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Covid-19 Vaccine side effects

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@isismadec 💯 

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hi Tabby,

so how do we know if we are covid long haulers or if it’s the vaccine? I never got tested for covid because i never had symptoms so I never assumed my vertigo and tinnitus would be related to covid..i just assumed that was the vaccine. So if it’s the vaccine what should we do? Just wait it out or is there a specific treAtment? Thanks in advance

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@thenystagmus yes I will definitely let you know how my ivermectin  treatment goes. It isn't being delivered today as UPS do not deliver at weekends so I found out today! However hopeful for tomm and then my ivermectin journey begins.

Yes it has cost me financially as NHS will not agree to ivermectin treatment - they won't even admit it could be vaccine related!

But my health and emotional wellbeing is far more important than arguing with disbelieving doctors - that's another fight I'll save for when I'm well! 

I will keep you posted of how my ivermectin adventure goes! 

As for the monetary cost? Well I've been too ill to go out to buy anything nice so that saved cash can help pay for my private treatment lol x



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Posted by: @tabby

Sorry you had a bad day too Sassafras. Sometimes a good cry releases stress hormones and can make you feel a little better after. I hope your MRI goes ok with good positive results. Best wishes for your birthday too which I understand is this month. Now, that would be a great birthday present wouldn't it, a good MRI result. 🙏😊

Thankfully, my day yesterday turned out better than the preceding night. My emotional release was a long time arriving. My daughter & family's visit yesterday was bolstering.

Yes, I'm trying not to think of that MRI too much today. Tuesday and who knows when results seem a far way off this morning. It would be a good gift to get good results, although sometimes I think if it revealed something treatable with good results that might be better than what I may be dealing with in the realm of vaccine reaction, or whatever else this may be for me.

Thank you for your good birthday wishes; my Dad always corrected everyone that it was not our birth-day; it is a birthday anniversary! LOL He's had his long-awaited and hoped for birth out of this life now.

I seem to be plateauing again now; I'm spent and depleted by these annoying symptoms and have an unrelenting headache today.

So, today I need a gift of traversing this day, as gracefully as possible. Trying to be grateful for all the good in my life, whilst looking into the unknown distance of the future with hopefulness, what e'er betides. I wish the same for you and for us all 😏🙏

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Posted by: @rachie

@thenystagmus yes I will definitely let you know how my ivermectin  treatment goes. It isn't being delivered today as UPS do not deliver at weekends so I found out today! However hopeful for tomm and then my ivermectin journey begins.

Yes it has cost me financially as NHS will not agree to ivermectin treatment - they won't even admit it could be vaccine related!

But my health and emotional wellbeing is far more important than arguing with disbelieving doctors - that's another fight I'll save for when I'm well! 

I will keep you posted of how my ivermectin adventure goes! 

As for the monetary cost? Well I've been too ill to go out to buy anything nice so that saved cash can help pay for my private treatment lol x

Thank you; I understand, and as always, well wishes! 😏🙏

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Posted by: @lukenick


yes I have had some symptoms get better but than others get worse and totally new ones develop. Currently dealing with slight tingling in hands and feet and muscle fatigue. Every test I get shows nothing wrong. It’s very frustrating. 

I can relate foot, then the other ...stepping off our areas under construction. Mercy, grace and peace for us all! 😔🙏

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Posted by: @tabby
Hope your MRI goes ok with good positive results. Best wishes for your birthday too which I understand is this month. Now, that would be a great birthday present wouldn't it, a good MRI result. 🙏😊

I understand that lot of nursery rhymes were written with veiled political intents, and I haven't researched what the supposed hidden communique for this one may have been...

But, for what it may, or may not, be worth, with my penchant for thinking in pictures and patterns, what you said made me think of this one:

"Sing a song of sixpence, pocket full of rye; four and twenty blackbirds, baked in a pie. When the pie was opened, the birds began to sing; wasn't that a dainty dish to set before the Queen?"

Golly are we being baked in a pie?  We've sure been trying to get our "singing" (revelations of possible vaccine related issues) heard! Or is all this going to continue to get chalked up as just our tale of non-sense?

Gee, at this point, I'd about believe anything! 🤪

And, I still remind you, was a little child that declared the Emperor wore no clothes!

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Posted by: @rachie

@thenystagmus yes I will definitely let you know how my ivermectin  treatment goes. It isn't being delivered today as UPS do not deliver at weekends so I found out today! However hopeful for tomm and then my ivermectin journey begins.

Yes it has cost me financially as NHS will not agree to ivermectin treatment - they won't even admit it could be vaccine related!

But my health and emotional wellbeing is far more important than arguing with disbelieving doctors - that's another fight I'll save for when I'm well! 

I will keep you posted of how my ivermectin adventure goes! 

As for the monetary cost? Well I've been too ill to go out to buy anything nice so that saved cash can help pay for my private treatment lol x



Keeping my fingers crossed for you Rachie, hope it goes well for you.🙏😊

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@tabby thank you!  Xx

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Yesterday I texted my two good friends, a couple in my neighborhood, to see if we could get together in the evening. When I heard back from them, they were in the hospital ER. He has rather complicated, chronic BPPV. I first learned about BPPV and recommended treatment for it from him several years back.

He had an episode yesterday of double vision and vertigo, that didn't seem to be quite like his usual vertigo. He had two CTs done last evening and was scheduled for an MRI. It is suspected that he has unilateral cerebral vascular insufficiency. He was hospitalized last night, hopes to get a definite diagnosis and treatment recommendations with possible discharge tomorrow. For me, his experience serves to underscore the importance of getting these types of symptoms investigated, in person.

Rachie and Rachie reacted
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@thenystagmus I had both shots has messed me up big time. I do not care anymore if I get berated, name called etc for not having another vaccine its my personal choice. After what the vaccine has done to my body, my mind and my life I'm not willing to risk having another shot to appease anyone. 

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Posted by: @thenystagmus
Posted by: @tabby
Hope your MRI goes ok with good positive results. Best wishes for your birthday too which I understand is this month. Now, that would be a great birthday present wouldn't it, a good MRI result. 🙏😊

I understand that lot of nursery rhymes were written with veiled political intents, and I haven't researched what the supposed hidden communique for this one may have been...

But, for what it may, or may not, be worth, with my penchant for thinking in pictures and patterns, what you said made me think of this one:

"Sing a song of sixpence, pocket full of rye; four and twenty blackbirds, baked in a pie. When the pie was opened, the birds began to sing; wasn't that a dainty dish to set before the Queen?"

Golly are we being baked in a pie?  We've sure been trying to get our "singing" (revelations of possible vaccine related issues) heard! Or is all this going to continue to get chalked up as just our tale of non-sense?

Gee, at this point, I'd about believe anything! 🤪

And, I still remind you, was a little child that declared the Emperor wore no clothes!

I prefer to think that we will live to tell the tale, we are not afraid to speak up because we know we are right regardless of what others think or say. Also, there are too many of us to bake in a pie. Time will tell and I believe our message has to and will get through, as soon as the masses have been vaccinated. We have to stay positive for our own sanity. Just a thought but maybe you can pen a poem on our behalf, you have a way with words lol.😁 

LadyD, dragonlover, Sassafras and 3 people reacted
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@tabby vent away, we've all been there! Anxiety is awful and creeps up on you, I've found it does abate eventually with me it takes a good cry and a cuddle from my dog xxx

LadyD, Tabby, Sassafras and 3 people reacted
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Posted by: @tabby
Posted by: @thenystagmus

I understand that lot of nursery rhymes were written with veiled political intents, and I haven't researched what the supposed hidden communique for this one may have been...

But, for what it may, or may not, be worth, with my penchant for thinking in pictures and patterns, what you said made me think of this one:

"Sing a song of sixpence, pocket full of rye; four and twenty blackbirds, baked in a pie. When the pie was opened, the birds began to sing; wasn't that a dainty dish to set before the Queen?"

Golly are we being baked in a pie?  We've sure been trying to get our "singing" (revelations of possible vaccine related issues) heard! Or is all this going to continue to get chalked up as just our tale of non-sense?

Gee, at this point, I'd about believe anything! 🤪

And, I still remind you, was a little child that declared the Emperor wore no clothes!

I prefer to think that we will live to tell the tale, we are not afraid to speak up because we know we are right regardless of what others think or say. Also, there are too many of us to bake in a pie. Time will tell and I believe our message has to and will get through, as soon as the masses have been vaccinated. We have to stay positive for our own sanity. Just a thought but maybe you can pen a poem on our behalf, you have a way with words lol.😁 

Well, like the blackbirds, we've outlived the oven! Who knows how big this pie is? Maybe it's a gargantuan pizza pie! 🍕🍕🍕🍕

A poem? If I wrote one today it would probably be too grisly for us all, including me... I'm not accostumed to having headaches and they sure don't inspire positivity for me!

But that's an idea; the rebirth of the political nursery rhyme. Do kids still skip rope and sing skipping songs? Then, it would be a little child's declaration!

Hey, another startling thought ...I suspect maybe this job's for you!! 😯

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@tabby Here's an interesting historical account for a popular London nursery rhyme, an example of theories of veiled messages within:

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