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Covid-19 Vaccine side effects

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Please, don't take my words for this, are just personal thoughts. I do not have any medical background, I am only a senior software developer.

I might assume that each human body reacts differently to spike protein and in different time frames. 

Please, follow somebody with a medical background, no matter of what side of the story. Important for you is to have some answers and resolutions.

Keep in mind also, that you have to look for medicines that attack on the root cause, rather than abbreviate some symptoms. Suppression of symptoms is temporary, the issue might go wrong in the background and come back in the future.

Wish you a full recovery!

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I feel like my symptoms are worse depending on the amount of sleep I have (or lack of it). Because of the heatwave in the UK at the moment, I've barely slept the past two nights. My symptoms have been worse on those two days - dizziness is worse, I'm extremely tried, struggling to concentrate on anything.


I'm praying for some rain soon!

KitKat, KitKat, Sassafras and 3 people reacted
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@elenao Thank your for the link to the UK Roadmap information.  It was interesting reading through the various steps.  However, the use of Ivermectin or Hydroxychloroquine were not mentioned one time in it as if they do not exist.  The only things considered were isolation and vaccines.  Also, you are right they do mention the possibility of a new powerful escape variant caused by the vaccines and then just pass by it as if not wanting to spend too much time on the topic.  Just my opinion. 

I do know that if Ivermectin or Hydroxychloroquine had been considered effective treatments then the vaccines would not have been able to get emergency release the way they did.  The labeling of Hydroxychloroquine as dangerous was was when I became very suspect of many if not all of what they have been telling me.  Comparing the side effects of Hydroxychloroquine to the side effects of virtually all other prescribed medications makes it easily one of the safest drugs in history.  Hydroxychloroquine has been taken by literally billions of people over the past 65 years.  The actual plant it comes from has been used for medicinal purposes for over 400 years. Look at how many people die from malaria every year and you realize hydroxychloroquine has already saved the lives of millions of people.  Then add in the benefit it provides to millions of people with RA and Lupus and you truly have a miracle drug by definition. 

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@markm90 I actually got the J&J. Got one floater in my right eye over a month after the vaccine.  Went to the doctor and optometrist and said it was ok, but I'm healthy and 40 and never had any eye issues until now.  Will keep you posted if any more floaters come up.

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Ok I have a co worker that daughter has been having symptoms since covid shot dizziness rapid heart beat fatigue been to many doctors no answers  so I have been talking to people that have had same symptoms since shot and have been reading this forum. The thing these people have in common since the shot is either spike in blood pressure or drop in blood pressure during these episodes. Severel have been told they have vertigo since no answers can be found from testing. My suggestion is if a group of you want to try this theory out and see if we can find some help for you. Get a blood pressure kit from your local pharmacy monitor your blood pressure throughout the day see what is the norm for you. Then  when you experience an episode take your blood pressure and see if it is off from your norm. See if you have a high spike or a severe drop. And then take these results to your doctor and see what they suggest you do. Or if there are any test they can perform on you to see what is lacking in the blood.  I've read for drops in pressure it may be as simple as taking salt tablets. But of the 6 coworkers of mine that have had family memeber having these symptoms it all comes back to blood pressure. One coworker her mother in her 70s is having balancing issues  and dizziness since shot never had blood pressure issues now being told she has high blood pressure. Another coworker her friend is a male in his 40s was found on the street passed out ambulance was called when taken to hosp told his blood.pressure was off the charts high, never had blood pressure issues before after series of test told it is vertigo. Another coworker her daughter age in 20s having rapid heart beat  fatigue  test all come back negative. She had a rapid heart beat attack while at one doctor appt when blood pressure was taken had a severe drop in pressure causing the rapid heart beat.  Symptoms in severe change in blood pressure are dizziness fatigue fog brain rapid hear tbeat nausea. Hope this helps out


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@dizzzy2021 No. They come and go. Some days I am fine, other days its worse. It has been 3 months and I am still experiencing the symptoms.

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@euroka Hi - I am a healthy 75 year old South African healthcare professional still working  - first dose of Pfizer I had numbness in my fingers of the arm of the vaccination for two consecutive nights and felt extremely fatigued for days.  I was reluctant to have the second dose which I had on 15th July as I anticipated side effects.   A few hours following the inoculation I experienced tinnitus - the constant sound of insects buzzing.   The following day I had an elevated heart rate, spiking blood pressure and tinnitus as well.  I felt unstable and had vision problems and could not hear well and generally felt ill and was unable to eat.   This has continued and I have been treating with 2.5mg Bisoprolol as well.  Wherever I have some muscular pain this has exacerbated since having this vaccination -  using Paracetemol for this.  This is a most unpleasant experience

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Good one. State the obvious doc! Like duh. When trying to be noncommittal that seems to be the plan. No blame but we don’t need to play their game either. I’m done. Will continue to read and pray and dis doctors as humans with greed and God complexes. It’s the age we live in. 

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This vaccine is not a joke... I feel so stupid to have not researched about these horrible side effects before taking the jab... if i had visited this forum i would have never taken this crap.... I hate to live like a walking zombie.... Everyone i know, who took the vaccine were all back to normal in 2, 3 days as if nothing happenes... seriously?.... Its been like 10 weeks now and still couldn't see any light at the end... One of the worst mistake i have ever done in my life is taking this vaccine...

I read that single shot of the Az vaccine has about 5 x 10*10 viral vectors...

The question is which cells do they infect inside our body?

It could be any cell, it can go to any organ and infect it and produce viral spike protein and the poor infected cell would be destroyed by our own immunity cells...

So why long haulers? may be our body hasn't been able to create enough antibodies against the spike protein and may be our Tcell mediated immune response are activated and it is taking weeks to clear all those infected cells,but again which cells are infected is a million dollar question...

How long we have to face this nonsense? when are we going to be ourselves again?when does this medical fraternity going to accept and address our issues?


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Posted by: @msmar

@keith I appreciate your posts and the perspectives/information you have shared here. When experiencing uncertainty, it's easy for people (myself included) to focus on their fears, but it's helpful to hear positive stories of improvement/recovery, as well as other information that might reveal blind spots in our own thinking/positions. 

Thanks @msmar .

I could react to some of the egregiously fake information that certain people that shall remain nameless have been continuing to disseminate since I wrote my posts, but I won't. As @djmatera pointed out, people visiting this site with vestibular problems are going through some tough times, and are just trying to help each other out. They can do without either the fake misinformation being irresponsibly bandied around, or the countering of that information, with the inevitable heated polemical exchanges that generates.

So I for one, at least for the time being (and probably for good), have decided to hold my silence on this Forum.

MsMar and MsMar reacted
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@vertigo Im glad, im at about 12 weeks since my first shot and am really ready for this to be over.

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I am 51 yesrs female , i recently got my second Sinovac vaccine and have not been well since. After the 7 days i developed dental problems, My gums both top and bottom because so inflamed and the pain is unbearable no pain killer seems to help. it feels like am chewing on ice with sensitive teeth. I have been to see a dentist who prescribed antibiotic, but the pain now radiating from the eyes to the ear.

please help is this a commom side effect. 

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Posted by: @keith
Posted by: @msmar

@keith I appreciate your posts and the perspectives/information you have shared here. When experiencing uncertainty, it's easy for people (myself included) to focus on their fears, but it's helpful to hear positive stories of improvement/recovery, as well as other information that might reveal blind spots in our own thinking/positions. 

Thanks @msmar .

I could react to some of the egregiously fake information that certain people that shall remain nameless have been continuing to disseminate since I wrote my posts, but I won't. As @djmatera pointed out, people visiting this site with vestibular problems are going through some tough times, and are just trying to help each other out. They can do without either the fake misinformation being irresponsibly bandied around, or the countering of that information, with the inevitable heated polemical exchanges that generates.

So I for one, at least for the time being (and probably for good), have decided to hold my silence on this Forum.

I totally agree and respect your decision, which is why this will be my last post as well. That said, I wanted to reiterate that your voice is, nonetheless, important here (and elsewhere). It is clear to me as well that some people are using this forum to spread anger/fear, to circulate unsubstantiated or unreliable information, and to advertise the use of unproven drugs and "treatments" that might actually be harmful to people. This is a shame, as I truly believe that many users of this forum are legitimately having issues after taking the vaccine, and are sharing truthful accounts of the same. (I have shared my own story here.)

But there are also a subset of misinformation spreaders who, unfortunately, are undermining the perceived legitimacy of ALL the stories shared here. And they are actually doing a great disservice to people who legitimately are suffering from adverse vaccine effects, want to shed light on the issue (and have it be taken seriously), and want to have genuine discussions with others having similar issues. 

I continue to wish all who are genuinely having post-vaccine or other health issues a recovery to better health in time. I believe this is possible for all of us. And there ARE plenty of competent and caring doctors who take these issues seriously, too, but they are doctors and human beings, not magicians or miracle-workers. They do not necessarily have all the answers, and they certainly will not be able to provide us with "miracle" cures or quick fixes, at this time (and maybe not ever). However, they certainly can rule out whether any of us have truly life threatening conditions, and can help us to the best of their current knowledge and ability with the other issues. That's the best any human can really do for another. 

Wishing everyone peace and a return to better health. 

Adam, Keith, Sassafras and 3 people reacted
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Posted by: @msmar
Posted by: @keith
Posted by: @msmar

@keith I appreciate your posts and the perspectives/information you have shared here. When experiencing uncertainty, it's easy for people (myself included) to focus on their fears, but it's helpful to hear positive stories of improvement/recovery, as well as other information that might reveal blind spots in our own thinking/positions. 

Thanks @msmar .

I could react to some of the egregiously fake information that certain people that shall remain nameless have been continuing to disseminate since I wrote my posts, but I won't. As @djmatera pointed out, people visiting this site with vestibular problems are going through some tough times, and are just trying to help each other out. They can do without either the fake misinformation being irresponsibly bandied around, or the countering of that information, with the inevitable heated polemical exchanges that generates.

So I for one, at least for the time being (and probably for good), have decided to hold my silence on this Forum.

I totally agree and respect your decision, which is why this will be my last post as well. That said, I wanted to reiterate that your voice is, nonetheless, important here (and elsewhere). It is clear to me as well that some people are using this forum to spread anger/fear, to circulate unsubstantiated or unreliable information, and to advertise the use of unproven drugs and "treatments" that might actually be harmful to people. This is a shame, as I truly believe that many users of this forum are legitimately having issues after taking the vaccine, and are sharing truthful accounts of the same. (I have shared my own story here.)

But there are also a subset of misinformation spreaders who, unfortunately, are undermining the perceived legitimacy of ALL the stories shared here. And they are actually doing a great disservice to people who legitimately are suffering from adverse vaccine effects, want to shed light on the issue (and have it be taken seriously), and want to have genuine discussions with others having similar issues. 

I continue to wish all who are genuinely having post-vaccine or other health issues a recovery to better health in time. I believe this is possible for all of us. And there ARE plenty of competent and caring doctors who take these issues seriously, too, but they are doctors and human beings, not magicians or miracle-workers. They do not necessarily have all the answers, and they certainly will not be able to provide us with "miracle" cures or quick fixes, at this time (and maybe not ever). However, they certainly can rule out whether any of us have truly life threatening conditions, and can help us to the best of their current knowledge and ability with the other issues. That's the best any human can really do for another. 

Wishing everyone peace and a return to better health. 

Completely agree 😀 .


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I had a consultation with Dr. Syed Haider yesterday.  He is one of the FLCCC and Incelldx doctors treating long haul patients.  Below is a suggestion of his...


Low histamine diet.

You can also consider an autophagy diet protocol by Tom Bunker PhD which has helped many long haulers:

Water fasting for 48 hours in a row on sat and sun and intermittent fasting with a clean low glycemic index low grain diet during the week, eating only within an 8 hour window Mon - Fri.

Consider adding these vitamins:

Niacin — start at 50-250mg every night with meals for 4 days then titrate up as tolerated until fatigue is resolved: every 4 days increase by 50-250mg until you reach 2000mg a day, remain there for 2 months then increase by 250mg daily every 2 weeks until you reach 3000mg a day. Can cause flushing, which gets better over time, and taking aspirin 30 minutes before naicin can help with that.

If you feel worse with niacin you may need to also supplement with methylcobalamin 500-100mcg daily and methylfolate 15-30mg daily.

NAC (acetylcysteine) 600mg daily

*Vitamin C — 1500mg daily

Vitamin D3 — 3000iu daily

Zinc — 15mg daily

Selenium — 100mcg daily

Quercetin — 500mg daily

Omega 3 Fatty acids 4 grams/day (DHA/EPA)

You can also try these if you decide to try treating without medications first:

Life Extension Autophagy Renew x 2 weeks
Life Extension Cytokine Suppress x 2-4 weeks

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