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Covid-19 Vaccine side effects

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@swift let us know what the MRI shows if anything or not please!

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@marco I love that the doctors are like "your white cell count is high, you must have a virus" OR idk maybe his body is reacting the way it would react to the actual virus and that triggered an overproduction of white blood cells?


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@jondick We got the first Pfizer one day apart.  I'm so glad to hear you're back to normal! I just got my second shot last Monday, and so far I'm doing OK.  I only felt off the first day and then had a couple of mild "sensations" that lasted very briefly (brief pressure in sinus and ears but nothing bothersome or notable). No real dizziness or vertigo or anything else. Just a mild off feeling. I'm not surprised and I will continue to monitor it until the 12 week mark.

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@thenystagmus Keep up the good work and you will be right as rain soon.  I do not believe they are going to end with these vaccines.  They are going to force people to get boosters endlessly and every time you get a booster you will have the same or increased risks for even more side effects and even death. 

The Nobel winning virologist that discovered HIV stated last month that he believes the variants are being caused by the vaccine itself.  One of the golden rules is to not give vaccines during a pandemic.  Or as he said with the virus still in the wild.  Your immune system is weakened for up to 4 weeks after receiving the vaccine and if you go out and acquire Covid at that time it will be far worse and will cause mutations.  My concern is the endless push for these vaccines is going to cause a super variant that will kill us all.

I have been studying the stats for months now and the big uptick in Covid is happening simultaneously in the exact places with the highest vaccine rates.  I read research on this June of last year and it is coming to pass as was predicted. 

By the way my daughter is a Doctor and have discussed this with her and also with the Doctor that prescribed Ivermectin to me.  He told me he had been giving it to patients since November of last year and virtually all patients that received it were better within 1 to 2 days. The only tough cases he had is where he did not see them until the second week.  He told me while you are at home isolating for those weeks the virus is replicating by the millions in your body until it reaches critical mass and you are forced to go to the hospital.  He said even if you are placed on a ventilator the virus continues to replicate.  Ivermectin and Hydroxychloroquine interrupt that process in the virus if taken with 50mg Zinc.  Zinc helps those drugs rapidly penetrate the virus. 

Anyway sorry for the rant.  But it's hard for me to contain myself when I see people suffering.  I did raise a Doctor after all.  Well actually she is way smarter than me.  hehe

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Hi, I was just wondering if you still have the dizziness?  I've been experiencing dizziness for almost a month now and want to know if there's an end to it soon?




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@sfbayareavaccine .. That’s good to know .. Mine was almost gone .. but in between  it comes and goes .. hopefully it should go off soon. 

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I’ve been a lurker here but just wanted to share my story. 
4 weeks ago I received the second Pfizer shot. Two days later I noticed some ear fullness which switched to mild ear pain for a couple of days. I woke up the 5th day with extreme vertigo. It was so extreme I thought I was dying and my husband rushed me to the hospital. I could not stand on my own or see clearly. The Dr diagnosed me with vertigo and made an appt for an ENT for me. He gave me some naseau meds and sent me home. That night it got worse and the vomiting started. I vomited almost non stop for hours until I was just heaving. Even without moving the spinning was unbearable so back to the hospital. I saw an ENT who diagnosed me with vestibular neuritis. I was given Valium to calm the central nervous system for a couple of days as well as steroids for 3 days. I didn’t notice any improvement with these medications. I was told the most important thing for recovery was physical therapy. My vision was wonky, balance terrible and dizzy constantly but went to see a physical therapist and I have to say I feel like that was the most important step in recovery. My therapist told me that the quicker my brain could learn to compensate for inflammation in the inner ear nerves, the sooner I would feel better but that it would take some hard work. It’s been 4 weeks now and i am feeling better every day. If physical therapy isn’t doable for you there is some YouTube videos of the exercises you can do. I did these 4 or 5 times a day. At first I had to take breaks to vomit but the more I did them the easier they got. I am feeling so much better now and hope for a full recovery shortly.  I hope that this will be helpful. I sympathize with everyone here that is having a hard time… I wish you all a speedy recovery. 

Jen, Sia, Covid vaccine side effects and 5 people reacted
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@anotherone92 .. how’s your out of breath problem now . I had the same problem after my second dose .. it’s been 12 weeks now . I feel it’s almost gone but some days it comes back .. I have seen all the docotors and all tests came back normal. 

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I think the reason for having MD which prescribes ivermectin in vaccine adverse effects (without gold standard studies ready) is because the spike protein is what have in common all those 3 groups: Covid patients, long covid and vaccine adverse effects. About spike protein toxicity you may find it on Robert W. Malone(the inventor of mRNA technology) page. He just noted 6 studies and symptoms of spike protein toxicity reassemble what most of you have.

I am always check in the scientific literature when I am trying even a natural product for my kids and so many times I rejected to administer if I did not found something without any conflict of interest.
People which try ivermectin outside of gold-standard studies have nothing to lose. If accepted one experimental vaccine on new technology what a big deal by trying a medicine used off-label for 30 years without any safety concerns in prescribed doses? So, I might understand this action when you are dealing with awful symptoms after the vaccine.

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"The Nobel winning virologist that discovered HIV stated last month that he believes the variants are being caused by the vaccine itself.  One of the golden rules is to not give vaccines during a pandemic."

Indeed, it is the first vaccine in histroy used during the pandemic. Any other vaccine from history was used when the pandemic calmed down, considering that basically took at least 10 years to make a vaccine and during that time the pandemic was almost finished.

On the other hand "the authorities" are aware of this possibility: "high levels of vaccination creates the conditions in which an immune escape variant is most likely to emerge. The likelihood of this happening is unknown, but such a variant would present a significant risk both in the UK and internationally."

The meeting date in 7 july 2021, check point 9:  

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@elenao Those of us that have dizziness and other symptoms after getting Covid vaccination have arrived at this forum for Covid-19 vaccine side effects.

When my doctor advocates for me to use a drug and I consider taking it, I research its side effects. I recently did have my doctor recommend a drug which, after I researched the side effects and viewed reviews from patients that had used it, I decided against using it.

Ivermectin does have reported side effects. I've posted them before, but for anyone that is interested in finding out this information, it's easy to research.

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I respect anyone decision in regards to his own health! Nobody and nothing should interfere with your own decision in this matter!

Just something else and I am living. When my daughter had a major effect adverse after vaccination, I had one year of medical investigation, treatments and medication and things got worse.

Seeing that nothing help her and all it gets worse I stopped all allopathic medicine and tried homoeopathy. Her situation started to improve immediately.  

I am still asking myself. What has been her situation now (12 years later) if I was waiting for a gold standard study in regards to homoeopathy? 

Take care!

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@helpimdizzy Will do 🙂

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@elenao for how long *spike protein toxicity* will last?Im in a country which ivermectin is not available .do you have any more information,?why it last for so long?!

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@apollo Of course I will let you know

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