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Covid-19 Vaccine side effects

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Weird and may be a coincidence but I have sore peeling skin today at injection site yet I had the 2nd shot 6th May! Could be another side effect or coincidence. Not changed anything I use and only in that area. Weird! 

Gloria M and Gloria M reacted
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Maybe you might want to contact another doctor for a telemedicine conference to start invermetcin. I will do that when I get home if my ENT won’t prescribe it. (I’m currently not in the states and can’t do it here, but can follow this forum.) someone posted a link to doctors who will take patients. If you can’t find it let me know as I copied it, but haven’t used it yet. I’m afraid it will take forever for mainstream medical docs to begin prescribing it and that is a total shame given it’s a well researched drug that works on ridding people of the virus and has been on the market for fifty years. Problem is no money is to be made in making it the preferred drug. 😔

Rachie and Rachie reacted
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I have a burning sensation that come and goes on my injection site. Feels like a batch on my arm is on fire. Happens sometimes when I eat something. Weirdest darn thing. Anyone else have the same? Started after second Pfizer and has gone on for three months now. Not everyday but way too frequently. 

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I have an appointment with a London dr but he has  no spaces until 22nd July but I have requested that if any cancellation I'll take it. He is the only Dr in UK listed (on the FLCCC site from a link on this forum) who is doing ivermectin treatment. The fact the waiting list for post vaccine syndrome treatment with ivermectin tells me there are many suffering just here in the UK without adding worldwide.  Terrible to think of so much suffering for something we all thought was for the greater good x

LadyD, Gloria M, LadyD and 1 people reacted
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So I had my first vaccine 26th March and then second one 3 weeks ago (both AstraZeneca). I am in the U.K.
i started with severe non stop dizziness.

I to say a huge thank you to

@dizzyfromthevaccine and her dr for recommending the supplements. I initially bought the liposomal glutathione in capsule form and it didn’t do anything but when I bought the liquid it was a total game changer ! I started it last Monday and the dizziness became less and less. It was constant before but Tuesday and Wednesday I had one dizzy spell both days . None on Thursday and non Friday and non so far today !! I wouldn’t say I am 100% better as I am still getting some ringing in my ears and feel exhausted but I am so so relieved the dizziness has now gone ! It’s been a tough 3 weeks

thank you so so so much ! This forum has been a total godsend and I am so very grateful ! 

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No way Jose am I getting the third Pfizer or anything like it. Post three months and still fatigued, dizzy plus vertigo every friggin’ day, headache every day from mild to debilitating, taking excedrine daily which I hate, am irritable and depressed, people are stunned as to what appended to me and I feel I’m the protagonist in a horror movie. It’s gotta end. After three months post second dose, has anyone fully recovered??? Please answer “yes” honestly someone. 

Rachie and Rachie reacted
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So many weird side effects that seem to appear even weeks/months after vaccine. 

Gloria M, Sassafras, Gloria M and 1 people reacted
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My step daughter has just proudly posted that she's just had her 2nd pfizer shot. I'm  praying  so hard she doesn't get any side effects like many of us x

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I too would like to know of anyone who has fully recovered. Need a boost! 

Gloria M and Gloria M reacted
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I had a bout of vertigo about 3-4 years ago due to a viral infection, which eventually seemed to resolve on its own. I was in bed for 2-3 weeks with severe vertigo. After the illness subsided, I had MRIs done and saw an ear specialist who concluded there was nothing physically wrong with me. During this time I took Prochlorperazine maleate which helped to manage the symptoms and the vertigo went about for about 95% of the time.

On 3rd June 2021, I received my first pfizer vaccine. After about a week after the vaccination, I developed severe vertigo and nausea, as well as chills, fever and swollen glands. I ended up in the ED due to a severe headache response and symptoms. I thought I was going to die. At the ED, I also did functional tests with their physical therapist and they also determined it wasn’t crystals in my ear that need to be put back in place (we did exercises on the bed and a bunch of functional tests). This was consistent with the work done prior.

Whilst the chills, fever and glands have now returned to normal and ibuprofen helped, I still have quite bad vertigo and it is quite debilitating. Whilst my previous vertigo was primarily in the head/ears/side of head, this vertigo has also been coming from the stomach area too - Which makes me feel like I'm on a ride all of the time. I am again on Prochlorperazine maleate, however it isn't as effective against the stomach vertigo feelings. This is impacting my sleep, with some nights I'm only able to achieve about an hours sleep.

I've also felt anxiety at 110% because of all of this which I've never felt as intense before. I've been doing exercises from this book, and it has helped get rid of some of the anxiety.

Since the ED episode, my doctor has undertaken a full set of blood tests and everything appears normal apart from lower than normal vitamin D levels (not ultra low though). I've started taking about 5000 IU of vitamin D a day (split up over the day as 1000 IU) with vitamin C and the vertigo is actually going away.

Today is the first day I've not had to take Prochlorperazine maleate and have just been taking a vitamin D every 4-5 hours. I've been trying to do reading on why vitamin D is resolving my symptoms and the peer reviewed research just isn't there yet. There are a few studies and good blogs, but my own GP pretty much dismissed me as being fine and told me to get the second vaccine or I would have to start the cycle over. I'd like to know why Vitamin D is now working given the doctor told me there is nothing wrong with me. Hope this information help someone else.

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After 2 weeks with massive dizziness and vertigo, I’m finally feeling myself again!!!! I’m not sure if what I’m taking has help or it’s just time, but many people in this forum has suggested to take , liposomal glutathione 1000ml, vitamins c , zinc, Quercetin and vitamins D. After 3/4 days of this I started feeling better. I will keep taking it, specially if I have to get my second doses of Pfizer, we don’t want to get it, but unfortunately if we want to travel I don’t think we’ll  have a  choice.

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When I recover I will take up a new hobby- lobbying for greater transparency regarding covid vaccine side effects and better treatment from the medical profession  for post covid vaccine issues.

It's only right considering the amount  of people who are suffering  because of a rushed, poorly researched vaccine which they are still jabbing people with even when so many are reporting side effects.

I'll happily ask the questions and await thier answers if indeed they can answer them honestly and admit there are bad reactions in some people. 

PoorKitty, PoorKitty, Tabby and 9 people reacted
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@gloriam within this forum there are several stories of people who have fully recovered, albeit not many.  So it seems possible.  Positive thoughts!  Sometimes I’m thinking I’m having a breakthrough so hopefully I’ll have a solid recovery story in the near future.  I’m throwing everything at it that I can outside of western medicine (doctors are not taking me seriously at all).  Supplements, heat, ice, hydration, healthy eating, etc.  Our bodies are supposed to heal themselves so let’s take solace knowing that.

Gloria M and Gloria M reacted
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@jasonedwarda I agree completely. Pre vaccine I worked out 4-5 days a week and I’m forcing myself to get to the gym, eat healthy, take my supplements and limit caffeine and alcohol. The days I was laying around I felt awful. I’m 2 months out and im about 90% better. I feel like it’s been a slow progression for me, and more better days then bad. 

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Posted by: @isismadec
Posted by: @tabby
Posted by: @thenystagmus

I have posted this link in the past, but I'm doing so again - because additional comments are continually added. It is a site intended to be used by medical professionals to share their level of concern about Covid vaccination; a wide variety of responses that may be of interest to some here:

Thanks for this, some very diverse comments here. It 's good to see that medical professionals are beginning to accept that there are adverse effects from the vaccines, particularly when it's happening to them.😊

I noticed one comment there about how badly unvaccinated people are being regarded.  It was very affirming.  I've seen so much of that and have been on the receiving end of it myself. 

Y'know it seems crazy to me the way this is being dealt with, by public health officials, the media, businesses, individuals! I think if you want to be vaccinated, that should be your business - you're investing in the mantra of protecting yourself. So, why should it matter to that person whether someone else chooses to do that, or not? It's not like the unvaccinated are all walking around sick, and even if they do become sick, what should it matter to those vaccinated?

Then you've got the half-breeds, like a lot of us that bought into being vaccinated and had varying adverse reactions to it. Why in heaven's name anyone would think it humane to force a vaccination agenda on those that have proven deleterious responses I completely fail to comprehend! I wouldn't imagine someone doing this even to an animal! Vaccination, ongoingly unrecovered from reaction, but gotta get those additional doses in folks!?? 😳

But this isn't just opinionated people pushing these agendas ...again, it's from the top down; the health officials in many nations and their indoctrinated minions, down to the medical professionals that we're told to consult if we have more than the mild, few days of "responses" to vaccination. Where has "First, Do No Harm!" gone? I'm astounded by this! Where is the application of scientific method in this?!

I guess there may be something in this logic I'm overlooking...? 😔

All I know is I'm working hard to be where I've arrived to date, doing what I can to walk towards regaining the health I previously enjoyed, that's what I'm hoping to continue to do this day - rinse & repeat! 😂

Hoping for a good day for us all! 🤗🙏

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