Hello everyone,
I have been following this thread for about 2 months and want to thank those who have shared your story with the rest of us.
I am a 33YO female without prior significant medical history or any vestibular disorders. I had a mild case of COVID in early December of 2020. Three weeks after recover, it was advised for me to receive the COVID vaccine, as I am a healthcare worker. I received my first dose of Moderna on 1/4/21. Following my first dose, I had the "expected side effects" including fatigue, arm pain and low grade fever for one day and made a full recovery prior to my second dose on 2/5/21. After my second dose, I developed one episode of palpitations 6 hours after vaccination, which resolved (had EKG done which was normal). It was not until 4 days after my second dose when I experienced strange dizzy feeling (almost as though I was drunk), brain fog and slow in processing/recalling information. My symptoms were especially worse when I was in an environment with a lot of visual stimuli (grocery store, in crowds). I made several appointments with different physicians. Some did not believe my symptoms were due to the vaccine and some who thought it may possibly be related. I was assured by many physicians that if it was due to the vaccination, that my symptoms would improve/go away with time. And am writing today to encourage you all to stay positive and that your symptoms WILL GET BETTER WITH TIME! I am happy to report that I am 95% back to my baseline. I do notice I will get periodic spells of dizziness, especially when am feeling anxious. But overall, my symptoms have improved with time and I believe yours will too! The improvement was not linear. There were times where I felt my symptoms would "relapse" but it would always be less severe than the prior month.
I believe my body developed a VERY STRONG immune response to the vaccination (since I had COVID a month prior to my first dose) and required time to heal. In the meantime, I did take liposomal glutathione + zinc (without queceritin) x1 week in addition to my daily vitamin D supplementation. I did feel that the liposomal glutathione was helpful and I continue to take 1 dose/day. For the longest time, I was skeptical about posting since I didn't have anything positive to share, but now I feel it was my responsibility to share a "success story" for encouragement for those who are in the early stages of the recovery. I hope you will all be able to re-gain your health soon and can stay hopeful in the difficult journey to healing.
All my best!
I have posted this link in the past, but I'm doing so again - because additional comments are continually added. It is a site intended to be used by medical professionals to share their level of concern about Covid vaccination; a wide variety of responses that may be of interest to some here:
@thenystagmus He went to the recycling centre, I call it the tip lol. Hope your feeling a little better. 🙏Migraine still with me.😡
Well, I bet Henry's well-earned his retirement! I'm a bit better today, yes ...baby steps here. UK time for you will be late evening now. I hope Migraine has followed smilin' Henry to the recycling tip by now and you're able to get some restful sleep tonight! 😉 🙏
Hi there. Prior to the vaccine, the SFN was mild and mostly limited to my hands, legs and feet but I did get occasional and transient numbness/tingling in the lower jaw area under my lip. It was not too bothersome, though.
After getting the vaccine, I had numbness/tingling, sharp nerve pain, and twitching in various parts of my face and head, including the lower jaw and the trigeminal and occipital nerve branches. The worst face/head nerve issues started settling down after a few weeks of onset, but I continued to have bouts of lightheadedness/dizziness, headaches and fatigue for 2 months. It is possible that my body reacted strongly to the COVID vaccine because I had a prior long-haul COVID infection which likely caused the SFN. I'm not sure how the vaccine would affect someone who recovered from a more mild case of COVID, or developed SFN for other reasons, though. I'd discuss the pros/cons of vaccination with a doctor you trust (if you haven't already) but in the end it is, of course, your ultimate choice! I wish you luck and good health in whatever you decide.
Some good news is that I'm feeling much better now. It took some time, but I'm back to my pre-vaccine baseline, so I'm hopeful I'm again on the road to recovery. The facial numbness has now totally resolved, and I'm no longer getting dizzy spells or daily headaches.
@thenystagmus Hi, thanks for your good wishes. I've had a migraine all day, when I get one it usually last up to five days. I never had them as frequently as this before the jab. I don't know what keeps triggering them. I avoid all the obvious triggers such as cheese, chocolate etc, the dizziness and headaches seem to go hand in hand with me lately. I never used to have dizziness with my migraines before. I'm aching all over today too, my knee has given in on me a couple of times, and my throat feels dry and scratchy like I'm catching a cold. It can't be hayfever, I've never had that. On top of that we had a leak in the kitchen but it's been sorted. Hope some of your symptoms are easing, mine sound petty compared to what you have endured. Hoping for a better day tomorrow.🙏😊
@thenystagmus Hi, thanks for your good wishes. I've had a migraine all day, when I get one it usually last up to five days. I never had them as frequently as this before the jab. I don't know what keeps triggering them. I avoid all the obvious triggers such as cheese, chocolate etc, the dizziness and headaches seem to go hand in hand with me lately. I never used to have dizziness with my migraines before. I'm aching all over today too, my knee has given in on me a couple of times, and my throat feels dry and scratchy like I'm catching a cold. It can't be hayfever, I've never had that. On top of that we had a leak in the kitchen but it's been sorted. Hope some of your symptoms are easing, mine sound petty compared to what you have endured. Hoping for a better day tomorrow.🙏😊
Wow, what a day you've had! Glad your pipes aren't spouting still! This living stuff is best done one day at a time, that's enough upsy-daisy for me! Getting a lot of nothing done here, but it's another time for rest mode 😔 🙏 Yes, better days' wishes for us all! 👍
@thenystagmus Hi, thanks for your good wishes. I've had a migraine all day, when I get one it usually last up to five days. I never had them as frequently as this before the jab. I don't know what keeps triggering them. I avoid all the obvious triggers such as cheese, chocolate etc, the dizziness and headaches seem to go hand in hand with me lately. I never used to have dizziness with my migraines before. I'm aching all over today too, my knee has given in on me a couple of times, and my throat feels dry and scratchy like I'm catching a cold. It can't be hayfever, I've never had that. On top of that we had a leak in the kitchen but it's been sorted. Hope some of your symptoms are easing, mine sound petty compared to what you have endured. Hoping for a better day tomorrow.🙏😊
Wow, what a day you've had! Glad your pipes aren't spouting still! This living stuff is best done one day at a time, that's enough upsy-daisy for me! Getting a lot of nothing done here, but it's another time for rest mode 😔 🙏 Yes, better days' wishes for us all! 👍
Thanks for making me chuckle, Yes my spouting pipes are under control again lol. It's almost 1am and I'm wide awake, uncomfortably, anyway I'm hoping that I have a similar dream to the one I had last night, Richard Gere was in it and when I woke up I was so disappointed, I tried hard to go back to sleep to finish the dream to no avail. Yes, absolutely, hoping for a better day tomorrow for us all.🙏😊
So…anxiety starts talking. I’m not working, I lost my job last year along with my Mum who died so I am often alone in the house while my man is working and alone with this feeling as well as the anxiety. Normally I’d ring my Mum but she’s not here now so thank god for all of you who have kept me sane. I’m so grateful for this forum! 🙏🏼
Hi ladyd - I'm not working anymore, I retired a couple of years ago and I no longer can visit with my parents and substitute parent/aunt (I always hailed her with the unusual greeting "Hey, Lady!") - I miss them now, for they have gone on before also. Aside from a couple I'm friends with in my neighborhood, most of my support for this crazy chapter of my life comes from here.
I also am very thankful for the support enjoyed here! I think I would be very less effectively dealing with all this otherwise! The shared experience we have gives us opportunity for understanding and empathy for each other that others have no way to offer! Many thanks to you and all here! 🤗🙏
I have posted this link in the past, but I'm doing so again - because additional comments are continually added. It is a site intended to be used by medical professionals to share their level of concern about Covid vaccination; a wide variety of responses that may be of interest to some here:
Thanks for this, some very diverse comments here. It 's good to see that medical professionals are beginning to accept that there are adverse effects from the vaccines, particularly when it's happening to them.😊
private messaged you. I stopped but decided they are good to take. So taking a maintenance dose.
I have posted this link in the past, but I'm doing so again - because additional comments are continually added. It is a site intended to be used by medical professionals to share their level of concern about Covid vaccination; a wide variety of responses that may be of interest to some here:
Thanks for this, some very diverse comments here. It 's good to see that medical professionals are beginning to accept that there are adverse effects from the vaccines, particularly when it's happening to them.😊
I noticed one comment there about how badly unvaccinated people are being regarded. It was very affirming. I've seen so much of that and have been on the receiving end of it myself.
This article is actually about vestibular issues in animals, written for their doctors, but nonetheless most of it is information applicable for humans and is the most comprehensive explanation of vestibular anatomy and dysfunction I have found:
This article is very comprehensive, but maybe most useful if you're given a diagnosis.
It pretty much runs the gamut of information for the majority of vestibular diagnoses, but it contains so much overlapping of symptoms that I'm not able to use it to narrow down which one I consider myself most likely to deserve.
@nodiagnosis just like you the pain is very intense in one leg like an arthritis pain running down my leg it's now turning into cramps and muscles spams. Please keep us posted if you find anything that gives relief.