@throwaway969 We had the nefarious shot on the very exact day... Do your symptoms vary in intensity, ergo, do you have better and worse days as well?
@sinovac I have had and continue to have sinuses issues and headaches since getting the vaccine, and allergies seem to make it worse. My sinuses feel inflamed and if pollen is high I get a bad sinus headache. Never had that before.
@apollo what vaccine? I am in a tropical country - so I tend to only get allergies back in North America where my family lives (climate/vegetation similar to Chile where Sinovac is being used - not sure if people down there are having similar issues like me). But yea, it feels like my sinuses are irritated OR I also had or got exposed to COVID at the same time as the shot...
@lili23 Not yet, and it’s been five months. And I don’t have an appointment with the ENT until October because they are very backed up. (My GP warned me about that). As crappy as I feel, I feel lucky that I can still work. I’m going to try some of the supplements people here have been talking about.
I am brand new here.....researching for a family member who developed EXTREME dizziness, nausea, vertigo, brain fog, and herself feels like a passenger in the back seat of a car. So, your symptoms and the general 'brain fog' that you are suffering sounds exactly like what I am witnessing in my family member. And, all was quite well before this 2nd dose of the Pfizer vaccine.
Hoffentlich, fuehlst du dich besser. Ich weiss nicht was Ich tun soll fur dieses Mitglied meiner Familie. So, Ich suche und studiere weiter. (Ich wohnte in Koln fur zwei Jahre als Ich viel junger war).
Best of Luck!
Hi all,
UCLH seem to be collecting info on us... it is a survey about long covid and the vaccine. BUT it asks for people who have not had covid and had the vaccine to respond, The questions show they expect people to reply who have had all our symptoms and for months.
If you've got the energy (15-20mins) fill it in! The more we can get the medical community to recognise us, the better.
I've finally found a dr who is aware of vaccine injury and is starting to run through the tests needed before I can be referred to a long covid clinic. Fingers crossed.
Week 13.
@isismadec I have been researching the pros and cons of getting the vaccine as well. I fought for 4 years trying to find out what was wrong with me and after a lot of doctors appointments with my PCP and my ENT, MRI's, and various other tests, they have diagnosed me with Meniere's disease. I have lost the hearing in my left ear because of it. I am always tiptoeing around trying not to move my head to suddenly, watching my salt and caffeine, taking meclizine as needed, and so on. I am really nervous to get the vaccine as when my Meniere's flares up, I get really bad vertigo attacks that last for hours. When I get the attacks, I usually have them 1-2 times a week for 3 or 4 months before they go away. I just don't want to take the chance. As a side note, anyone that experiences the same symptoms as me, one thing that I take that really helps is Lipo-flavonoid vitamins (from Walmart or Amazon). I take 2 every night, religiously. They are for tinnitus but they have helped me a lot. I am thankful that I work in a 2 person office and don't have to deal with a lot of people so my risk of contacting Covid-19 is probably lower than most. I have been doing well with my battle but for now I think I would rather risk not taking the vaccine than to wake the monster.
Hi I’m a new member. I am double-doses with the Pfizer vaccine. Shortly after my first dose (a few days) I collapsed at work. The paramedics found I had extremely high blood pressure and an irregular heartbeat. I was sent home from hospital and told to rest. I have since had awful dizziness (like being on a boat) and lightheadedness. I describe it as it feels like there is not enough blood getting to my head. My BP is still high despite being now on medication. I am shattered. I used to do 12 hour shifts in heels and now struggle to get up the stairs. I also have noticed changes to my hair and have been getting lots of headaches. I am now on BP, anti-dizziness and iron tablets for anemia. Does anyone have any advice? Thank you in advance and best wishes
I’m officially three months/ twelve weeks in with the side effects.
My doctor put me on prednisone again because I had a tiny bit of relapse.
I was out for hours yesterday and seemed to have managed. I do have a lot of overstimulation that’s very annoying. My brain seems numb in a way. I had a drink for the first time in months and I can’t even feel it, again it feels like I’m numb. Anyone else have that issue?
@yi03 yes it's weird when I drink a beer or two I don't feel anything either, on the other hand it accentuates the headaches an hour later. During the brain fog everything is anesthetized except for this pressure in the head which makes us stupid
pS: I just read your post and the brain fog the difficulty in scrolling the phone This feeling that everything is slower Hard to stay alone at home because we only think about that I have exactly the same! 2 months 1st injection 1 month 2nd injection me too before the vaccine I was very active and happy with life
Has anyone had muscle spasms all over their body and brain zaps for weeks that finally went away?
Today after being numb and tingling I'm having pain on my wrist for no Apparent reason
@romaina It kind of makes you go and think crazy. Is this gonna last forever, why does my brain feel numb, etc.
One day I’m okay and the next I feel awful
@yi03 For me two months I have no day or I feel good ... It's in waves there are hours or everything is fine and in 15min my brain compresses from inside. I noticed that in the evening things are always a little better but for the moment party with friends and noises is really complicated I have the impression that I will lose control sometimes