going on personally and with my family life. The timing felt awful to be sick like that. I started to worry that it was MS or cancer.

A few days later while frantically trying to research what was wrong with me, I stumbled across inner ear disturbances after vaccines and it led me to this forum. I found out that vaccines can cause labyrinthitis and I am almost positive this is what has been going on with me. I am not a doc but I am a medical professional and it all seems to fit.

Here's the good news which I'm sure many of you want to read -- I am feeling much better. After about 7-8 days, the spacey/brain fog, disequilibrium, fatigued eyes, have all resolved. I don't feel the need to nap anymore during the day. My ears are still ringing but it's less noticeable now. I'm interested to see if the tinnitus reduces to the point it was at pre-vaccine (which was only rarely noticeable or bothersome).

I am hoping you all feel much better very soon. Thank you for sharing your stories so that others can feel less alone and scared. 


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Looks like dizziness is a significant side effect of the Moderna Covid vaccine. What happened for me was slight early morning dizziness in the first days after the first shot that faded in a few minutes. On the 8th day the effect was much stronger and I called by on my GP who suggested 'slightly raised blood pressure' and 'maybe too much salt' as a cause. Today, day 9, the dizziness is still there but very slight.

I'm probably very fit for my age and previously only had any similar dizziness for a few seconds when getting up from lying on my back on the floor.

It's been greatly reassuring to discover that there are other participants in this global experiment with similar experiences.

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@clrohe40 hello. I also blacked out.  Did you report your adverse event to the cdc?  I encourage you to do so, they track you over time by sending monitoring emails.  
I also did not take any drugs or have any problems with fainting or dizziness.

I had my First Pfizer shot in February where they had to keep me for 2 hours because each time I stood up I got dizzy. I walked to a nearby restaurant, hoping food would help, and felt dizzy while eating.  
The second shot in March reaction was fever, chills on day 2. On Day 3, I blacked out in my home going down 2 stairs - my face pushed my 30 gallon aquarium and lifted it off center and I broke my ankle. 
Doctors are investigating various causes via ct scans, and mri of head and heart monitoring and leg ultrasound. MRI found increased T2 signals which usually indicate ischemic disease. And now taking lipitor and aspirin daily for TIA.  I have been lightheaded 3 consecutive days each week since the last vaccine. 

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One week after Pfizer vaccine Monday 3/15, I had dizziness/vertigo and elevated level of tinnitus for a couple hours.

Came back Friday morning but resolved itself by walking outside.

Came back at night. At 3:30am, woke with extreme vertigo, dizziness, nauseous, vomiting, diarrhea and had to rely on husband to help me. Drifted back to sleep 2-2 1/2 hours later.

Still light headed and in bed. Now questioning if I ought to get 2nd shot.

Has anyone with similar side effects gotten 2nd shot? What’s been your experience?

This post was modified 4 years ago by 60yoUSfemale

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Had a number of smaller side effects following my first and second Pfizer vaccine shots. Nothing I couldn't deal with. But last night, on Day 9 after my second Pfizer shot, I was hit with vertigo. Attempting to walk felt like I was on the deck of a small boat battling large waves. I kept from falling by holding onto furniture, tables and walls as I moved through the house. I've never experienced anything like this, except years ago, after riding one of those spinning rides in an amusement park.

It was accompanied by a headache, which felt like a wide band wrapped around my head above my eyes. There was inner pressure and a sensation that made my brain feel like it was a mass of gel, sloshing back and forth in a tipping bowl.

The vertigo stayed with me the rest of the evening, abated some during the night. When I awakened this morning, I thought I was over it. Did all right the first hour or so. Now, three hours later, the vertigo is gradually returning and getting worse. 

I found one account of vertigo on this site by Floyd Skloot, titled, "My 138 Day Battle With Vertigo." It ended for him dramatically one night and hasn't returned. His doctor told him it "...confirmed a theory he’d been considering: intracranial hypertension, a buildup of pressure inside my skull, brought on by a virus. A buildup of viral material in the spinal fluid plugged the holes through which the fluid normally drains. That led to a buildup of fluid and pressure, which caused the symptoms."

"...brought on by a virus...a buildup of pressure inside my skull..." Sounds plausible. Might well be a vaccine side effect. 

I'm hoping and praying it goes away. I'm a pastor. This is Saturday. I'd really love to be able to leave my seat in the morning and walk up to the platform to preach without staggering or falling. 😉

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I had the first dose of Moderna on Tuesday afternoon.  Had a mild headache for about 24 hours and soreness in the shoulder for three days.  This morning on day 4 woke up with Vertigo.  I’ve only had vertigo once before I believe due to an allergic reaction to an unusual spice that I ate.  I also have stiffness in my neck when I woke up.  Hoping this is a temporary side effect of the vaccine.

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Hi everyone,

I was experiencing similar vertigo side effects that started 3 days after dose 1 of the Pfizer vaccine. Lasting multiple days. I reached out to a Dr. friend and she recommended I try the Epley Maneuver. IT HELPED IMMEDIATELY and my dizziness has not returned. That means my issue was do to swelling/blockage in my inner ear. I also took sinus decongestants to assist in opening up my sinuses and ear canals. 

I was so relieved to have this issue resolved and I hope this helps many of you as well. 

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@harry.   I did not have an actual vertigo attack since the vaccine. I know what vertigo is as I have suffered in the past.   With a true vertigo attack I literally can not stand up as the whole room is spinning and nothing can be seen as an independent object.  So what I am feeling is off balance or like I am wobbling. I doubt I am visibly wobbling though. I still have this feeling since the initial feeling I was going to pass out which happened about 7 days after second shot (which was 2/16).  I am able to drive with no problem. Walking outside I feel it more so but no bad issues so far. I am able to ride my spinning bike and feel no sensation at all, so it is definitely related to proprioceptors in the feet while walking or standing (at least for me).It even affected my vision the morning after the second shot. When I sat up to get out of bed the wall and shades seemed to be in color (which they are not) and moving (which they weren’t). So it caused a visual disturbance which has not happened since. Except that after that sensation I felt like I was rocking/wobbly.  However, vision is a sensory system so maybe the off balance issue is related to eye movement. At this point we just have to hope more is learned about the vaccines.  I am happy I received both of them.  If a booster is needed I will do it. I hope everyone suffering gets better day by day.

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I’m very lucky to have not gotten the vertigo.  I had a problem with that years ago and let me tell you, vertigo is not fun. But here is my covid vaccine story:

Had my first moderna shot on February 5.  I got “covid arm” first. One full week after receiving the shot, the side effects started.  I had fever, chills, shaking, headache, and muscle aches. Went home from work on a Friday afternoon at 3pm and it was over by Sunday morning. 

The 2nd shot was March 5th. This shot affected me right away. I got covid arm again but that’s nothing.  My shot was on a Friday and Friday night I got the chills, headache, muscle aches- all the same as before except my fever was at 100 the entire time and I was better on Sunday but still felt punky. 

Now here is the weird part. Almost 2 full weeks after my 2nd shot, I get sick again.  That was this past Thursday. I left work at 10:30am. I was sick with all the exact symptoms AGAIN. This time though, my fever hit 103. It finally broke this morning at 3:30am.  I feel a little better but I am still unwell. I am very sure it’s from the vaccine as I’m not one to get random fevers and almost never call off work. 

What I’m wondering is have others had delayed reaction to their shots?

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  • 1 week from getting my Pfizer vaccine I was in bed flat with vertigo. Vertigo and dizziness so terrible I could move my head from side to side. Slept for 24 hours - I woke up today and still have mild dizziness. I very nervous about shot 2. 

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