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Covid-19 Vaccine side effects

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I am so thankful to have found this site! I am a physical therapist that got the second Moderna shot Feb. 19th. March 3rd my legs started to feel unstable. By Tuesday the next week I felt like I was rocking on a boat constantly in standing and with walking. My blood pressure was low/dropping in the mornings upon standing. It progressed until this last Monday when I thought I was going to have to go to the ER because my head felt heavy and cloudy and I could barely function at work having to sit or steady myself on objects when I was walking and moving around. I developed a resting tremor in my hands for about 5 days. I also felt like I was constantly leaning/falling to my left. I normally workout 5 days a week doing a mix of weight training, walking/elliptical for 30 minutes, yoga, and high intensity interval workouts. I eat an extremely healthy diet. To have this happen was debilitating, like all of you have described. I have eustachian tube dysfunction, chronic ear ache history as a child, hearing loss, tinnitus, and a history of labyrinthitis. My doctors ordered labs, which came back normal. I saw a neurologist who prescribed Meclizine, which did nothing with me proceeding to worsen over the course of 4 days. I have a brain MRI/auditory canal MRI scheduled for next week. I had coworkers screen me for BPPV with everything normal. After reading some of these posts, I talked with my doctor and started vitamin C supplements for 2 days with no change. I started Aleve (2 pills per day spaced 12 hours apart) over the counter and within 24 hours started feeling better. I can function now with a little head fog that is intermittent. I have a little instability on my feet that is more noticeable with turns and bending over. I am not sure if it was the start of the medication, natural course of things with my otherwise very healthy lifestyle, or the many prayers I asked for. I wanted to report on my improvement to give those of you currently in the storm some hope. I am 75% better since all this started on March 3rd that ramped up to its worse on March 15th. If any of you are considering and medications/supplements/over the counter meds please discuss that with your doctor like I did before taking anything. I am not endorsing any supplements, over the counter pills, or medications with my post, just telling you my personal experience. My doctor is still not sure this was fully the vaccine, but told me to report it to VAERS. I will update my post if my symptoms worsen again or if any of the testing comes back as something other than a response to the vaccine. I'm praying for all of you to have hope and healing during this difficult time. 

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New to site. I had my first Pfizer vaccine February 25th. Started getting dizziness rolling over in bed or laying down or sitting straight up. Doctor treated me for possible sinus infection and ear infection. Given prednisone shot and pills. Also amoxicillin for ten days. No improvement I’m on second ground of both drugs. Got my second shot yesterday afternoon and woke up this morning dizzy! I’m seeing an ENT  Wednesday. 

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Hi everybody - thank you all for sharing your experiences - I have found that really helpful, especially in no longer feeling alone.  I just wanted to give a bit more info following my earlier post.  I am in the UK, had Covid last year (and still have antibodies) and I had the Oxford Astra Zeneca vaccine in February.  "Feeling dizzy" is one of the potential side effects listed for the vaccine, but rated as "uncommon" (i.e. may affect up to 1 in 100 people).  I am in my fourth week of symptoms.  The dizziness has abated to the level of feeling that I could be dizzy, rather than I am dizzy.  I still have persistent brain fog and headache, however.  I was taking Prochlorperazine for the dizziness, but have stopped this.  I get outside and walk each day, and find this really helpful.  I'm a bit unsteady on my feet, and no doubt attract funny looks, but I shuffle on.  I am also going to try some of the specific head exercises referred to on this site, and will share my experiences of those when I have done a few days' worth.  Best wishes to you all.

This post was modified 4 years ago 2 times by IanA

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It is a side effect. I went from NEVER having dizziness in my life to daily dizziness starting in the afternoons. I also have tinnitus. I didn't have that before either. This is a daily thing - the tinnitus starts in the morning and then proceeds to dizziness in the afternoon. This all started after the vaccine. I highly recommend filling out a VAERS report. I did. 

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@b333 omg I thought I was the only one to feel like it. 
I took my second shot on February 25th and the dizziness started maybe 10 days ago. I was so scared that I scheduled an appointment w my doctor to make a check up. 

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My Mom who is 83 took the 1st dose of the Pfizer vaccine last week.  She started having symptoms of tiredness and dizziness.  I'm hoping she'll feel better soon.  I'm concerned about her taking the 2nd Pfizer vaccine at this point.

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@grandma One dose of Moderna and dizziness and tinnitus has increased over the weeks since. NEVER had it before. This is a pattern. I would suggest reporting it to the company and to VAERS.

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I appreciate your input, coming from a member of VeDA staff - thank you!

Ok, this is something that I keep running across as I try to make sense of these symptoms I'm having (dizziness, nausea, intermittent vertigo and nystagmus) that my medical provider considers an adverse effect of the Moderna vaccine I received 16 days ago...

These are several excerpts from the article you provided a link to:

"It should also be noted that there is emerging evidence that Covid-19 can cause hearing and balance problems as a consequence of infection."

"...herpes varicella zoster virus – the reactivated latent virus throughout our body responsible for shingles and thought to be commonly associated with sudden hearing loss and vestibular neuronitis."

I've seen other information linking reactivation of latent herpes virus to Bell's Palsy, which has been reported in some having COVID-19 infection. Bell's Palsy has also been reported as possibly related to COVID-19 vaccination, being discounted initially as no more incidence than normal, but then that idea has become disputed and it's now reported as a rare possible adverse effect to COVID-19 vaccination.

I wouldn't be surprised if these symptoms many of us are having end up linked to Covid-19 vaccines becoming suspect for reactivation of latent herpes virus in vestibular ganglia, resulting in vestibular neuronitis. I'm really expecting for links to many more adverse effects to be understood and published as the focus shifts from preventing deaths from COVID-19 infection to dealing with less common, but debilitating adverse effects of COVID-29 preventative vaccinations.

Like many of you, I'm just working on coping today and hoping that as these tough days go by for all of us, these effects prove to be temporary!

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My second Moderna was last Sat.  Sunday:  sore arm, rash, hot and swollen. 99.3 temp. Monday, minor headache, Tue, migraine requiring meds.  Today, Fri, extreme dizziness.  Very nauseated.  Took day off work.  Nausea has subsided, but dizziness still there (fear of falling).  Not sure what seeing a doctor would do to help.  Will try to tough it out...pushing fluids!

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There are many unknowns about COVID, the vaccine, and side-effects, especially around causation. I recommend keeping an eye on the research literature, and not believing everything you read in the news. The best we can do is listen to the medical experts, and understand that even they don't know everything right now.

Take care of yourself, and be safe.

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Walt F, thank you for a perspective from a physician also experiencing symptoms.

I found this forum just by the web search 'severe vertigo after COVID vaccine'. I just joined because I felt that for myself, finding that others were also experiencing these symptoms, I was less panicked and more confident it was vaccine related, and that it would eventually probably resolve. I have only had one previous vertigo issue. It was just an initial reaction to starting Synthroid after I was diagnosed as hypothyroid. It was severe/moderate for a couple of days (spinning but no nausea), then moderate for a week or so, then slowly resolved over a few weeks - although my balance has never been as good since I began taking Synthroid (approx 10 yrs now).

The 'fullness' described is also what I felt. But I had sinus congestion as well. It is interesting it seems always in the left ear. That was my experience too. I thought I had an ear infection, but the ENT said no infection. I have also had a sort of burning sensation around the pressured area on left side of lower face/head around ear. Lingering vertigo and headaches seem to wax and wane now, even though I am otherwise carrying on normal activities.

Best to all, and thanks again for sharing your experiences. Please report them to vaccine manufacturers and VAERS.


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@sandram Did the dizziness result for anyone because it’s been over 72 hours for me and my dizziness is not going away and it’s concerning me

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Hi,  What a nightmare; so glad to find this site.  My wife (61) had her first dose of Moderna on March 13, on March 16 woke up with severe vertigo.  We got in to see a PT specialist for vertigo right away.  During testing and positioning, my wife had uncontrolled vomiting, bad headache, chills/sweating.  We have been through 2 additional series of tests on separate days but have been unable to replicate the nystagmus she had the first day.  Today we made it in to see our ENT Doctor.  My wife did not present with any nystagmus today. He wants her to take valium and Ondansetron and calm down as much as possible for a week.  She can barely walk, feels sick and has a migraine headache. We are scheduled to return for balance tests, etc.  I have heard that the Covid vaccine may end up attacking a dormant virus (HSV1) while at the same time mounting an immune response to Covid.  Based on this enormous immune response, symptoms can include vertigo, nausea, migraine headache, etc.  I am hoping that someone has information on this and what, if any, treatment plan might be effective. Thank you.


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“I have also had a sort of burning sensation around the pressured area on left side of lower face/head around ear. Lingering vertigo and headaches seem to wax and wane now, even though I am otherwise carrying on normal activities.”
I don’t think I quoted that right, BUT I also had a weird tingling and pressure in my head and face (forehead, top of head, above my ears, and sometimes on my cheeks) for awhile. The vertigo gave me a static migraine, so I thought it could have been related to the migraine or migraine meds. I’ve been migraine-free for two weeks now, and the pressure has subsided. (I’m still having mild headaches and occasional dizziness.)
I’m a runner, and when I first resumed running after the migraine finally “broke,” I would get a lot of pressure and even a bit of pain in my ears when I ran. Super weird. No ear infection. I figured it was related to whatever is happening.





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I had the Pfizer shot #1 on Feb 28th and developed vertigo 14 days later. It started with mild dizziness and loss of balance when I stood up but now, after 5 days, my head spins wildly out of control whenever I go from lying to sitting or standing. It's uncomfortable but tolerable otherwise.

2ND SHOT DECISION: I've postponed shot #2 until 6 weeks from Shot #1 (the CDC recommended delay limit.) I'll decide whether to receive it or not (or delay further) based on how I'm feeling. Since UK is delaying 2nd shot to 12 weeks out and Canada 4 months, I'm not opposed to waiting longer.

The Israeli study referenced by others was super helpful in my decision. It reports one shot effectiveness at preventing severe illness at 62% after 2 weeks and 80% after 3 weeks, compared to 92-95% for those having the 2nd shot. University of East Anglia analysis of the Israeli study puts the 3 week percentage for one shot at 91% but I'd rather be conservative.

An article named "Delaying the second dose of COVID-19 vaccines" on BMJ site says antibodies from one dose of Pfizer vaccine is 80% after 21 days for adults under 60 (tho only 49% or 34% if over 70 or 80) and is likely to remain stable for at least 6 months. Since I'm under 60, I'm choosing to delay until the inflammatory response calms down. 

THE ISSUE: After extensive reading, I suspect I have post-vaccine vestibular neuritis (rather than labyrinthitis) since it isn't affecting my hearing. Thanks to moderators who posted very helpful link to VeDA article "Labyrinthitis and Vestibular Neuritis" Link here. According to the article, it can be caused by a bacterial or much more likely, a viral infection that will resolve with time.

The article says, "Some of the viruses that have been associated with vestibular neuritis or labyrinthitis include herpes viruses (such as the ones that cause cold sores or chicken pox and shingles), influenza, measles, rubella, mumps, polio, hepatitis, and Epstein-Barr." And there seems to be growing awareness that Covid-19 can have a similar impact.

It seems I may be more susceptible to a vertigo reaction now, given my prior history of chickenpox and 2 past episode of vertigo that flared when I was extremely stressed. I'm not stressed now and strongly suspect my vertigo is due to my body's inflammatory response to the vaccine. 

HEALING: These are my conclusions based on what I read but are in no way medical advice. It seems we all have to make our best decision given what we know about ourselves and how new this covid vaccine experience is to everyone.

The VeDA article indicates vestibular neuritis is usually viral. Given I just had the covid shot, it's most likely an inflammatory reaction to the vaccine. Thus, I need to support my body in healing naturally. Vitamin C and D (maybe B12) that others suggest seems helpful. Drink water, avoid sugar/alcohol/processed foods, rest...and iron since I run low and that can contribute. Regular walks, especially outside, seems particularly helpful.

If it doesn't resolve, I'll seek medical intervention since long-term, it can cause damage. 

My doctor recommends I sleep sitting up for 3 days and given how it feels to lie down, I'll follow that advice. However, I won't do the Epley maneuver or Foster's Half Somersault since many have tried and felt worse. And I'm fairly sure this is vaccine related, not a dislocation of crystals in the ear. 

The good news is my body is responding to the vaccine and will hopefully fend off covid. AND I don't want lasting side effects! I'm hopeful that giving my body what it needs to heal will allow me to recover and consider a 2nd shot. If it's a long recovery process, I'm unlikely to get the 2nd shot and will continue covid precautions. I hope this is helpful to others. I'll try to remember to post an update later.

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