So I've been reading this forum for over three months and never replied to anything. Just wanted to take it all in and see what other people were experiencing. Here is what I've learned. First I had only one shot it was Moderna back on March 27th. Almost fainted while at work three days later and had a massive array of symptoms from Brain fog, short term memory loss, cold sensations, out of control goosebumps 20 times a day, tinnitus, feeling as if I was on a boat every moment of every day, feeling of impending doom etc. Needless to say it has not been fun. I am now dealing with the tinnitus, lesser on a boat feeling and slight warm sensations from time to time on left side of my body. I am definitely a lot better 4 months end to this than I was day 1. My recommendation for anyone dealing with this is to #1 stay calm, breathe, meditate and rest. This will pass over time but nobody can tell you when or how. 2) look into FLCCC I- recover protocol. Start from the top and work your way down. You can order generic ivermectin from Canada if need be. Make sure to start the Mast cell activation section asap as it helped me tremendously. Using an H1 and H2 antihistamine. This combo made a huge difference for me. I used 24 hr allegra and Pepcid AC max strength and it seems to stabilize me to some degree. I am now also using Lipitor 20 MG and I think that is also helping. My next step is to go through the IncellDX protocol with my doctor they recommended as I tested positive for long haul covid syndrome using their patented blood test. I see the Dr on the 17th and will hopefully start their protocol to wrap this experience up over the following 6 to 8 wks.
I hope this helps somebody out there. This has been a hell of an experience and both scared and tested me. I am starting to see the end of this horrible experience coming soon. I will let you all know how I do with the incellDX/Dr. Bruce Patterson protocol goes. Praying for an end to this nightmare.
All my best.
Has anyone that has received any of the new Covid Vaccines, did you experience any increased dizziness or other symptoms?
Yes! After my first vaccine I had fever, headache, nausea, dizziness, chills for 5 days. Then just before I was going to get my 2nd dose, I got sick again with the exact same symtoms for 5 days again! The health care professionals would not listen to me when I expressed that I was having another reaction to the vaccine. They said "it's not likely". I wonder how many other people experience this. There is no data because no one would listen to me. I will not be getting the 2nd dose
I have extreme dizziness since the 2nd dose of pfizer! any recommendations? how long does it take to go away
@ohjason I have made a full recovery. My second Pfizer shot was June 3rd. It took me about 17 days to feel like myself again. About a week later I had one brief spinning episode which I quickly got under control. I still take vitamin d, c and fish oil, and sometimes a quercetin. I do not like the way curcummin and zinc make me feel so I only took those for a few days.
@mojkav I have heart arrhythmia, too! I got the first Moderna vaccine in March. As a result, I started having heart issues. My heart beat increases quickly and randomly. It is very scary and at times I am afraid I will die. I've had a CT scan, EKG, blood tests, stress tests, and angiogram. Tests come back good. Doctor will not diagnose or treat me. Doctor prescribed a heart monitor that I wear daily. I am still having heart issues, but they are becoming less severe over time. I am hoping that it is inflammation and that it goes away over time.
@spacecadet ty for the quick reply it gives me a bit of hope, I'm 24 years old and I didn't really have any outstanding health issues before the vaccine. So far its been 10 days for me and the brain fog, floaters, pressure in my head, slight disorientation, and my elevated resting heartbeat still linger. The issue I had with light sensitivity slowly improved with time along with the tremors I had in some of my muscles and hands. Theres still a bit of weakness in my left arm but I'm hoping that improves with a bit more time as well. I recently got quercetin, glutathione ( it tastes disgusting ), and zinc ill let you know how I feel after talking them for a bit. I wish you the best of luck and pray there is no relapse with your recovery.
@jbeatthis1 Please feel me where to find exactly the protocole ,and how can you get ivermectin. Generic in Canada please help me share with me what helped you most please I a mom of three and I need to get back on my feet .thank you
@jeank I do notice the symptoms fading. After the vaccine about 8 weeks ago, I had noticeably more severe symptoms. The feeling of not balancing properly, the head pressure/headaches, brain fog have seemed to almost gone. I am still experiencing sudden onsets of the feeling of fight/flight...anxiety rush but they too are fewer and less intense. I hope this will be the case for many of us who have had issues after the vaccine. I felt quite discouraged many times and some despair thinking this will be forever. I think with time, this will work its' way out of our systems. I remain hopeful for everyone here who is experiencing the similar type of thing. I felt somewhat encouraged when some posters were reporting a time frame of 12 weeks to get through it. I also felt very much comforted knowing that others were experiencing these same symptoms and it was not just me and having no hope of recovering! Hang in there! Take one day at a time and do not let your mind take away your joy and hope!
@stars182 yes, every night for a month following my 2 jab of this poison (nerve toxin) by Pfizer. Plus I wake I with some sort of shaking and increased heart rate. I had to check my heart they say it perform s fine but is working as if it is under stress or if I were obese ( I am not)
@romaina hopefully with time you will feel better! Get lots of rest and drink lots of fluids. I was taking vitamins an things like Zinc and C. I cannot say that any of the supplements contributed to be feeling better...but I am feeling better after 8 weeks!
@laurens hi hope you are doing better please tell me how is your vision did get any better ,Didi you go for a second shot I had my first Moderna and my life changed my vision specifically.please let me know if you have any diagnosis or any thing that helped you thanks you
Is anyone else having really crazy dreams?
Since taking my 1st jab of Pfizer, I've been having disturbing dreams and nightmares.
@stars182 yup, started to have nightmares about 5-7 days after the 1st jab and also woke up every night between 2-4am. It's now 10th week since the start (I also had a 2nd jab 7w ago) and my nightmares feels less intense, but they are there and I'm still waking up every night. Quite tired of this... I hope it goes away together with the other side effects.