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Covid-19 Vaccine side effects

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Your post about your mother having inflammation around the mastoid bone is interesting.  My girlfriend went to the doctor last week and was diagnosed with mastoiditis, inflammation around the bone--never had before, didn't know what it was.    She has had both Pfizer shots.  Also I suffer from an autoimmune disorder so feeling like we are more susceptible to this unknown inflammation causing dizziness, tinnitus, ear pressure and headaches.  My dizziness after 6 weeks from 2nd shot has gotten a little better but tinnitus and ear pressure remain.  

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It's obviously clear to me that what I am reading in this forum is about the adverse side effects of the covid-19 vaccine whether it be the Pfizer vaccine or Modera. I've been experiencing a degree of nausea, lightheadedness, dizziness, vertigo, or however one wishes to describe my symptoms. Bottom line is that what I have been experiencing is the direct result of my Pfizer vaccination.

My symptoms started the afternoon after my first shot on Feb. 20 and gradually increased for about a week and a half before lessening. After 3 weeks, I was still feeling these same adverse effects but decided to take the second shot anyway because it did appear that I was getting better. (Ibuprofen did help mask the symptoms.) A couple days after the second shot on March 13, my symptoms started to worsen again but now, a week later, I once again am feeling like I'm improving and feel like I'm about 80% back to normal. I'm finally feeling that I might make a 100% recovery, but for a few days there I wondered.

I think what bothers me the most about this situation is that there is no acknowledgement in the news about this prolonged averse effect of the covid-19 vaccination. What you see or hear in the news or on-line is that there might be a day or two reaction and it's over. Well, that might be true for most people, but clearly for the people in this forum, that just isn't the case.

This is the first time that I personally feel that my government is misleading the public. I tell neighbors that I would never have gotten vaccinated if I knew I would experience what I've been experiencing for the past month. I understand that the government wants as many people vaccinated as possible and telling the public of the adverse side effects that have been described in this forum might make people hesitate to do so.

I'm not sure what the answer is to this situation, but I think that our information should be known by the public so that people can make a more informed decision about getting vaccinated or not. I wonder what the adverse side effects of the Johnston and Johnston vaccine will be. I'm beginning to feel that waiting for their one-shot vaccination might have been a better option for me.


Vivian, Vivian, Rachie and 13 people reacted
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Thank you for the reply! I do find that very interesting too that your girlfriend had the same. did she suffer from a fever or pain by her ear? my mom does not have any pain and no fever. all her bloodwork returned normal. I do find it interesting that when they laid her flat to try the CAT scan her blood pressure jumped to 209 over something. it's just all very scary and I'm really hoping that we can get to the bottom of this soon. she's going to be seen by an ENT on Wednesday and I will definitely keep you posted. I do wonder as well about the autoimmune issues making her more susceptible to the inflammation. she also suffers from COPD and cardiac issues as well which was the reason she was so insistent on getting the vaccine. she is well had both shots of Pfizer and the severe vertigo and vomiting started two days after the second injection.

please keep me updated as well! so far the only thing helping her for nausea and vertigo is the Ativan!  

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@liat You've nailed it. Got my 2nd vaccine (Pfizer) shot on 2/11. I can't remember when my "Wonkiness" started but its been at least 3 weeks. Its really in my eyes, not overly debilitating but just feels off. I describe it as if I've had 2 glasses of wine.  Just in my eyes mostly and a bit of dizziness. I went to my primary who thought maybe veritigo, but its so hard to diagnose that.  After reading this forum, makes me think it was the vaccine. Question is how long does this last?  

l3rob and l3rob reacted
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@sarap  So I have had dizziness for at least 3 weeks. Just feel wonky in my eyes, can still my 2nd shot on 2/11 -- and just saw my primary today who recommended the ENT.  She thought maybe vertigo, even though I brought up the vaccine. I have Ulcerative Colitis, so auto immune...can I ask did the ENT suggest anything? How long did your symptoms last?  Thanks:)

l3rob and l3rob reacted
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I had my first Moderna Vaccination a week ago today.  I did not have a reaction or at least not at first, the weather was bad so that may have played into my being tired.  Since yesterday, I have had extreme vertigo and my arm is extremely itch till today.  My present state is like that of not being able to fully wake up and being a bit wonky!  This all began yesterday, which is a full seven days following.  Itchy arm began today.  I did notice a rash during the week at the base of my hairline at the back of my neck, this was before going to bed Saturday and waking with the severe vertigo.

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This is a follow up to my post in early March. After the second Moderna shot I was experiencing dizziness and tinnitus all day. I do have Menieres so I have had both symptoms in the past. Now ,3 weeks later, both symptoms have improved to the point where they are very infrequent and manageable. I did start taking Vitamin C 500 and zinc supplements per the advice of another person in this forum and the improvement was noticeable within days. Anyway, I just wanted to let everyone know that the problem does seem to go away after several weeks. Don’t give up hope.

didigo, didigo, Rachie and 7 people reacted
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I had posted earlier in the thread. March 11 1st Pfizer shot. My Balance and Dizzy spells have really improved. I will get the second shot April 1 and hope these same side effects don't return. They were pretty nasty and I am glad they are better. There is light at the end of the tunnel so hang in there. I took Vitamin C, Meloxicam and Ginger root but I can't say they worked for certain. Will report back after 2nd Pfizer shot... Good luck all.......

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Everyone on this forum needs to go to either the hhs or cdc website and complete the VAERS report. You can also google it. It is so important we get this information out there on these side effects that are lasting weeks not days. 

Kathy, Kathy, Aria and 9 people reacted
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@haymst he only stated inflammation that is similar to what people can get with a cold or flu virus.  My vertigo responses lasted about 2 weeks.  My tinnitus is still going strong at 8 weeks. My PCP and ENT were very supportive and just stated there is so much we don’t know about the side effects.  My PCP asked about my chicken pox history and I stated I had it as a child, also had shingles in my 30’s. Interesting side note.  ENT did a hearing test which was normal and said it came take time to normalize again.  Waiting patiently.  He suggested Lipoflavonoids.

Jamie and Jamie reacted
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I didn’t have anything like this before the vaccine and now experience dizziness, vertigo through the day every day since the 2nd dose of Pfizer vaccine. 
Apparently tinnitus and vertigo run in my family (mom and sister). Maybe I’m more prone to this? But it really shouldn’t have been brought in by a vaccine. 
I do think the covid vaccine caused me to experience vertigo. It’s been almost 4 weeks since the second dose.  

l3rob, l3rob, dragonlover and 1 people reacted
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Posted by: @htlee2

I think what bothers me the most about this situation is that there is no acknowledgement in the news about this prolonged averse effect of the covid-19 vaccination. What you see or hear in the news or on-line is that there might be a day or two reaction and it's over. Well, that might be true for most people, but clearly for the people in this forum, that just isn't the case.

This is the first time that I personally feel that my government is misleading the public. I tell neighbors that I would never have gotten vaccinated if I knew I would experience what I've been experiencing for the past month. I understand that the government wants as many people vaccinated as possible and telling the public of the adverse side effects that have been described in this forum might make people hesitate to do so.

I'm not sure what the answer is to this situation, but I think that our information should be known by the public so that people can make a more informed decision about getting vaccinated or not. I wonder what the adverse side effects of the Johnston and Johnston vaccine will be. I'm beginning to feel that waiting for their one-shot vaccination might have been a better option for me.


That's what really bothers me, too.  All we've been told is "most people don't have any serious adverse effects", then the adverse effects are listed as a sore arm, and possible chills, fever, and flu-like symptoms for a day or two.  While that is probably true for most people, it isn't true for everyone.  No mention of dizziness/vertigo especially not lasting for weeks.  I believe that we have been deliberately lied to in order for as many people as possible to be vaccinated, because if people knew the truth they'd think twice about getting the vaccine at all.  Makes me wonder what else they're hiding about this and lying to us about.  

Laurenks, Laurenks, RNinMA and 7 people reacted
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@sarap Thank you!  Good to know and so happy to hear others are feeling similar to how I am feeling!

Jpalm and Jpalm reacted
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@haymst you mention your eyes feeling wierd, if you look to right or left do they twitch?? I have a nystagmus in both of my eyes.

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@rninma I'm so sorry you are going through this. I'm not able to work either, nerve damage to my ears from vaccine and have nystagmus in both eyes and double vision. Prayers for all of us to heal quickly. I have been seeing neuro-opthamologist, audiologist and now planning to see neuro-otologist. Have to do vestibular PT.

Norcallynda, RNinMA, Norcallynda and 1 people reacted
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