Last seen: March 27, 2023 6:22 pm
Can someone give me some info or help me out? I've been vaccine injured since last June. I have recently been having neurological issues come up again...
@ashleycuckler I haven't been on here, sorry for the late response! It does get better, I go through relapses, but I still have issues. I kind of thou...
@yjjy Hey Lena! Thank you for checking up. I’ve been doing great. I did get Covid the very end of December and a lot of the brain fog came back. I’...
My headache is so bad the last few days I think I am going to pass out. I can't take this anymore 🙁
Hi everyone Ive had my second dose since April 28th. I haven't felt normal since then. I have this weird and awful numbness in my brain. It's a very...
@joelenemm What do you do for your neuro inflammation issues? I am having that now. I have a lack of sensation/stimulation. Brain feels numb and alway...
Been having issues since end of May. Almost September and I still am not recovered after rounds of medication. I am tired of dealing with this!
@romaina I totally understand how you feel ❤️ It will get better! Are you taking anything to help?
@romaina It kind of makes you go and think crazy. Is this gonna last forever, why does my brain feel numb, etc. One day I’m okay and the next I fee...
I’m officially three months/ twelve weeks in with the side effects. My doctor put me on prednisone again because I had a tiny bit of relapse. I was...
@ladyd This is what was happening to me at first. It got soooo bad, but the less you do the better it will be. And then taking antihistamines, vitamin...
Does anyone have a similar experience with their eyes? it seems as if my vision is still suffering. I can see, but things are too fast for me when doi...
Hi all! I received two messages from users asking how I was doing and if treatment has worked. Unfortunately I cannot send private messages back bec...
Does anyone else have the same issue as me where when you go anywhere in public and you're looking through aisles, your eyes just get super overwhelme...
Hello all. I've been taking Ivermectin Fluvoxamine, and Prednisone for 6 days now. I seem to be okay at home, any time I go out it get's tough for me....